Blog Song

Friday, January 13, 2017

The REAL Strength Of The Church: Jesus Christ

It appears that the jungle along with CCOG is questioning Archbishop Byrnes' decision to send Father Adrian to Canada to pursue a canon law degree.  They complained that they are paying money for this.  In truth, it has more to do with the person.  If the priest was Monsignor James, there would be no complaints.  According to an anonymous poster:
Dave Sablan is making a fool of himself again. He is acting like a cry baby. There is no litmus test on an Archbishop by disgruntled laity in the Catholic church! How could be? For what purpose? It was decided that Fr. Adrian will pursue studies of canon law in Ottawa. So why don't you just accept this as a solution and shut up?

CCOG has the wrong idea of leadership and holy order. Catholics are led in faith by priests and bishops. It has never been that angry picketers tell the Archbishop what to do. Was it not at Golgotha that our Lord was crucified while an angry crowd cheered? It was not the vilified crowd that made the decision of eternal salvation. The decision belonged to God! Jesus prayed for the wicked, forgive them Father, they do no know what they are doing.

If Archbishop Byrnes made a decision, you'll need to live with that decision even if you don't like it. It is not up to the laity to decide in matters of governance of the diocese. A handful of radicals keep pushing wrong buttons. Now, JW is demanding Hon back to replace Byrnes. OMG, this is way beyond being ridiculous. It is tragic! Are these people nuts? How could Hon be back when Archbishop Byrnes was appointed by Pope Francis as Coadjutor Archbishop of Agana? CCOG demands a reversal of the decision of Pope Francis! They even want to override the Pope! How arrogant is that?!
In the radio talk show with Patti Arroyo, Dave Sablan even admitted that CCOG has plans for the Yona property.  Who is he to make such plans?  Is he the Archbishop of Agana?  

The jungle recognize only themselves.  According to Tim Rohr (the bold is mine): 
Frank Perez donating concrete, James Santos helping out, Greg and Vangie on the picket line, Vangie singing in the Cathedral choir, Greg serving on the Finance Council at St. Anthony and the efforts of thousands of others going back hundreds of years are emblematic of the real strength of the Church: THE LAITY. 
This is false.  The real strength of the Church had always been Jesus Christ.  It is Christ, the Head, who protects His bride, the Church.  It is Christ who leads His Church where He wants her to go.     

If the jungle and CCOG believe the money they donate will be used for purposes they do not like, they simply do not need to donate.  No one is forcing them to donate their money.  They can keep their money for themselves.  However, they cannot force others NOT to donate to the Church. Any person is free to donate to the Church in accordance to their free will.   


  1. This money issue is based on a false premise. The false idea is that the church needs money. Rohr thinks that the church is like a corporation: if you take away the money to run it, it will die. That is why he thinks the "power" belongs to the laity. if you convince people to stop giving money to the church, then the church will collapse. This is what rohr ccog and co all believe.

    The church does not need money. Not because it has spare funds but because Jesus Christ said the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. If hell cant destroy the church then the lack of money will certainly not do it either.

    Poor Timmy and his followers just show their lack of faith. They do not believe in God the father almighty they believe in the dollar the power almighty. We really should feel pity towards them who think life is assured by the abundance of goods. How anxious he must be on an everyday basis! He is serving mammon not God!

    St. Francis of Assisi rebuilt the church without a dime. Missionaries all throughout history went to distant lands without money. Ab Byrnes will not stop being a bishop because he is poor.

    So dear Timmy, ccog, and all you people of little faith who do not want to donate to the church: don't! Don't give a cent. The church will live on much longer than you and your paltry money.

  2. Anonymous Ann says at JW:
    AnonymousJanuary 13, 2017 at 7:46 PM

    We, the laity, continue to suffer indignities made by poor decisions
    from the Chancery. This only reinforces our determination to display
    our displeasure through our weekly picketing. We also need to keep withholding our Sunday donations. THANK YOU CCOG for speaking out on our behalf. Ann A.

    Well this IS symptomatic. This IS sick! This IS blackmailing of our Archbishop to comply or else... CCOG people admit now that they use the picket line and the withholding of Sunday collection to force the Archbishop to obey to them and coerce their demands on the church hierarchy!

    What kind of brigandism is this?! This behavior should stop immediately as soon as Archbishop Byrnes is back on island!

  3. CCOG is shamelessly trying to take control of our church into their own dirty hands! Little they know all Catholics should respect and obey their appointed bishop. They keep threatening the Catholic Church at JW:

    AnonymousJanuary 13, 2017 at 3:32 PM

    Stop the money to the Church, and regain control over it's affairs.

  4. They(CCOG) bought out Hon with their contribution, hence his destructive actions. I was surprised that Hon accepted the money because wasnt it those same groups who had various BAR/NIGHT CLUB fundraisers and they also had RAFFLE drawings at those functions. According to archdiocese rules, we are not to conduct games of chance/gambling and those funds are not to be accepted.
    Junglewatch is a joke. They cant even agree among themselves. Ror recently moved a discussion to his other blog, his reason being that he created his other blog for that content. Rather, it was obvious that he moved the discussion on the Blessed Mother to hide the fact they are not united and do not share the same views. Bruce Williams hasnt even been allowed to post since that happened, he was the author. Even radicals are at war.
    Diana, I think its best to close shop and just allow themselves to crumble among each other. As Archbishop Byrnes returns it'll be best for him to just see the wickedness for himself.
    I used to be very defensive of their lies but now Im more irritated than anything at the narcissism, its more entertaining these days.

    -Jokers Wild

  5. "God Provides"

    God provides, so why do I worry about my life
    When you come to my rescue a thousand times
    Every other voice it is a lie
    God provides

    God provides
    In ways I can't explain and can't deny
    The little that I have he multiplies
    Just when I feel he won't show up on time
    God provides

    He'll come through
    When the clouds of doubt rain down on you
    And test everything you thought you knew
    Now you finally see what god can do, for you

    So tonight,
    Close your eyes
    There's no more need to fight
    Watch god provide

    God provides
    It's hard to say when there's no food to eat
    Or what you see feels all that life will be
    And will this be another year of misery, for me
    But my faith, can't survive on just things I see
    And my feelings can't control my destiny
    See god I only want what you believe, for me

    So tonight,
    Close your eyes
    There's no more need to fight
    Watch god provide

    God provides (yeah, he will provide)
    God provides (before your eyes)
    God provides (oh, he will, he will)...provides

    So tonight,
    Close your eyes
    There's no more need to fight
    Watch god provide

    God provides (he will provide)
    God provides (before your eyes, he will)
    God provides (whatever your need, I know that he will provide)

    God provides (yes, he'll step right in, in the nick of time, yes he will)
    God provides (he'll open the windows of heaven)
    God provides (and pour you out a blessing, you won't have room to receive, yeah)

    So tonight,
    Close your eyes
    There's no more need to fight
    Watch god provide

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:53 am,

      As you can see, they removed the deed restriction, but the seminary is still standing.

      They changed the Articles of Incorporation and took out the phrase "after the Neocatechumenal Way", and the seminary continues to operate without any CHANGES to its activities.

      They replaced priests in parishes that have the Way with priests who are not in the Way, and the Way is still standing as they continue their celebrations.

    2. SO your eyes, and pray for are Archbishop Apuron,It's not ApUrun, but Apuron, pray for him because he is a Innocent man, and god will provide because God knows he's is a Innocent man,so tonight please pray for a Innocent man, who I call our God loving Archbishop Apuron!!!

    3. 3:39PM will Pray to that!!

  6. problem is RMS.
    It is not to the standard of St.Patrick's. RMS produced some poor examples of clergy who are not formed to the heart of Jesus.
    As soon as Archbishop Byrnes closes down RMS sends home the boys the sooner peace is built.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:22 am,

      Read again what Archbishop Byrnes said about RMS in the Guamanian Magazine. He made it clear that he is keeping the seminary just as it is. ☺

    2. What does "clergy not formed to the heart of Jesus" mean?

    3. Do you think I care about a white Archbishop from Detroit? Hell No. For Archbishop Byrnes to find peace he will close seminary or else.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 6:03 pm,

      Or else what????? Are you going to accuse him of sexual molestation?

    5. 6:03 Pm.....OR else what a new picket sign ? what a JOKE!!!

    6. It is outrageous! Anybody read this in the PDN?

      Tim Rohr •Loyola Marymount University

      Well since the bishops are either busy grabbing pre-pubescent genitalia or ramming the rectums of 12 years olds, and guys like Byrnes and Cristobal are more interested in covering for their brothers arses, well, yah, then we'll do this ourselves. LOL

      Like • Reply • 1 • Jan 17, 2017 6:53am

      What is Rohr talking about? I am quite disturbed by his language. What is he doing? Is he fantasizing about bishops abusing children? Is he slandering and making accusations without any basis? Is he accusing bishops in general? Is he saying all bishops abuse children? Is he accusing Archbishop Byrnes and Fr. Adrian with covering up? Wow! What is this?! Why is his mind full of these fantasies? Is he a porn addict? What is his evidence against the bishops?

  7. Guam is all about money now.
    our church will not stop without money. However, ministries services employment is weakened without funding. Given our church is in financial debt with possibility of lawsuits we cannot afford to throw away money Diana.

  8. It may be an idea to place a cap on this way movement. for example from Feb 1st no more communties of the way can be created. No more new members accepted into the movement. Mass can only be said in a church. The way movement will then be in line with the approved catholic church. It is now like China. There os underground catholic church symbolized by the way movement. And there is the approved catholic church in communion with Rome Archdiocese. Our role is to conform this way movement to align with mainline catholic church. All issues are then resolved. Arvhbishop Byrnes simply needs to bring the way into conformity with the church with Pope Francis. Thankyou.

    1. There are so many confused ideas in your post that I don't know which to address first.

      Tell Jesus to put a cap on how many people are allowed to convert to Christianity.
      In China the underground church is the church that is faithful to Rome. It is the church that is "capped", that has money and follows national culture that is not in communion with Rome.
      The ncw is approved and aligned by and with Rome. So much so that Cardinal mueller said barely a month ago that the ncw is an authentic way to have faith. Real faith based on an existential and spiritual encounter with Christ. Not sentimental devotions or prideful intellectualism.

      So maybe better not to cap the ncw. Let the rest of the Guamanian church catch up to the ncw and align itself with Rome.

    2. Really Now my friend you have missed one important fact. NCW is already in conformity with the Church. It is not " an underground church" as you say.
      Christ asked us to go out preach to all nations. To evangelize. The Lord never said to place a cap on his followers. To build Kingdom of God there is no limit on membership numbers. The Kingdom of God is open to all who turn away from sin, repent, convert, live in holiness of life.

    3. "Not sentimental devotions or prideful intellectualism. "

      This is such a typical NCW thing to say. It would be funny if it didn't show how far away from the real faith you are.

    4. The day of the Big Shame is approaching to CCOG, Sablan, Rohr and the other war mongers. They pushed themselves into a corner from where there is no escape. This corner is the manner NCW is serving the Eucharist. This is their stumbling stone. They cannot get around this stumbling stone anymore because they pushed the issue of distributing the Eucharist too far.

      First of all they have to confront Archbishop Byrnes as soon as he is back on island on their 2 questions:

      Is it against against the regulation of the Catholic Church that at NCW Eucharist celebrations
      1. the body of Christ is consumed while the faithful is sitting?
      2. no distribution on-the-tongue is available?

      These two questions were raised at JW and very are specific attack lines against the NCW. Only on Guam! Why? Because nowhere else on this wide earth is NCW attacked under the same charges. It was a novelty of Rohr to push for these things. You don't hear the same charges not even from his international comrades anywhere else. Why? They know that these 2 questions are simply invalid and will be laughed off. These questions don't deserve the time and effort they invest into it.

      Of course, Archbishop Byrnes will have to tell them. He will tell them to back off because the answer for both of these 2 questions is NO! No, the practices of the NCW do not violate any regulation.

      1. There is nothing wrong with sitting down before you consume the Eucharist.
      2. Eucharist on-the-tongue is available at other masses where you are free to go.

      When these people will hear the answers from Archbishop Byrnes, this will be the day of Big Shame for them, because of their stubbornness and unreasonable plots against their sisters and brothers. CCOG, JW. LFM and other church misfits of Guam, be ready for the day of your Big Shame. Then repent and ask forgiveness from your brethren in the communities for all the untrue accusations! We are here to show you a true way toward Jesus that is worth of waking on.

    5. It is interesting that CCOG and Rohr are hiding from Archbishop Byrnes. Now that they declared him an enemy, they are afraid of asking him anything. What a cowardice! Archbishop Byrnes is not an enemy! He is the appointed bishop. He is full of good wish and good intentions. Everybody should pull together and support him in his adjustment to the island environment. The day of big shame for CCOG is not only approaching, it is already upon them! Bunch ow cowards, led by the chief coward of all. Lol!

  9. Guam is all about money now.
    our church will not stop without money. However, ministries services employment is weakened without funding. Given our church is in financial debt with possibility of lawsuits we cannot afford to throw away money Diana.

    1. I think it's fabulous if services and ministries become volunteer and not paid. Then the people who do them will be really working for Christ. The services given will not be weakened but will be stronger because people will work for god and not for money.

    2. It would be also better if priests, religious and laity be working not for the money. Tax the Church to be fair to all. The Church is one of the richest institutions and a lot of people can gain from the money and empire it has built.

  10. sorry please re post.This message. Name is Hon not Con. Bring back Archbishop Savio HON. Archbishop Hon come back to us.

    1. LOL. 10:24 Am...HaHaHaHa :))))))) Hon is a con.

  11. way organization misled corrupted entire Archdiocese throughout past twenty years.
    Archbusho Apuron for whatever reason is away, Fr.Pius not around, Fr.Adrian studying.
    Time is now here when we the people must ask a basic question. Given all the pain upset of the organizations history in our Island do we want it here? Thousands Guam catholics given those who signed 326 believe way organization has no place here. Now the way women can form a mothers union to serve coffee donuts after Mass. The way men can form a baseball club. But the way cannot run a dysfunctional seminary here on our Island.
    As an Island community time is now right to discern future of this way. It is time to reclaim our church. To support CCOG return catholic life culture to Guam. The way should take one parish and be confined to one place. Close down seminary. Church will be in order.

    1. AT 11:39 AM.... our Island? our Church? the way women? the men baseball club? the CCOG who has it's own cheerleading squad the Catholic church picketers, who protest against their own Church, put down the signs and the Church will be in order.

    2. You know people who think they are not who they really are take medication after long stays in mental institutions. The only one who can make the decision that the now has no place in Guam is the bishop or the pope. if you think you are either one of them I can recommend a psychiatrist for you.

    3. It is so juvenile when you load your brain with this unintelligible bs, my friend. What are you talking about? The NCW is part of Catholic life around the globe! Period. It stays that way forever. Do you want to say what is allowed and what is not? Ha-ha... Are you nuts?! You are way too small a tiny point in the universe for that!

      You have no business whatsoever with what Guam Catholics do on island. Let me repeat, you have zero business with us! So please keep off from interfering with our communities. You may join us but cannot harm the Spirit that is with us. We are protected by the power of Jesus Christ who is smiling on us whenever He looks at the light of our spiritual values that all came right from Him! Remember, He is the Head and we are the members. Why don't you just curl back up into your deluded mind and keep fantasizing your vicious dreams for yourself? Lol!

  12. 11.39am Nations end up in war because of attitudes like you. praying for you

  13. What is the average age of ccog jungle followers etc? I bet it's 60. Close the ncw and in 20 years there will be no more Catholic Church In Guam.

  14. Lol.....Funny comment anon 11:39am

  15. Todays PDN " Cristobal to Canada."
    Persecuation of the way.

  16. Army of trolls forming.
    Persecuation of Zoltan near
    Jesus Protect him.

  17. Praying for Br.Zoltan.
    Brother Zoltan composed letter PDN today. This letter will lead to his personal persecuation.
    Watch by 7pm persecuation army will fire in blogs. Enemies of faith their anger will lighten.

  18. Insults appearing in social media below belt. Fr.Cristobal at the request of his bishop was selected to study church law.This is an affirmation of Archbishop Michael's trust confidence in the moral judgements, integrity, pastoral skill of Father Cristobal. Fr.Cristobal is an outstanding minister of service.For this reason he was chosen for advanced higher studies to serve communities around the world.

  19. who is paying for canon law?
    $100 bill in sunday plate pays for a bad priest. Our money. Our hard earned money paying for him. Our money pays. Jesusmaria.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:35 pm,

      Simple solution........keep YOUR money. Then you do not need to complain. Those who wish to give can give.

    2. 335pm: FYI most of all your money is will soon be paying the "accusers" of sexual crimes against church clergy. You should have thought about YOUR MONEY when you signed the petition. Oh wait, where is Mr. Joe Santos these days? Hes in Rota! Ditched Guam all together, left for silence. Tom, Richard and Harry can now accuse and sue the church for meeeeelions of dollars, all they need is to allege they were abused.
      Diana, not sure if you noticed but all these complainers of money seem to never forget to attach a dollar amount. I donated this, I donated that. Leaves me to question whether they were even giving for the right purposes or just for prestige.
      Thank God for the NCW!

      -Jokers Wild

    3. thought will give to neo not to court cases. Joker could be right our money get lost in legal cases. don't wish that.

    4. Money for payments made to victims will come from land rentals.
      Archdiocesan insurance will pay large percentage.

    5. 127pm

      Land Rentals dont even make a dent. Who/What pays the insurance? Your money! Your big contributions!
      Every month, every parish owes the Archdiocese big sums through "assessment fees", these funds help support the chancery and all the other financial obligations. This assessment is besides the Annual Appeal.

      Get to know your church, Stop relying on the jungle.

      -Jokers Wild

  20. tell ccog to keep their money.
    Those who want to give are free to give. who is asking for their money? Father Adrian asking?No. NCW asking for ccog money? No. Keep your money it's not wanted.

  21. Let your Puppet Master Rohr keep your Money!!

  22. Christ asks us to serve the poor. costs so little money to help another in need.
    so much focus on money given to charity. when you give do it freely without expecting return. share money.

  23. Dear Diana
    Pope just visited a parish in Guidonia near Rome that has 8 communities. Vatican radio reports both an interview with the wh pastor and what the pope told the parish. Both are excellent.

  24. "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops, and your religious act like religious."
    - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, 1972

    Prophetic statement made in 1972 that CCOG, LFM, JW can use as inspiration to save the Church from ncw heresies accepted by hierarchy of the Church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:49 pm,

      CCOG, LFM, and JW misinterpreted Fulton Sheen's statement. Sheen is saying to correct your priests and bishops so they can act like priests and bishops. He never said to take over their positions, which is what CCOG, LFM, and JW intends to do. In other words, it was Archbishop's Byrnes decision to allow Father Adrian to pursue his canon law degree. CCOG's intention is to get Byrnes to reverse his decision because that is what CCOG wants. It has nothing to do with getting a bishop to act like a bishop. Archbishop Byrnes's decision was to allow the RMS seminary to continue in its activities. He does not plan to change its activities. CCOG disagrees with Byrnes because they have plans of their own on what should be done with the Yona property. Again, it is what CCOG wants that matters. It has nothing to do with seeing that your bishop act like priests and bishop.

    2. From what I can tell CCOG, LFM, and JW is acting purely for self interest and have no real Christian agenda. Therefore they should not be correcting anyone, seeing that it does not come from a place of Charity and love, but of destruction and self interest. Rather from self interest, destruction is just the by product of self interest.
      Under that same statement from Archbishop Fulton, we could say he is referring to men and women like Kiko Arguello, and Carmen Hernandez who have dedicated their lives to seeking authentic Christian life, and as a biproduct the NCW has been born. Read anotaciones, it's absolutely inspiring, a consolation for those who truly seek Christian life.

    3. CCOG is willing to kill in order to save. This is foolish! You are right, dear anon this is not Christian at all! Jesus was willing to die in order to save. That is the Christian way!

  25. Regarding the public hearing on Bill 326-33 on Monday, August 1st, 2016, I have to repeat: this was a very curious legislative act, full of irregularities that Guamanian people had to experience. It was the 3rd day of testimonies in the matter, after 2 days of the same hearing was conducted the week before.

    First of all, the Legislature's web-site featured a different bill from what was distributed as a hand-out at the hearing. Let me emphasize, the only available text for Bill 326-33 at the official web-site was Frank Blas Jr.'s original bill. However, the bill had been "amended", actually thrown out and completely rewritten by Bob Klietzkie from the audience during a hearing session the week before. The text of the new bill, "as amended" was not made available, except by an unofficial paper hand-out distributed at the August 1st hearing.

    I was greatly surprised when I had to see that the public hearing was not on Frank Blas Jr.'s bill anymore, but on a different "amended" bill written by someone in the audience. It was a barely disguised outsourcing of legislative power by a legislative committee. The legislative power was outsourced to a member of a group of radical bigots who openly admitted they wanted to use the bill for their own purpose.

    No wonder the newly elected 34th Guam Legislature had to declare that holding a hearing in this misleading manner was not right! A misconduct was committed by the chair of the committee who held the hearing, Senator Frank Blas Aguon. The Legislature had the declare that a public hearing is to be held again in case a bill was significantly altered or changed during or after a previous public hearing. This is exactly what happened to Bill 326-33! It was completely replaced during the hearing, but no new hearing was made possible on the new text of the bill.

    Another irregularity was that Senator Aguon interrupted my testimony when I mentioned that David Sablan of CCoG and Timothy Rohr of JW wanted to use Bill 326-33 as a stepping stone against a Catholic faith group on Guam. Senator Aguon told me that I was supposed to talk about the bill and not persons. Never mind that Mr. Vincent Pereda who was sitting next to me, only talked about one person in his testimony, Archbishop Apuron, claiming that he "can be considered a serial child molester" without any evidence. Mr. Pereda did not offer any proof to his statement, he only promulgated his own opinion under the pretext of a public testimony on this bill. Senator Aguon did not think Mr. Pereda had to be interrupted, even though he did not talk about Bill 326-33 at all.

    It can be seen on the video recording of my testimony on Bill 326-33 at the August 1st public hearing that Tim Rohr, who was present at the hearing, stood up one point and approached my seat from behind in a threatening manner while I was reading my testimony. His intention of intimidation can be deduced. Chairman Aguon would have had the duty to ask Rohr to sit down and not make any threatening move toward the person who was making a public testimony. Chairman Aguon failed to do so.

  26. (continued)

    What is more, chairman Aguon submitted a transcript of the public hearing to the Guam Legislature that replaced my arguments about the unconstitutionality of Bill 326-33, as amended, by incomprehensible gibberish. I had to contact him in person and contest this conduct in order to correct the submitted transcript. He promised he would make the correction.

    Another shocking experience at this public hearing was that Senator BJ Cruz rendered a previous bill that lifted the statute of limitation for child abuse for a 2-year period of time back in 2011 inadequate, because the Archdiocese "lobbied for the bill". I was greatly surprised to hear that a bill that has passed the Legislature would be considered inadequate because anyone lobbied for or against it. Really? How about the integrity of the Legislature?! How is representing the people, the lobbyist or the senators? When senators pass a bill, it means they support and agree with it. At that point the bill becomes their own and they cannot blame any lobbying efforts without compromising the integrity of the Legislature! They can only blame themselves.

    When the Archdiocese’s focus is on challenging Bill 326-33, as amended, or public law 33-187, as signed into law by the governor, we cannot avoid mentioning the irregularities that surrounded the public hearing of this bill. We cannot but notice the efforts of a radical group, supported also by Senator Aguon, the chair of the committee, whose members wanted to compromise a bill in order to bend it to their own purpose.

    1. Senator Frank Aguon was fooled into believing that he was doing the right thing. But it was a serious mistake for him to expose himself on the side of Frank Blas and his bill who lost the election!

  27. for Zoltan on January 20, 2017 at 10:10 AM, we need this information sent to the Legislature, speaker, and the media, the truth will set us free.

  28. Bill 326 is law. It upholds the dignity of children. My question to you zoltan why are you wanting to change a law that protects children?

    1. Honey this law does not protect the children. This law allows the children's lawyers to sue institutions.

    2. There is NO DIGNITY of any sort in Bill 326........Bill 326 does not protect children, it provides an avenue for scam artists, money desperate lawyers to make meeeelions of dollars accusing priests who have either died or have come to a point in their lives where the mind is not as strong as before. This is the truth.
      The truthful victims are a minority and are scarce.
      The saddest part about this is that when faced with an opportunity to snatch large sums of money as compensation for "pain & suffering" the victims come out in full force. All of a sudden they are all-willing to be in the public eye, all for money. Years, decades may have passed and they could have probably seen a specialist for victims, reached out for counseling to cope with the traumatic experience or even confided in a friends or family member but they refused all in the name of shame, guilt, hurt. When the object of money appears all of the shame, guilt and what forth disappears.
      The Law in NO way protects children, it does nothing in terms of prevention and protection, rather it is only reactive. Typical GovGuam.

      -Jokers Wild

    3. Dear Jokers Wild,

      I agree. We already see that when certain people representing Sonny Quinta and De Plata (who never suffered sexual abuse) suing the Archdiocese.

  29. law cannot be changed.
    An attempt to change this law shows catholic church supports sexual abuse.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:19 pm,

      Intimidation and a hostile environment where people were accused of supporting sexual abuse was one reason people did not speak up. I do not support the abusers, but I am against the bill. Even Governor Calvin who signed the bill into law said that there are some questions as to the constitutionality of the law.

    2. The law must be extended to Protestants and other religions, as well. But no church. Church is not abusing. Church is not liable as people liable who committed criminal sexual activity. Who is the church? The church is everybody. Everybody do not commit abuse. It is always somebody and not everybody! The price of crime should be prison, not money! You should not buy your freedom from sin by money.

    3. This law will give Justice to the catholic church. To make it pay for its sins.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 1:06 am,

      The Catholic Church does not have any sins, which is why it is called "One, HOLY, Catholic Church. Only the members have sins.

  30. try change this law.
    see what happens?
    you will be mud in social media.

    1. The law has to be modified and extended including incest inside the family. There is rape in some mental institutions and in prison. This is very serious. Not only sinful but criminal! The institution must be taken out of the law. Institutions don't rape. It is people who rape. It is family members who allow this to happen. This law smells fishy and unconstitutional!

  31. What a statement..."law cannot be changed"....God can change the law through people who have Jesus Christ in thier hearts....senators and Governors are not gods...thats why the church includes them in the prayer of the faithful, that they enact laws to protect ALL people including children and the unborn from conception to natural death....
