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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Press Release From Father Edivaldo

According to KUAM news (the bold is mine):
KUAM received a press release from the Archdiocese of Agana Media Relations Fr. Edivaldo da Silva Oliveira. The release states the appointment of Archbishop Hon was at the request of Archbishop Apuron “pending the investigation of an abuse allegation”. The release states that the appointment of an apostolic administrator “sede plena” means that while the administrator will discharge the archdiocesan pastoral duties, Archbishop Apuron remains the Archbishop of Agana. “The Archdiocese and the Archbishop warmly welcome Archbishop Hon to Guam,” the release added.
The Archdiocese has argued that the Archbishop is the victim of a malicious smear campaign because of his efforts to clean up the church. 


  1. Archbishop Hon may as well do a thorough investigation to include all allegations of clergy abuse. And while he is at it, investigate financial mismanagement. I wonder how many clergy now are cringing if thorough abuse investigations would be started. Parishioners may be shocked at what may be uncovered. Yes, let's clean house. Our local Catholic Church will survive these trying times. Praying for reconciliation among all our Catholic brethren.

    1. Indeed. St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

  2. "Some big things are going to happen today"

  3. Hard to believe that this was 'at the request of Archbishop Apuron'.

  4. meanwhile at the Cathedral today........


    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:55 pm,

      I am not worried. I am certain the chancery already expected this. :-)

    2. Diana do you really believe that a "smiley face" is appropriate?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 2:32 pm,

      A smiley face is there because I am not surprised that another person came out.

    4. Are you suggesting that this man is a liar or is mistaken too?

      Everything the Archbishop and the Archdiocese does is making things worse! Can you not see that? There are now three credible allegations of molestation (including rape) against the Archbishop, and yet you all carry on like it is a conspiracy.

      This latest declaration of the Archdiocese against the CCOG is a prime example. If it weren't for the CCOG and Tim Rohr and others who support them, it is likely that these allegations would never have come to light. They should be congratulated not condemned. The Archdiocese just makes a fool of themselves, and you do it too. There is no compassion, no sense of outrage, simply more of the same arrogance that we always see from the NCW. You think you're untouchable, but this will bite you hard.

      Do you still think the Archbishop is going to sue? I don't. But I do think there will be law suits. One of them will be for defamation against someone who has a different name on her birth certificate. I'm looking forward to that.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:11 pm,

      Yes, the Archbishop is going to sue. Things is already moving forward. Archbishop Hon will soon be here and start the investigations on the sexual allegations. And the lawsuit will also take place as soon as the Archbishop returns.

    6. Who the hell cares about Apuron's damn lawsuit!! He's cowering in a corner as more of his victims speak out about his horrendous crimes against them and the only thing he can think of doing is deny and accuse them of lying???? REALLY???? This is when we really see his true nature and self-inflated ego. And that goes for you, too, with your smiley face!!!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:23 pm with the blog symbol,

      The Archbishop is dead serious about a civil lawsuit. A man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. This is one of the fundamental democratic principle I still stand by. As I said, things are already moving forward. When Archbishop Hon gets here, I am certain that the sex abuse allegation will be his top priority. Archbishop Apuron is fully aware that a lawsuit is needed to resolve all issues and controversy over the last three years.

    8. "A man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law"

      No, a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty. He could still be (and likely is) guilty even if a court never convicts him. The morality of an act is not simply determined by whether a court hears it. Once again, you demonstrate not only that you are not Catholic, but that you are actually evil. We still haven't heard one hint of compassion from you for the alleged victims. If what they say turns out to be true, you will be held culpable for their ongoing suffering.

      Prudence is a virtue you know.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 4:52 pm,

      According to, "presume" is defined as

      Law. to assume as true in the absence of proof to the contrary.

      So, we assume as true that he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

    10. Right, but you didn't say presume, I did. You didn't even say "assume". You said "is". And like I said, he does not become a criminal when he is found guilty of a crime. He becomes a criminal when he commits the crime.

      The problem with your logic is that by maintaining that the Archbishop is innocent of the alleged sexual crimes, you automatically make the alleged victims guilty of telling lies and of malicious and calumnious acts.

      Where is the "innocent until proven guilty" in respect to them?

      Can you presume the Archbishop is innocent and at the same time presume the alleged victims are innocent of telling lies and of slander?

      If the alleged victims are "presumed innocent until proven guilty" then you ought to have compassion for them. You don't though. You are simply nasty. Its no wonder you are still single.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 5:27 pm,

      After reading a list of charges in court, the accused would be ask how he pleads - guilty or not guilty. When the Archbishop denies the e allegations, he is claiming his innocence. Are you saying that a man has no right to claim his innocence? Are you saying that all accused should simply say guilty even when they know they are innocent of the allegations?

      In this case, the victims are not the same as the accused nor should they be treated as the accused. Our court system was established to protect the rights of the accused so that they may receive due process and a fair trial.

      As I said before, this does not mean that the accuser is a liar. Do you not recall that I posted an article in my blog about Cardinal Bernadin. He also denied the allegations. His accuser later dropped the charges after he realized that he he listened to people who were giving him false things.

  6. Why didn't the statement from the Vatican acknowledge that the archbishop requested the investigation? Why is that claim only from the archbishop?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:02 pm,

      When Archbishop Hon gets here, I am certain he can clear that up and everyone will know.

    2. Quite odd for a leader to just leave without saying anything to his flock in the middle of a storm...and we get a video from half way around the world!

    3. Why wait for Rome to step in and do an investigation, and why not step down to allow canonical or church process to take course without any influence in anyway? If he volunteeted or requested for the investigstion, he should prove it. The stories of the victim would need to be verified, why not verify what bishop says?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 1:52 am,

      I think it is best that Rome stepped in to do the investigation. It is best to have someone from the outside. The Archbishop has not given his side of the story other than going public to claim his innocence. I would leave it to the investigator to verify both the stories of the victim and Archbishop Apuron. We have heard the victims side of the story because they have gone public and even released a written testimony. The story of the Archbishop, on the other hand, have not been heard.

  7. I guess writing to the Vatican does work after all. Although it took three long years, AA is feeling the pressure. Your defense of " write to the the Vatican" will no longer work because we now have their attention. Time is limited for all of you and this deserves a :-)

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:37 pm,

      Actually, it was not your writing that got the Vatican's attention. It was the Archbishop who sought the help of the Vatican and requested the Pope to appoint Archbishop Hon to be the Apostolic Administrator.

  8. Actually, you're both wrong. I know you're basing what you're saying on what you've been told, but in cases where the ordinary is still alive, the Pope doesn't appoint an apostolic administrator just because an archbishop asks him to. It's done because there's a complete breakdown in the archdiocese. Regardless of whose fault it may or may not be, it's complete chaos here. And has been in chaos long before these accusations.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:54 pm,

      I agree that it became chaotic here, which was why the Archbishop left Guam about three days after Roy Quintanilla became public. He was not called to Rome. According to news report, the Archdiocese uncovered a plot to topple the Archbishop; therefore, he left on his own to seek the help of the Vatican. In the video, the Archbishop clearly stated that the Pope granted his request. If that was false, Archbishop Hon would come out and inform us.

  9. I can't believe all this!?

  10. 3 days after Roy's press conference, the archbishop and his advisors uncovered a plot that clearly indicates that people are trying to topple or overthrow this archdiocese?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:16 am,

      That is not what I said. I said that he left to Rome three days after Roy's press conference. I do not know when the plot was discovered.

  11. Anonymous seems to have his mind set on passing judgement without proof.
