
Courage in the face of persecution is the strongest type of courage that exists. Martin Luther King Jr. is one example of a man who showed courage in the face of persecution by standing firm to his beliefs and convictions.
Archbishop Apuron is showing this same kind of courage.
This year we have been hammered by an onslaught of malicious slandering of the archbishop. The archbishop accused of lying. The archbishop accused of having an improper relationship with a man. The archbishop accused of preferring the Neocatechumenal Way to the detriment of everyone else. The archbishop accused of not forming his priests well. The archbishop accused of not being transparent.
I think I am beginning to understand the meaning of the word “manic” — they can’t let go. Their whole lives are centered on the destruction of the archbishop, the Way and the seminary. Their hatred eventually will destroy themselves.
The news is that the Church in Guam is not alone. Sadly, this lynching and character assassination of bishops is happening all over in the Catholic Church. In Washington they have the Catholics For Choice. In San Francisco they have the Committed Catholics. In Guam we have the Concerned Catholics. All of them are eager to attack their respective bishop. All of them use the media extensively (for example, full page ads in the local newspapers). All of them are well funded.
Well, I suppose it is the fate of all great men to be misunderstood. Pythagoras was misunderstood and Socrates, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Blessed Diego and Pope Paul VI and Jesus himself.
The overwhelming silent majority loves you dear archbishop. You are an inspiration to many.
Dora B. Salazar is a resident of Tamuning.
Good ''Letter ''
ReplyDeleteThey crucified Jesus Christ and he forgave them. the CCOG is crucified the Bishop you think they'll be forgiven
ReplyDeleteQuestion become Archbishop must have done something to be receiving such negative comments from people of Guam. People respond like this when they are hurt and damaged. All of this should stop because it only hurts the church. But there are hurting people and until hurt is healed they cannot heal.
Dear Anonymous at 9:57 am,
DeleteWhere have you been? They feel jealous because they perceive that the Archbishop likes the RMS priests better than non-RMS priests They feel angry because Father Paul and Monsignor James was removed. Nevermind the fact that Father John and Father Luis were also removed. Those who are angry are very few people. The fact that they could not accomplish anything for the last two years only proves that their numbers are very small......outspoken, but small.
in response to Anonymous August 5, 2015 at 9:57 AM
DeleteI don't proclaim to be all knowing in the ways of the Church; but because I am a lay person who is ignorant of religious rules and regulations, I chose to follow the Word of God. I truly and can only believe that this LIVING Word will open a new life for me.
There was a time when I too would have been OUTRAGED; pissed to high heaven if someone who have said to me...you do not know your FAITH; you do not have FAITH; you do not know JESUS CHRIST.
This is the situation; the anxiety that that ccog cannot accept.
They follow a comfortable Catholic existence where any changes to their "routine" practice of FAITH is just not right.
Read Matthew Chapters 5 to 7 and see where you are at.
I know of no one on Guam; Catholic especially that can say, I satisfy; I follow; I comply with Mt. 5-7.
Blaming the Arch Bishop for our lack of faith; not knowing Jesus Christ; not willing to suffer...not willing to serve...... cowardly,......the easy way out.
lets be honest...the problem is within ourselves
Diana, I don't think it is a matter of jealousy. You stated the word "percieve" to like the RMS priest better. It is not a perception. It shows. Who does the Archbishop take on his trip? The RMS boys! Who does he sent to continue their education in Rome after ordination ? The RMS boys!
DeleteIt shows just where the Local priests not in the RMS stand..out in the cold! I am not a religious only a lay person who sees things as is. I to volunteer my services to the church like any person walking the Way as you so continue to say in many of your comments!
You blog is "an insider's view"' well I am an outsider looking in. No matter what each side says, this will continue for as long as it takes.
Dear Anonymous at 11:20 pm,
DeleteDidn't the jungle say that Monsignor James paid the Archbishop's hotel accommodation with his credit card while they were in Manila? If what the jungle says is true, then it appears Monsignor James has also traveled with Archbishop. The last church to sponsor the WYD pilgrimage was Toto Church. There were some RMS priests there despite that Father Mike is not in the Way. They appear to get along fine.
However, there are some priests not walking in the Way. They are jealous because they perceive that the Archbishop favors the RMS priests than them. That is jealousy. When you want the attention for yourself, that is jealousy....... the same kind of jealousy some of the Apostles felt when two of them wanted to sit on Jesus right side. The problem is jealousy, which is a sin.
You seem to do nothing but defend the RMS PRESBYTERS...get off your high horse and smell the coffee brewing. Equal treatment for ALL PRIEST, NOT JUST THE SELECTED RMS!
DeleteDeaf Anonymous at 8:47 am,
DeleteEqual treatment? If these non-RMS priests wanted to have coffee with the Archbishop or get his attention, then "brown-nosed" him. Why are they waiting for the Archbishop to approach them??? Don't they know how to "brown-nose"?
How do you know he/she is deaf?
Delete"brown-nose" is a rather distasteful term . Do you know what it means? And do you know that you are suggesting that the RMS priests DO know how to "brown-nose"? I don't think thats a compliment
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:16 pm,
DeleteActually, I was referring to the jealous priests who want the attention of the Archbishop. They are the ones who need to "brown-nose" him because they perceived that they are not getting enough attention. Yes, I know what "brown-nosed" means, and it can be an effective method of getting the favors and attention the person wants.
Dear Diana @11:28PM-
DeleteSo you mean to say the RMS seminarians/priests 'brown-nose' the Archbishop and that's why they have his attention?? You say it is effective. Yes it is, but it is also disingenuous. SMH
Diana, I am amazed that you would continue to say the small, outspoken numbers have accomplished nothing. At the very least, they have attracted the attention of the world to the Junglewatch blog and have brought about awareness to many who where otherwise clueless. I recently visited the blog and went to their country count -- quite impressive. It remains to be seen just what this translates to, but I would imagine that the leaders of NCW are paying more attention to it than you give credit. You are correct in that nothing was achieved as far as stopping the NCW from continuing on as usual...but mustn't be too complacent!
DeleteDear Anonymous at 11:04 am,
DeleteCNN does the same thing. Making things public does not bring support. How many of those page views actually support the jungle? The fact that they have accomplished absolutely nothing for the past two years shows that they have very little support. They have neither the money nor the people to move forward or get anything done.
Dear Anonymous at 9:08 am,
DeleteThe RMS priests do not brown-nose the Archbishop. They remain obedient to him. They simply do what they are told as it should be. They do not need to flatter him because obedience in itself brings attention. People always count and turn to those who are dependable and obedient to them as they rely on their trust. Since the jealous ones are self-serving and want all the attention, they are the ones who have to resort to brown-nosing to gain the attention they seek.
Dear Diana at 12:54 PM,
DeleteAu contraire, Diana! CNN generates lots of support, for and against, the issues! Scary that you actually think the media is not an effective means of distributing information...or misinformation, for that matter. Or that it is not a source for generating support--emotional or financial. Why do you think politicians, activists, or non-profits clamor to be on the shows?
That's crazy for you to off-handedly make a comment like that!
Diana, shame on you for judging. Who are the self serving ones to whom you refer?? My, goodness.
Delete" People always count and turn to those who are dependable and obedient to them as they rely on their trust."
DeleteActually people tend to turn to those in the same "group", because they seek approval of the group and don't wish to act without it. Take your guess as to which "group" the Archbishop turns to.
Dear Anonymous at 2:03 pm,
DeleteNo matter where the Archbishop turns to, he will be criticized no matter what. As I pointed out, the last WYD pilgrimage was in Toto Church. Some of the RMS priests were there. Father Mike appeared to get along with the RMS priests, and I am certain that there are others like him. The problem is found in the hearts of jealous priests who want the Archbishop to stop walking in the NCW and have coffee with them. If Father Mike can sit down and speak with Father Krzysztof, then there is no reason why the others cannot do the same. Jealousy is a sin that causes separation.
Dear Anonymous at 1:54 pm,
DeleteYou asked: "Who are the self serving ones to whom you refer??"
It is those who go against their promise of obedience because they want to follow what they want.
Dear Anonymous at 1:20 pm,
DeleteI read CNN, but I never gave any money to them. Politicians, activists, and many others use the media to advertise for support. Their success is not dependent on how many people read their advertisement (pageviews), but on the number of people who gave actual support such as money or votes.
Who exactly is Fr Blockley? I cannot find him on directory. I
ReplyDeleteIs he assigned inside seminary ?
Diana, what would happen if priest no longer wanted to walk. Since it is not an order, can they walk away and continue to minister is the same parish. Just a question.
DeleteDiana, do you have time to answer 12:55.. Thanks
DeleteIf a priest does not want to walk, then he will not walk. It is up to the Archbishop to decide if he should continue to minister in the same parish. Only the Archbishop has that authority.
DeleteYou mean an RMS parish? Example, if Fr. Adrian decides to go on sebatical (sp) and Father X who is walking was appointed pastor of Barrigada and then decides to quit walking, then Father X will be removed since Barrigada parish is so NEO. is this what you are saying Diana? Father X will be of no use in Barrigada.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 4:44 pm,
DeleteI am saying that it is up to the Archbishop to decide where the priests should minister since he has the authority to do that. In other words, he can allow the priest to stay or let him minister somewhere else. The decision is his alone. What part of my comment did you not understand?
ReplyDeleteDiana, a priest should be allowed to minister where he wants to minister.NCW is doing exactly this. They go where they want to minister. NCW presbyters abusing remiss of obedience.
Dear Anonymous a 9:25 am,
DeleteThe priest promise obedience to the Archbishop, and the Archbishop is the local Vicar of Christ. The Archbishop has the authority to decide where the priest should go. The RMS priest is no different. He is told by the Archbishop where to go.
ReplyDeleteDiana, No bishop tells a priest where to go. Outdated style. Obedience today is in consultation bishop priest consulting where a priest will go. New understanding..... Model of obediennce through mutual dialogue consultation.
Dear Anonymous at 4:50 pm,
DeleteCan you show me where it is stated that a bishop has no authority to tell where a priest should go?
model of obedience through mutual dialogue consultation.
Deletesounds like my 7 year old telling me why he cannot do his homework or eat his vegetables.
Hope the Arch Bishops kids get the belt like mine
ReplyDeleteI'm not wanting to see where things are or are not stated. I'm simply telling you that bishops should consult with priests about where they go. It is a style of leadership expected of bishops today. Archbishop Apuron should consult the result is peace in archdiocese. To not consult will never bring peace.
Dear Anonymous at 12:40 am,
DeleteDoes this also apply between the Pope and the Bishop. There is a hierarchy in the Catholic Church, and there is a reason why God demands obedience. He tells children to obey their parents. He never said that parents and kids should consult each other before making decisions. I agree with Anonymous 6:35 am.
Obedience comes at the end of a dialogue.....that's how it is now a days. Works better that way.
DeleteGosh, Diana, you are not serious, are you? The reason of many divorces is that the "man of the household" demands unconditional obedience from everyone. It is okay as long as he loves his family and follows Christ. But what if he goes astray, becomes abusive and still demands obedience?! Even a loving wife could say "well, you can get my obedience for now, but you lose my respect". She would one day escape to save herself and her family. Then "the crown of the universe", his majesty the husband wakes up in the morning and cannot find his wife and kids anymore. Ouch, is this right? Well, you decide. God had never said you have to live with a man whom you cannot respect.
DeleteDemanding obedience is a subtle thing of power. Was Kiko Arguello obedient to Cardinal Arinze? Arinze wrote down some requests of the Pope that were not followed by the NCW for years! Did Pope Benedict lose patience? Did he enforce obedience? Or was he willing to consult Kiko and figure out some solution to bridge over the differences? We still read the accounts that NCW members consume the Body of Christ while sitting and the priest drinks the wine only AFTER the congregation had already consumed the bread. We also read that NCW members are not asked to attend regular masses at least once a month. Pope Benedict was lenient in the end, regarding the Arinze letter, because he contemplated and viewed the NCW as having a potential of blessing for the faithful. Does this sit well with your concept of enforcing obedience, dear Diana?
Torquemada was famous about making people obedient to him. But in choosing the means of his success, he might not have been led by the Holy Spirit. When you do something, it should not be the only reason that you CAN do that. If you CAN do something, it does not mean you MUST do that thing. You have to contemplate the options that are in your power to choose from. Consulting with those who bear the consequences of your decision is part of the contemplation process. We are not in the age of Torquemada, not in the dark Middle Ages, dear Diana.
Even the secular world teaches us, that we all have some inalienable rights that should the respected by everyone, no matter what happens and no matter who is in power.