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Saturday, January 21, 2017

More on Public Law 326-33

After signing Bill 326 into law, Governor Calvo admitted that the law has some legal issues.  According to Governor Calvo:
I recognize tht Bill 326 has several legal and technical concerns.  A major concern is over the bill's retroactive application of the civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse cases.  Whether such retrospect will pass constitutional muster is unclear.  Also unclear is what tpe of actions or omissions constitute "child sexual abuse."  For example, does the definition of "child sexual abuse in Bill 326 include child pornography for which, unlike other sex crimes against minors, there exists a three-year criminal statute of limitations?  Additionally, how far does an individual or institution have to go (or not go) before being considered an "enabler" or an "aider or abettor" under Bill 326? 
Were these concerns ever addressed in the Guam Legislature? Did they discuss the retroactive application of the civil statute of limitations?  Did they specifically define "child sexual abuse" as Governor Calvo pointed out?  Did the Guam Legislature discuss how far does an individual or institution have to go before being considered an "enabler"?  

I think that we can surmise that the 33rd Guam Legislature was in a hurry to get Bill 326 passed simply because it was election year, and they hoped that the passage of the bill would earn them more votes.   JW, CCOG, LFM, and Silent No More, on the other hand, were also in such a hurry to get this bill passed and one has to wonder why?  As a matter of fact, they were in such a hurry that according to Zoltan, Tim Rohr came up and stood behind him as he was giving his testimony in the public hearing.  According to Zoltan:
It can be seen on the video recording of my testimony on Bill 326-33 at the August 1st public hearing that Tim Rohr, who was present at the hearing, stood up one point and approached my seat from behind in a threatening manner while I was reading my testimony. His intention of intimidation can be deduced. Chairman Aguon would have had the duty to ask Rohr to sit down and not make any threatening move toward the person who was making a public testimony. Chairman Aguon failed to do so.    
So, what are they afraid of that they have developed a climate of fear and intimidation in these public hearings and accuse anyone who oppose the bill as supporters of child abuse?  Are they afraid that inconsistencies will later be found in their testimonies in both the media and public hearings?  Now that the legal counsel of the Archdiocese have requested all information regarding Public Law 326-33, let us hope and pray that the law can be found inorganic.    


  1. Governors have a power called veto power. So if calvo had been doing his job properly he would have vetoed the law not criticized it after signing it. Ridiculous.

  2. I agree....even a seattle lawfirm sees an opportunity to benefit from this flawed law that they even put out an ad soliciting victims. They have lawyers able to practice law here in guam.. the vultures are swarming....

    1. This is scary. Opportunist lawyers on mainland are very skilled when they see an opportunity of free cash. They'll find their matches to make the claims. Perhaps even criminal gangs will come to get their loot! Bill 326-33 is nothing but an open invitation to all to come to Guam and get rich on the expense of the local faithful!

  3. The Governor is trying to look good with the people of God maybe because he saw the effects it had on certain senators??

    1. Senators who supported Bill 326-33 were voted out of the Senate. They lost the election because people did not like what they did!

    2. Anon @ 2:13 PM the senators who weren't reelected were those targeted by Ken LG and his group for their refusal to repeal the raises.
      If what you claim is true then ALL (or most) of the sitting senators from the 33rd Legislature would have lost the election and we would have 15 freshman senators.

  4. Looks like the Sunday picketing is over. Get a break folks, this game is leading nowhere. LFM and Lou Klitzkie finally came to their senses and called off all further disruption. They realized that CCOG is leading them into temptation and sin. It is sin to send your new bishop "home". You hvae no right to do that! Archbishop Byrnes told us his new home is Guam. Period!

    All the manamko will be staying home to spend more quality time with their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Family values are winning over Rohr and gang's self interest. Nobody is getting fooled anymore that blocking church goers from entering the church makes any sense. Look at the happy faces of the children in your family when finally you spend the the whole Sunday with them. That is what makes even Jesus smile in heaven!


    2. If Jesus is around, he will be there picketing against empire gone wild.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:25 pm,

      Jesus was around when the Roman Empire went wild, and Christ chose not to hold any picket signs. Rather, his teachings converted some of the Romans. Your picketing has not converted anyone. Why? Because your master Tim Rohr has been preaching "not to turn to Rome."

    4. Anon @ 3:19 PM why are you lying? You should ask the CDA if the picketing was over when they went to the 9:30 Mass yesterday.
      Diana shame on you for approving the publication of this LIE. There are pix on JW of yesterday's picketers. The picket line is still there.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:10 pm,

      Why are you so quick to judge it as a lie. Read his/her first sentence. It says: "Looks like the Sunday picketing is over." The person is clearly stating an opinion rather than a fact based on the grounds that there were no usual announcements coming from the jungle until the day before the picketing. The announcement usually comes out on a Thursday or Friday.

      That is the problem with people like you. You cannot determine the difference between a fact and an opinion.

    6. Dear Diana, what is this:

      "LFM and Lou Klitzkie finally came to their senses and called off all further disruption. They realized that CCOG is leading them into temptation and sin."

      Does that sound like an opinion to you? Don't you think the obvious reading of this is a claim that CCOG and LFM have "called off" the protests?

      So, in fact, it is a lie - not merely some opinion. Or at least it is an untruth. Something that the commenter might wish were true, but clearly is not.

      So, it is actually right to say "Shame on you" for publishing the comment.


    8. Diana I did not base my comment on the first sentence but on the third sentence where Anon @ 3:19 PM reported that "LFM and Lou Klitzkie finally came to their senses and called off all further disruption."
      That doesn't read like an opinion. That comes across as a fact.


    9. Dear Anonymous at 4:14 pm,

      Yes that is an opinion. An opinion is what a person FEELS or what he/she believes. One understand the comment of the person more if one reads the entire comment and not take ONE sentence out of context the way the Protestants do with the Holy Bible.

    10. as long as PICKETING by the "LFM and Lou Klitzkie, are a topic of discussion be it here on this blog, JW or the media, the PICKETING will continue which is the purpose of PICKETING, to be seen and talked about.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 8:12 pm,

      You can picket for 17 or even 20 years for all I care. Soon, even the media will get tired of reporting the same story over and over again.

    12. dear Diana on January 23, 2017 at 9:35 PM, your reply to Dear Anonymous at 8:12 pm, regarding the "PICKETING", is to be seen and talked about.

      you just proved anon's point, you just talked about the picketing again, and now so am I, which is the reason for the PICKETING by the "LFM and Lou Klitzkie, for the conversion to continue, which is what they want.

      they want people to say "why" are they still picketing, year after year, even the media is reporting the same story over and over again.

      DianaJanuary 23, 2017 at 9:35 PM
      of PICKETING, to be seen and talked about.

      DianaJanuary 23, 2017 at 9:35 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 8:12 pm,

    13. Dear Anonymous at 7:29 pm,

      What conversion? Their picket signs is calling for Archbishop Apuron to be defrocked. That has nothing to do with conversion. They have a right to demonstrate, and I do not care how long they do it.

    14. You're 100% correct Diana @ 7:50 am BUT I think Anon @ 7:29 pm actually meant to write "for the conversation to continue" and the autocomplete function gave the word conversion. Anon 7:29 didn't notice and submitted the comment with the wrong word in place. You approved the comment just so that you could ridicule Anon 7:29.

      The question is: Will you allow my comment to be published?

    15. Anon 5:46 pm, I made an assumption that LFM and Lou Klitzkie are doing what they say. But they do not do what they say, they do what is told to them! This is a huge difference!

      I assumed LFM and Lou L Klitzkie want to be heard by Pope Francis. Who else can help them? But Pope Francis had already heard them and he has no wish to defrock anyone on demand. So what do LFM and Lou Klitzkie truly want? Do they want Archbishop Apuron to be defrocked? Then they should be friendly and submissive to the Pope because he is the vicar of Christ on earth!

      LFM and Lou Klitzkie don’t have anything new to tell the Pope. Rather, they want to embarrass him! They became hostile toward Pope Francis like stubborn children against their parents when they want to blackmail them! They are ready to publicly embarrass their parents to get the toy of their wish. Is this right, dear anon? Is this the way to do things in the Catholic church? Is this Christian? I tell you what: No, no and no! It is not right to embarrass the Pope for selfish purpose. It is not the way to go in my church. It is not Christian at all!

      So if I made a wrong assumption about the intention of LFM and Lou Klitzkie, I apologize. I assumed we are talking about adult people of good intention with adult faith. Apparently, this is not the case! We are talking about a bunch of people led by obstination who are behaving like spoiled kids when they cannot get what they want.

    16. for Anonymous January 24, 2017 at 8:54 AM and anyone not completely or fully understanding the point and purpose of "PICKETING" by the LFM and Lou L Klitzkie or for any other form of protest.

      it also does not matter how many people picket or what picket signs states, the "PICKETING" serves a purpose and its sole purpose is to be seen and heard and for the "conversation to continue", that's all that matters.

      it also does not matter who they hope would hear their message, as long as their message is heard, they know people talk, and sooner or later their message will take effect, the powers that be don't want this as a daily conversation, and especially not in the media.

      bishop byrnes is 58 years old, the majority of the picketers are 10-15-20 years older, and to some it might be said (elderly abuse) for the bishop to allow this to continue. like I said people talk and the conversation continues.

    17. Diana at 8:12 PM,those people won't even be here 17 or even 20 years and that OK! and now accusing bishop byrnes of(elderly abuse) like you said 12:59 PM you talk to much!!
