I once said in an "echo" that if it was up to me, I would have made St. John the leader of the Apostles because he was the only Apostle who was there at the foot of the cross. Where were the rest? But God chose St. Peter to be the prince of the Apostles. Despite that St. Peter denied Christ three times, God knows best. God chooses the worst of men to entrust the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. I've learned that it's always best to trust the Catholic Church whenever she makes a decision. After all, Christ is the Head of the Church, and He will lead her into all truths.
The decisions I make at work, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the Church. And most of the time, these decisions are easy to make. Nevertheless, I constantly pray that God guides me because even at work, I need to obey His will.
absolutely! What a positive overview. I like this Blog in comparison to the other blog JUNGLE WATCH that is fumigated of SULFUR Smell. Not to judge them but praying for them to enlighten their heart.
ReplyDelete"God chooses the worst of men to entrust the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven." ?? How are you and further; who are you, in that you are able to discern that St. Peter was the worst of men? Please qualify yourself ...the answer is in Matthew 16: 13-20
ReplyDeleteTaking that thought, you imply that the worst of men,(of whose judgement would be the worst to follow), lead our Church?
This is the problem with "echoing" in the community, when one echos without substance it can give brothers the wrong idea about their faith and the Church.
-from a Neo in Tamuning Parish
Dear Anonymous who is a Neo in Tamuning Parish,
DeleteSt. Jerome stated "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." When one reads and studies Scripture, one gains an understanding of who God is. And God always chooses the weak, the poor, most humble, and the worst sinner as His chosen ones. Abraham was a weak old man with no heirs, and he was God's chosen to be the Father of many nations. David was a shepherd boy with no military skills, and he was God's chosen one to defeat the giant Goliath who had military skills. Moses had a speech impediment (See Exodus 4:10), and he became God's chosen one to become a public speaker. Among all the nations, the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt were God's chosen people. God chose the Israelites because slaves were the poorest of the poor. The Apostle Paul persecuted Christians and he was God's chosen one to become the Apostle of the Gentiles. Of all the Apostles, Peter was the one who denied Christ three times, and he was the Prince of the Apostles.
God always chooses the weak, the poor, the most humble, and the worst sinner to be His chosen ones to accomplish His work through them so that all will know that He is the one true God. If the strong person had been chosen, no one would know that it was God who did the work. Anyone can think that it was the work of the strong man who did it.....because he was strong enough to do it anyway. If an eloquent speaker was chosen, everyone would think that it was the speaker who spoke instead of God working through him.
Of the many disciples that Christ had, he chose 12 men. And these 12 men were the worst among all the disciples. One was a traitor, the other denied Christ three times, the other was a cheating tax collector, two were selfish and only thought of themselves, and so on. And among the 12, Peter was chosen to lead. God the Father revealed to the Apostle Peter that Christ was the living God. Peter was chosen because of the 12, God already knew that he would deny His Son three times. Satan was even found to be with Peter, and Christ said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan."
God chooses the weak so that the weak can be made strong with God and all will know who is God. God chooses the worst sinner to be made into a saint because God is the only one capable of turning a sinner into a saint.
The echoing in community should stay in community. This is the beauty of it, finding the mystery of the paschal victim. All part of maturity of Christian faith. Not luke warm
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteWhat I posted here is my echo or my sharing, not someone else's. When I stated, "I once said in an echo..." I was referring only to myself.