Sisters and Brothers: In the face of recent events undertaken by the U.S. District Court of Guam, the U.S. Supreme Court and the 33rd Guam Legislature in redefining marriage, the Church stands firm on her teaching that marriage is between one man, and one woman. While the Church does not agree with the decisions taken by the courts, or those taken by our local legislators, disagreement is not discrimination. These recent laws force the People of Guam, and of the United States, to either agree with a particular political position, or face ridicule and sanction for discrimination. These types of laws not only undermine the precepts of the United States Constitution to Freedom of Speech, but also undermines and attempts to eradicate the Constitutional Right to Freedom of Religion – we are living in dangerous times, under the law of man, where Catholics, and Christians alike, are commanded to forfeit our religious beliefs.
These times compel the Church to expose the intentions of those who have deceivingly disguised same-sex unions, as an issue of equality and anti-discrimination. It is important to understand that the political pressure to push the agenda for same sex “marriage” has never been about gay rights; the true intention behind this agenda has always been about the destruction of the family, and the imposition of a totalitarian system. The approval of same-sex “marriage” has now thrown open the doors of Guam to implement in our community a very clever and systematic theory, which has as its aim the destruction of marriage and family through the annihilation of any sexual differences among persons, this theory is known as the “Theory of Gender.”
These times compel the Church to expose the intentions of those who have deceivingly disguised same-sex unions, as an issue of equality and anti-discrimination. It is important to understand that the political pressure to push the agenda for same sex “marriage” has never been about gay rights; the true intention behind this agenda has always been about the destruction of the family, and the imposition of a totalitarian system. The approval of same-sex “marriage” has now thrown open the doors of Guam to implement in our community a very clever and systematic theory, which has as its aim the destruction of marriage and family through the annihilation of any sexual differences among persons, this theory is known as the “Theory of Gender.”
At the political level, in order to avoid “discrimination” among the genders, a principle of “equality,” or more specifically, a “radical equality” has been imposed upon society, demanding and forcing society to have a neutral response to gender; any objection is considered not only discriminatory, and intolerant, but bigotry.
The next step will be to implement this theory in the educational system of Guam. This means that our children, your children, will be forced to assimilate to this pattern of non-gender; that there is no-such-thing as “male” or “female”; they will be encouraged to explore their sexuality earlier, and parents will have no voice in the education of their children. The natural family will be seen as a threat for the “new age.” These ideas are already part of an international agenda promoted especially by the United Nations. The laws just passed on our beautiful island, which were disguised to fight against discrimination, will now work to subvert our human sexuality from the most tender age with the goal to abolish the natural family and create new “models” of a family.
I truly believe we are being led astray like lambs to a slaughter. In my view, these recent laws are not a sign of human progress, but are dangerous steps toward annihilation of our fundamental religious beliefs. As Shepherd of the local Church of Guam, I urge every person to be mindful that each of us is answerable to the Supreme Judge for what we do, and do not do. I invite all the Faithful, including those in every branch of our local government, not to deny your faith, but to have the courage to be a witness to the truth: the truth about life, about man, about marriage and about family. Do not be afraid! Christ is the truth, and the truth will set us free.
Servus tuus,
Most Rev. Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D.,
Archbishop of Agana
August 19, 2015
This is a weird letter. Though I don't necessarily disagree with the general idea of it, phrases like the following need more explanation:
ReplyDelete"the political pressure to push the agenda for same sex “marriage” has never been about gay rights"
I think there would be many who would claim that is precisely what it is about. This assertion of the Archbishop may be true, but he does not provide any evidence.
"the true intention behind this agenda has always been about the destruction of the family, and the imposition of a totalitarian system"
Again, highly inflammatory language. Which people are behind this goal to destroy the family, and what is there motivation to do so?
"which has as its aim the destruction of marriage and family through the annihilation of any sexual differences among persons"
Easier said than done. Sexual difference isn't just annihilated. It is distorted and it is confused, but annihilated? Again, show some evidence that the "aim" of Gender Theory is to annihilate sexual difference, don't just say it.
The laws "will now work to subvert our human sexuality from the most tender age with the goal to abolish the natural family and create new “models” of a family"
And while it may be true that some people wish to create or propose "new models of family", and while it may be true these "new models" are really just dressed up lies, where is the evidence that the goal of these laws is to "abolish the natural family".
The logic (or lack) of this letter is consistent with the style of assertions seen in the NCW. Probably not actually written by the Archbishop is my guess.
Dear Anonymous at 12:17 pm,
DeleteYou stated: " Though I don't necessarily disagree with the general idea of it, phrases like the following need more explanation: 'the political pressure to push the agenda for same sex “marriage” has never been about gay rights'"
Marriage comes with certain restrictions. Those restrictions include 1) you cannot marry a child, 2) you cannot marry a sibling or even a half-brother or half-sister, 3) you cannot marry your parent or step parent, 4) You cannot marry a person of the same sex, 5) you cannot marry more than one person, and 6) you cannot marry a non-human such as an animal. The agenda of the gay activists is not about "gay rights", but about removing a restriction and forcing society to accept the restriction as normal and not sinful just as some people were able to get others to accept abortion as normal and not sinful. That is the political agenda.
You stated: "This assertion of the Archbishop may be true, but he does not provide any evidence."
Putting everything in one news article is not feasible. But the evidence has always been there. Catholic adoption centers are being closed down because gay activists purposely go to these centers rather than to a government-run adoption center. They know that the Catholic adoption centers would refuse to allow them to adopt a child because it is against their religion. By purposely going after Catholic adoption centers, they are forcing them to either accept gay marriage and homosexuality or shut down.
They are going after the educational system. After Massachusetts passed gay marriage, gay activists have gone into the elementary schools to force children to accept homosexuality as "normal behavior" and parents are unable to do anything about it. Books such as the "King and King" are being introduced to very young children in the elementary level. These books portray homosexual romance and the target of these books are an age group of very young children at the elementary level who have not yet developed any sexual interest.
The political agenda is to target these young age group into accepting homosexuality as "normal behavior" rather than as"sinful behavior" and shut down any religious institution that does not accept homosexuality. In time, they will be going after the Church and there will be a totalitarian state with no freedom of religion.
You can read the rest of my responses in the following weblinsk: is quite evident that anonymous intent is not to speak against gay marriages but to again discredit the Arch Bishop.
DeleteTalking about the sin is secondary to removing the Arch Bishop...his or her true agenda.
Dear Anonymous at 3:31 am,
DeleteI agree with you.
What is unfortunate with this debate are the number of comfortable Catholic's who either agree with this law or worst yet silent. I believe this is the mindset of the majority of US and Guam Catholic's.
DeleteWe can talk all day about how same sex marriages destroys families but we do not have the courage to acknowledge that other issues such as abortion; family violence; drugs...etc are in fact destroying families this moment. Same sex marriage is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Church through the Arch Bishop has issued a warning. To accept same sex marriage is to accept death.
How so? justify same sex marriages; there will be an effort to build a family. Not to do so will expose their true selfish desire just for same sex sex. There has to a understanding that may or may not be defined at initial stages of the relationship; it may never be defined throughout the relationship; who is the man; who is the women. Confusing
it gets more confusing when the man on man want at a later date to be implanted by a human fetus. This is where we are going....think not? are not thinking.
Where I see the most destruction are the child or children of same sex relations either adopted of other. Children do not have a choice of parents. Normal parents is man and women...true? man on man or woman on woman is not normal. Marriages between men and women are not perfect; but it is not perversion of human selfishness.
Same sex marriage is not Catholic.....I'll say it again...IT IS NOT CATHOLIC and certainly not CHRISTIAN.
The mere fact that lawmakers have now redefined marriage is an alarm! Archbishop Apuron is the only religious leader on the island to have spoken out publicly against this redefinition. It seems like he's the only one with enough intestinal fortitude and courage to speak out against this!
ReplyDeleteWhere are our protestant brothers and sisters? What about the religious sisters? Where are the lawyers, intellectuals and professors of our Island who are in favor of traditional marriage? What about all the Confraternity of Christian Mothers of Guam (Pale Mike Crisostomo listen up!) and fathers? What about the illustrious knights of the holy tomb, St. Sylvester, and those of columbus? Don't rest on your hats and capes. Don't just sit on your ceremonial swords. The silence is deafening.
Well said....Anonymous August 30, 2015 at 7:52 AM
Deleteit is not enough to say that....I KNOW GOD!!
as for the brothers in the Catholic faith....the Arch Bishop has spoken. Make way for the Lord or get the hell out of the way.