There is equality in the household. Equality in chores, paying bills, caring for children and decision making. We both hold the title of head of household!
So if the woman works, then she is the head of household because she brings in the money? She and her husband exchange roles! He is Mr mom and she is Mr. Bread winner! Who then should make the decision on things...the breadwinner in the home or the man who stays home? EQUALITY All around.
Marriage is a two way street and not based on the decision of one person. Guess my marriage is something special. There is Love, equality and religious convictions!
So if the woman works, then she is the head of household because she brings in the money? She and her husband exchange roles! He is Mr mom and she is Mr. Bread winner! Who then should make the decision on things...the breadwinner in the home or the man who stays home? EQUALITY All around.
Marriage is a two way street and not based on the decision of one person. Guess my marriage is something special. There is Love, equality and religious convictions!
It is very clear in the Bible that God created man and woman equal as human beings with the same dignity, but He created them differently. Being different does not mean that you are not equal. It simply means just that.....different. God fashioned Eve from the rib of Adam, which is located at his side. Therefore, the wife stands at the side of her husband, not in front of him nor in back of him. If God wanted the wife to be inferior to her husband, he would have fashioned Eve from Adam's tail bone. Adam said to Eve, "You are bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." Husband and wife are one and equal with the same dignity.
However, God gave man and woman different roles. A man's role is to protect his wife. If a burglar enters a family home, do you honestly think a woman is going to take a baseball bat and say to her husband, "Don't worry, honey....just stay in bed and I'll take care of the burglar downstairs."?
The husband is called to love his wife just as Christ loved the Church. And how did Christ love the Church??????? By dying for her. So, yes, the husband is called to die for his wife. So, he is the one who is supposed to take that baseball bat and chase that devil burglar out of the house even if he has to die doing it. So, this is a very tall order for a man. And many times, a husband does not have to go this far. If a man cannot give up watching his favorite sports to help his wife with the house chores, I may question his willingness to die for her. The same is true for the wife who feels that she should make the final decision.
The Holy Bible is also very clear when it says that man is the Head of the house (Ephesians 5:23). This is a title that God gave to man and man alone. From His many disciples, Christ chose only men to become His Apostles because these men were appointed to be the Head of God's household. He never chose a woman to be head of God's family or household. And the human family is a reflection of God's family. Why do you think the Catholic Church is against women's ordination? Christ set the example, and we are to follow this example.
If the woman is the breadwinner of the household, that does not give her the title "Head of house." God has given this title only to the husband, and the wife should never take advantage of her husband simply because she desires the title for herself. If her husband is ill and bedridden, he is still the "head of the house." Being ill or earning less income does not take away this title because this title was bestowed on him by God. A man should never give up his title. A good wife would always support her husband. She is not there to usurp his role so she can claim his God-given title for herself. A woman who attempts to take this title away from her husband is obviously one who does not trust her husband in his role as a man to lead.
Women often misunderstood this term "Head of the house." Just as Satan tricked the woman in the Garden of Eden, so does secular society trick the woman into thinking that she is "unequal" to her husband until she claims the title "Head of the house." To be head of the house does not mean that the husband should make all the decisions without consulting his wife. Before making any decision, the husband should always consult his wife. However in the event that they disagree with each other and come to a deadlock, the one to break the deadlock would be the husband. Why? Because he is the head of the house.
God and the angels have always recognize the Head of the house. The Angel Gabriel, for example, only spoke to Mary when she was single. AFTER she married Joseph, the angel never spoke to her again. He spoke only to Joseph because he was the head of the house. The Angel Gabriel also spoke to Zacharias, and told him that his wife Elizabeth will be with child. He did not speak to Elizabeth despite that the news of her being with child concerns her. Because she was married, he spoke to her husband who was the head of the house. In the Garden of Eden, God spoke to Adam first before speaking to Eve. He also spoke to Abraham, not to Sarah. Throughout the Bible, God and the angels recognize the head of the house and always spoke to them first.
As for Satan, who did he speak to in the Garden of Eden?? He spoke to Eve. The reason is because he was there to cause trouble, so he ignored Adam who is the head of the house. The Devil went to Eve and spoke to her instead of Adam. So, where was Adam???? According to the Bible, Adam was right there with her (See Genesis 3:6). What in the world was Adam doing hiding behind Eve?? A huge big dragon comes along talking to his wife Eve, and Adam hides behind his wife? That does not look very good for the man, Adam who was supposed to protect his wife from that huge big dragon.
The Catholic Church has always taught that the husband is the "head of the house". According to the Church Fathers:
The husband is the chief of the family and the head of the wife. The woman, because she is flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, must be subject to her husband and obey him; not, indeed, as a servant, but as a companion, so that her obedience shall be wanting in neither honor nor dignity. Since the husband represents Christ, and since the wife represents the Church, let there always be, both in him who commands and in her who obeys, a heaven-born love guiding both in their respective duties. For "the husband is the head of the wife; as Christ is the head of the Church. . . Therefore, as the Church is subject to Christ, so also let wives be to their husbands in all things."
Pope Leo XIII, Arcanum
Domestic society being confirmed, therefore, by this bond of love, there should flourish in it that "order of love," as St. Augustine calls it. This order includes both the primacy of the husband with regard to the wife and children, the ready subjection of the wife and her willing obedience, which the Apostle commends in these words: "Let women be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, and Christ is the head of the Church."
Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii
The Church teaches that the husband submits by leading the family with sacrificial love. He is called to serve his wife unselfishly, putting his own desires last. The wife, on the other hand, submits by trusting her husband to lead the family. After all, he is the man.
The husband represents Christ while the wife represents the Church. Of course, many wives would want their husbands to be more like Christ. What woman would not??? And what husband would not want their wife to be trusting and obedient like the Church is to Christ?
God created man and woman equal, but different. Being different does not spell inequality.
Get are living in a fantasy world. Like I said....I work, he works...I pay he pays. We both protect each other. I guess some of us just have it made....if he is not around, I become the protector in the house hold. Two way street..
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous at 11:27 pm,
DeleteYou can work and he can work, but the title "Head of the house" still belongs to him. This is in accordance to Catholic teaching. The Catholic Church never said that the woman is the head of the house. Tim Rohr and I may disagree when it comes to the Way and the Archbishop, but even Tim knows that the Catholic Church never taught that the woman is the head of the house.
Modern days, modern times...
DeleteDear Anonymous at 12:13 am,
DeleteBut the teachings of the Catholic Church remains the same.
Diana, what you say sounds way much segregationist to me.The Catholic Church is not talking about "head of the family" at all. There is no such thing as a "supreme man" who holds his family on his shoulder. This was not true 200 years ago or 100 years ago, and not true these days either.
DeleteWomen are increasingly taking charge and responsibility in each family. Oftentimes they are the ones who provide to the family. A highly educated woman would not ever accept male rule, especially not the rule of an uneducated, demanding crude. Would you, Diana?
Male chauvinism and the related segregationist views are dying out. It is just sad that the NeoCat wants to resurrect and enshrine such a primitive, uneducated and anti-Christian view point.
Of course this would only written by a man......a macho man. Diana couldn't possibly be a woman.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 10:15 am,
DeleteWhy is it difficult for you to believe that I am a woman who follows Church doctrine. Can you show me where in Church doctrine that a woman is supposed to take charge, be head of the house and lead the family? These things are taught by the NCW.....the same things which the Catholic Church teaches, which you obviously oppose.
My dearest Diana; you're focusing on the need to focus on the love a man and a woman have for each other. My Neocatechumenal presbyter taught me that when you die for each other and place the other over your selfish ideals (i.e., who is the head) then you truly experience and live God's love. Yes, the man is the head of the house but the focus (according to my Neocatechumenal presbyter) is on the love for each other. Get over your focus on titles and try to put others over your selfish desires. Die to love my dear.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous at 12:06 am,
DeleteThe family also needs to know their roles as a man and a woman because the Devil constantly attacks the family. The family is constantly under attack by Satan. And Satan mainly attacks the woman. He tricked Eve in the Garden of Eden, and today, he tricks the woman into thinking that she is also the head of the household. As a result of these attacks on the family, same sex marriages have been passed in some states, abortion and contaceptives were made legal, and sex change was condoned.
You people make it seem that women are the ones who are evil. As far as I am concerned the Muslims, Arabs , etc. make it known that men are the head of the household. You Fiana can go live among them. You seem to interpret the Bible, and thus it cannot be interpreted. You can only reflect on what it is written. Geez did you get your degree at RMS?
DeleteDiana - I disagree with your statement that Satan mainly attacks the woman. How the heck did you come up with this thinking? Just look at the prisons.....there are more MEN than women!!
DeleteDear Anonymous at 4:28 pm,
DeleteA majority of those men who are in prison come from broken homes or abusive homes. Satan attacks the family, and the main target is usually the woman.
Broken and abusive homes are caused by women because they're attacked by Satan? That doesn't make any sense at all.
DeleteDear Anonymous at 8:01 pm,
DeleteBroken and abusive homes are not caused by women. They were caused by Satan who constantly attacks the family. And in the family, it is usually the woman who Satan goes after because the woman can have a lot of influence on the husband. If the Devil can sway the woman just as he did with Eve, in turn the wife will sway the husband just as Eve persuaded her husband to eat the forbidden fruit. The family is not the enemy. The enemy has always been Satan who has been attacking the family. He usually attacks the woman because she is capable of bringing life into the world.
You are right Diana.
ReplyDeleteOn the origin of Woman. I always teach my class that, Woman was not taken from man's head to be ruled by him, nor from his feet to be trampled upon, but from his side to walk beside him, from under his arm to be protected by him and from near his heart to be loved by him. This caption was from a book I read on the Old Testament way back in the 80's and it has stuck with me ever since.
ReplyDeleteEven St. John Paul II talked argued against outdated cultural views that God meant women to be subject to men. Both were created in God's image and likeness with equal dignity, he said.
Women have been subjugated because human beings are sinful, he said, and "the situations in which the woman remains disadvantaged or discriminated against by the fact of being a woman" are the continuing consequences of sin. (Mulieris Dignitatem).
So again Diana, why can't women be head responsible in the community after the 2nd Scrutiny, in a team of catechist, itenerant or local? Give it your best shot. Why is she discriminated? Why can't she be allowed to give out communion in the communities? She can do it in the parish, but why not in the community? And this is not discrimination!
Dear Isaias,
DeleteThere are women who are itinerants. Pat Cottman is an itinerant in a team of catechist. She is also a catechist. However, she cannot be a priest. You ask if this is discrimination? Christ was the one who chose 12 men to become HIs Apostles. He did not choose any woman to be an Apostle. Would you say that Christ was discriminating against women because He did not choose any female to be HIs bishops?
You approve women's ordination, which goes against Catholic doctrine. It is a good thing that you left the seminary life. If you had not left the seminary, they would have kicked you out. A Catholic is supposed to follow Catholic doctrines, and Catholic doctrine does not support women's ordination.
The denial of female ordination and the celibacy of the priesthood are issues that the Church might need to face one day. Greek Catholic Churches flourish despite having married priests. They are in unity with the Roman Catholic Church without any problem. These are not dogmas but customs that can be overcome in time.
DeleteI never raised up women's ordination, why bring it up? Stick to the question i ask and answer,why can't women be head responsible in the community after the 2nd Scrutiny, in a team of catechist, itenerant or local? or Maybe it never occurred to you to ask your catechist?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 10:30 a.m,
DeleteYou raised up women's ordination when you asked why a woman cannot give out communion in the communities. Even in the parish, the woman is not allowed to touch the Body of Christ. Only a man is allowed to give the Body of Christ to parishioners. It is inappropriate for a woman to touch the Body and Blood of Christ.
Female Eucharists are only allowed to give the Blood of Christ because her hands touches only the chalice, not the Lord's Blood.
Furthermore Diana, Jesus did have a blueprint of the Church. He did not create, deacons, priests and bishops? Who ever told you that Jesus planned to have clergy? Jesus preached and was given the mission at baptism to proclaim the Reign of God. The church and its ministries are historical developments of the Jesus movement.
DeleteJesus came and died for our sins, not to take away your mind.
Dear Isaias,
DeleteI am not even going to entertain this idea of not having bishops, priests, and deacons. Nevermind the fact that bishops, priests, and deacons were all mentioned in the Holy Bible. However, may I ask that you bring your beliefs to the jungle so they can also hear what you have to share? :)
Diana -- Is it true that women are not allowed to distribute holy communion during your neo celebrations of the Eucharist?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 11:38 am,
DeleteOnly the priest or seminarians give the Body and Blood of Christ in the Way. And in the Way, we do not have any female priest or female seminarians.
Diana - Where in the NCW statutes does it say that only men can give the Body and Blood of Christ?
DeleteDear Anonymous at 4:04 pm,
DeleteIt does not say anything about that. See my comment at 3:55 pm located at the bottom.
To voice of faith and Anonymous at 1:38 a.m.,
ReplyDeleteBoth of you have not shown me where in Catholic teaching that the woman is supposed to take charge, be the "head of the house" and lead the family? You are only going by what the modern women's liberation movement says and what the modern world dictates.
I am not a fan of the modern women's liberation. The women's liberation of many years ago was very different than today and was actually walking on the right path. Women like Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Sojourner Truth fought for women's right to vote and equal wages. They opposed abortion and believed that the human body is sacred because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Today's women's liberation has gone in the opposite direction where they teach that a woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. This kind of thinking only led her into committing abortion, fornication, and using contraceptives, which are all against Church teaching. They deceive the woman into thinking that contraceptives gives her the power to decide for herself how many children she can have and what to do with her body, not realizing that all along it has only made her a toy for the pleasures of men to use because they no longer have to fear the responsibility of getting her pregnant.
Voice of faith, I am a highly educated woman who graduated near the top of my class and with a scholarship to go to a university. But my husband still opens the door for me. Modern society teaches that a woman can open the door herself, so why are some women surprise today at the rudeness of some men when they open the door and go in first leaving the door shut for the female behind him to open it herself?
Diana, you promote a degradation of women by subjugating her to men whose only "credential" is that they happen to be males rather than females. This sounds very strange from a woman as you claim yourself to be. Modern liberation theories do not place the emphasis on abortion rights but on the empowerment of women in the context of equity and social justice. Well understood Catholic teachings does not contradict these goals.
DeleteDo women of Guam need empowerment? Hell, yes! Until crude males dictate in families, abusing their wives and children, there is room and need for improvement. How many abusive wives are you reading about in the newspapers? Zero, none! How many abusive husbands you read about? Well, dozens and dozens all the time! This is the reality, dear Diana, please, do not hide away from it!
Do women of Guam need equity and social justice? Of course, more than ever! Where are the female candidates for governor? Where is the equity in female salaries? Just think about it and will see why our Catholic Church teaches social action over inaction and social justice over injustice.
Do you think, Diana, that males have right to make women pregnant when they do not provide to the raising of the kids? No, they don't! Women have the right to prevent this from happening. If the NeoCat wants to reverse history and send Guam back to the 18th century, well, then history will reverse NeoCat and send it back to the Ancient. No tolerance on Guam for retrograde social systems that perpetuate the suffering of one gender over the joy of the other.
Dear voice of faith,
DeleteYou stated: "Modern liberation theories do not place the emphasis on abortion rights but on the empowerment of women in the context of equity and social justice"
This comment below was taken from the Natonal Women's Liberation website:
"NWL demands that women have full control over the decision to have children. We want free and full access to all forms of birth control, including contraception and abortion. We want to make these decisions without pressure to have children, to go on Depo-Provera, to take hormones, or to get sterilized."
According to their website, they want women to have FULL CONTROL over the decision to have children. So, what about the men's decision?? Do they not have a say in it as a husband??
Diana, are you trying to make me laugh or weep? We are talking in the Catholic context. Modern liberation theories are Catholic theories fully supported by the Church. I am not talking about non-Catholic political liberalism. Liberation is not the same as political liberalism. Liberation is an awesome thing that lifts you up, as the Lord liberated us from sin by dying on the cross. Political liberalism, in contrast, may bring you down if you are not careful. This is the reason political liberalism, especially the radical feminist views, cannot be reconciled with the Catholic faith. So please Diana, try to make distinctions.
DeleteDear voice of faith,
DeleteDo not try to backtrack. I made it clear from the beginning that I do not support the modern women's Liberation Movement. It was the modern women's liberation that I has been speaking of. Who said anything about the liberation brought about by Christ's death on the cross???
To posters in my blog,
ReplyDeleteI have been getting a lot of unnecessary attacks and name-calling toward me just because you believe that it is okay for a woman to give Holy Communion to parishioners. I am not publishing any of those attacks. Have any of you actually seen a woman give the Body of Christ in any of the Catholic parishes on Guam???
St. Anthonys..
DeleteDear Anonymous at 3:27 pm,
DeleteI never attended St. Anthony's Church and I already found the rules regarding Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. So, I corrected myself by retracting my earlier statement. See my post below.
All anyone had to do was show me the rules regarding the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion instead of throwing insults. That is how a proper dialogue is supposed to be done.
You call them attacks? How about pointing out of the truth!
DeleteDear Anonymous at 4:12 pm,
DeleteIt is an attack when one uses name-calling such as "stupid". Pointing out the truth is when you provide me with the rules regarding the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. None of the posters who threw insults did that. I had to look up the truth myself.
Here are the rules regarding Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
ReplyDelete"In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord. (1) When the size of the congregation or the incapacity of the bishop, priest, or deacon requires it, the celebrant may be assisted by other bishops, priests, or deacons. If such ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present, "the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose. In case of necessity, the priest may also depute suitable faithful for this single occasion (GIRM 162)."
After reading this, I will retract my earlier statement about women not giving the Body of Christ since it is at the discretion of the priest. I will not question the priest's decision if he decides to allow a woman to give the Body of Christ to parishioners.
In Guam, there are female Eucharistic ministers, but so far, I have only seen these female Eucharistic ministers give the Blood of Christ to parishioners. I have never seen a woman give the Body of Christ to parishioners. While it is at the discretion of the priest to decide whether a woman should give the Body of Christ to parishioners, I have not seen this yet on Guam. In my parish, the priest have always chosen a male Eucharistic minister to assist him in giving the Body of Christ while the female Eucharistic minister gives the Blood of Christ.
By the way.....for those of you who STILL think that I am a priest, this at least should tell you that I am not a priest. A priest would definitely know about the rules of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. I am not Father Edivaldo nor Father Adrian.