Tuesday, February 4, 2014

In The Face of Persecution.

Is the Neocatechumenal Way being persecuted?  Unfortunately, yes they are being persecuted despite that they had the support of Francis I, Benedict XVI, and John Paul II.  The strongest support from the Vatican came with the approval of the organization's Statutes in 2008 and its Catechetical Directory in 2010.  The former Pope Benedict XVI (currently called Pope Emeritus), has already approved of the Way's prayers, including the non-liturgical celebrations. And the Church is the only one who has the authority to approve these things because she is the one who was granted the authority by Christ to "bind and loose."  So, how is the Way being persecuted?  

First of all, there are many official anti-Way websites about them. This is akin to having anti-Catholic websites created by Protestants.  One of the top reasons that these website cite for their anti-Way campaign is the liturgies. According to the instructions from the Holy See: 

On the manner of receiving Holy Communion, a period of transition (not exceeding two years) is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to pass from the widespread manner of receiving Holy Communion in its communites (seated, with a cloth-covered table placed at the center of the Church instead of the dedicated altar in the santuary) to the normal way in which the entire Church receives Holy Communion.  This means that the Neocatechumenal Way must begin to adopt the manner of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ that is provided in the liturgical books.   

This instruction was speaking about how the Way received Holy Communion.  In the past, members of the Way received Holy Communion sitting down....but that was in the past.  This has already been corrected.  The members have been receiving the Body and Blood of Christ standing up just as they do in the Church. Anyone who attended the Eucharistic celebration of the Way already knows that the members receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ standing up.  

Some of these websites do not even update their information and still remain in the year 2005 or 2006; and thus, continue to accuse the Neocatechumenal Way of disobeying the Pope.  

While it is true that some members of the Way have retaliated against their persecutors, the members were told that the best response is silence.  (See my blog about Christopher Hitchens' attack on Mother Teresa.)  One of the things taught in the Catholic faith is humility in the face of persecution. Unfortunately, we are all humans and the virtue of humility is weak in some people. 

Pride and arrogance is very strong in all of us regardless of whether one walks in the Way or not.  Those with pride often look for an audience and count the numbers of people supporting them.  Those with pride retaliate with insults against their persecutors.  Those with humility do not count the numbers of support and are not afraid to stand alone.  Those with humility knows that what matters is that God stands with him/her.  With that kind of support, one finds peace in the face of persecution.   



  1. Correction is not persecution. God bless.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:46 p.m.,

      Calling the Archbishop a liar and harassing him has nothing to do with correction.
