Mark 6:7-9 Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.
Those who go in two by twos have many stories to tell. In fact, I believe Kiko Arguello collected many of those stories and had them printed in a book. Below is an article dated August 25, 2017 of the Neocatechumenal Way in South Africa:
Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) - From 11 to 21 August, to answer to the call of Pope Francis, 72 men and women of the Neocatechumenal communities of South Africa have been sent on a worldwide mission two by two, with nothing but a Bible in their hands, to announce the Good News in all of South Africa, Swaziland Botswana and Lesotho.
The group was blessed for their mission by His Exc. Mgr. Brislin, Archbishop of Cape Town and President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference (SACBC) during a sending retreat in Cape Town, as he addressed them with the following words: "Through our Baptism we share, as the apostles, in the ministry of Jesus Christ of the proclamation of the Kingdom of God… The evangelization in the modern time is not only to take Christ to those who have not heard of Him, but also to people for who Christ is not more relevant, to rekindle their faith".
This same mission is currently being held in all parts of the world, as announced last year during the World Youth Days in Krakow, when more than 150,000 youth of the Neocatechumenal Way gathered for a vocational meeting.
"This mission is not just for consecrated people", said Dino Furgione, responsible of the Neocatechumenal Way in South Africa. "There are married people, single, young and old, priests and seminarians. This is the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the body of the Church as a true presence of Christ. We have experienced the fact that Christ accompanies us. And to the question he poses to his disciples in the Gospel of Luke:
"When I sent you out without a purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything? ". We can testify that we didn't lack anything! Some have indeed suffered some deprivations, but we all experienced the 'perfect joy' of Saint Francis, who also used to send his friars two by two". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides, 25/8/2017).

Dear Diana, missionary work belongs to the profile of the NCW. Preparing for and going on mission is a distinguishing feature of this group as compared to other church related spiritual groups. 2 by 2 evangelization is a technique NCW employs with a purpose. Many people ask NCW members why do you this thing or that? Why do you do it this way or that way? Well, the answer is always the same: you'll need these things when on mission! Tight communities should be and are able to sponsor missionary activity.
ReplyDeleteMission means baptizing the pagans. As the Lord said, make them disciples by baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is the reason why NCW is not for everyone. Not everyone has the missionary gifts, the zeal or ability to efficiently evangelize or sponsor. St. Paul says there are many gifts but only one Lord of all! One may use one's gifts most efficiently for the Lord in an area of one's excellence. What is important is that you excel for the benefit of the Lord, for the benefit of the whole church!
Evangelization is for those who are gifted for mission, know the Bible, fluent in the church's doctrines and are good communicators. Vatican II opened up the door for those who own these gifts and would like to experience pagan environment with a purpose of mission. Everyone baptized becomes a building block of the Body of Christ.
In times of extensive growth the church sends out its missionaries to baptize people in uncharted areas of the world. In times of intensive growth the church secures existing Christian communities by focusing on a deepening of the religious experience of the faithful. Both phases, complementing each other, are indispensable to keep a good balance of growth.
The famous and most revered saints and doctors of the Catholic Church have always been aware of which phase of the church's growth they would like to contribute to. As we look at our own gifts, we should also have this awareness.
The 12 apostles were not educated in the Law as were the Pharisees and Rabbuni. The 12 Apostles were just a bunch of fishermen, a tax collector and your basic run-of-the-mill hard and hardy Galilean working class folk. Even Jesus himself had no academic degrees to prove his worthiness to evangelize. The first evangelizers were, in the eyes of today's ecclesiastical standard, total misfits. And these were the people first chosen by the Lord to evangelize the whole world! Imagine that!
DeleteIt is amazing that the so-called modern church with all it's worldliness is unable to comprehend the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. The early church did not have money and neither did it have a wonky bureaucratic chancery to direct the mission. They had only their BAPTISM to propel them to every corner of the world to announce the Kerygma!
Dear Anonymous at 5:54 pm,
DeleteThe modern Church today is also asking for credentials to evangelize. Jesus said that you shall know them by the fruits they produce. Apparently, the fruits are not good enough for the modern church with all its worldliness.
Pope Francis calls ALL Catholics to evangelize.
Not just to sit on a desk an type away from your smart phone or CPU.. we all are called to announce the gospel! Not just a Super Market Catholics.
ReplyDeleteHamba kahle (Zulu for "farewell [on your journey]).
ReplyDeleteYou need to do a thorough and factual EXPOSE' on the misdeeds of Msgr. James Benavente to show to the whole world that this corrupt Msgr is a criminal AND is being harbored and protected by bishop Michael "JUDAS" Byrnes.
It is a matter of JUSTICE that you do this!
Keep the news of this corruption ALIVE! Don't allow "JUDAS" to bury this!
Dear Anonymous at 6:02 pm,
DeleteI am not the Archbishop. When Archbishop Apuron discovered the financial mismanagement of Monsignor James, he removed him. If Monsignor James continues this practice of misappropriation of funds, it is up to Archbishop Byrnes to rectify the problem.
From what I understand (and please correct me if I am wrong), Monsignor Bibi is living with his relatives while Monsignor James have extended and upgraded the room he is now staying in at the Tamuning parish.....a room that once belonged to Monsignor Bibi.
How much did the renovations cost? Why can't Monsignor Bibi live in the same room with Monsignor James since it has been extended?
DeleteIt is not the good communicators, orators or those fluent in church teaching who proclaim the kingdom, it is the poor and the weak, with the holy spirit working in them.
ReplyDeleteMonsignor Bibi again has a room he can stay in at St Anthony Church.
ReplyDeleteDiana pray for the archbishop Anthony because next week will be the hearing for dismissal and the court might decide by next week on the day
ReplyDeleteDear God is one,
DeleteLet us all pray.