While the NCW in Australia celebrates its 40th year anniversary, the NCW in Rome will be celebrating their 50th year anniversary next year. We are all looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary in Rome next year. The article below dated July 4, 2017 can be found here.
The Archbishop of Brisbane, Archbishop Mark Coleridge celebrated Mass with the Neocatechumenal Way on 10 June (right), as part of their 40 year anniversary elebrations in Melbourne. |
It was almost a convoy that travelled from Sydney to Melbourne on 9 June to help celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way in Australia. For the occasion, Archbishop Denis Hart welcomed Neocatechumenal communities and representatives from around the country in St Patrick’s Cathedral.
The Neocatechumenal Way is one of the numerous new ways or movements in the Church, which focuses on giving Catholics an adult – as opposed to a merely nominal – faith.
It forms communities in parishes focused on Scripture, prayer and praise of God and which engage in a long-term program of catechesis in the Christian faith.
“I thank you … for allowing the Word of God to touch and burn in your hearts, so that the privilege of bringing God’s living word to people shines from you beautifully and humbly, and brings life to the world,” Archbishop Hart told the 600 or so people in attendance. It was a moment of joy and gratitude to God: his Word proclaimed and made flesh by a small team of catechists has borne fruit in the 80 Neocatechumenal communities around Australia.
It is only 50 years since God entrusted to Spanish layman Kiko Arguello and his collaborator, Carmen Hernandez, a charism which has grown like a tree to reach all peoples. It has brought to a world where faith was disappearing the chance to discover again the wealth and riches of our baptism.
What began among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Madrid has proved to be a life-saver for people from every background.
“What I know of the Way is the wonderful relationships, the wonderful love, the challenges of family and fraternity,” Archbishop Hart said.
“It is an opportunity to find rich meaning in our daily lives, to rediscover the Sacraments and conversion, and to rediscover and live the meaning of our baptism.”
This process or, as it is sometimes called by members of Neocatechumenal communities, an itinerary, has reached some 40 Australian parishes over the last four decades.
In recent years we have seen the crisis of vocations, the breaking down of the family structure, and the underlying lack of faith formation necessary for the Church to bear fruit.
The 40 years of the Neocatechumenal Way in Australia represent a significant proportion of the Church’s history in Australia, focusing as it does on bringing the power of the Risen Christ to ordinary people in parishes.
But the proclamation of the kerygma – the Good News – can bring people out of impossible situations, such as the traps of vice and slavery to sin and restore them to their baptismal life.
Experience shows that this bold proclamation brings a radical response in both young and old.
“The thing that I have always thought powerful and remarkable about the Neocatechumenal Way is the ability of God’s word to inflame our hearts so that we proclaim it always and everywhere,” Archbishop Hart said.
Like the early Church we give free what we have received gratis. Today this is still our strength. The Redemptoris Mater Seminaries in Perth and Sydney, a fruit of the Way, live entirely on Providence, on God who provides.
The teams of catechists who evangelise in the parishes are not paid. We live in the same precariousness as Christ, who assured our salvation by his Blood freely shed for us – which makes any thought of remuneration for the Gospel totally out of place.
“The work is not complete,” Archbishop Hart concluded, “because [the Lord] invites you and me to further conversion and to present the riches of the Gospel to the people of our time.”
We look forward to the next 40 years of adventure which the Lord has prepared for us.
Fr Anthony Trafford is one of the national ‘Responsibles’ for the Neocatechumenal Way in Australia
Diana a person in the jungle was saying that we are our own enemies because that person said that the world is watching us here on Guam which is another lie that the person said
ReplyDeleteDear God is one,
DeleteActually, that is not a lie. The world is watching especially the anti-Catholics. If all it takes to destroy the Catholic Church is to bring sexual allegations against a bishop, the anti-Catholics will use Rohr's method to do it.
Diana: I hope you don't lump those who pray for and await correction of the NCW re their unapproved alterations in their liturgy with those who may be anti-Catholic.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous at 3:49 pm,
DeleteHow many times do I have to tell you that the NCW have always obeyed their bishops. We obeyed Archbishop Apuron, and we also obeyed Archbishop Byrnes. Nevertheless, the NCW is still hated. The NCW obeyed Archbishop Byrnes when he instructed us to celebrate inside the Church in front of a consecrated altar. Do not disguise your hate with "corrections."
And I suppose Bishop Schneider is a "hater" too?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 5:35 pm,
DeleteYes. Not all Bishops love the Way. Some of them hate it.
This article is so much propaganda.
ReplyDelete"The teams of catechists who evangelise in the parishes are not paid. We live in the same precariousness as Christ, who assured our salvation by his Blood freely shed for us – which makes any thought of remuneration for the Gospel totally out of place."
Yeah, but the RMS priests get paid like any other priest. And for that matter, the catechists do not "live in the same precariousness as Christ". That is simply a lie. In my Diocese, the mission families were paid by the Diocese after cash, from unnamed sources was deposited to the Diocese. From week to week, cash would come in, and the mission familes would receive the payment. This was so that they could say they were "employed" and then, after a certain time, claim government benefits. I know this as I witnessed it firsthand.
"The Redemptoris Mater Seminaries in Perth and Sydney, a fruit of the Way, live entirely on Providence, on God who provides."
Well, you would need to call the provision of land and moetary support from the larger Church "providence" wouldn't you? And anything can be called God's p[rovidence if its put that way. I work and am paid, but really anything I have comes from "God's Providence". Again, simply more propagand.
"focusing as it does on bringing the power of the Risen Christ to ordinary people in parishes"
Here is an uncomfortable admission. The "regular" Catholics, are the "ordinary people in parishes". Obviously they don't have the Risen Christ, like the NCW extraordinary people do. Such a revealing comment.
"Like the early Church we give free what we have received gratis"
But you won't freely give a copy of the 13 volumes of the catechetical directory. Another lie.
"which focuses on giving Catholics an adult – as opposed to a merely nominal – faith."
Matthew 18.3 "Then he said, 'In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Jesus never taught us to become like "adult Christians".
Well, they are a few of my observations on this article. To me, it says nothing new, and only perpetuates the idea of an "infallible" NCW, which of course is heretical. Only the Church through the pope and the Magisterium is infallible. The NCW is not in that category, and until you admit that there may be errors in the NCW you will be propagating lies and evil.
I hope you reply, Diana, but my experience is that you are too frightened to acknowledge the truth of my comments, so I won't expect you to publish this opr respond. God bless.
Dear Anonymous at 5:47 pm,
DeleteActually, your comment is the propaganda. You believe that it is money that makes the world go round, not God. This is why you discredit the Way. You cannot believe that God provides even when the proof is in the Holy Bible. Perhaps, you think that God only provides in biblical times and not in the 21st century?
You stated: "Jesus never taught us to become like 'adult Christians.'"
Do not twist the article. It stated, "adult faith". The NCW focuses on giving adult faith rather than nominal faith. This is found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
CCC 1308 Although Confirmation is sometimes called the "sacrament of Christian maturity," we must not confuse adult faith with the adult age of natural growth,.......
Apparently, you did not know about "adult faith", which was mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Therefore, your faith is still at the infantile stage.
November 28, 2017 at 5:47 PM
DeleteThis article is so much propaganda.
This is your reality and with all due respect you do not have absolute understanding; the way of the LORD is not our way.
What we received as gratis not only is a gift but an acknowledgement of the sacrifice.
What have we sacrificed?
What have you sacrificed?
Your opinion?
How is your opinion going to help another get closer to Christ?
Matthew 18.3 "Then he said, 'In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven."
DeleteJesus never taught us to become like "adult Christians".
This passage is being taken out of context in the original statement by Anonymous 5:47PM and being used to justify their cause. I have to correct this, because I see scripture being used very loosely in the comments. It is very important that when passages are being used that the context in which it was proclaimed during that time is understood completely. Because it is very dangerous to recite passages to justify your own means or point of view.
If anyone has little children, knows concretely, that children are not always innocent. You can look to your own childhood and affirm, that as a child, we were not so "innocent" in some of our behaviors and sinful in more ways than none even at a young age. We knew which buttons to push against our parents, how to get our way in situations with friends/brothers and manipulate/cry to get what we want in life. The selfish "that's mine" mentality is a very familiar phrase and evident with families with little children. So, what did Jesus mean by this because children in reality are rather selfish in nature? Did he really call us to a childlike faith or something else? During the time of Jesus, the little children were considered the laborers/servants of the house. They were, in essence, your best workers of the house during the time of Jesus. If you were a child during the time of Jesus, meant you were a servant for the family and for the land. Very different times to what we have today. What Jesus intended with this passage, was not to take on the nature of a child of innocence and ignorance but rather to take on the nature of service and humility. Not be first, but to be the last among the world. This is what will separate those who will enter the Kingdom and those who will not. This is the adult faith that we are all called to from our Baptism. Sometimes we are stuck in this child like faith of self proclaimed innocence and ignorance, thinking it will allow us to enter into his Kingdom, when clearly, Jesus warns us, through his own example of servanthood and humility of dying on the cross, that it does not. The Neocatechumenal Way comes as a help to allow us to realize this adult faith of service and humility that our Church is struggling to realize.
Dear Diana re yours of November 28, 2017 at 3:58 PM
ReplyDelete"How many times do I have to tell you that the NCW have always obeyed their bishops. We obeyed Archbishop Apuron, and we also obeyed Archbishop Byrnes. Nevertheless, the NCW is still hated. The NCW obeyed Archbishop Byrnes when he instructed us to celebrate inside the Church in front of a consecrated altar. Do not disguise your hate with "corrections."
Diana, the problem here is that you obeyed the Bishop(s) who allegedly disobeyed the Pope(s) instructions re correcting the NCW Mass. (eg. 2005 when Pope Benedict's instruction through Cardinal Arinze was twisted, and in 2012 when the NCW did not get the "definitely expected" approval for the alterations in their Mass from Pope Francis. It is unfortunate that Kiko had more authority than the Popes.
I do wish you would stop saying that I hate the NCW - that is an outright lie. Dismissing correction as hate is dangerous to ones soul.
In the Catechism #883 it says "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, as its head."
As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff."
Dear Anonymous at 9:33 am,
DeleteThe NCW all over the world have the Eucharist the same way. Also, remember that Pope Francis ceased all investigations into the Way. These investigations were launched because of the many complaints like yours, and Pope Francis dismissed the investigations. There is only one reason for dismissing the investigations....the allegations are all unfounded.
If the Kiko or the bishops are giving the wrong instructions, Rome would have corrected it. After all, the NCW also exists in Rome and they have the Eucharist in exactly the same way right under the Pop's nose. By next year, the NCW in Rome will celebrate its 50th year anniversary.
Diana this might archbishop Byrnes because he’s saying that stop saying I hate you neos so I’m guessing that this is Byrnes
DeleteDear God is one,
DeleteI do not think Archbishop Byrnes is posting comments in the blogs. Anonymous 9:33 am say he/she does not hate the Way, but it is obvious that he/she got his/her information from an anti-Neo hate website.
Dear Diana: re yours "If the Kiko or the bishops are giving the wrong instructions, Rome would have corrected it. After all, the NCW also exists in Rome and they have the Eucharist in exactly the same way right under the Pop's nose."
ReplyDeletePlease take note, if Kiko and the bishops were giving the "right" instructions, there would have been no need for Pope Benedict to refuse to give the NCW the approval to the alterations in their Mass as was definitely expected by the NCW members in January 2012 in Rome.
And, if the NCW Mass alterations were already accepted in their "approved" Statutes of 2008, there would have been no need to seek the acceptance of the alterations in 2012 from the Pope. The NCW members that were there in 2012, were very disappointed.
PS: I received info from a NCW priest who was going to Rome in 2012 to bring back the permission he was absolutely sure the NCW were going to get. He came back empty-handed, but continued to celebrate the NCW Mass on Saturdays. I don't know the details, but he no longer is doing so.
Dear Anonymous at 5:04 pm,
DeleteYou are only repeating yourself and not once have you addressed the issues I brought forth. I already said that Pope Francis dismissed all investigations into the NCW due to the fact that those allegations (such as yours) were unfounded. You have not said anything about that.
The NCW did not seek any acceptance of the alterations in 2012. It was in 2012 that the Catechetical Directory was approved by the Holy See.
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeleteI have in the past addressed the issues you talk about.
The NCW priest to whom I had expressed concern about the Mass's alterations DID say to me late in 2011 that they were going to get the written permission from the Pope VERY SHORTLY and that even the way they "do Communion" was going to be approved. That meeting with the Pope took place January 2012. The priest never did present the written approval.
The Catechetical Directory was not approved in 2012; it was approved a couple years earlier.
Pope Francis most likely dismissed all investigations into the NCW due to the fact that he is a Pope of no excesses. Why would he need more info if there was an abundance already? However, the fact that he sent Archbishop Byrnes to Guam to straighten things out there, and the first thing that Archbishop Byrnes does is to correct the NCW Mass....does this not mean anything?
I pray that the Lord will open the eyes of all hearts, so all may be ONE in Christ's Body.
No hate for the NCW. Peace.
Dear Anonymous at 11:05 pm,
DeleteThese are the things you got incorrect in your comment:
1. You stated that the Catechetical Director was not approved in 2012, but a couple of years earlier. This is incorrect. The Catechetical Director was approved in January, 2012. According to the weblink below dated January 20, 2012:
" In a decision reached after 15 years of study, the Pontifical Council for the Laity on January 20 released a decree granting approval “to those celebrations contained in the Catechetical Directory of the Neo-Catechumenal Way which are not, by their nature, already regulated by the liturgical books of the Church.”
2. You stated: "Pope Francis most likely dismissed all investigations into the NCW due to the fact that he is a Pope of no excesses."
An investigation was launched against the NCW for complaints such as yours, and you are then saying that Pope Francis dismissed them because of what???? Do you honestly believe that Pope Francis does not take his duty as the Vicar of Christ seriously when alleged liturgical abuses are brought forth? There can only be one reason for the dismissal of those allegations. And that reason is the allegations such as yours have been unfounded.
3. You stated: "the first thing that Archbishop Byrnes does is to correct the NCW Mass...." This is incorrect. The first thing Archbishop Byrnes did was rescind the deed restriction.
If you cannot get these facts correct, why do you believe that we are the ones being disobedient. If we are actually doing something wrong, we would be hiding it. Instead, the NCW have always been open as to how the Eucharist was being celebrated. It was never hidden.
Diana I think they being desperate of what they are saying here they know that it’s approved and they can’t get anything they can’t find any dirt on us
DeleteDear Anonymous at 11:05 pm,
DeleteI stand corrected. The Catechetical Directory was completed and approved in 2010. It was in 2012 that complaints and allegations were coming in to the Vatican; therefore, an investigation was launched. When Francis became pope, he looked into the allegations and the results of the investigation. The results showed that the allegations were unfounded and he ceased the investigation. Case closed.
So 4 young men , defended their thesis yesterday, now what? Will they be ordained? I hope so and soon.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Gabe, Daren, Ashton & Tavete.
Any comments Archbishop Byrnes?
-Jokers Wild
Would they be able to defend their thesis at Saint Patrick’s Menlo Park? Won’t be ordained for Agana. Who are examiners? Can we know that?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:56 pm,
DeleteWhy can't they be ordained for Agana?
Hon said no more RMS ordinations for Guam. One of our guys who studied there has a lot to repeat. Credits not accepted in CA. Sad.
ReplyDeleteIt is not true. Ask Chancery why the credits are not accepted.
DeleteWasn’t Dr Gennerini an examiner before? Is he here?
ReplyDeleteyou planning an attack?
DeleteHon long gone.
ReplyDeleteI think rohr has lost it, mentally.
ReplyDeleteHis writing is reckless and that is usually the case when someone feels stuck in a corner. Is it safe to assume that maybe he literally has nothing to loss any longer, he's lost it all.
Where is everyone who he fought for? Where are all those LFM, CCOG and Silent no More? Where is Fr Paul and Msgr. James?
Like we said since the beginning, "you can tell them by their fruits".
What fruits?
All the drama and yet the NCW is still around.
Ironic how the NCW which makes up less than 1% of the islands Catholic population has gained so much attention these past few years.
All their attempts to get rid of us and all they have accomplished is brought us even more closer to the church.
Thank You!
-Jokers Wild
Rohr is blaming the NCW for his behavior. Yet, for all we know, it could be the people he supported who is driving him insane. Look at where Fr. Paul and Monsignor James are at now. Do you think they need Rohr now. Timmy isn’t thinking straight. If there is anyone who wants to discredit him, it would be the the people he supported because Rohr knows too much information of these secret meetings that he just mentioned in his blog.
DeleteNew communities sprang up along the principle railroads.