This is the same blog song I had, which was published in my blog. I am unable to restore the previous comments that were made under this blog. My apologies.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
CCOG Is Not Neutral
And also for the record, Msgr. James had NOTHING to do with the creation of CCOG. The idea for the CCOG began with Greg Perez. After Mr. Perez approached me about the idea, I approached Dave Sablan about joining Mr. Perez. Together, along with a few others, they came up with the idea for the corporation. But Msgr. James had NOTHING to do with it.
It is already a known fact that the goal of Tim Rohr is to remove the Archbishop, and CCOG was established by Rohr to do just that. He was behind the scenes. Also, it is known that CCOG uses Junglewatch to publish all their announcements as they fix their website (See weblink below):
Furthermore, their Vice President David Sablan stated the following in their press release:
“These matters are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Statements coming from the archdiocese cannot be relied upon, unfortunately, in light of all that has occurred these couple of years,”
CCOG have not even begun their investigation into the Archdiocese nor made their first "open dialogue" with the Archbishop and already they have concluded that "statements coming from the archdiocese cannot be relied upon." How did they come to that conclusion?
The interviews with Jess Lujan also showed that they have concluded that the Redemptoris Mater Seminary was NOT a diocesan seminary. Again, how did they come up with that conclusion when they have not even begun their investigation into the seminary? By what standards did they base their conclusion? Have they conducted any interviews or investigated the seminary to determine whether it is diocesan or not?
They have stated their objectives, but it appears that they have already answered some of those objectives without even doing a proper investigation. CCOG is not neutral. The organization was established by people who oppose the Archbishop. The fact that they have already answered some of their objectives without even conducting any investigation reveals their true nature.....which is to plot against the Catholic Church so they can have the Archbishop removed.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Kiko's Private Meeting With The Pope
Recently, the Archbishop requested a private meeting with Pope Francis, and it was granted. No one knows what was discussed in that private meeting. However, the Archbishop did say a little bit about what was discussed, and he mentioned that his conversation with Pope Francis was very positive and supportive. However, no one can come up with a transcript of what was actually discussed at that private meeting. Rather, a lot of speculations were made as to what the meeting was about. Some even speculated that the Archbishop was summoned by the Pope. Others said that the discussion was about the "Father Wadeson case."
It was the same with Kiko Arguello. He also had a private meeting with Pope Benedict XVI regarding how the Way was to receive the Body of Christ. According to Catholic News Agency dated July 5, 2008 (the bold is my emphasis):
Under the old rubrics, members of the Neocatechumenal Way celebrated the Eucharist gathered around large square tables and receive Communion while seated. The new regulations are quite different, with the community celebrating Mass with a separation between the congregation and the altar and communicants receiving the Eucharist standing in their places.
It was the same with Kiko Arguello. He also had a private meeting with Pope Benedict XVI regarding how the Way was to receive the Body of Christ. According to Catholic News Agency dated July 5, 2008 (the bold is my emphasis):
Under the old rubrics, members of the Neocatechumenal Way celebrated the Eucharist gathered around large square tables and receive Communion while seated. The new regulations are quite different, with the community celebrating Mass with a separation between the congregation and the altar and communicants receiving the Eucharist standing in their places.
According to Giuseppe Gennarini, this way of receiving Communion sprang from a private meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Kiko Arguello on May 26, 2007. The Holy Father liked the idea of the priest coming to each person with the Eucharist because it shows that Christ comes to you in the person of the priest, Gennarini said.
Private Meeting with the Pope
Was there a transcript or written record of this private meeting between Kiko and the Pope? No. But it is recorded in the news that a private meeting was indeed held between Kiko and the Pope regarding how we are to receive Holy Communion in the Way. Apparently, Kiko gave Giuseppe Gennarini some information of the things that was spoken about, but what else was said in that private meeting was not recorded nor mentioned in the news. Only Kiko and Pope Benedict XVI knows.
After this private meeting was held, a change was made in how the NCW received Eucharist in 2008. It was instructed to all the communities worldwide that we are to receive the Body of Christ with our hands standing up and then sit down. We consume the Body of Christ sitting down. This was the change that was made worldwide. And I remember in 2008 at the Beginning of the Year Retreat, it was said that we are instructed to do it this way. Why? Because this instruction came from Kiko who received the same instruction from Pope Benedict XVI.
Was there a transcript or written record of this private meeting between Kiko and the Pope? No. But it is recorded in the news that a private meeting was indeed held between Kiko and the Pope regarding how we are to receive Holy Communion in the Way. Apparently, Kiko gave Giuseppe Gennarini some information of the things that was spoken about, but what else was said in that private meeting was not recorded nor mentioned in the news. Only Kiko and Pope Benedict XVI knows.
After this private meeting was held, a change was made in how the NCW received Eucharist in 2008. It was instructed to all the communities worldwide that we are to receive the Body of Christ with our hands standing up and then sit down. We consume the Body of Christ sitting down. This was the change that was made worldwide. And I remember in 2008 at the Beginning of the Year Retreat, it was said that we are instructed to do it this way. Why? Because this instruction came from Kiko who received the same instruction from Pope Benedict XVI.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Responding to Deacon Steve Martinez
Dear Deacon Steve Martinez,
Because you placed your email address in your comment, I cannot publish your comment. However, I copied and pasted your comment below and left out your email address.
Deacon Steve Martinez has left a new comment on your post "Open Dialogue???":
Dear Diana:
This is my second visit to your blog. I wish to advise you that you are seriously misguided in your "facts", I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss face to face my comments on the Pope's message regarding dialogue. You may contact me at ___________ and we can meet at your convenience. I've nothing to about you?
Until then, have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
Deacon Steve Martinez
YOU made this challenge "I've nothing to about you?" This is the same challenge that the jungle always make as they call us "cowards" for remaining anonymous. You are now mimicking the rhetoric of the jungle.
There is a reason why I remain anonymous, and it has nothing to do with fear. I remain anonymous simply because I am not a fool. I have a job and family to protect. You are seriously misguided to think that we are not are being persecuted. It was the Archbishop whose tires were slashed. It is the Archbishop who feels the need for a bodyguard. It was Zoltan (a blogger who used his real name and walks in the Way) whose job was threatened by Tim Rohr because of his religious beliefs. Zoltan is a math professor and his religious beliefs has nothing to do with algebra or calculus. And it was Tim Rohr who offered a $500 reward for my identity. These are persecutions.
As for what happened to Monsignor James and Father Paul....those were NOT persecutions. Father Paul was removed from his position as pastor of Santa Barbara Church for disobedience. People lose their job everyday. That's life. Monsignor James was transferred to the Tamuning parish. Employees get transferred all the time in the Government of Guam. That's life. What happened to you also has nothing to do with persecution. You sided with a group of people whose goal is to remove the Archbishop from his position. If I did that to my boss, I would be fired too.
Those who hide are being persecuted while those who have the freedom to mock and criticize us using their real names are the persecutors. After all, it was the Jews who hid and took on false identities while the Nazis sought out the Jewish names.
You stated that you want to discuss with me face to face the Pope's message regarding dialogue???? Your true intent is to discover my identity, Deacon Steve.
A Merry Christmas to you too, Deacon.
Because you placed your email address in your comment, I cannot publish your comment. However, I copied and pasted your comment below and left out your email address.
Deacon Steve Martinez has left a new comment on your post "Open Dialogue???":
Dear Diana:
This is my second visit to your blog. I wish to advise you that you are seriously misguided in your "facts", I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss face to face my comments on the Pope's message regarding dialogue. You may contact me at ___________ and we can meet at your convenience. I've nothing to about you?
Until then, have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
Deacon Steve Martinez
YOU made this challenge "I've nothing to about you?" This is the same challenge that the jungle always make as they call us "cowards" for remaining anonymous. You are now mimicking the rhetoric of the jungle.
There is a reason why I remain anonymous, and it has nothing to do with fear. I remain anonymous simply because I am not a fool. I have a job and family to protect. You are seriously misguided to think that we are not are being persecuted. It was the Archbishop whose tires were slashed. It is the Archbishop who feels the need for a bodyguard. It was Zoltan (a blogger who used his real name and walks in the Way) whose job was threatened by Tim Rohr because of his religious beliefs. Zoltan is a math professor and his religious beliefs has nothing to do with algebra or calculus. And it was Tim Rohr who offered a $500 reward for my identity. These are persecutions.
As for what happened to Monsignor James and Father Paul....those were NOT persecutions. Father Paul was removed from his position as pastor of Santa Barbara Church for disobedience. People lose their job everyday. That's life. Monsignor James was transferred to the Tamuning parish. Employees get transferred all the time in the Government of Guam. That's life. What happened to you also has nothing to do with persecution. You sided with a group of people whose goal is to remove the Archbishop from his position. If I did that to my boss, I would be fired too.
Those who hide are being persecuted while those who have the freedom to mock and criticize us using their real names are the persecutors. After all, it was the Jews who hid and took on false identities while the Nazis sought out the Jewish names.
You stated that you want to discuss with me face to face the Pope's message regarding dialogue???? Your true intent is to discover my identity, Deacon Steve.
A Merry Christmas to you too, Deacon.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Open Dialogue???
An anonymous poster copied and pasted Deacon Steve Martinez's letter, which can be found here. The last paragraph of the deacon's letter caught my attention. According to deacon Steve Martinez:
And by the way. In case you haven’t heard, there is a new group on Guam that also believes in open dialogue. They recently formed Concerned Catholics of Guam to try and help our local Church. The Articles of Incorporation state that the “primary purpose of the Corporation is to defend, … promote, … and develop the Catholic Faith…” These are lofty goals for an organization. These are ideals I have proudly affixed my name to. Let us pray for their success, and let us look to their example of communication as a way to solve our problems.
I am so sorry, but the deacon's letter reeks of hypocrisy. He says that CCOG believes in open dialogue. REALLY? When the Archbishop asked CCOG to meet with him, why did they fail to show? So, much for their open dialogue! Then the deacon states that CCOG was formed to help our local church and goes on to state their primary purpose. I guess the deacon needed to be reminded of what their press release stated. According to the press release of CCOG, their vice-president, David Sablan stated:
"Statements coming from the archdiocese cannot be relied upon, unfortunately, in light of all that has occurred these couple of years."
So, all statements made by the Archbishop and those coming from the Archdiocese are not to be relied on. In other words, they have already branded the Archdiocese "liars" without even having their FIRST open dialogue with them. How did they DETERMINE the Archdiocese to be unreliable when they have not even had their first open dialogue with them......inquiring minds wants to know? CCOG claimed that they were formed because some Catholics are confused about the things going on in our local Church, and they want to know the truth. Well, apparently, they do not appear confused to determine that the Archdiose is unreliable. So, who do they find reliable and how did they determine that?
And who are they supposed to have this open dialogue with?? Certainly not the Archdiocese whom they already labeled as "unreliable". Let us be honest here. Their goal was never to defend, promote, and develop the Catholic faith as Deacon Steve Martinez declared. Their REAL goal is to remove Archbishop Apuron and reinstate Father Paul and Monsignor James. Their real agenda is to destroy the Catholic Church, especially the Neocatechumenal Way.
Furthermore, while Deacon Steve Martinez promoted the CCOG in the last paragraph of his letter, he vilified the Archbishop in the fourth paragraph. According to the deacon's letter:
"Perhaps worst of all is a leader who confronts questions of their policy with arrogant silence."
Is this how the CCOG supposed to start their first open dialogue to the Archdiocese they plan to investigate? An open dialogue starts with an open mind. Deacon Steve Martinez has until January 19, 2015 to decide whether he wants to become a treasurer of CCOG or a deacon. Such a difficult decision for him to or to serve God??
And by the way. In case you haven’t heard, there is a new group on Guam that also believes in open dialogue. They recently formed Concerned Catholics of Guam to try and help our local Church. The Articles of Incorporation state that the “primary purpose of the Corporation is to defend, … promote, … and develop the Catholic Faith…” These are lofty goals for an organization. These are ideals I have proudly affixed my name to. Let us pray for their success, and let us look to their example of communication as a way to solve our problems.
I am so sorry, but the deacon's letter reeks of hypocrisy. He says that CCOG believes in open dialogue. REALLY? When the Archbishop asked CCOG to meet with him, why did they fail to show? So, much for their open dialogue! Then the deacon states that CCOG was formed to help our local church and goes on to state their primary purpose. I guess the deacon needed to be reminded of what their press release stated. According to the press release of CCOG, their vice-president, David Sablan stated:
"Statements coming from the archdiocese cannot be relied upon, unfortunately, in light of all that has occurred these couple of years."
So, all statements made by the Archbishop and those coming from the Archdiocese are not to be relied on. In other words, they have already branded the Archdiocese "liars" without even having their FIRST open dialogue with them. How did they DETERMINE the Archdiocese to be unreliable when they have not even had their first open dialogue with them......inquiring minds wants to know? CCOG claimed that they were formed because some Catholics are confused about the things going on in our local Church, and they want to know the truth. Well, apparently, they do not appear confused to determine that the Archdiose is unreliable. So, who do they find reliable and how did they determine that?
And who are they supposed to have this open dialogue with?? Certainly not the Archdiocese whom they already labeled as "unreliable". Let us be honest here. Their goal was never to defend, promote, and develop the Catholic faith as Deacon Steve Martinez declared. Their REAL goal is to remove Archbishop Apuron and reinstate Father Paul and Monsignor James. Their real agenda is to destroy the Catholic Church, especially the Neocatechumenal Way.
Furthermore, while Deacon Steve Martinez promoted the CCOG in the last paragraph of his letter, he vilified the Archbishop in the fourth paragraph. According to the deacon's letter:
"Perhaps worst of all is a leader who confronts questions of their policy with arrogant silence."
Is this how the CCOG supposed to start their first open dialogue to the Archdiocese they plan to investigate? An open dialogue starts with an open mind. Deacon Steve Martinez has until January 19, 2015 to decide whether he wants to become a treasurer of CCOG or a deacon. Such a difficult decision for him to or to serve God??
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Trust Christ And His Church
Father Adrian assured us that there will be no investigations and that was in accordance to their communication with the Vatican. Where did Tim Rohr get his information that there will be an investigation? Is he in direct communication with the Vatican? No one seems to be asking him the source of his information. Why don't they demand to see written proof that there will be an investigation? According to KUAM news:
Father Adrian says that Archbishop Savio is concerned about the missionary efforts of various churches all throughout the world and because Guam plays a vital role in the evangelization of Micronesia and the pacific region they will want to know what efforts the archdiocese is making. He adds the recent controversies within the church are not the motive for the pastoral visit.
Three Archbishops Visiting Guam In January
The Neocatechumenal Way has been active in the evangelization of the Church and in producing priestly vocations. Father Santiago was sent to Japan on mission while Father Edwin was sent to Kenya. There are also mission families from Guam who were sent on missions.
Four Diocesan Priests Sent On Missions
As Christians, we must place our trust in Christ and His Church. It is Christ who guides and instructs His Church because He is the Head of the Church. To place our trust on the Church means to place trust on the Church leaders. Like the Pope, the Archbishop comes to us as Christ's representative. Christ leads His Church through the leadership of the Pope and Bishops who are in communion with Him. We place our trust in Christ and His Church.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Three Archbishops To visit Guam
According to KUAM, theee Archbishops will be visiting Guam in January. They are here on a pastoral visit. Archbishop Krebs is one of them.
by Jolene Toves
Guam - The Catholic Church will be welcoming a visit from three archbishops in January.
As the local Catholic church celebrates its jubilee year as a diocese they also welcome a pastoral visit from the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai. Father Adrian Cristobal is chancellor for the Archdiocese of Hagatna and told KUAM News, "We are very happy and are very happy to welcome this pastoral visit a pastoral visit is exactly what it is like what Archbishop [Anthony] Apuron is actually doing right now he is going to the parishes he's visiting the people visiting the sick celebrating masses visiting the groups this is a pastoral visit done by the congregation."
Archbishop Savio will be accompanied by Reverend Father Tadeusz Nowak, and Archbishop Martin Krebs. You may recall Archbishop Krebs is the Vatican's ambassador or apostolic delegate to the Pacific Islands and was recently on Guam during which time he met with local clergy. After that meeting Father Adrian said Krebs had instructed them to build bridges with the local clergy with an open dialogue and reconciliation. He said, "They'll be visiting members of the clergy and the religious and member of the different groups and we believe it is a very fruitful visit we're looking forward to it and we believe it will help build a communion between the church and Guam and the Holy Father," he said.
While Father Adrian says this is the pope's way of extending blessings to the church, Jungle Watch blogger Tim Rohr spoke candidly about what he believes is the reason for the pastoral visit. He said, "I realize that the chancery is probably trying to as a precursor to a possible papal visit but in my opinion the person that is coming is the wrong person because if it was a papal visit they would be sending the secretary of the state or somebody from that particular office and so I really think it is an investigation."
While Rohr believes there is something going on and that the visit is so they can "see for themselves". Father Adrian Admantly says there will be no investigation or report, noting, "No in our communications with Vatican they have specifically said it was a pastoral visit to the archdiocese."
Father Adrian says that Archbishop Savio is concerned about the missionary efforts of various churches all throughout the world and because Guam plays a vital role in the evangelization of Micronesia and the pacific region they will want to know what efforts the archdiocese is making. He adds the recent controversies within the church are not the motive for the pastoral visit.
He told KUAM News, "The issues I think we have to look at the issue within a certain context we are a family the church is a family in any family there is going to be differences and as part of the pastoral visit of course I am sure they are aware of the differences that are taking place come and they come with the attitude of a pastoral visit."
Three archbishops visiting Guam in January
December 19, 2014 at 5:34 PM

Guam - The Catholic Church will be welcoming a visit from three archbishops in January.
As the local Catholic church celebrates its jubilee year as a diocese they also welcome a pastoral visit from the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai. Father Adrian Cristobal is chancellor for the Archdiocese of Hagatna and told KUAM News, "We are very happy and are very happy to welcome this pastoral visit a pastoral visit is exactly what it is like what Archbishop [Anthony] Apuron is actually doing right now he is going to the parishes he's visiting the people visiting the sick celebrating masses visiting the groups this is a pastoral visit done by the congregation."
Archbishop Savio will be accompanied by Reverend Father Tadeusz Nowak, and Archbishop Martin Krebs. You may recall Archbishop Krebs is the Vatican's ambassador or apostolic delegate to the Pacific Islands and was recently on Guam during which time he met with local clergy. After that meeting Father Adrian said Krebs had instructed them to build bridges with the local clergy with an open dialogue and reconciliation. He said, "They'll be visiting members of the clergy and the religious and member of the different groups and we believe it is a very fruitful visit we're looking forward to it and we believe it will help build a communion between the church and Guam and the Holy Father," he said.
While Father Adrian says this is the pope's way of extending blessings to the church, Jungle Watch blogger Tim Rohr spoke candidly about what he believes is the reason for the pastoral visit. He said, "I realize that the chancery is probably trying to as a precursor to a possible papal visit but in my opinion the person that is coming is the wrong person because if it was a papal visit they would be sending the secretary of the state or somebody from that particular office and so I really think it is an investigation."
While Rohr believes there is something going on and that the visit is so they can "see for themselves". Father Adrian Admantly says there will be no investigation or report, noting, "No in our communications with Vatican they have specifically said it was a pastoral visit to the archdiocese."
Father Adrian says that Archbishop Savio is concerned about the missionary efforts of various churches all throughout the world and because Guam plays a vital role in the evangelization of Micronesia and the pacific region they will want to know what efforts the archdiocese is making. He adds the recent controversies within the church are not the motive for the pastoral visit.
He told KUAM News, "The issues I think we have to look at the issue within a certain context we are a family the church is a family in any family there is going to be differences and as part of the pastoral visit of course I am sure they are aware of the differences that are taking place come and they come with the attitude of a pastoral visit."
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Faith In The Pacific
Although we constantly say that the Neocatechumenal Way is an intinerary to Christian formation, we still get people who view the NCW as a movement. Nevertheless, the following article was taken from EWTN:
New ecclesial movements and the Marianna Islands
At the close of the year 2011 anno domini, the Catholic Church is still witnessing original growth and reaffirming the reality that the maturity of the Church as an institutionalized entity established by Christ Himself is to be found in manifestations of her youthfulness. A clear example of this is the life of the Church in the Mariana Islands, in particular what has taken place through the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary of Guam.The Catholic Church is not just arrived in the Mariana Islands. It was only a few decades after European explorers made contact with the native Chamorros in 1521 that Catholic missionaries landed in great hope and zeal, yet it is our own day that is showing a kind of authentic growth of the Church in the region. Part of this might be attributed to the political history and its influence on the missionary activity in the islands. Beginning with moments of hostility between Europeans and natives, including the murder of Blessed Diego Luis of San Vitores in 1672, there followed the expulsion of all Jesuit missionaries by the Spanish in 1767, the North American occupation in 1901 and the arrival of the Franciscan Capuchins, and the departure of the last remaining Augustinian friars during the German Administration of the northern islands. Even after the canonical establishment of Guam by Pope Pius X in 1911, the islands and their missionaries would endure Japanese occupation. Not until 1965 did Guam reach the status of diocese, thereby receiving its own Ordinary in Bishop Flexberto Camacho Flores. In 1986, Guam was elevated to Metropolitan Archdiocese and given Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron. This present day Catholic community embraces almost the entire population of Guam. After hundreds of years of missionary commitment to the region, the Pacific Islands have a point of reference to the Universal Church through the pastoral work that takes place in Guam. The region and its initiatives are beginning to move outward, from within itself back into the world. This tiny island in Remote Oceania, that is Polynesia Micronesia and Melanesia, on the edge of the famous Marianna trench, is a pivotal point of evangelization in the totality of the island cluster but also of Asia. The evangelization of Asia has been a strong theme in the pontificate of both Blessed John Paul II and the Holy Father Benedict XVI. The self-awareness and vitality of the Church in this spot on the globe will be a light for a hard to reach but nonetheless very real human communities in the millennium to come. Yet the real growth of the Church in Guam, an authentic growth, must be seen as an organic structure if it is to be believed. Simply put, the era of missionary work must be followed by the realization of Chammorro vocations. The responsibility of the native populations was, to some degree, urged along by its tumultuous geopolitical experience, but the success of the Catholic Church in the Pacific may also be largely due to the recent phenomenon of ecclesial realities. The Redemptoris Mater Seminary is the result of collaboration of the Neo-Catechumenal Way for the "new" evangelization of the Pacific within the magisterial vision articulated by John Paul II during his late pontificate. The petition of Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., for a major seminary was accepted by the initiators of the Way, Kiko Arguello, Carmen Hernandez, and Fr Mario Pezzi, and the decree of its establishment was signed on 8 December 1999 (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as well as Our Lady of Kamalen, patroness of the Archdiocese and seminary). More than three hundred years after the first efforts, we are witnessing the fruition of history in the mystery of the "new" identity of the Church in this region, more and more comprised of its own human faces. The first priestly ordination in the seminary took place in 2005, and with the last 2 ordinations celebrated on 19 November 2011, the number of priests from the Redemptoris Mater of Guam is now ten. The Church can now say that she is nurturing the faith of the islands as she watches 45 men prepare themselves for the presbyterate, four of whom were born in Guam, all of them, once ordained, to be incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana, Guam. Furthermore, the Redemptoris Mater of Guam is presently welcoming several seminarians from the Samoa islands who were sent to Guam by their bishops to take advantage of the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Institute for Oceania, affiliated to the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, for their seminary formation. Fr Giovanni Rizzo, the vice rector of the seminary in 2009, remarks that the Way is instrumental in the growth of vocations. Yet, this Christian Initiation for the rediscovery of baptismal call is not merely understood as a facilitator of vocations, but an integral part of an individual coming to understand their Christian vocation and charism. "It is the formation to baptism, mostly in those who are already baptized Catholic", he says, "and the Church herself collaborating in the discernment process from the beginning." It is centered on the fullness of the grace of baptism, and the explicit openness of the Church to the Holy Spirit in her mission to both fully keep and fully give Jesus Christ to the world. The Catholic Church can be seen in her beauty of youth in Oceania, both in her major seminary, which has only just celebrated its decennial, as well as in the fact that she is a witness to the beauty ecclesial movements and spirit are bringing to the Church as gifts of the Holy Spirit that rejuvenate the life and mission of the Catholic Church even after centuries of pastoral commitment. As Professor Luis Navarro of the faculty of canon law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome has noted, in the manner of Pope Benedict XVI (as both Cardinal Prefect and Supreme Pontiff), ecclesial movements are a new reality and require a spirit of openness in charity, for when these movements are authentic they truly are of the Spirit and are "at the service of the one Body that is the Church". The canonical reality of these movements and initiatives regarding clerical vocations must not be separated from the fact that for priests and bishops, even those who credit ecclesial movements with the health and realization of their vocations, are configured to Christ as Priest. That is, the Way, for example, does not form vocations into molds within and oriented to itself. The seminaries that serve those who are called to the priesthood are diocesan, but maintain as integral the liturgical and spiritual praxis of the charism that lies at the origin of the vocation. Once ordained, the Priests from the Redemptoris Mater are diocesan priests at the obedience of their Ordinary, with the distinctive mark of the willingness to fulfill in their priesthood the directive of Presbyteriorum ordinis, n. to which says "... Let priests remember, therefore, that the care of all churches must be their intimate concern. Hence, priests of such dioceses as are rich in vocations should show themselves willing and ready, with the permission of their own ordinaries (bishops), to volunteer for work in other regions, missions or endeavors which are poor in numbers of clergy". Accordingly, these priests are not members of a religious consecration, nor are they are not at the obedience of a movement. They are diocesan priests that, with the permission of their bishops, engage in the care for all churches. As Prof. Navarro says, "This consecration is a gift for all the People of God, because the sacrament of Orders allows the faithful to share in the mission of Christ and grants the capacity to fulfill some functions regarding the munera Christi". All persons at the moment of priestly ordination are incardinated within a diocese as the context of this reality of being minister in the Church. Yet ecclesial movements, as the places wherein human beings come to know their call to the priesthood, continue to lead human beings, even as priests, to Jesus Christ. As the success of any vocation is the glory of the Church, the success of a priestly vocation is a wonder of incalculable fruit that yields far beyond its human history. Formation must be a continual reality lest the Church lose the quality of her essential youth and vibrancy. A relationship with "maternal" ecclesial movements will often be favorable to the individual priest. And canonically speaking, this is possible. The seminarians of Redemptoris Mater, for example, will all be incardinated into dioceses and their vocations will bear the character of this defined ministry. Fr Rizzo, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, affirms that his incardination defines his ministry. He has been in parish ministry for ten years and only recently spent a year as vice-Rector of the Redemptoris Mater in Guam as a priest fidei donum upon the request of his Archbishop, Most Rev. John Joseph Myers. His ties to the Way are a still a fundamental source of enrichment. Professor Navarro clarifies the appropriateness of these ecclesial realties in the Church: "From a canonical point of view, the position of these priests is not problematic: they are members of the movement by virtue of their right of association, recognized explicitly in can. 78". These ties have a proper place in the Church, and an indefinite spiritual value A further interesting canonical issue arises when a priest wishes to commit himself to the work of the ecclesial movement that has fostered his vocation. There are two ways of approaching this, says Prof. Navarro. "The praxis of these agreements has become more relevant in recent years, for in the statutes of some ecclesial movements, approved by the Holy See, it is established that the Ordinary of Incardination and the president or superior of the movement will agree on the ministry of the cleric. In some cases there is even an instruction on how to distribute the ministry of the cleric. The significance of this is that, as the statutes are approved by the Holy See, whenever a movement reaches a diocese, the Ordinary has to respect their identity as it appears in the statutes. So the bishop is faced with this choice: to accept the movement as it is, including the dis-positions regarding the clergy or not to accept it at all. The second solution, continues Prof. Navarro, "has been to create within the movement a Society of Apostolic Life or a religious institute with the faculty of incardinating the clerics of the movement". The Catholic Church realizes herself more fully as the Bride of Christ as she continues to experience these new realities, which are related to her temporality as well as the supernatural mission guided in the promise of the movements of grace in the Holy Spirit. Hence, we are seeing these movements as novelties, as grace has often been witnessed in the history of the Church. Furthermore, these new things are contributing to other new realities, such as the new seminaries and vocations in the Pacific Islands, as well as the renewal of tradition. That is, the enriched ministry of secular priests. As proclaimed in Lumen Gentium, "Guiding the Church in the way of all truth and unifying her in communion and in the works of ministry, [the Holy Spirit] bestows on her varied hierarchical and charismatic gifts, and in this way directs her; and he adorns her with his fruits. By the power of the Gospel he permits the Church to keep the freshness of youth". With a heart open to Christ's original promise to the Apostles and gifts which are outside human anticipation and petition, the Catholic Church witnesses in herself the youthful effects of an alliance with the God who is love. |
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Concerned Catholics of Guam Inc.
A small group of Catholics calling themselves the "Concerned Catholics of Guam, Inc." actually represent only Tim Rohr and his disciples. How can they represent the Catholics on Guam when no elections were held to vote for them? All they did was place themselves in power rather than democratically be elected by their peers. And ALL the officers in that organization oppose the Archbishop. There is not one person there who is neutral.
They listed as one of their objectives: Review the practices of the Neo-Catechumenal Way to determine if they are in compliance with their statutes and the precepts of the Roman Catholic Church.
Who in the Vatican gave them the authority to review our practices and determine whether we are in compliance? When Pope Francis took over, he ceased all investigations of the Way. So, who authorize them to start any investigation on the Neocatechumenal Way?
These people who ALL oppose the Archbishop say that they want to sit with the leadership to resolve problems within the Church. So, where were they when the Archbishop invited them to meet with him???? Why now are they coming forward with their list of demands? They demand the Archbishop to meet with them when in the first place they did not even bother to meet with the Archbishop when he invited them to meet with him.
Another one of their objectives stated: Support local vocations; provide grants and scholarships to aspiring local seminarians to attend an established and an accredited Diocesan seminary. In the past, Guam has often borrowed priests in the Philippines because we could not produce enough local priests for our island. Since the establishment of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, Guam was able to ordain about 17 priests. With a second seminary on Guam, more locals are now coming out because of the inspiration of the seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.
Seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary have come out and assisted in the World Youth Day activities where many local youths see them as an inspiration to join the priesthood. Now at this time, these small group of concern Catholics are coming out with this a time when Guam is already producing more priests for our Churches. Don't they think it is a little bit too late for that?? Or perhaps, they are coming out to try and take credit for someone's work.
If these concerned Catholics really want to help the Catholic Church, why don't they volunteer their time in cleaning inside and outside their church, become lectors, Eucharistic ministers, alter servers, sing in the Church choir, volunteer for office work in the parish, or teach our CCD students. OH.....I forgot the Neocatechumenal Way is already doing that in the parish. :)
They listed as one of their objectives: Review the practices of the Neo-Catechumenal Way to determine if they are in compliance with their statutes and the precepts of the Roman Catholic Church.
Who in the Vatican gave them the authority to review our practices and determine whether we are in compliance? When Pope Francis took over, he ceased all investigations of the Way. So, who authorize them to start any investigation on the Neocatechumenal Way?
These people who ALL oppose the Archbishop say that they want to sit with the leadership to resolve problems within the Church. So, where were they when the Archbishop invited them to meet with him???? Why now are they coming forward with their list of demands? They demand the Archbishop to meet with them when in the first place they did not even bother to meet with the Archbishop when he invited them to meet with him.
Another one of their objectives stated: Support local vocations; provide grants and scholarships to aspiring local seminarians to attend an established and an accredited Diocesan seminary. In the past, Guam has often borrowed priests in the Philippines because we could not produce enough local priests for our island. Since the establishment of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, Guam was able to ordain about 17 priests. With a second seminary on Guam, more locals are now coming out because of the inspiration of the seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.
Seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary have come out and assisted in the World Youth Day activities where many local youths see them as an inspiration to join the priesthood. Now at this time, these small group of concern Catholics are coming out with this a time when Guam is already producing more priests for our Churches. Don't they think it is a little bit too late for that?? Or perhaps, they are coming out to try and take credit for someone's work.
If these concerned Catholics really want to help the Catholic Church, why don't they volunteer their time in cleaning inside and outside their church, become lectors, Eucharistic ministers, alter servers, sing in the Church choir, volunteer for office work in the parish, or teach our CCD students. OH.....I forgot the Neocatechumenal Way is already doing that in the parish. :)
Monday, December 15, 2014
Jungle Propaganda
The following was brought to my attention in my last post. According to Tim Rohr, he wrote the following on his blog:
The NEO's, including the Archbishop (since he is one of them) refer to their priests as "presbyters". Here is what the Catholic Church says, the real one, not Kiko's:
Prominent among the problems is the decision of the translators to break with common Catholic usage and translate the Latin "presbyteri" into English not with "priests" but with "presbyters". This cannot meet with the Holy See's consent since it risks being misunderstood by the people and represents an unacceptable theological tendency. In particular it constitutes a retreat from a term that carries a sense of sacrality, that carries with it the history of the development of the faith in favor of a term which does not.
Prominent among the problems is the decision of the translators to break with common Catholic usage and translate the Latin "presbyteri" into English not with "priests" but with "presbyters". This cannot meet with the Holy See's consent since it risks being misunderstood by the people and represents an unacceptable theological tendency. In particular it constitutes a retreat from a term that carries a sense of sacrality, that carries with it the history of the development of the faith in favor of a term which does not.
Tim is saying that we should not be calling our priest "presbyter", and he cited the Letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship, which was written to the Bishop of Cleveland. This letter can be found in the following weblink below:
As anyone can see, this letter was a response to the NCCB giving their reasons as to why they are rejecting the revision or translaton of the Ordination Ritual. This letter is not saying that we should not call our priest "presbyter" AT ALL or AT ANY TIME. The Congregation of Divine Worship is saying that you cannot change the translation to "presbyter" at the ordination rite. So, Tim Rohr wants us to follow this letter that was written to the NCCB regarding the translation of the ordination rite?? And what about our approved Statutes? Below is what the approved Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way says (the bold is my emphasis):
Art. 27 [Pastor/parish priest and presbyters]
§ 1. The pastor/parish priest and the presbyters carry out the pastoral care (see c. 519 CIC) of those who go through the Neocatechumenal Way – also in the light of what is indicated in art. 5 §2 and 6 §2 – and exercise “in persona Christi capitis” their priestly ministry by announcing the Word of God, administering the sacraments and, as far as possible, presiding over the celebrations of the first or of other neocatechumenal communities in the parish.
§ 2. In addition, the pastor/parish priest and the presbyters: 1st. in the name of the diocesan bishop watch over the implementation of the Way, so that it may take place in conformity with art.1 and 2, respecting the doctrine and the discipline of the Church;
As anyone can see, the Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way mentions "presybter." These Statutes were approved by Rome. It only takes common sense to understand that if Rome REALLY does not want the NCW to use the word "presbyter," the word would not even appear in the Statutes. So, should we follow Tim Rohr who tells us that we are supposed to obey the letter that was written for someone else or should we follow the Statutes of the Way, which the Vatican approved for the Neocatechumenal Way?
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Update on Father Paul Gofigan
It has been over a year since Father Paul Gofigan had filed his case in Rome. He is still waiting for a response. According to Father Paul, it has been difficult for him to get in contact with Rome and with his lawyer. He has written letters to Rome, but he has not gotten any replies from them yet. Now, I can understand Rome. Even the jungle has not gotten any responses from the Vatican despite the numerous emails and letters they sent. But having a difficult time getting in contact with your LAWYER???? I guess Father Paul's lawyer is just as busy as the Vatican. Fortunately, Archbishop Apuron was able to get in touch with Rome despite how busy they are.
The Archbishop was able to see the Pope in South Korea despite that he was not on the list of invited guest. He managed to get through South Korea's security check points and even through the Pope's strict security guards. It was God's will that the Archbishop meet with the Pope in South Korea. And recently, the Pope accepted the Archbishop's request to have a private audience with him.
I'm glad to hear that Father Paul is very contented of where he is right now. There is always a reason why things happen. Father Paul said that all he wanted was to be a priest. The Archbishop never took that away from him. Today, he still remains a priest.
According to KUAM news:
Father Gofigan's case still waiting to be heard in Rome
I'm glad to hear that Father Paul is very contented of where he is right now. There is always a reason why things happen. Father Paul said that all he wanted was to be a priest. The Archbishop never took that away from him. Today, he still remains a priest.
According to KUAM news:
Father Gofigan's case still waiting to be heard in Rome
December 13, 2014 at 8:45 AM
by Jolene Toves
Guam - As the controversies continue within the local Catholic Church, Father Paul Gofigan continues to wait for his case to be heard in Rome. Over a year ago the riff between the priest and Archbishop Anthony Apuron first began which led to his removal as the head of Santa Barbara Church in Dededo.
"I don't really see it as persecution," he said. "I just see there are a few partialities going on in the archdiocese but I don't let that bother me I didn't sign up for that sort of stuff I signed up to be a priest a priest to serve the people and as long as he allows me to serve the people I'm happy I don't have to be a pastor I don't have to be anybody in the hierarchy I just want to be a priest and I'm actually satisfied with the life I'm living now."
As we reported Archbishop Apuron alleged that Gofigan failed to follow a directive warranting his removal, and while Gofigan says he is content with the life he is living now in the recent months a close friend of his, John Toves has taken on Gofigan's fight. "I didn't ask him to do anything as I said he's really good friend of monsignor and myself and this is something that he feels deep down in his heart that he has to do and he's sort of acting on that making something sort of raise awareness of what's going on especially in our island church," he explained.
As you may recall at the onset of his removal Gofigan filed an appeal for a heriarchial recourse and review of his case with Rome where it is still pending.
The priest stated, "It is so difficult to be in contact with Rome you sort of don't get any responses even though I've written letters I just don't have any responses even from my lawyer I'm trying to get in contact with my lawyer."
At this point Gofigan says it is just a waiting game.
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