1. Tell us about yourself.
I am a widower. My wife died in 2011, we were married in 1982. I have two sons, one in Heaven and Philip who is 28 years-old and is in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Washington, D.C. He will be ordained a transitional deacon on June 13th. I was baptized as a Lutheran and never had attended a Catholic Mass until age 20 when I attended with Connie who would become to be (my) wife. I received religious education for adults at the Church of the North American Martyrs in Bayside, NY, was confirmed on the Easter Vigil in 1982 and was married at American Martyrs that September.
We moved to New Jersey in 1985 and were members of St. Francis of Assisi parish. We were active in the parish… After the death of our second son in 1993 we relied on the help of the Church, but things were difficult and our marriage was very much in turmoil. In 1996, we heard a catechesis which was given in our parish by members of the Neocatechumenal Way and we joined a community. This community was an immense help to both of use and kept our marriage together through a separation and other challenges we faced.
My wife died of a reoccurrence of Breast Cancer in June, 2011. We were helped immensely by the love and support which we received from our community in the Way who always came to visit her in the hospital and prayed.
After my wife died, I continued to work as a sales engineer until I felt I was being called to go in mission as an itinerant. Then in 2012, I went to a meeting and I was assigned to a parish to accompany the priests in prayer and their ministry.
2. When and how did you realize that you wanted to become a priest?
During the time I was in the parish I really did not have the feeling that I was called to be
a priest, I felt called as an itinerant. However, in August, 2013 there was a mini-pilgrimage in the parish where I was itinerant. It went to the Shrines of the North American Martyrs in New York and Canada and I found myself sitting on a stage at the Shrine in Toronto. That was a memory of the day after the World Youth Day with Pope St. John Paul II at a vocational meeting where I had seen hundreds of kids standing in a response to the call to the religious life. The next Saturday I went to the 2013 World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The trip was a pilgrimage where God really spoke to me about my vocation and I attended a vocational meeting after seeing Pope Francis. I came back … and spoke to my catechists. They suggested that I go to the vocational meeting in Italy for men wanting to enter the priesthood … I was chosen to go
to Guam.
3. How has your journey of discernment been so far?
I have seen God acting in many concrete signs to call me to this vocation and I feel my call very strongly. I have been here a year and a half and feel extremely blessed to be here. The seminary life is a routine of prayer, work and studying. The spiritual direction I am receiving is helping me a lot to build my interior life which I need to do to stay close to God. Going back to university studies after 34 years was a challenge at first, but the teachers are excellent and always willing to help. This sounds ideal, it is not. I was very independent, with a successful job and my hardest adjustment is to set my pride aside and to be obedient. I have learned that this is the most important thing I can learn in the seminary through reading the lives of the saints. At this point in my life with God’s calling I am very, very grateful to be here.
4. Which pope has influenced your vocation and why?
Without a doubt that would be Pope St. John Paul II (the Great). The pilgrimage to Canada in 2002 to the World Youth Day was extremely powerful for my entire family. My son would tell you that this was a turning point in his discernment of his call. My wife and I also saw Pope John Paul II in 1995, in Giants Stadium when he came to New Jersey. Of course at both these events I was married and had no thought of ever being a priest. However, the presence of that Pope had a profound effect on all who were there… I love to read the daily messages by Pope Francis which I read every day when I was itinerant. He is a deeply spiritual man who has many profound messages which influenced me as well.
5. Advice for young people discerning for a vocation.
Do not be afraid of what others think. It is especially difficult with social pressure which is applied to young people today. The truth is that your friends and family who may make fun of religion are also searching and trying to find meaning in their lives. Be open to hearing the voice of God in events of your life, this is the way God speaks to people, through events. Pray about it and ask God to let you know what His Will is in your life, and listen to what He says to you. I would also encourage you to go to a World Youth Day, it is an awesome experience… Finally, for the notso-young, like me, it is never too late for God
to act in your life.
Saw this copy past before. Old news.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous at 3:37 pm,
DeleteIt is still good news and worth reading again. :-)
May God continue to bless and sustain Ed in his discernment to the priesthood. I was fortunate to be roomed with Ed at last years Vocational Meeting in Manila and he had shared his story of discernment and conversion with me also.
ReplyDeleteThe presence of the Seminarians in the parishes and more importantly the existence of not one but two seminaries on this island is a blessing for the future and sustainability of our local church. Many young people are being exposed to the vocations. In Merizo alone there is a handful of young teenage boys who have already begun to seek out entering a seminary after high school. These boys are not even in a NCW Community but were exposed to the life of a seminarian whenever the RMS Seminarians would come and assist the parish during their breaks from the seminary.
It is sad that there are those who oppose the idea of a local seminary, their eyes have been blinded to see the good fruits of this harvest.
CORRECTION: A seminary is generally defined as "a college that prepares students to be priests, ministers, or rabbis" so there is really only ONE seminary on this island. Only the Redemptoris Mater Seminary for Neos can call itself a "seminary." The so-called "other seminary" is no more than a dormitory because there are NO CLASSES held there.
DeleteRMS is not a recognized seminary of the church. It does not have the status or recognition of St. Patrick's seminary San Francisco. It is not recognized academic institution. Priest's coming out of this mom &pop store are not formed to the requirements of Rome.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 6:41 pm,
DeleteFor your information, Pope Francis recently ordained 9 men into the priesthood who were from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary (See the weblink below). The RM seminary in Guam is affiliated with the Laterian University in Rome.
Best wishes to him in this next journey of his spiritual life.
ReplyDeleteEleanor Aguon
Agree Antoine
ReplyDeleteRMS seminarians speak freely about "their" experiences; how God is really working in their lives; the never ending struggle to serve and we have people on Guam who criticize the effort, never talking about "their" experiences. As if they have all ready arrived at the promise land.
No disrespect intended, BUT how does this gentleman know with certainty that his son is "in Heaven"? Did the son die before reaching the age of reason? Or was he baptized on his deathbed? As far as I know, only those who die before reaching the age of reason or are baptized at the point of death are assured to go straight to Heaven. Otherwise we must accept the possibility that most of us will spend time in Purgatory. I guess that means he doesn't offer Masses or prayers for his son. How sad.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous at 2:00 pm,
DeletePlease be honest. You MEANT to be disrespectful. That is clearly evident at the end of your sentence when you stated: "I guess that means he doesn't offer Masses or prayers for his son. How sad."
Have you ever gone to the funeral of a loved one and hear anyone console you with these words, "Don't worry. He/She is in now suffering in Purgatory." Or have you ever gone to a funeral and console the family of the loved one with these words, "Don't worry. He/She is suffering in Purgatory?"
You have your Triumph Church (which are those in Heaven), the Suffering Church (which are those in Purgatory). The Militant or Pilgrim Church are those of us on Earth. When a loved one passes away, have you ever heard anyone at a funeral console the family with the words "Purgatory"????? Does this mean that Catholics do not believe in Purgatory???
Catholics believe in Purgatory, but at funerals, we often use the consoling words "He/She is in a better place"......meaning Heaven. Or we would say, "He/She is no longer suffering on earth and is with God in Heaven."
This is the same tactic used by Tim Rohr in his blog when he accused Father Pius of not believing in Purgatory. A seminarian that he knows passes away, and he says that he is in Heaven does not mean that we do not believe in Purgatory. We believe in Purgatory because we still offer Masses and prayers for our loved ones who passed away. However, when SPEAKING about them, what Catholic ever say that their son, daughter, mother, or father tell others that they are suffering in Purgatory??? Every Catholic I know who speaks of their mother, father, son, or daughter always console themselves by saying that they are in Heaven despite the fact that they offer Masses and pray for them.
No, Diana, as usual you overreacted. I really meant no disrespect because I took Mr. Ilg at his word. He clearly stated that his son is in Heaven. That is why I pointed out that either the son had died (1) as a child, before reaching the age of reason OR (2) immediately after being baptized for Mr. Ilg to be sure of that statement. As a matter of fact after reading it (before reading further AND before I wrote my comment) I said an Our Father, a Hail Mary and an "Eternal Rest Grant Unto the Son of Mr. Ilg, O Lord …" just in case Mr. Ilg MEANT what he said about his son being in Heaven. Maybe he is, but just in case, I decided to say a prayer for his soul.
DeleteFYI: When my parents died, people told me "Now you have an angel watching over you in Heaven" to which I replied "Please continue to pray for the soul of my Mom (and then Parents when my Dad died)." While I don't say "Don't worry. He/She is in now suffering in Purgatory" to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, I do say, "I will continue to pray for the eternal repose of his/her soul."
I know people mean well when they tell the survivors that their loved one is in Heaven BUT the reality is that very few people will go straight to Heaven. And I guess we know different Catholics. While most of the Catholics I know will say something like "I'm glad he/she is no longer suffering here on earth," their sentence STOPS there, although a few will say "… and he/she is with God in Heaven."
You ask " However, when SPEAKING about them, what Catholic ever say that their son, daughter, mother, or father tell others that they are suffering in Purgatory??? " with your infamous triple question marks indicating your disbelief that anyone would "…tell others that they are suffering in Purgatory???" Although the survivor(s) will not say it outright, it is IMPLIED with the request "Please continue to pray for the soul of … [INSERT person's name]."
Thank you for clarifying that you and others in the NCW believe in Purgatory. For many years it sounded like the Catholic Church had adopted the Protestant belief that EVERYONE goes to Heaven and that Hell is EMPTY (of course there is never any mention made of Purgatory since the Protestants don't believe in Purgatory). It has only been recently that I have heard a few priests urging people to remember to pray for the souls of their loved ones who have died (and not just on All Souls Day). While they don't say the word "Purgatory" the fact that they are reminding people that their dearly departed are in need of prayer implies that their loved ones may not yet be in Heaven.
"Every Catholic I know who speaks of their mother, father, son, or daughter always console themselves by saying that they are in Heaven despite the fact that they offer Masses and pray for them. "
DeleteWell, that's a problem. Actually it used to be quite common that Catholics would assume their departed family and friends were in purgatory. And yes, it used to be that it would be openly spoken about - hence the very common practice of asking for masses to be said to for the departed. I remember when my grandfather died, the eulogy consisted almost solely of the request that those present request masses to be said for him. He was a good and devout man, but there was never an assumption he was in heaven.
These days it is quite different. The NCW is the epitome of that false understanding.
And the comment by the seminarian does seem to indicate that he believes his son to be in heaven. It may be so, especially if he was very young or was baptised immediately prior to death, but remember, this statement is not being made by someone trying to console him - as per your example in your reply, Diana. This is evidently his own understanding. And it would be quite tragic if, for that reason, the father did not pray for his entry into heaven.
Dear Anonymous at 10:45 am,
DeleteThis is why it is always best to ask the NCW or an RMS priest if they believe in Purgatory rather than making a judgment as in your last sentence when you ended with "How sad". I have been to many funerals, and I have never heard the word "Purgatory" mention as a consolation. I have lost a loved one (my mother) and none of the people ever consoled my family with Purgatory. They have said consoling things like "Your mother will always be watching you from Heaven" or "She is in a better place now"......meaning that she is in Heaven. They meant well, but that never meant that they do not believe in Purgatory. And we still offer Masses and prayers for our loved ones.
Dear Anonymous at 10:57 am,
DeleteWhat the seminarian said is commonly said by almost every Catholic. On the next funeral you attend, please tell the family that their loved one is suffering in Purgatory and needs their prayers. Then come back and tell me your story.
Dear Diana.
Delete1. This is not a case of someone consoling the parent with the word "purgatory". Rather this is the parent themselves making a statement about their own belief.
2. I always console those who are grieving with the super-abundance of God's mercy and love. This includes the opportunity for purification in purgatory. Which is why the consolation for the grieving should always include both the encouragement to offer masses, and your own intention to pray for the deceased.
I am rather concerned that your only view on purgatory is the "suffering" part. Of course, without purgatory, many would be lost - but God is good and gives us what we need to be saved. Purgatory is a positive, since it means that the souls that are there will eventually find their way to heaven. It is suffering, yes - but not without hope!
We should remind each other of the truth of our faith, in real charity - not invent something else just to be "nice".
Dear Anonymous at 1:13 pm,
DeleteThis is what I stated in my comment above:
"Every Catholic I know who speaks of their mother, father, son, or daughter always console themselves by saying that they are in Heaven despite the fact that they offer Masses and pray for them."
Just because a Catholic says that their son is in Heaven does not mean that they do not believe in Purgatory. I walk in the Way, and I believe in a Purgatory. ALL the brothers and sisters who walk in the Way believes in Purgatory, so why are you even arguing about this? The point is that the NCW believes in Purgatory.
Diana, I attended a Mass for someone who recently died. I told the widow that I was keeping the soul of her husband in prayer. She said, "Thank you and I pray that someday he will be able to pray for us, too." While nobody said the word "Purgatory," it is clear that the widow and I were on the same page as to where her beloved husband is most likely spending this time right now.
DeleteSo while every Catholic you know speaks of their mother, father, son, or daughter always console themselves by saying that they are in Heaven despite the fact that they offer Masses and pray for them, it's not the same for all Catholics. There are some of us who are willing to acknowledge that our dearly departed are most likely members of the Church Suffering and are waiting, with the help of the prayers and Masses offered by the Church Militant, to become members of the Church Triumphant.
Dear Anonymous at 8:41 pm,
DeleteAnd there are some of us who meant well and say that their loved one is in a better place with God and yet still offer Mass and prayers for them. They still believe in a Purgatory and know that eventually their loved one will be in Heaven.
Diana, this is what they're saying in the jungle. They want Apuron removed. That is what will bring them reconciliation.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousJune 17, 2015 at 9:41 AM
Sad, but I would have to agree with Anon 7:38, Rome does not care and apuron does not care. We cannot expect anything to get better unless we, the people, take care of it!
Nothing is his fault, according to apuron. All the division and evil are propagated by Tim, The Jungle and CCOG.
You cannot blame apuron because he's just listening to bad advisers.
So, who do we blame?
Why? Because we let this apuron and neos dictate the conditions in our Catholic Church, contributing to the demise of morality and holiness in our society today! Wake up, people!
Get these apuron and neos OUT!!!
Dear Anonymous at 10:38 am,
DeleteSo, they think that will bring them reconciliation with the Church in Guam? Will it also bring them reconciliation with the Church in Rome (the Holy See)? After all, this anonymous commenter also stated that Rome does not care. So, why do they want only Apuron and the Neos out? Why not take out Rome as well? :-)
The jungle got what it wanted. They DID say that the Archbishop should speak to the people. And so he did. And they are still angry??? They asked for transparency. The Archbishop gave it to them, and they were fussing. They want the Archbishop to meet with the people. The Archbishop gave it to them, and they are still fussing???? Now, why is that? :-) I find it so hilarious that Tim Rohr gets so frustrated that he even blames the Archbishop for the abortion rate of Chamorros. What did he expect? Does he not know that Chamorros make up the largest ethnic group on Guam? I do not even think that he realized that the abortion rate has decreased since 2011. And I would not be surprise if Tim Rohr takes credit for the decrease. :-)
DeletePriests on Junglewatch communicating reconciliation begins when Archbishop resigns. These priests should stop this and talk privately with superiors.
Well, Diana, considering that Tim Rohr was one of the organizers of the Esperansa Project in 2008 and has worked to get Pro-Life legislation passed and even now is following up on the implementation of the Informed Consent Law, he would have every right to take "credit for the decrease. :-)" but instead he continues to fight to save the lives on unborn babies. Clearly your :-) indicates that in your mind, Tim's fight against abortion is not that big a deal. As far as Tim Rohr is concerned, the abortion of even one baby is one too many, Chamorro or any other ethnicity.
DeleteYou "find it so hilarious that Tim Rohr gets so frustrated that he even blames the Archbishop for the abortion rate of Chamorros." I guess it's because the archbishop really does not do anything to promote Pro-Life activities other than his required appearance at the annual Chain for Life in October. He has never shown up at legislative public hearings for Pro-Life legislation. Also, if the archbishop really cared about the unborn he would be more visible like other bishops in the States who pray outside abortion clinics with members of Pro-Life groups.
Dear Anonymous at 10:53 pm,
DeleteHow sad for you that you only recognize one side and are blind to the Archbishop's efforts. This is what was printed in the Umatuna dated Feb. 23, 2014:
"The Esperansa Project is a community-based group organized to effect and support pro-life legislation wherever possible. Esperansa has had an important role lobbying for local legislation protecting the rights of the unborn and has worked with island senators, as well as Governor Eddie Baza Calvo, to provide information on such legislation.
The Archdiocese of Agana’s Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee is also active in the fight against abortion on Guam, organizing peaceful prayer rallies such as the Walk for Life and Chain for Life, and testifying on behalf of the unborn at legislative hearings."
As you can see, Anonymous at 10:53, the Archbishop who walks in the Way can recognize the good in Esperanza and in the committees for the Walk for Life and Chain for Life, who ALSO testified at legislative hearings. You only see one side and are blind to the other. So, how do you expect the Archbishop to reconcile with someone like you who have only hatred in their heart and cannot see the good things on the other side?
And, Diana, how sad for you that you refuse to acknowledge that the archbishop's ACTIONS have demonstrated more concern about keeping Guam free from casino gambling than protecting the lives of unborn babies.
DeleteTo be sure, there is the Archdiocese of Agana’s Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee but the REALITY is that the Esperansa Project and not the Archdiocese's Pro-Life Committee has been instrumental in getting Pro-Life legislation passed. And even now Tim Rohr is following up on the non-compliance of the Informed Consent Law and Senator Frank Aguon is responding to his concern.
Deletetony is full of hatred for the people of Guam.what are you talking about? Tony began this war and we will finish it. We can fight we have money and we will fight until the day he is history.
Dear Anonymou at 10:39 pm,
DeleteThe Archbishop did not take out the people of Guam. He only took out two priests - Father Paul and Monsignor James. The people have nothing to do with this. This should have been between the Archbishop and those two priests. The people should leave them alone and let the clergy solve their problems on their own.
Continue to fight??? I have news for you. The Vatican Delegation was here on Guam in January. It is now June. You have written letters to Rome and Tim Rohr has also sent a manila envelop to the Pope. It is now June. Did you hear from the Pope? Did you get any results from Rome? Have you heard from the Vatican Delegation? The fact that you heard nothing from Rome should have already told you something. The Archbishop, on the other hand, have spoken directly to the Pope.
I will leave you with these words from the Holy Bible:
Acts 5:38-39 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”
Dear Anonymous at 6:11 pm,
DeleteAs I predicted.....I am not surprised that you would give the credit only to Tim Rohr. Why? As I said.......how do you expect the Archbishop to reconcile with someone like you who have only hatred in their heart and cannot even see the good things on the other side?
Yes, Tim Rohr is very good with legislation. He knows the law. But it is NOT the law that goes into the abortion clinic to get an abortion. And this is where the Archbishop comes in. He goes to the people. He preaches to his flock the grave consequences of abortion, and he encourages all the priests to do the same. He goes to the public in his walk for life and chain for life because it is the people (women) who go into the abortion clinic. Due to your blind hatred, you are unable to see anything good on the other side.
"He only took out two priests - Father Paul and Monsignor James."
DeleteYou take out one person with injustice, you are an unjust person! Do you get it? You are bragging about the defrocking of two priests. But you have never given evidence that the action against them would stand in a court of justice and truth. Jesus knows the hearts of people and He knows if these actions followed equity and decency or bias and malice.
Dear grow up in faith,
DeleteFirst of all, the two priests were not defrocked.
Secondly, one priest was removed for disobedience while the other was removed for financial mismanagement. That was not an injustice.
Finally, the Archbishop has every authority to remove a priest and even move a priest to another parish.
The charges of disobedience and financial mismanagement are false charges, Fr Paul was not disobedient and Fr James did not cause financial mismanagement. They acted on firm ethical principles, unlike the Archbishop. Everybody know that on Guam. Don't you? You don't see injustice in these actions, very well, but everybody else can see it. People are outraged because of punishing the just and letting the sinful go free. So guess what, are we all blind? Or perhaps is it only you?
DeleteDear grow up in faith,
DeleteFather Paul's case is in Rome, so Rome will decide that case. As for Monsignor James, the Internal Review is already out. And according to the Internal Review, Monsignor James gave free cemetery plots to his family and friends as well as charging the Archdiocese for paying his anniversary party with a credit card.
DeleteDiana, what unearth is wrong is using a credit card to pay a hotel meal. This is a normal standard practice. you and I go into hotels in our dinner and pay on a credit card. Crying out loud what is wrong with this? Are you living on planet earth or Pluto planet? Don't sound grounded to me.
Dear Anonymous at 1:05 pm,
DeleteWho said anything about using a credit card for a hotel meal???? This is what I stated in my previous comment:
And according to the Internal Review, Monsignor James gave free cemetery plots to his family and friends as well as charging the Archdiocese for paying his anniversary party with a credit card.
ReplyDeleteDiana, aaa is really being blasted on JW . Many are calling openly for resignation. Concern here is not about resignation or not that is not our decesion. Concern or Catholics is not groups in the church there is room for all of us including NCW. Respect each other. Situation is becoming worrying because there are a group of people including priests asking for the resignation. This is not the kind of situation Catholics want to see priests speaking against bishops. Yet on Guam now priests are peaking against the bishop. Disturbing and makes laity question Archbishop. We support you but you have to admit there is a problem here. Increasing priests seeking the resignation of Archbishop. One in particular loud on JW . Sent this information to Monsignor Krebs he acknowledged email.
Dear Anonymous at 12:29 pm,
ReplyDeleteThe jungle have always been blasting the Archbishop, so that is nothing new. However, Anonymous at 10:38 am pointed out that the jungle is also blasting Rome. They're saying that Rome doesn't care. They do not understand the reason for Rome's silence. Rome remains silent and does nothing because they support Archbishop Apuron. The Archbishop already said that he has the support of the Pope. Yet, they continue to write their letters and continue to be frustrated of Rome's silence simply because they do not understand. They see Pope Francis removing other Bishops due to graft or corruption, but Pope Francis does not remove the Archbishop of Guam. They do not understand that the Archbishop has done no corruption in removing Father Paul and Monsignor James. There was no corruption in having a perpetual deed on the RM Seminary. There was no corruption in setting up the RM Seminary or the John Paul II seminary. And there was no corruption in denying sponsorship to Aaron Quitugua.
To the Archbishop, have courage. You followed the Pope when he told you to meet with the parishes. We are all praying for you. Continue to meet with the parishes and remember that the jungle is only a very very small group. They do not represent the entire Catholic faithful. The majority has always been with you.
Are we to worry about what jungle watch publishes or what theological interpretations chuck white is enlightened to comment or for that matter how many concerned catholics are praying outside the Cathedral?
Peter at the tomb Luke 14 vs 12. Peter, however went off to the tomb, running. He bent down and looked in and saw the linen cloths but nothing else; he then went back home, amazed at what had happened.
we cannot find Jesus unless we look for him; at every moment of every day. By their actions jw, cw, and concerned catholics are not looking for Christ. They have themselves already and for them, this is enough for their lives.
"By their actions jw, cw, and concerned catholics are not looking for Christ. They have themselves already and for them, this is enough for their lives."
DeleteYour judgement cup runneth over.
The man born blind:John 9:1-7
"As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him. 4We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6When he had said this, he spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, 7saying to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). Then he went and washed and came back able to see. "
Jesus not only found this man, but he healed him and made him a catechumen. So this -"we cannot find Jesus unless we look for him" - is just convenient noise.
then answer the question Anonymous June 17, 2015 at 9:30 PM
DeleteIf jw, cw and concerned so called catholics are truly seeking Jesus Christ; How can criticizing Arch Bishop Apuron; the Vatican or the Neo Catechumenal Way justify their actions?
There is only ONE absolute truth and it is not tim rohr, chuck white, concerned catholics nor mine for that matter.
We may say that HELLULIA; I FOUND HIM but is he listening to anyone spreading deceit and discontent?
so answer the question my cup runneth over just convenient noise anonymous person.
How can criticizing Arch Bishop Apuron; the Vatican or the Neo Catechumenal Way justify their actions?
in response to Anonymous June 17, 2015 at 9:30 PM again
DeleteJohn 9, is the MESSAGE SENT by JESUS CHRIST; are you saying that this message was not sent to you or apply to you personally?
go to jungle watch and thoughtful catholic sites and tell us what MESSAGE they are sending to people.
Hate and discontent are the messages they are sending. Hate and discontent is not the MESSAGE of JESUS CHRIST.
now tell me who has mud in their eye?
Maybe John 9: 1-7 can have
ReplyDeleteDear JSB
I visited JW and recognized many names writing on the page. They are all good highly respected men and women. The page is simply addressing the depressing situation of disunity division in the archdiocese caused by the archbishop. They have one desire only to heal reconcile and unite the deep division among our people.
JW identifies the cause of the division as being Archbishop and his unjust administration and treatment of many. I am not neo nor a part of JW. I ready study both sides. Reality is Archdiocese is seriously divided, Archbishop cannot fix the serious issues which keeping growing. Based on administrative grounds alone JW writers have a valid and objective point of view . The inability of Archbishop to now lead, disunity he has caused raises the question that his resignation is required by the catholic faithful on island. Tim Rohr is simply providing a forum for Catholics to express serious problems relating to the archbishop. These problems are now even supported by catholic priests on Jw calling for Archbishop to resign. If a priest calls for a resignation that tells readers a lot. Sincerely, Tem.
Dear Tem,
DeleteBelow are comments that you find only on Junglewatch. You call this "addressing the depressing situation of disunity division in the Archdiocese caused by the Archbishop??? These are simply "name-calling" and "cyber-bullying." None of the comments below are addressing any problems. They are venting their rage and hate. This kind of behavior has nothing to do with reconciliation or healing. Since when does attacking a person ever bring healing??? I agree with JSB. These comments are all hate and discontent. They do not bring healing at all. They only bring humiliation.
Furthermore, the priest in the jungle calling for the Archbishop's resignation is not even from Guam. He is an AWOL priest who disobeyed his archbishop by leaving the island of Saipan without telling anyone where he is going. He went MIA (missing in action) for a while until it was discovered that he deliberately went AWOL (absent without leave). In other words, he deserted his flock!
AnonymousJune 17, 2015 at 5:07 PM
Good 'ol Pizza Pius. Consoling Brother Ton. Nice. Too bad you don't understand that you are the one who screwed him. Dumb and dumber.
AnonymousJune 18, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Larry go back to Kansas we will hound you until you are gone.
AnonymousJune 18, 2015 at 1:03 PM
Larry, take off you collar when you are in public we are ashamed of you. Wear it to your neo gatherings where the few believe in you.
Just something to think about on your next trip or while you frolic with the Tall Woman in the Dead Sea. Over the last five years one of every 12 children have been aborted. And this year 73% were Chamorro, meaning they were probably Catholic. More fruit of your 20 years of believing that the Way was the answer. Stay tuned.
Sir Tem,
DeleteThe disunity you speak of is nothing new to the Church. They nailed Christ to the cross; all his apostles were martyred and for centuries afterwards the Church has been in constant struggle.
The Church cannot exist without struggle, pain, anxiety, sin, etc. If we have no problems why do we need any Church?
rohr and white only publishes opinions and comments that are in agreement with his adjenda. He filters and removes comments that are contrary to his opinions. I believe that he believes that only he knows how to save the Catholics on Guam. Remove the Arch Bishop; God made a mistake and I have the solution for all your problems; Remove the Arch Bishop.
As for our respected men and women; I believe collectively that they and rohr have multiple goals that can only be realized with the removal of our Arch Bishop.
Lets us also be realistic Sir Tem. What has been the response from the Vatican for all these letters of complaints and wrong doings they have claimed the Arch Bishop is responsible for? Why don't you ask rohr to publish the Vaticans response?
Answer the question....How can criticizing Arch Bishop Apuron; the Vatican or the Neo Catechumenal Way justify their actions?
The Vatican has internet, yes Sir....two minutes into jw and the thoughtful so called catholic web page will affirm these sites being categorized as everything but Christian or Catholic.
DeleteDiana thank you for your comment of 10.27pm. You may well be right in what you state I agree. We looked into this priest from Saipan he spends more time in Rome and Zurich than Manila. He is obviously someone who rows his own boat and is known to people in high political places in church and politics. In the corporate world people like him you put in a small office in the penthouse signing disbursement vouchers and let him take four hour luncheons as he is known for. You would not hear a word again. The fact is this priest is drawing attention to Guam is known inside the Vatican and is now a voice. He may be AWOL but he is causing issues . Someone needs to kindly ask him to be quiet . I believe you are right he is not even from Guam. This makes it of greater interest. A foreign priest who is not a part of Guam but widely known in the pacific has much to say. He has also been seen in the presence of the Pope and Cardinal Tagle.
Dear JSB, Well, I actually answered your question "How can criticizing Arch Bishop Apuron; the Vatican or the Neo Catechumenal Way justify their actions?"
DeleteBut Diana is too much of a coward to post it. Probably because it is not favorable to her own opinion. Its a shame, but how do you teach the blind to see?
Dear Anonymous at 10:32 am,
DeleteI did not publish it because you did not answer the question. All you did was use "name-calling" just as you are doing right now, calling me a coward. Christ told His Apostles (who were Bishops) hat those who reject you reject me and those who receive you receive me. When you criticize your Bishop including the Holy See (who is also a Bishop) you criticize Christ. Simple as that.
This is what Catholics always tell Protestants when they tell us that we should be listening only to Christ and not to the Pope. JSB is simply telling you (a Catholic) the same thing.
Is name calling always wrong? Did Jesus ever call anyone names?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:23 pm,
DeleteJesus is the ONLY one who can call anyone names. As a matter of fact, Jesus is the ONLY one who can even throw the first stone. Everyone else does not have that same right.
DeleteDiana, blog is confusing readers. Fr. Pius not from Guam but he is here on this blog . Father Blockley from the Marian Islands with knowledge on Guam Has a vision to share. Father Pius is not from Guam Father Blockley is from Mariana islands and Mariana islands will one day be a part of Guam. But I know Fr.Blockley from Europe lived in America lived in Philippines lived in Guam lived in Saipan lived in manila. Father Blockley more insight into Islands needs than Fr. Pius. Fr. Blockley should be Rector of RMS. He would teach the students how to be seminarians priests. Thank you Tem.
Dear Tem,
DeleteThis is my blog. What makes you think that this blog is controlled by Father Pius? As for Father Blockley, he is British. He is not even a Chamorro. He is not from the Mariana Islands at all, and he deserted his flock. I am a Chamorro, and I was born and raised on this island. I know this island more than a British priest who abandoned his flock.
DeleteDiana, according to Bishop Camacho he ordained Fr. Blockley 1996 for Mariana islands. Fr. blockley must be from Mariana Island he is not from Guam or America. ordained for Mariana islands. From bishop Camacho. Archbishop Apuron wanted Fr. Blockley to stay on Guam but Bishop Camacho want him on Saipan. So He from Mariana Islands. Fr. Pius not from Islands or Guam. He gate crash our islands.
So you should also know of one Chamorro archbishop who's deserted and abandoned his flock, right Diana?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 11:47 pm,
DeleteFather Blockley was ordained in Saipan, and he abandoned his flock in Saipan. Father Pius did not crash our island. Father Pius was welcomed by the Archbishop of Guam when he came here to establish the Neocatechumenal Way.
Dear Anonymous at 11:00 pm,
DeleteThe Archbishop never abandoned his flock. A FEW of his flock abandoned him.
Few, Diana?
ReplyDeleteDear JSB
Please stop insulting the catholic community of Guam. You have insulted Priests and bishops on Diana's blog. Never once on jw is a priest or bishop insulted . No matter what you think about bishops priests remember they represent Lord Jesus Christ. JW only raises questions of disunity caused by archbishop and the problems he created for this archdiocese. No priest of the archdiocese called for his retirement as you claimed. You have created false information concerning good priests by your complete lack of knowledge shown in comments. We have forwarded your name JSB to Apostolic delegate so he can see just how you twist facts insulting Catholics of Guam.
Highly doubtful Anonymous June 19, 2015 at 12:05 PM that you will get a response form the Apostolic delegate.
Deletehow can they answer to anyone who is A N O N Y M O U S....afraid?
still waiting for an answer....How can criticizing Arch Bishop Apuron; the Vatican or the Neo Catechumenal Way justify their actions?
Dear Anonymous at 12:05 pm,
ReplyDeleteYou are incorrect. The Archbishop of Guam has been mocked and made fun of in the jungle. There is one priest in the jungle who is calling for the removal of Archbishop Apuron, and this priest is not even from Guam. Below is his comment that you can find in the jungle. So, who is twisting facts now?
Fr. Matthew Blockley.June 17, 2015 at 1:01 AM
There is no leadership with tony there has not been an episcopal leadership on Guam for the past twenty three years. The same is true on Saipan. These two bishops have given no leadership to the local church and have created the present crisis . They are useless individuals who have damaged the moral fibre of the church. Who in the right mind would listen to Tony he is a complete and utter fool. The sooner he is removed by the Holy Father the better the church will be. . In six months he has made no effort what so ever to reach out and reconcile the archdiocese. In fact he has further divided the catholic church on Guam by his actions. This man is a disgrace to the catholic church and he must Go.
You shouldn't have a problem with a priest from elsewhere involving himself with Guam matters. Last I checked, Father Pius Sammut is not from Guam.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:26 pm,
DeleteFirst of all, you do not see Father Pius making comments on my blog. And last of all, Father Pius also resides on Guam.....unlike Father Blockley.
DeleteFather Matthew is known to us on Guam and is much loved priest. We know his situation since 2000 but what is wrong with it. He does a lot of good work in parts of the world. Did you know he has 12 feeding centers in the Philippines ? 3.26pm well stated Fr.Sammut is an outsider yet he inflicted bad stuff on our church. Prefer A controversial priest who is hard working and good to a priest who is dividing our church. Thank you Tem.
Dear Tem,
DeleteProtestants and atheists also have done a lot of good works by setting up feeding centers and caring for the homeless. But a Catholic priests do not do things on their own simply because the Catholic Church is not set up that way. There is a hierarchy in the Catholic Church, and priests are instructed to be obedient to that hierarchy. That means that priests must obey the bishop, just as the bishop must obey the Pope.
By calling out for the removal of the Guam's archbishop rather than for reconciliation is dividing our Church.
Obedient to the hierarchy Diana? And yet the NCW follows a different one with Kiko at the top? How funny.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 9:44 am,
DeleteThe NCW follows the Pope just as the Archbishop follows the Pope and just as Kiko Arguello follows the Pope. We are Catholic and the NCW is recognized by the Pope and the Catholic Church. The only one who say otherwise is you......and we do not follow you.
So why are regular Catholic songs not sung in the neo celebration (mass)? The NCW follows Kiko, hence the exclusive use of his songs, his artwork and his icons. Come on folks, wake up and smell the coffee!
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:45 pm,
DeleteThose songs do not belong to Kiko. Those songs existed more than 2000 years ago. A large majority of the songs in the Way are found in the Book of Psalms. Do you have a problem with the Book of Psalms?
I always thought that Father Pius was a traveling catechist with Pat Cottman. Since when does he LIVE in Guam? That's new, Diana.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 6L34 am,
DeleteFather Pius is currently the itinerant team for both Guam and Hawaii. So, when he is here, he resides here. But yes, he travels a lot.
ReplyDeleteDear Diana.
Thousands of JW readers read the statement by Fr. Matthew Blockley and like you we are astounded by how this controversial priest writes. Such statements are best expressed in the internal forum of the Catholic Church system. Through diplomatic means skills meetings are already taking place with Fr. Matthew Blockley to stop this. It is being handled with diplomacy. Unfortunately, there is truth to what Father Blockley is saying so it is difficult for Archbishop Krebs to place a gag order on him. Remember with Father Blockley everything is personal. You win Fr. Blockley at the dinner table not by insulting him in public. I agree he should be kindly asked to now refrain from comtroversial comments. Tem
Dear Tem,
DeleteA priest who is not even on this island, and you think there is truth in what he says? That is incredible! You are actually saying that a person who is not on Guam knows more about the things happening on Guam than the person who is living here. That is a very bias view.
Priests under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop are afraid of speaking their minds because of the treatment they receive. There is a climate of intimidation here that is very disturbing. Priests under NOT of his jurisdiction, however, are more free to express what they feel. Being far away from the place of fear and intimidation opens up the hearts pf truth. What does this tell you, dear Diana?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 5:48 pm,
DeleteIn the first place, priests under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop made a promise to be obedient to him. They knew this before they became a priest. Father Blockley was never ordained by Archbishop Apuron. He was ordained in Saipan and then deserted his flock in Saipan.
Promise of Obedience of the Priest Candidates:
DeleteEach of the candidates goes to the Bishop and, kneeling before him, places his joined hands between those of the Bishop.
Bishop: Do you promise respect and obedience to me and my successors?
Elect: I do.
Obedient Priest .....maybe in a perfect world and not so true on Guam
Diana, if your are a young woman how do you know Father Blockley. ?? Just wondering.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 7:40 am,
DeleteI do not need to know someone who has already established a reputation as a deserter and rogue priest. As a matter of fact, his reputation is on the Internet (See weblink below).
Dear JSB.
DeleteFather Mathew Blockley is an obedient priest he has even written on spirituality, priesthood, and the promise of obedience. Father Matthew is a wonderful priest dedicated to his projects. I think it's very unfair that you try to show him to be disobedient simply because he decided the Lord called him to live in another location. Father Blockley goes all over the world like Pope Francis doing Good. should the Archbishop Of Guam extend an invite to him to do his projects on Guam I'm sure he would prayer over it . Father Matthew only does what the Lord calls him to do. Thank you Tem.
DeleteWhy are you so bothered with Father Blockley, Diana?
Dear Anonymous at 12:55 pm,
DeleteI am not bothered by him because I was not the one who brought him up under this thread. It was other commenters who brought up about a priest in the jungle. I only made the clarification that he is not a priest from Guam; yet, insists that Archbishop Apuron be removed.
My dearest tem,
DeleteYou are mistaken if my previous comments mentioned any priest by name. Was on purpose? Cut and paste sort of thing so it can be put in jw to promote more confusion.
I do not know this priest Blockley. It would be an interesting discussion though if I we were to meet.
Blockly...who is the biggest sinner in this room...you or me?
DeleteDear JSB.
By your own words you state " I do not know this priest blockley." If you do not know him then why comment on his work? This priest is here to assist the problems of the church on Island . The church. Is deeply divided requiring outside help and this priest gives his time on JW to help the people.
We need priests like Fr.Blockley to share their vision for the future. There is no future here with the NCW and we need alternative and we need to return our church to diocesan priests and a diocesan bishop. Thank you. Tem.
DeleteDear Diana.
Invite Father Blockley to a NCW meeting this way we will be able to understand the thinking of Father Blockley. We want to know what Father Blockley thinks and how he sees the future. Father Blockley I'm told has a clear vision for an archdiocese of agana Guam and the Mariana Islands.
Dear Tem,
DeleteThe only outside help should come from the Pope rather than from a priest who was expelled from New York and disobedient to his archbishop in Saipan. If you feel that the Archbishop should be removed, then write to the Vatican, and the Archbishop will comply with whatever the Vatican says. Father Blockley is NOT the Vatican nor is he the Pope.
DeleteGod alone has the only "future vision" for our lives.
Blockley may be a priest; a disciple; but he will never be superior to his teacher Jesus Christ.
The NCW through the grace of God is flourishing throughout the world and here on Guam to stay.
Thanks be to God.
father blockley has a clear vision for the archdiocese of Guam and the Marianas? I guess God and the Vatican made a mistake.
DeleteI don't think so Tem.
So as your 'prophet' Kiko will never be superior to Jesus Christ!!
DeleteDear Anonymous at 6:23 am,
DeleteWe never said that he was.
And so nowhere too was it ever said that Fr. Blockley was superior to Jesus Christ.
DeleteAnonymousJune 22, 2015 at 11:04 PM
DeleteAnd so nowhere too was it ever said that Fr. Blockley was superior to Jesus Christ.???
Read Tem. June 21, 2015 at 6:13 PM.....if one says that blockley has a vision for the Catholic Church on Guam and the Marianas.....then we can assume that father blockleys vision is greater than Jesus Christ.
DeleteFather Blockley has great dreams.He teaches a spiritual message that life begins and ends with a creator God. I attended his latest talk over 500 people present. He spoke out the seasons of glory and solitude, of wealth and deprivation, of pain and joy, but above all he speaks of constant love.
On Guam we need his message and more people turn to listen to his dream of a united Church on Guam where people live in peace. Yes, he does have a dream and it is a dream of peace and harmony to this church. Tem.
we do not follow the human messengers tem.
DeleteI think I met this Father Blockley in coffee shop St. Luke's hospital. Every day he invites Guam Saipan residents to breakfast 8am to 12pm. Once you get to the table expect to stay you can't get away. He talks or hours at a time. Never met a person like him.
ReplyDeleteIm getting sick and tired of all these people who think that the RMS is producing bad fruit. Do they not know that sin shows no partiality, that sin is not prejudice? Do they understand that the seminarians in Yona face the same temptations as the seminarians in Malolo? Do they realize that the RMS formed diocesan priests are as imperfect as the U.S. Seminary formed diocesan priests? Do they understand that entering a seminary is not a guarantee to the priesthood? Do they understand that there are seminarians who leave one seminary to join another seminary else where? Do they know that one may leave the seminary only to find himself entering again years later?
I have been following your blog and jw also and I am intrigued by the amount of or lack of knowledge that many commenters have on this subject. They often speak freely and with a sense of confidence on topics that they are not really educated on.
I would also like to share that there are priests out there who really want this to end soon. There are priests who dont have control over the owner of jw and are hoping that the author doesnt enter into territory that will only force a can of worms to be spilled open. If you are following this, you know what I mean.
I totally understand the humanity of the priesthood and personally I know of certain things that have happened in the past that would not be smiled upon. There is cause for scandal at almost every angle.
I dont frown upon any of our local diocesan priests because I can accept their imperfections and move on but it pains me to see that people think that the wall is perfectly white but yet it is stained and they want to criticize the fruit of the RMS or even the NCW for that matter.
I guess they are right in saying that the truth will reveal itself because If jw feels that they are the ones with the truth then they are in for a ball game of strikes and misses. I have a few truths that will surely depress those who contribute to the popular posts.
PS- On Guam everyone goes to heaven, it says so in every obituary. lol
Delete1.49am this is a well composed comment I sense written by a priest or a person close to a priest.
Dear Anonymous at 1:49 am,
DeleteI agree with you. We pray for all priests because the Devil tempts them all the time. No one is perfect because we are all sinners. You are correct that no one can control Tim Rohr. However, I would not worry too much about him. He is merely trying to get the attention of Rome in any way he can because his goal is to remove the Archbishop. What frustrates Tim more and more is Rome's silence. But do not worry. It will come as no surprise when Tim Rohr becomes the front page of the news.
As they say, the devil is in the eye of the beholder. The catechism teaches that there are many evil angels, all spiritual beings, who rejected God and spread out in the world to occupy and live in human souls. So to speak, each of us has an evil spirit in us, just like we all have our guardian angels. Temptation is coming by the evil spirit living in you, so overcoming temptation is the same as overcoming your own evil inclinations.
DeleteThe good news is that we can overcome our evil inclination by the power and sacrifice of Jesus! So we are not sinners per se, but we are saved people who can walk on earth with our evil inclinations curbed and controlled by our faith in and love for the Lord. As St Peter says "but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.""
Dear grow up in faith,
DeleteAre you a Catholic or a Protestant? The reason I ask is because only Protestants go around saying that they are saved. The Protestant can even tell you the exact date they were saved. Catholics, on the other hand, say that they are in the PROCESS of being saved. The Catholic Church teaches that we cannot be Holy on our own power. Only God can make us holy.
You say that you are "not a sinner per se". Are you saying that you no longer sin?
Diana, I have heard many who Walk say they were saved by the Neocatechumenal Way.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 10:44 am,
DeleteHave you ever heard that salvation is found in the Catholic Church. All organizations are part of the Catholic Church; therefore, you can also find salvation in the Franciscan Order, the Opus Dei, the Legion of Mary, the Christian Mothers, etc. So, what is wrong when a person says that they were saved by the NCW, which is part of the Catholic Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Capitalization is mine):
CCC 837 "Fully incorporated into the society of the Church are those who, possessing the Spirit of Christ, accept all the means of salvation given to the Church TOGETHER WITH HER ENTIRE ORGANIZATION, and who - by the bonds constituted by the profession of faith, the sacraments, ecclesiastical government, and communion - are joined in the visible structure of the Church of Christ, who rules her through the Supreme Pontiff and the bishops. Even though incorporated into the Church, one who does not however persevere in charity is not saved. He remains indeed in the bosom of the Church, but 'in body' not 'in heart.'"
As you can clearly see in the Catechism, salvation is found in the Church, TOGETHER with her entire organization. The NCW is part of that organization. Perhaps, you are one of those who view the NCW as "non-Catholic?"
Actually, I only commented because you said only Protestants say they have been saved. (Your reply to 'grow up in faith' 9:43am).