Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter 2020

This year's Easter will always be remembered unlike all other Easters we have experienced.  It is an Easter where the brothers are not present.  The celebration of the Mass takes place online.  The celebration of Easter will also take place online because we are still on lockdown.  Social gatherings are not allowed due to COVID-19.  However, some of the brothers in the NCW communities were able to celebrate Holy Thursday and Holy Friday through the Internet and video conferencing.  One of the changes made in Holy Friday were the addition of ten solemn intercessions:

The last prayer in the solemn intercession was very touching.  "Let us pray, dearly beloved, to God the Father almighty, that he may free the world from the suffering of the present time; take away the Coronavirus pandemic, drive out hunger, wipe out hatred and violence, grant health to the sick, strength and support to those work in the health care system, hope and comfort to families, and salvation to those who have died."

This coronavirus pandemic came during Lent.  In some ways, it came as a blessing.  It caused many of us to reflect on what is truly more important in life and how we have taken many things for granted.  There was a time, when some Traditional Latin Mass Catholics would criticize the NCW for receiving the Body of Christ by hand.  They were so many arguments regarding HOW to receive the Body of Christ.  Emphasis was placed more on the "HOW" rather than on the fact that the Body of Christ was received.  Whether by hand or tongue is irrelevant.  So much emphasis was placed on WHERE the NCW should be holding their celebration rather than seeing the fact that all celebrations are one regardless of whether it was held in a home, church building or social hall.  

Now, with the COVID-19 lockdown, who can receive the Body of Christ?  Who receives it by hand or by tongue?  Where now are the faithful celebrating the Mass?  It is no longer in the church building in front of a consecrated altar.  It is in the comforts of our home in front of a computer or TV screen.  The Mass has entered the virtual world in which the faithful cannot receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.  Perhaps, God allowed the physical Mass to be taken away because some people worshiped the RULES of the Mass rather than God.  They made the rules their idol just as the Pharisees did.

John 4:20-21 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."  "Woman," Jesus replied, "believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 

This is an unusual Easter because we are not physically present in the celebration.  We cannot receive the Body and Blood of Christ.  Nevertheless, we are the Body of Christ, never separated from the Head, our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are with Him and in Him.  When the Militant Church on earth physically celebrated the Mass, the angels and saints were present together with us.  This time, the Triumphant Church will be celebrating the Mass together in Heaven and the Militant Church will be spiritually present with them.  

Happy Easter to everyone!!! 
Happy Easter!


  1. Anonymous DominicanApril 13, 2020 at 8:09 AM

    (Where I live we are going through the lockdown as well, though it hit us weeks before the virus hit Guam) (The time is different and it is Easter Sunday here)
    I have not been more grateful for having my community than ever today. Last night as my family and I were getting ready to celebrate Easter in our home. A brother inteceded by surprise and called, saying to open the door because he was bringing us the blessed sacrament. (He had gotten permission from our parish priest to bring them to brothers) We did not deserve such an opportunity. The brother had also risked getting a ticket just to do this for us! I had not received communion since the lockdown started in my area. I did not expect this to happen at all, it is an Easter miracle.
    Happy Easter!! Resurrexit, sicut dixit!!

  2. Note: when I said he brought us the blessed sacrament I meant he was bringing us hosts. Sorry if it caused confusion!

  3. Dear Anonymous Dominican,

    You are truly blessed. We have not received holy communion since the lockdown and Mass is online. We are hoping and praying that God will allow us to get through this ordeal.

  4. Hafa Adai Diana,

    Blessed Easter to you and your family.
    Here is a good read I have found. Just sharing with you.

    1. Christ is risen, Guamboy,

      Thank you for the information. We are indeed living in a new world.
