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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Interesting Discussions In The PDN

Alexander Chen
In other words...

CCOG are the new Bishop of Guam.
Accept it, this is the new protestant Catholic Church of Guam.

CCOG despises the Catholic Church; They only obey to their thinking; they stir dissent; they accuse based on 'allegations'; they want everyone to agree with them; they are the Despot's in Command of the Catholic church or else they let their smear-dog (Tim Rohr) lose who with his JungleTrash sewer-machine smear and throw mud at anyone who opposes their hateful rhetoric.

Sadly, and because the real Christians are the silent majority, they have become the face of the Catholic Church in the public-sewer sphere.

My condolences to the Guam faithful.

Tim Rohr
Well since the bishops are either busy grabbing pre-pubescent genitalia or ramming the rectums of 12 years olds, and guys like Byrnes and Cristobal are more interested in covering for their brothers arses, well, yah, then we'll do this ourselves. LOL
LikeReplyMark as spam1Jan 17, 2017 6:53am
Alexander Chen
@Tim Rohr - Your sincerity would indeed 'appear' genuine if you did not resort to shocking and vulgar images in order to argue your opinion. Moreover, your indiscriminate generalization of all clergy, including Bishops (saints and sinners) does not help your cause either as it seems that you are more desperate to bring people to hate rather than to genuinely solve any problem(s) with the Church in Guam.

If you would at least deny your Catholic Faith or stop professing that you really care for the Church that would be more cogent, as it is you are a hypocrite professing to care, because if a new Bishop arrives that is more merciful and compassionate than your pre-ordained-hate-filled conclusions, then the real Tim Rohr comes out of the shadows and starts spewing vulgar hatred.
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 17, 2017 8:01am
Jose Martinez
Alexander Chen LOL. Good times.
LikeReplyMark as spam1Jan 17, 2017 12:23pm
Danny Sabato
Alexander Chen You are the one supporting a child molester from the beginning, so you should stay out of anything, since you are on the wrong side of the fence!
LikeReplyMark as spam2Jan 17, 2017 7:56pm
Alexander Chen
@Danny Sabato - What you arrogantly call a child molester, to me is as much a victim as the victim of a pedophile. Apuron is a victim of smear and character assassination by PDN/JungleTrash fakeNews (and its followers) as long as Apuron calls himself innocent, he is worthy of being believed given his loyal and faithful public record. You may not agree in the direction Apuron led the Church, but that does not mean he is a pedophile. I will only change my mind if he confesses to the crimes or until a sentence from an impartial and fair trial has passed a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the vitriolic and irrational hatred from you and Tim Rohr continues to give evidence that you both are either unwittingly naïve, guided by a piously intended error [and ‘enjoy’ the use of a bully pulpit] or have an invested interest to protect, a corrupt ulterior motive that influences you. I called your piously intended error “irrational” because you have NO PROOF but driven only by serious 'allegations', yet you incite vicious hatred without any of the prudent restrain that this delicate situation demands, as both ‘human’ lives are at stake of being equal victims of injustice. Given that I do not think that Tim and you are idiots, this inspires an air of suspicion, corruption or malice in your intentions. If only you would offer solutions not vulgar jokes, reconciliation not dissention, you would be more credible.
As for Apuron, he has already paid a high price, albeit unwarranted, for all the vitriol from Tim and his PDN friends is all hearsay and smear. He has paid a high price for no proved/evidenced crime whatsoever; Yet Tim and his followers continue to enjoy freedoms and rights. Is this fair? Is this Christian? In order to understand this injustice you need to be a Christian and be able to put yourself in the shoes of BOTH victims. Evidently, Tim is unable or will not do this. Moreover, as if this is not enough, Tim make no excuses as he relentlessly uses Apuron as the bottom of vulgar distasteful puerile jokes, smearing the whole church and anyone that does not agree with him in the process – to call Tim a bully is very appropriate and well earned/deserved. Tim laughs that Apuron, a Guamanian, cannot even set foot anymore in his own land, not even if he is proven to be innocent. Even if he is proved to be innocent in the Vatican trial, PDN and the JungleTrash will always spin the facts to spread distrust towards the Church or any jury whatsoever.
In the end, what does Tim do with his privileges, freedoms and rights? It is self-evident in every posting you read from him which, if you ask me, he is driven by demonic wounded pride. A poor lonely soul.
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 18, 2017 2:07am
Danny Sabato
Alexander Chen You are really a fanatic
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 18, 2017 6:15pm
Alexander Chen
@Danny Sabato - I am not the one LOLing at vulgar jokes, nor condemning or ridiculing anyone without the Christian decency of giving them the benefit of the doubt and a fair trial.
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 19, 2017 4:21am
Tim Rohr
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 19, 2017 10:28am
Tim Rohr
Alexander Chen

It's not me:

“In addressing the situation of Anthony S. Apuron, after hearing all of the accounts of sexual molestation and rape that have been publicly disclosed by the victims that have bravely come forward, I have no doubt that Anthony Apuron can be considered a serial child molester who has perpetrated his criminal sexual conduct behavior undetected and/or unreported over many years.”

- Public Testimony on Bill 326-33, Vincent Pereda, Board Certified Clinical Social Worker by the AmericanBoard of Examiners, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, 30 years of clinical experience as a professional counselor, program manager and clinical administrator, worked in juvenile and adult corrections, mental health and for the Judiciary of Guam, worked 20 years as clinical social worker and counselor for Department of the Navy and Veterans Affairs, continues to work as part time counselor for the Superior Court of Guam in which he works with both juvenile and adult sex offenders performance clinical evaluations and providing direct treatment intervention.
LikeReplyMark as spamJan 19, 2017 11:30am
Alexander Chen
@Tim Rohr - So in your world, these individuals could NEVER be bribed or bought in a defamation campaign against a public Catholic Church official huh? that NEVER happens, right? Here is where you lose your marbles.
Read the story of Susana and Joseph (the son of Jacob) for reasons why in Christianity, outside of a fair trial, we do not engage in witch hunting, this is 21st-Century-AMERICA not the middle ages.
LikeReplyMark as spam2 hrs


  1. In reference to Tim Rohr's statement about Vincent Pereda, it should be noted that Mr. Pereda's wife is Mary Lou, a member of LFM and who has been known to post comments in the Junglewatch blog against Archbishop Apuron.

    1. Yep. That means Vincent Pereda and his wife are affiliated with Tim. No surprise there.

    2. Diana is right. Vincent Pereda's testimony cannot be relied on due to a conflict of interest. His wife is a member of LFM and is seen among the protestors. She has also written a lot of comments against AB Apuron in JW. This is one of them:

      Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJuly 29, 2016 at 12:23 PM
      Champ's testimony was the first time the details of +Sonny's+ trauma was revealed to the public from someone who guarded the secret for more than 3 decades.

      Hearing his testimony strengthened my resolve to continue fighting in memory of +Sonny Quinata+ and on behalf of the survivors whose stories have touched and horrified us as well as those unknown victims who continue to hold fast to their secret.

      Some have indicated that the press conference held by the Apostolic Administrator had "checked off" one of the CCOG concerns regarding the priests and that we will stop our picketing. WRONG!!

      I, for one, will continue wheeling my DEFROCK APURON sign, even as other signs enter the picket line. I cannot bear the thought of allowing a serial sexual abuser of innocent children to be buried in the sanc
      tuary of the Cathedral-Basilica with +Bishops Olano and Baumgartner+ and +Archbishop Flores.+

  2. Those affiliated with Tim identified in reading comments. same few. Mary Lou, Janet, ......... Eileenbb retired. frenchie.....others

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:18 pm,

      You do hear anything from Eileen in the jungle. She has not posted any comments after the jungle trashed her after a simple disagreement.

    2. That was ugly how JW treated Eileen. Tim and his horde have no shame.

    3. Tim is the incredibly shrinking man.
      JW is the incredibly shrinking blog.
      CCOG is the incredibly shrinking manamko club.
      LFM is the incredibly shrinking picket line.


      look at The Incredible Shrinking Man

    4. They say they do picketing until they are blue...
      Well, right now they are already pink. He-he.

  3. What the hell?! What is Rohr talking about? I am quite disturbed by his language. Is he saying bishops are busy "grabbing ... or ramming ... "? What is this? Is he fantasizing about bishops abusing children?!

    It looks like he is enjoying himself and has a great time. Is he just slandering all Catholic bishops and making accusations without any basis? Why is he talking about bishops in general? Is he saying all bishops abuse children?! It sounds crazy and delusional.

    He published this piece of trash at the PDN and PDN published his ugly language! PDN should have known better! Is he accusing Archbishop Byrnes and Fr. Adrian by covering up sexual abuse?! Wow! This is way over the line. Rohr has to be stopped for the sake of his own comrades. Why is his mind full of bad fantasies? Is he an addict?

    What is his evidence against "the bishops", in general?!

    1. Files of the Bishops
      Documents on church administration and the abuse crisis, including major collections of diocesan and investigative files from:
      Boston MA
      Manchester NH
      San Diego CA
      Davenport IA
      Portland ME
      Fort Worth TX
      Louisville KY
      Philadelphia PA
      Bridgeport CT
      Rudofski Archive for Joliet IL

    2. Less than 1% of bishops are involved in any kind of accusation. This means, lass than 1 bishop from 100 bishops!

      Rohr is obviously biased against bishops claiming all bishops, archbishop, cardinals, etc. abuse children or cover up sexual abuse. It is telling a lot about his sick mind.

    3. for Anonymous January 21, 2017 at 4:08 PM, you are right, there are more good than bad, but the point/reason is that bishops, archbishop and in particular cardinals (like in the U.S.) when assigned to a diocese they are IN CHARGE.
      Notice that most of the church headlines, the charges of abuse are against the person/persons IN CHARGE and of course the person they say doing the abusing.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 7:41 am,

      Let us not get too far from the OP. The point is that Tim Rohr generalize ALL bishops and even accuse Archbishop Byrnes of cover up. Archbishop Byrnes has just started to move in permanently and the truth is...he is NOT covering up anything.

    5. Tim Rohr and co. have no respect for anyone! First, they attacked Anthony Apuron. When they did not succeed, they brought up sexual abuse charges. When a new archbishop came, they attacked Savio Hon Tai-Fai. They demanded him to "go home". When finally another archbishop arrived, they are attacking now Michael Jude Byrnes, as well. They also tell Byrnes to "go home, we want Hon back". Does it make any sense to anyone? Again, of course, when they do not succeed, they attack Archbishop Michael and even Pope Francis (!) by covering up sexual abuse. Tell me if you don't have to be extremely disrespectful toward everybody on this wide earth to do this.

      Respect is a very fundamental human value. The Bible confirms that people who have no respect, have no path to God either! Creating scandal after scandal just that they could blackmail Vatican officials to do what Tim Rohr and co. want, well, this is anything but Christian attitude. You either go by the values of the Lord who is the King of Heaven or you go by the values of Satan who is the ruler of this world. There is no middle ground!

    6. Rohr and his ilk are traditional in the sense that they conspired together with all the traditional enemies of the Catholic Church to cause irreparable damages! They share one and the same spirit, that of the devil of destruction.

    7. People who cannot show respect don't deserve respect!

    8. These people were never taught respect.

  4. The fact is the Apuron should have stayed in Guam and defended himself. If God is for us, who can be against us. So there is no need to run and hide. The canonical trial can be done in Rome but he can stay in Guam. The fact that he ran and is now in hiding shows a lot.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:23 pm,

      How can you conclude that Archbishop Apuron was running and hiding from the civil lawsuit?????? The lawsuits were filed months AFTER he left. In fact, Bill 326 was also passed long AFTER he left.

    2. Archbishop Apuron not hiding or running he's has a good reason why he's not in Guam, wait and see so hold all your negative and nasty comment 6:23 PM.... he didn't leave his Sheep,it's just a wolf Tim Rohr Snuck in the pen and trying to take his flock over, but he'll will lead his sheep back to pastures again god willing, not the wolf Rohr!!!

  5. Precisely the point. He should not have left. It really show show that the dangers come to eh sheep, the hired hand leaves the flock. But the real shepherd comes to defend the sheep. Apuron is not a shepherd of the Church in Guam. It shows so much about the intention, the real reason he wanted to be a priest, to gain the admiration, wealth,power that the priesthood entails. But for the the people he is suppose to care and protect. NADA.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:27 am,

      On the contrary, he had to go to Rome to get the process of the canonical trial started. People like you will continue to criticize the Archbishop regardless of whether he is here or not. This way is best. Why? Because all his accusers are willing to crucify him without a trial. It is best that he stay away and wait the outcome of the canonical trial. If the Vatican finds him not guilty, he can bring that back to Guam. And whatever evidence the Vatican has uncovered to prove his innocence, he can also bring that to court as he face his accusers. In others words, he would be better prepared.

      After all, even Tim Rohr is already predicting that the canonical trial will find him not guilty. Makes you wonder.....why do you suppose Tim would make such a prediction and further tell his followers not to turn to Rome?

    2. Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee, though no one pursues, but the righteous are bold like a lion

      Apuron and others from the NCW flock...

    3. Dear anon, perhaps you should have shown self restraint, not willing to publicly lynch the Archbishop. That could have helped you. Also, perhaps you should have accused him without hard evidence. Slander is the last resort of cowards.

    4. Because Tim knows he's innocent, Make you wonder... nothing but a conspiracy

    5. Archbishop Anthony innocent.
      After all this he best to retire to regain peace after pain of his crucifixion.

  6. Apuron acted honorably. He was accused and he went to Rome to defend his name. Rome accepted to give him a canonical trial and put an administrator to hold the fort while bishop was away. I remind you all of the physical violence threatened the archbishop, I remind you of his tires being slashed and I remind you that rms priests have been physically attacked. I do not know this for a fact but I assume that if Rome sent an administrator they probably told apuron to stay away until the matter is resolved one way or the other.

    1. Dear Anon at 4:08 pm
      If you think about it this is kind of what happened to Paul. The Jews wanted to kill him at the Sanhedrin (much like CCOG people want to crucify Apuron) and after he announces to them the Good News {He explains he was a persecuter of Christians (A sinner who killed God himself by persecuting Christians much like we do when we sin) and God called him through a beam of light (showed him that he loved him and showed him the truth)}.
      Sounds like the burden carried by the NCW in Guam. (For what good deed do you want to kick us off this Island).
      After he announces the Good News and they still want to kill him, (one who rejects the good news rejects Christ himself) he uses his wit and tells the centurion he is a citizen of Rome, showed he be flogged without fair trial. So the centurion gets scared and transfers him to have a trial.
      Idk but this sounds to me exactly like what's happening with Apuron.

    2. What is happening is that the honorable thing to do is to face his accusers here in Guahan. If he really did go to Rome to 'face' to defend his name, he should be on his way back to Guahan. By the fact that he is not eager to come back here and face the people he served for more than 30 years shows a lot about the kind of person he is. Why is he running away from persecution, the NCW teaches to face the persecution, the trial, and here you have someone, showing the how to run away.

    3. How about the people he has served for 30 years showing some loyalty?? A corrupt priests, a violent filthy mouthed man, and their club run a smear campaign and pay people to accuse him unjustly and 30 years of service go out the window. Had he stayed here you would have just kept on slandering him and kept on destroying the local church. Instead apuron did the only thing possible to help the local church which is to leave and allow Rome to send someone who would help while his name was cleared.

      But that is not enough for you is it? To force him into exile isn't enough. You want his blood. You want to see him humiliated over and over again by those hyenas that call themselves ccog or lfm.

      There is a precedent. St. Athanasius. He also had to go into exile because his diocese was split between Catholics be heretics. And the heretics he had to deal with advocates the same as ccog and jw!!! Local church united with the authorities.

  7. Only people who have crimes, hidden or not, ran and hide, Apuron, Camacho, Cristobal. They are answerable not only to God but to the people of Guam. If you did not do it, why hide, run?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:58 pm,

      Who said that there were running and hiding? Where did you get this information? You only hear the side of the jungle who has been spreading these rumors. When are you going to do your own research. You even have Father Adrian as running and hiding despite the FACT that it was Archbishop Byrnes who assigned him to study canon law. So tell me, how did you come up with the idea that Father Adrian was running and hiding despite the obvious fact?

    2. Dear Anon at 5:58PM

      Actually I am almost positive that people who fear for their physical well being also run and hide till the danger has passed. If you don't think death or physical harm is enough of a motivator you should rethink life.
      Even Christ in the Gospel retreats and runs various times when they want to stone him.

    3. Well then tell Tony to come out of hiding and tell those victims to their faces that he did not do what they are accusing him of. Nothing is stopping him from doing so. And while you're at it, come out of hiding yourself.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 5:09 am,

      He already did. And the result....they brought a defamation lawsuit against him for calling them a liar. Any more bright ideas????

    5. What CCoG wants us to believe is that there is evidence for the truthfulness of the alleged victims' testimonies. But the evidence simply does not exists! There is a reason that the charges go back to a very distant past. It is impossible to gather facts after 40 and 60 years have passed. By the very nature of these accusations it is impossible to verify who is telling the truth!

      CCoG wants us to accept the accusations on face value. But after 40 and 60 years, you can only believe to one side or the other. There is a reason that there are no charges from the near past. Whatever happened 2 or 3 yeast ago could be tested and verified for truthfulness. You have no problem to remember back a couple years. But remembering back to 40 and 60 years is different.

      The only thing CCoG is able to say is that they accept the accusations on face value. But they cannot make other people to do the same. People have a choice to believe to one side or the other. It remains a question of personal belief. This is the matter of the fact! No JW and no biased media can make people to believe anything on the face value that has no evidence whatsoever beyond the recollection of a few people who might or might not be financially motivated.

  8. Another funny comment anon 5:58pm...
    Answer to God?...Yes... Answer to people of Guam? Who??? ccog? lfm? rohr? jungle folks?? Hehehe..are you making them your god??
    Read your comment because you make it seem that way...
