Monday, April 12, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine

 This post is in response to the anonymous poster who wrote the following comment, which can be found here

Diana, this is outside the topic. Did you know that the COVID-19 vaccine has an indirect link to aborted babies. Yet, Archbishop Byrnes gave the people the ok to take the vaccine. Isn't that immoral? As Catholics, aren't we supposed to oppose abortion. Rohr wrote something about this in his blogpost, and he seems to have a point. Just saying.

 First of all, your post was published under "The Mystery of Divine Providence," which I think is more on-topic than you realize.  We just finished the Holy Triduum recently.  On Good Friday, Christ, who was an innocent man, died.  Killing an innocent man is evil.  Nevertheless, the day of His death is called "Good Friday" because something good will come out of it.  By rising from the dead, Christ has conquered death and brought redemption to mankind. That was the good thing that came out of it; however, killing an innocent man is still an evil act.  Nothing changes that.  According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:  

CCC 312  In time we can discover that God in his almighty providence can bring a good from the consequences of an evil, even a moral evil, caused by his creatures:  "It was not you", said Joesph to his brothers, "who sent me here, but God...You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive."  From the greatest moral evil ever committed - the rejection and murder of God's only Son, caused by the sins of all men - God, by his grace that "abounded all the more", brought the greatest of goods: the glorification of Christ and our redemption.  But for all that, evil never becomes a good.

CCC 324 The fact that God permits physical and even moral evil is a mystery that God illuminates by his Son Jesus Christ who died and rose to vanquish evil.  Faith gives us the certainty that God would not permit an evil if he did not cause a good to come from that very evil, by ways that we shall fully know only in eternal life.

God allows or permits evil to occur because he respects the freedom of man, but our faith assures us that God can derive something good from that evil although we may not know what it is until later in time.  Killing an innocent man is still evil and always will be.  In the same way, abortion is evil and always will be because abortion is murder.  Yet, God allowed abortion to happen.  

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated:  

"Based on the criteria, the congregation held that "it is morally acceptable" to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses "when ethically irreproachable COVID-19 vaccines are not available."   

So, the Vatican is saying that even if the COVID-19 vaccines have used cell lines from aborted fetuses it is acceptable to take the vaccine. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the ones mainly used in Guam. These vaccines may have used cell lines from an aborted fetus in laboratories, but what other vaccines are available that does not use an aborted fetus?  There are none.  

Abortion is evil, but God permitted abortion to happen.  Why he allowed such evil to happen, we would not know until at a later time.  And now we know.  In the mystery of God's divine providence, God brought something good from the moral evil of abortion committed by men and women.  But for all that, abortion is still evil.

Just as Christ's death brought redemption to man, the deaths of those innocent unborn children produced a couple of effective vaccines to save mankind.  And only God has the power to do this.  So, we can be assured that what the Congregation for the Doctrines of the Faith has said is sound and true.  We place our trust in God and the Catholic Church.  So, yes, we should follow what the Vatican says.  Archbishop Michael is in union with what the Vatican says.  Although it is still the choice of the person to decide whether he/she should take the vaccine or not, Pope Francis encouraged everyone to take the vaccine.  


  1. Who’s blog is this?
    This is Anthony, one of your first cantors.
    PM me or something.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      This is my blog. I cannot send private messages through my blog.

  2. This was taken from the USCCB:

    "Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level of design, development or productions. They are not completely free from any connection to abortion, however, as both Pfizer and Moderna made use of a tainted cell line for one of the confirmatory lab tests of their products. This is thus a connection, but it is relatively remote. The burden of this important battle cannot and must not fall on innocent children and on the health situation of the population."

    Phizer and Moderna are not completely free from any connection to abortion. Both vaccines are tainted with abortion, although the link is remote compared to the Johnson vaccine.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:59 am,

      Yes, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine have some sort of connection to abortion, even if the connection is remote. The Johnson vaccine also has connections to abortion. Neverthess, this still does not make abortion a good thing. It is still an evil act.

  3. Diana, are you saying that you actually agree with Rohr about the vaccines. I'm surrpised cos you always oppose Rohr. Just saying.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:09 am,

      Not exactly. Tim Rohr was correct about the vaccines being connected to abortion, but he went much further than that. In his blog, he stated:

      "For us Catholics, once upon a time, anything with the adjective "pontifical" meant you could trust it. But not any more.......
      So while Archbishop Byrnes can hardly be faulted for falling in line with the Vatican, conscientious Catholics are forced to look beyond not just a letter from their bishop, but beyond stuff employing the word "pontifical," and even "Vatican!"

      Essentially, he is saying that one should not trust the Vatican, and trust should be on God alone minus His Church. I don't support this philosophy. If one cannot trust the Catholic Church, then how does one trust God who is Head and Founder of the Catholic Church and who leads her into all truths?

      According to the USCCB:

      "The Holy See points out that there are different degrees of responsibility in cooperating with the evil actions of others. With regard to people involved in the development and production of vaccines, the Congregation of the Faith explains that "in organizations where cell lines of illicit origin are being utilized, the responsibility of those who make the decision to use them is not the same of those who have no voice in such a decision." As for the moral responsibility of those who are merely the recipients of the vaccines, the Congregation affirms that a serious health danger could justify use of "a vaccine which was developed using cell lines of illicit origin, while keeping in mind that everyone has the duty to make known their disagreement and to ask that their healthcare system make other types of vaccines available.

      A specific example where the reasons for accepting vaccination are sufficiently serious to justify it, even though the vaccine has been developed with the help of cell lines derived from aborted fetal cells, is the case of rubella (German measles). The most important danger posed by spread of rubella syndrome, which affects unborn children when their mothers become infected while pregnant. Congenital rubella syndrome can cause miscarriages and a wide range of severe birth defects. The only available vaccine, however, has been developed with the help of aborted fetal cell lines. In such a situation parents are justified in having their children vaccinated against rubella, not only to avoid the effects of rubella on their children, but, secondly and just as important, to prevent their children from becoming carriers of rubella, as the spread of rubella can lead to the infection of vulnerable pregnant women, thereby endangering their lives and the lives of their unborn children."

      You can read the rest of the article in the following weblink:

  4. Is this Lenora? Do you remember me?

    1. Dear Anthony,

      I am not Lenora. Father Pius knew my true identity because I told him. However, he passed away recently, and he has kept my identity a secret just as he promised. My catechists also do not know my real identity, and I prefer to keep it that way.

  5. I do not remember a Diana. Is that an alias?

  6. Yes. I knew Fr Pius. Were you in the 1st group in Agana or not? If not, I would understand why I would not know you. If not, we don’t need to reconnect.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      Yes, Diana is an alias. You do not know me, but I have seen you.

  7. Well, we will leave it a puzzle then.

    Since I somehow stumbled onto this topic thread while trying to connect, I’ll now chime in. I don’t know any of these folks you and your friend are citing. However, I would like to say that the Covid response by the Catholic Church, at this time, in General, has been one of worldly and irrational fear and quite non-spiritual. It has been quite a distraction from the Eucharist. Never before has the Catholic Church put worldly threats and fears above the sacraments. Among some of the violations to the Catholic flock include temporary closure of Churches, partial reopenings (ropes, barriers, reservations; all effectively excluding or discouraging some of the flock) and creating various barriers to the reverent reception of the sacraments. - All this in order to institute arbitrary, unproven, nonchristian, government led mandates, for a virus with a low rate of mortality; fairly restricted to the elderly. Is the sacrifice of the mass for nothing, or has it been the means by which the increasing sin of our world has been made tolerable by God? If the shepherds insist on placing barriers to reduce mass attendance, why not compensate by increasing the number of masses accordingly. What would St. Padre Pio do?

    According to this same group of Shepherds (not all; just the ones that close Churches), should we now seek universal medical advice from the Vatican who is doing such a poor job feeding their own flock spiritually in Rome, or from the US conference of bishops, who cannot even agree from one day to the next and among themselves? I do not see how these actions promote the concrete faith and morals, or any dogmatic teaching. Is this promotion of the “common good” not just more communist propaganda?! As we have seen, the Vatican leadership can make flawed pronouncements of opinion. . . and yet the True Church of Christ remains intact. As of yet, I do not see the benefit of taking a phase 3 clinical trial vaccine (unproven benefit for a disease which I am not at much risk for) and one which is in any way associated with the horror of the murder of an innocent (potentially a risk to my eternal soul). What if the aborted child in question is that at the foot of Our Lady of Guadalupe? Would that make anyone reconsider? What if the vaccine were tested on the cells of Jesus sacrificed? Would we then not consider it sacrilege? What would St Damian of Molokai do? I do not believe he would take such a vaccine, even if it treated leprosy.

    I say let us stay awake and on guard and be not afraid.

    I cite further for you the apparitions of Quito, La Salette, Fatima, Tres Fontaine and Garabandal.

    God Love You. Pas.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      It was the secular world that caused the irrational fear that they instituted government lockdowns and Church closures for more than a year. I agree that one should not live in fear, but one should also not live recklessly as though the virus does not exist. The virus is real, and as you rightly pointed out, the ones most vulnerable to the virus are the elderly and those with underlying health problems. While it is true that this virus has a low mortality rate restricted to the elderly, the Church still values the life of the elderly. Every human life, including the elderly, is sacred. Therefore, the purpose of those barriers were not meant to obstruct but to protect.

      I do not think that the “common good” is a communist propaganda. Were we not taught in the Way to die for others. Individualism is more selfish than looking for the common good. Even in the U.S. Constitution, one of the government’s responsibility is to promote the common welfare or common good. Unfortunately, the U.S. is changing drastically under the Biden administration and falling far away from the Constitution.

      Furthermore, the teachings of faith and morals taught by the Catholic Church is infallible. The Pope can make a political error, which is the reason I do not agree with his foreign policy with China. He can also make scientific errors, which is why I disagree with the Pope on Climate Change. But he cannot make any error in matters of faith and morals due to the Doctrine of Infallibility.

      God loves you too. Peace.

  8. The closure of the churches was based on false, media-fed premises that this is a dangerous illness for many. Even now, the truth remains behind a vail. The virus is real but its danger, even to the lives of the elderly population, is not anywhere close to proportional to the extreme spiritual damage created by the withholding of sacraments (especially communion, confession and anointing of the sick). In withholding sacraments, we are witnessing a loss of faith in the sacraments and a loss of fortitude. This will lead us further into great apostasy.

    Don’t even get me started on cloth masks.

    In regards to the pope, fortunately he has not made any statements which would have to be considered infallible. He has not spoken from the Chair.


    1. Dear Anthony,

      I agree with you here. I believe the closure of the Churches was done to destroy freedom of religion. The secular world is against Christianity. Notice that the government allowed stores and other big businesses to remain open, but closed down churches? Also, noticed that the government in the U.S. allowed hundreds of “peaceful” protesters on the streets, but closed down churches? And even with an effective vaccine now available to the people, the CDC and the government are still locking down small businesses and churches. The virus is real, but the secular world along with their mainstream media friends have instilled irrational fear into the populace, and used the virus to their advantage to get their true agendas across.

      We have seen the spiritual damage in Guam. The suicide rate increased since the lockdowns. Across the U.S., depression, anxiety, drug use have also increased due to the government lockdowns. It is the same here. During the pandemic, the Catholic Church in Guam have reached out to the faithful through social media, so they may listen to the word of God even if they were unable to receive the Sacraments. Fortunately, our numbers of COVID-19 in Guam has dramatically declined and the Church remain open even if they have to practice the health protocols. Our parish has Mass both inside and outside the Church, and Holy Communion is being given to those inside the Church and to those who chose to remain seated outside the parish. Unfortunately, many churches in the U.S. and Canada remain closed while hundreds of rioters can take to the streets without practicing any health protocols.

  9. When I say “pope”, I am referring to Pope Francis of course.

  10. There’s some people I know who don’t want to take the vaccine. One friend told me she didn’t want to take it because of the side effects. Another said he felt he doesn’t need the vaccine cuz his immune system is strong. The reasons doesn’t necessarily have to do with the vaccine’s connection to aborted babies.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 pm,

      I agree. But there are also some people who questioned the morality of taking the vaccine, considering how it was produced. Archbishop Michael came out and assured the Catholic faithful that it is morally acceptable to take the vaccine. Personally, I took the vaccine to protect myself and my family. I have family who are vulnerable to the virus.

  11. I understand that you think you protected them. If the history of phase 3 trials means anything, especially for novel “vaccines” (mrna) you most likely didn’t.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      There are about 100 million people in the U.S. who took either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. And it comes with some side effects for some people. This is not surprising. Even the flu vaccine comes with side effects with some people while others showed no side effect. I never had any side effects from the flu vaccine while my co-worker gets side effects. The only side effect I had from the COVID-19 vaccine was a sore arm that lasted for two days while others experienced fever and body aches. Johnson was not the only vaccine showing blood clotting as a side effect. One of the COVID vaccine (I forgot the name) that the U.K. was using also showed blood clotting as a side effect. However, Pfizer and Moderna did not have that side effect.

      It will take time and numerous studies to find out more about the vaccine. With 100 million people already vaccinated, we are already in Phase 3. Studies are ongoing and we are getting closer to herd immunity. Studies have shown that Pfizer and Moderna are highly effective against COVID-19, but researchers are still studying more about the vaccine and the virus as it mutates into other strains. People have a choice as to whether they want to get vaccinated or not. Some people feel they do not need it because their immune system is strong enough to fight the virus and would not need hospitalization. Older folks and people with health problems may feel differently.

  12. This is not the flu vaccine. Are you also an MD? It sounds like you might be but you speak only of yourself and otherwise you may be getting all this info from the internet. I advise that you not push this vaccine on others. It is not proven to work.

    Enough soap boxing for me. God bless you again.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      Where in my comment did I say that the COVID-19 vaccine is the same as the flu vaccine? I was only comparing the two and showing that both vaccines have side effects for some people. Also, where in my comment did I write that people MUST take the vaccine? I have always said that people have a choice as to whether they want to take the vaccine or not.

      In the first place, my original post was in response to the person who made the comment regarding what Tim Rohr wrote in his blog as to whether Catholics should trust the Vatican's response to those who questioned the morality of taking the vaccine, considering its connection to abortion.

      God bless you as well.

    2. @Uncertain, maybe you shouldn't push anyone NOT to take the vaccine just because you think it doesn't work. It's a personal choice.

  13. I have seen it not work. I know it does not work. Could we speculate that maybe it works for some? Sure - but there is no evidence and I have seen the evidence where it does not. We have identified 3 patients so far who got the vaccine and then admitted with COVID, and this game is still early. I push you mostly not to participate in abortion in any way, where the benefit is not evident. This is my concern for all of you.

    1. Ok. Anthony, I'm from the community of Chalan Pago, and our catechists told us that we can take the vaccine if we want. No one is forcing anyone to take it or not take it. As Diana said, the choice is up to us.

    2. Dear Anthony,

      You can find my response in the weblink below:

  14. You can call me Anthony. Uncertain was what I was entered when Google asked me what blog account name I wanted. Its not a name.

  15. I also offer you this.

  16. Hmmm. Very interesting. Could it be that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith came to the same conclusion using the support of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? It seems to make sense. Put in this perspective, it would be morally acceptable to take the vaccine.


    Ya’ll are false prophets. Not in everything, but in gene therapy (false vaccine), yes.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      False prophets? I will remind you that Pope Francis and the USCCB encourage Catholics to get vaccinated. However, the choice is ultimately up to the person because some people are unable to take the vaccine due to medical reasons or age.

      I also disagree with the priest in the article. Developing the vaccine is not the same as the Nazis experimenting on Jews. The Nazis experimented on live people. In developing the vaccine, on the other hand, scientists experimented on the cell lines of ABORTED babies. That means that the babies were already dead.


  19. The USCCB took less time to decide on vaccines than they did on drafting a document for reception of Eucharist by “Catholic” politicians promoting abortion. That should tell you something. Open your eyes that you might see. I tell you truly, God does not regard any abortion as remote. That baby is under God’s altar crying for God’s vengeance. Each person will make their choice and has free will to; there is no doubt. The only reasonable choice is to not knowingly participate in the death of an unborn. I will remind you also that a “pope” too can be deceived. Pope Francis has made many errors.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      Read what I wrote in this post. It was God who ALLOWED bad things to happen because He respects the freedom of man. God hates abortion because it is a sin. It is murder. I will also remind you that Killing God’s only begotten Son Jesus was also a sin. Murdering an innocent man was a sin just as abortion was a sin; yet, God allowed His Son to be murdered. Nevertheless, Christ’s death on the cross brought salvation to mankind. So, if God is able to use man’s sin in killing His Son to bring about a good, what makes you think God cannot do the same with abortion? Murder will always be wrong, but only God has the power to bring about something good from evil.
