Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Signs of Events

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Agat is closed for now because the flooring at the altar caved in and therefore unsafe to hold Mass inside the church building.  Many people have been speculating about this disaster.  Some say the disaster happened because of the child sex abuse cases.  Some view it as God's anger toward the clergy.  Some place the blame on Father Alberto, the pastor of Mount Carmel while others, who were more logical and realistic, blame it on the old flooring. 

Nevertheless, one thing is very clear.  It is the parishioners of Agat who are suffering from the closure of their parish.  However, it is also interesting to note that everything started in the village of Agat with Tim Rohr, "the Agat Boys" along with the JungleWatch Nation.  Let us not forget that it was the entire JungleWatch nation (which includes CCoG, LFM, Silent No More and their affiliations) that initiated and worked for the passage of a bill that would close down parishes and Catholic schools.  

Many people in Guam often read signs of events.  Did it ever occur to anyone that perhaps the closure of the Agat parish is a sign of things to come?  The judge had already ruled against the Archdiocese, stating that all parishes and Catholic schools are assets of the Archdiocese of Agana.  So, perhaps, God is telling all Catholic parishioners to prepare themselves for the great suffering that is to come.  Even Archbishop Michael indicated in his letter that it will be painful for all of us.  Just remember that Bishop Anthony and the Neocatechumenal Way had nothing to do with the passage of Bill 326.  All I can say is that if this bill had never been initiated and passed, we would not be where we are today.    

Pacific Daily News:
Laity Forward Movement and other supporters hold a prayer vigil outside the Governor's Office on Sept. 19 in hopes of the passage of Bill 326 into law. The bill would lift the time restrictions...


  1. Funny how Rohr thinks Fr. Alberto is to be blamed. If it was another priest, he would have said the flooring caved in.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:52 am,

      The jungle is like Joe Biden and the radical left Congress. They cannot take responsibility for what they had done and place all blame elsewhere.

  2. maybe too many people dancing around the altar after mass weakened the floor...just a thought.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:24 pm,

      There is no dancing during Lent. I believe that the flooring was poorly constructed.

    2. The Agat church is now open, and Mass can be held inside the church with sections cordoned off until repairs are made. Like you said, Diana, this is a sign of things to come, and it isn't by chance that the flooring in the Agat church collapsed. All our problems started with Rohr who lives in Agat.

      I was in one of those bankruptcy meetings. The Creditor's lawyers want cash and property to pay off the victims. The lawyers already identified the properties they want. They're not touching the church buildings, but they want properties that belong to the parishes. Properties like their social hall, parking lots, and other excess properties. So, it's like the Agat church. The people still get to have Mass, but sections are off-limits. Churches whose social halls are taken away will suffer because they can't rely on the Mass collections alone. Plus, some churches use their social hall for CCD classes. The lawyers are also taking away properties from the schools like the football field or soccer field because they figured that schools can still hold classes without them. Individual parishes and schools are trying to buy back their properties.

    3. Unfortunately, not all parishioners are on board in helping their parish buy back the properties. I know how they feel. They're angry and hurt. They say it's unfair that they should suffer paying the sex abuse victims when they didn't do anything to them. I feel the same way. God forgive me, but I feel that those sex abuse victims are now victimizing us innocent people. But I'm one of those who will put in money to help buy back our church property, and I'm not doing it for the sex abuse victims. I'm doing it to help my parish so we can move forward.
