Thursday, March 31, 2022

Easter Announcement

 We had our Easter Announcement last night.  Father Krzysztof conducted the entire Announcement with the help of Father Harold.  David and his wife were in Hawaii and will be returning soon.  As usual, introductions were the first order of business.  The Bible says that what comes from God will never die out. The NCW in Guam is here to stay.

We heard more news from the NCW in Ukraine.  They are standing strong.  The letter they sent was very inspiring.  They do not hate the enemy.  Rather, they continue to pray for their enemies.  Remarkably, they also continue to walk and even established a school to continue the education of the children....all this in the midst of a war. Many of them remain in Ukraine with their families.  

After the Announcement, the youth of the different communities in Guam held a bake sale.  The funds will go to their pilgrimage to Israel.  This summer, the NCW in Guam will be traveling to Israel for a pilgrimage. Many adults and youth of the NCW Guam communities will be in Israel.  I am sure that many of our youth will find the pilgrimage inspiring that some may feel the calling to a religious life.  What an opportunity God has given us!  Imagine that we will be in the Holy Land walking in the same place Jesus once walked more than 2000 years ago.  The NCW in the United States will also be in Israel, so we will meet up with them.  All praise and glory goes to God as He opened up this pilgrimage for us!  


  1. Hmmmm....I think the jungle is getting jealous of our pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Just saying.

  2. Hey Diana. Did you see the article in Kandi news about the Way?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:25 am,

      Yes, I read it. Do not worry about it. It is an opinion article. There is no truth in it. All of it is based on a person's opinion, and there are no facts.
