Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Guam Clergy Sex Scandal

 The Guam Clergy Sex Scandal started with John Toves, who is now deceased after struggling with cancer. Je accused then Archbishop Anthony Apuron of sexually molesting his relative, whom he has never spoken to. After John admitted that he never spoke to his relative. His relative never even came out to support John's allegations. So, no one believed John Toves. 

Then four other people came out in public to accuse then Archbishop Anthony Apuron again. According to Tim Rohr:

Had Apuron admitted his crimes or even met privately to apologize to his initial accusers, the archdiocese might have been spared the loss of millions and millions of dollars in legal fees and properties, most of which had been given to the Church by common, hard-working Catholics who sacrificed their own comfort and family security to help the Church they loved. 

This is my response: 

SERIOUSLY!!! They came out in PUBLIC, accusing  Apuron of sexual abuse, and you want him to meet them in PRIVATE! SERIOUSLY!!! You also want him to admit to the crimes.Then Rohr said this (the bold is mine):

In fact, Apuron, if he really did not do what he was accused of, would not have even had to apologize. He could have just met with those initial accusers and heard them out. I was involved with those initial accusers and I can state for a fact that all they wanted to do was confront the man they believed who had hurt them in their childhood. They did not want to sue - there was no way for them to do that in the beginning anyway, they did not want to hurt the Church, they did not want to do anything other than to assuage their childhood pain.

Apuron DID say that he did not do what they accused him of. He claimed to be innocent to this day. And what did the four accusers do? They proceeded to sue him and the Archdiocese for 2 million dollars. According to news report:

Four people who publicly accused Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron of sexually abusing altar boys in Agat in the 1970s filed a libel and slander lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Agana, Apuron and up to 50 other unnamed defendants for calling them liars and for accusing them of “instilling hatred, ignorance and violence in the people.”
The plaintiffs in the suit are Doris Y. Concepcion, Roy T. Quintanilla, Walter G. Denton and Roland Paul L. Sondia. Through their attorney, David Lujan, they filed the lawsuit in the Superior Court Friday morning. The plaintiffs are seeking no less than $500,000 each for all general damages, for a total of at least $2 million

Well, so much for not being interested in money. Even before the sexual allegations came out against Apuron, Rohr wanted Apuron to step down as Archbishop of Guam. According to KUAM news

In Tumon, local blogger Tim Rohr spoke before island Rotarians. Rohr writes Jungle Watch, a blog that covers issues involving the island's Catholic community. Even prior to the removal of Monsignor James Benavente Rohr has been highly critical of Archbishop Anthony Apuron for his controversial removal of Father Paul Gofigan last year from the Santa Barbara Church.
Rohr said, "My only hope is that the archbishop for his own health resigns ASAP."

One Rotarian questioned, "There seems to be a lot of conviction on your part on the archbishop's part - do you see any amicable meeting or meeting or meeting of the minds or compromise?", to which Rohr replied, "Absolutely not." He then reaffirmed his belief that the archbishop needs to resign.

Rohr announced this in 2014, two years BEFORE Roy Quintanilla publicly came out to accuse Apuron of child sexual abuse. 

At any rate, although they claimed that they were not doing it for the money, they went ahead and pushed forward a bill that would give the four accusers to bring a lawsuit against the Archdiocese for 5 million dollars. Again, so much for not being interested in the money. 

Then others came out of the woodworks also seeking 5 million dollars from the Archdiocese. Many of these accusers couldn't be identified because they only used their initials, and many of them accused dead priests. No investigation was done to verify their stories. Some of these accusers came from: 

1.  A Protestant who claimed to be an altar server in a Catholic Church.

2.  A person who claimed to be a "back-up" altar server.

3.  A female who claimed to be raped by Father Brouillard during a "Boy Scouts" event.

4.  A person who claimed to be raped during a fiesta where hundreds of people were present 

5. A person who claimed to be sexually abused by Fr. George Maddock just a few days after his death and while other youth praised the priest. 

Are there any real victims out there? I'm sure there were, but their numbers have been overshadowed by the numerous false claims.


  1. So, the main goal is to get Apuron removed even through false allegations? Is there any evidence to support your story?

    1. The reason why the law lifting the Statutes of Limitations for sex crimes is unjust is because after so many years, there would be little to no evidence left. Nevertheless, there is an implication that Apuron is innocent and a victim of a witch hunt.

  2. Statute of limitations equates to without due process. You’re guilty at the spot. Sounds communist isn’t it? Sen Frank Blas and former Governor Eddie Calvo has vengeful heart towards Archbishop Apuron. Tim Roth manipulates his “kool aid” audience like CCOG who happens to destroy people innocent lives. Results to selling properties who were gifted and FD’s football field etc. The faithful has to stand up against CCOG and Tim Wrohr. Grow some Gad faithful and over turn CCOG. Tim Wrohr and CCOG don’t care about us Catholics but themselves.

  3. Up above Fulton Sheen is probably frowning with DISAPPOINTMENT upon CCOG and JW for costing the archdiocese millions of dollars. Why should Maria or Antonio have to pay for an abuse THEY never did or an abuse that might not even have occurred? It’s sickening how many of the accusations went through that weren’t sincere simply because a priest was deceased. “We can rebuild, we can build everything back up!”. People have bills to pay and their kids/grandkids to look after. Most Catholics on Guam didn’t ask for this chaos what do they mean “WE” can rebuild? Decades, DECADES of donated money taken away in a few years and the main people who started the chaos are saying the solution is to just rebuild with more hard earned parishioner dollars that get stolen all over again? That’s not justice, that’s a form of a vicious cycle of socialism. Fulton Sheen never advocated for this. Nor is it right that they point at a poor bishop that’s been slandered enough and say it’s all his fault.
