Blog Song

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Finally, An Agreement

I believe that both sides can now come to an agreement with having Archbishop Hon coming in to do an investigation on the sex abuse allegations.  I also believe that both sides can also agree to proceed forth with a civil lawsuit.  Both Archbishops Hon and Apuron will be returning to Guam soon, and things can move forward.  I am certain that Archbishop Hon will make the sex abuse allegations a priority.  Since he was appointed by the Pope, things should be able to go smoothly with the investigations.  Archbishop Apuron, on the other hand, can also focus more on proceeding with the civil lawsuit upon his return. 

Because we both agree that the investigations and the lawsuit should proceed forward, there is no need to argue about it.  We simply allow the investigations and the civil lawsuit to move forward.  


  1. Archbishop Hon will be doing more than overseeing the allegations of sexual abuse and Apuron won't be doing anything-he is not going to be in charge of anything. Still, think and say what you will.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:27 pm,

      The Archbishop was not stripped of his faculties. And with Archbishop Hon overseeing the sexual allegations, Archbishop Apuron can focus his attention on the civil lawsuit.

    2. with what authority?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:59 pm,

      Are you saying that you do not want this to go to court?

  2. RIGHT ON DIANA :) :) :) :)

  3. Finally, An Agreement?? Says who??

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:45 pm,

      Do you not think that an investigation should be conducted and that the case should go to court?

  4. So what are your thoughts on Walter Denton's accusations? He openly states that he DID confront the archbishop privately.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:54 pm,

      I would prefer to wait for the result of the investigation. There are two sides to every story.

  5. Diana what are you talking about now. You really have no idea what you are saying.
    Archbishop Hon will be administering the Archdiocese of Agana. Archbishop Apuron is still Archbishop of Agana in name only. He has no governing power. This is following the new norms laid down for removal of bishops.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:57 pm,

      If the Pope wanted to remove Archbishop Apuron, he would simply ask him to resign or remove him completely. Archbishop Hon will be here to investigate the sexual abuse allegations. He is not here permanently.

    2. No, he isn't here permanently. But while he is here, Hon is in charge. Apuron isn't deposed, but he is in a holding pattern while the investigation moves forwards.

      Beyond that, by all means let lawsuits go forward. I'm hoping for it.

  6. I just can't believe these people are lying. For Archbishop to throw lawsuits at the victims is really just an attempt to hide behind his lies. Because lawsuits can't prove anything. However if you have a conscience and evaluate the 3 cases that came forward, you would clearly know that the victims get nothing from it, but justice. For Archdiocese to claim that they have malicious intent towards the church is outrageous. It's like pouring salt on their wounds. I know how hard it is for victims to come forward, I practically grew up with my sister and never knew she was raped by her gym teacher till many years later. They can't speak about the shame. The devil makes them fear truth. So I know these people are not lying. The reason they had courage now to speak up because they finally have the support of the church and of the people. Face it, if one of them came forward back then ot would be as Apuron said it would be. No one would believe them. God truly picks the right time to bring his justice. It just shows no matter how long it takes, to trust in the Lord with patience and humility. There is nothing humble with attacking the victims with lawsuits. The bishop should face them with everyone there as witness and ask them directly if he was truly innicent, but he can't even look them in the eye and does any means necessary to avoid meeting the victims. Is that how a priest should act? More so a bishop?? Who Shepards the flock.. I see no Shepard at I am loss at what actions he's taken. It makes no sense. There's no trace of Jesus' teachings in his actions. No humility. No love. No compassion for his victims, but for himself

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:51 pm,

      There will be a lawsuit, but the Archdiocese has not named the person or people in the lawsuit yet. Only Tim Rohr was named in one press release; therefore, I naturally assume that he would be one of them. When Archbishop Apuron returns, they would probably announce it after he gets together with his lawyers.

    2. Dean Anon 9:51,

      On the contrary, I know of some people who would go this far. They would joke and say that would come out and accuse someone of rape if the right amount of money was presented. How can you "know" that they are not lying? If they are telling the truth, then surely, justice will be served. If the archbishop is telling the truth, surely justice will be served.

      What if someone pointed at you and publicly announced that he saw you cheating on your wife? How would you respond to "allegations"?

    3. Funny. How many middle-aged men who are retired Army would stand up in front of the world and say they were anally violated? You're living in a dreamworld if you think that's the same as saying you had an affair.

    4. 1:09,

      When money is the motive, there's no telling what someone would do. We live in a world where people sell their children or kill a family member for the sake of money. My question again to you is how do you "know" they're telling the truth? Because it's hard to see a middle-aged man, retired Army, stand up in front of the world? Well it's also hard to see a parent sell their child. If you think you can base truth on the way you interpreted to accuser then you're the one living in a dreamworld.

  7. Um no. He didn't remove him because even pedophiles are entitled to due process before they're hanged. Tick tock.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:59 pm,

      According to the weblink below:

      "Both Bishop Gonzalo Galvan Castillo, 64, of the Diocese of Autlan in Mexico, and Archbishop Antonio Carlos Altieri, 63, of the Archdiocese of Passo Fundo, Brazil, were well under the canonical retirement age of 75.

      They both also resigned under the canon law that says a bishop “who has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause is earnestly requested to present his resignation from office.”

      That is the statute that is usually cited when a bishop has been forced to step down by Rome because of a scandal."

  8. The Archdiocese cites a conspiracy to remove Apuron. I haveta admit, the Rohr group has been desperately trying to remove Apuron for 3 years. It started with Toves, but that failed. Then it keeps moving from one thing to another. Someone on this blog said they were using a radical tactic such as "keeping up the pressure" to wear Apuron down. For goodness sake, they even protested at his birthday party. I agree with Diana, the way to resolve this entire chaos would be a lawsuit and an independent investigation by archbishop Hon.

    1. Yep, I think we can agree that's the best way to go.

    2. Anonymous June 7, 2016 at 11:29 PM...........''.EXACTLY'' and 3 years and nothing!! and then they put up a advertisement board who got molested in 1970s, and then the actors start to come out,then it get you to think ''conspiracy'' then maybe they should look in to Tim Rohr? F B I ...I R S...C I A. 40 Million dollar property???''Casino'' more tourist, more money, more building,more corruption,I think the Bishop is is just trying to keep the Island from being corrupted.Bishop may ''God'' be with you.

  9. What will you be singing if Hons investigstions 1) prevents Bishop to return to his chair; and 2) sides with the victims? Would your tone continue to be, file a civil lawsuit against Tim and gang?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:43 am,

      What will you be singing if Hons investigation 1) allows the Archbishop to return to his chair; and 2) sides with the Archbishop? It goes both ways. I believe the lawsuit is necessary to end the conflict. Archbishop Hon can start the investigation of the sex allegations while Archbishop Apuron proceed with the civil lawsuit.

    2. I've come to terms with the fact the Tony may return to his chair. But HAVE YOU, come to terms with him not returning?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:45 am,

      I will go only with what the Church decides. If they find him guilty and the Pope removes him, then so be it. But the decision will come from the Church because only the Pope can remove him.

  10. Sweetheart if you think the Vatican will allow the Archbishop to sue those who have accused him of rape then I sincerely feel terrible for you. You have been so misled and so misguided.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:43 am,

      Who said anything about suing the alleged victims for accusing him of rape? He is not going to sue them for accusing him. He can only sue them for defamation and civil conspiracy.....that is if the sexual abuse is linked to what the Archdiocese uncovered.

  11. I agree about having an investigation and the lawsuit. The lawsuit would also settle all other issues such as the controversy over the ownership of RMS. On one side, we have 3 sexual abuse allegations against Apuron, and on the other side, we have Apuron saying that its a smear campaign and conspiracy to oust him out. One side says Apuron molested them and Apuron saying he's innocent. Rather than going back and forth arguing over it, an investigation and the lawsuit would be the best way to clear things up. Rohr and CCOG should also be included in the investigations.

  12. Who will pay for the lawsuit?

    If Archbishop Apuron is using his own personal funds, he can do whatever he wants.

    If Archdiocesean money is used, any and all billings for work done by the Law Firm after the Vatican announcement must be approved by Archbishop Hon.

    (Brother Tony needs to inform them ASAP, as he is currently without authority to commit Church money, or he will be personally liable for those billings.)

    This should be among the first order of business for Archbishop Hon.

    Moreover, any private investigation opened and contracted by Archbishop Apuron may be subject to a conflict of interest.

    Archbishop Hon may also want to consider revoking the decree of Sunday, 5 June 2016 pending further investigation.

    1. Dear CNMI lawyer,

      The very first order of business for Archbishop Hon would be investigating the sexual allegations. Money should be the last thing on Archbishop Hon's mind. Anonymous 7:32 am pointed out that Tim Rohr and CCOG should be included in the investigation. The Archbishop has uncovered a conspiracy to topple him. Perhaps, they have discovered a link between the conspiracy and the sex abuse scandal. If so, then perhaps that explains the reason for the decree. We will not know until an investigation is underway.

      As for the lawsuit, the Archdiocese already stated in their press release that they are already working with a prominent law firm in the US and with an independent investigator.

    2. Archbishop Hon will be the one who decides if the lawsuit will go forward (unless the Archbishop is using his own funds and suing Tim and others as a private citizen)

    3. Dear Concerned,

      The lawsuit is going forward because it is Archbishop Apuron's character and reputation as an archbishop that was injured. The press release already said that the Archdiocese is already working with the law firm. Archbishop Hon was appointed by the Pope as a result of the sexual allegations and until these allegations are cleared up. How do you expect these allegations to be cleared up if there are no investigation and lawsuit? Do you not agree that the investigation and lawsuit should take place?

    4. I think that there should be an investigation into the alleged sexual abuse (3 cases and maybe more). IF Apuron is found guilty by this investigation, I do not think that Archbishop Hon will allow the Archdiocese to go forward with a lawsuit against the people who criticized the character of Apuron! If he is found to be not guilty (doubtful at this point with 3 cases and more coming), then, yes, the Archdiocese should proceed with this defamation lawsuit. In other words, I think the investigation should happen before any lawsuit is filed.

    5. Dear Concerned,

      I do not know whether the alleged victims will be sued. Nothing was mentioned about them in the press release. The mentioned of lawsuit in the press release was not aimed at the alleged victims, but at Tim Rohr (whose name appeared in the press release) and associates. Of course, the Archdiocese did not say who the associates were.

    Simple Definition of conspiracy. : a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal. : the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal.

    I do not think that there is anything secret about the desire of CCOG to try to get the Archbishop removed from power. Yhey have been pretty up front about it all along.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:07 am,

      CCOG have publicly said that the money they fundraise will go into obtaining an attorney and bring a lawsuit against the Archbishop in order to get the RMS property returned to the Archdiocese of Agana. Then recently, we learned that the money went into paying for sexual abuse ads in the newspapers, which cost thousands of dollars.

      CCOG never made any claims of sexual molestation against the Archbishop. Their issue with him had always been on the RMS property. Then suddenly, this change in attitude, and the misuse of funds they collected from their members, which they originally said was supposed to be used for a lawsuit?

  14. Diana Archishop Hon may not wish for his Archdiocese to be involved in a lawsuit costing him money? Have you considered this factor.?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:23 pm,

      I believe Archbishop Hon would want to address the sexual allegation, which is the reason why he was temporarily appointed to be the Apostolic Administrator. The lawsuit may also depend on the results of the investigation. Whatever the results may be, it could probably warrant a lawsuit. We will simply have to wait until Archbishop Hon arrives on Guam, and see how he will address the issues.

    2. Is anyone free to conduct their own investigation?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 pm,

      That would be unnecessary. Archbishop Hon will appoint an independent investigator.

  15. I absolutely agree that it should take place!

  16. Which press release. There have been several.

  17. I'm in absolute agreement. I can't wait until all are deposed and documents subpoenaed. Then and only then will the truth come out. There HAS to be some merit to what these alleged victims are saying.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:03 pm,

      There may also be some merit to what the Archdiocese is saying. We will not know until after the investigation.

    2. Diana after the press release today from the Vatican do you still believe that the archbishop is in charge and that Hon is only here at Apuron's request?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:45 pm,

      Do you hear Archbishop Hon denying what Archbishop Apuron stated??? Please do not act like the Protestants who say that Mary was not assumed into Heaven because it cannot be found in the Bible. The Bible did not say that Mary assumed into Heaven. BUT the Bible also did not deny that she did not assume into Heaven.

    4. I usually agree with you but on this topic you and I both know that Archbishop Hon would never in a press release contradict Apuron. Instead they will handle it just like they did by stating the facts which are contrary to what Apuron said. Let's not be silly about this.

  18. So, the Vatican has formally stated the reasons why Arch Hon has been appointed. Do you notice, Diana that the reasons do not include an investigation of the sexual abuse claims? Instead it is quite apparent that he is here to sort out the pastoral problems in the diocese ie, the NCW. How wrong you are!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:26 pm,

      I do not see "NCW" anywhere in his letter. The letter said to restore unity and harmony within the clergy and even laity. The disunity started with the removal of Father Paul and Monsignor James. From there, the Archdiocese found that there has been a conspiracy and movement to remove the Archbishop at any cost. The investigation and lawsuit will take place. That is the only solution to getting rid of all the doubts.

    2. 'The Archdiocese found that there has been a conspiracy" do you know this information Diana?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:51 pm,

      It was in their press release.

  19. I think that Tim Rhor and group set all these allegations and stories up. Since the time of the removal of fr. Paul and Msgr. James all the news has been exploited by Tim and followers to oust the archbishop at any cost. I believe that it was set up to come out and funded by Tim and his followers. It began with the ad in the newspaper then these so called victims came forward. So Some would say that there's nothing for them to gain? It was Tim and followers that bought their ticket for them to come to Guam. So it's questionable. But Tim thinks that he's so smart but he began this division in the church in Agana. He recently mentioned that Archbishop Hon is here because the Vatican concluded that Archbishop Apuron is not fit for the office is truly false. Archbishop Hon was here for a pastoral visit and the cases on fr. Paul and Msgr James. Tim also met with Archbishop Hon and was told to stop the blog or slow it down but Tim challenged him saying bring it on. I think that when Archbishop Hon does his investigation on Tim Rhohr, he has enough evidence to excommunicate him.

  20. Do you believe that the alleged sexual molestation and alleged rape are part of the conspiracy to overthrow the archbishop?

    1. Yes...yes..yes

    2. @ Anon. 11:57 pm, Yes. Tim even admitted it himself. From JW:

      AnonymousJune 8, 2016 at 11:35 PM
      Ok, Tim. You're going to personally see to it??? Joke

      TimJune 9, 2016 at 4:25 AM
      I personally saw to Aputon's removal. David will be easy. Joke. I'm not done, Adrian.

      TimJune 8, 2016 at 10:24 PM
      I doubt if either Fr. Paul or Msgr. James want their old jobs back. What they want back is the opportunity to be treated justly as the Church requires. Both men should be restored to their original positions and then properly offered other positions where their gifts can be of greater service to the church.

      As for David remaining the VG. NO! It does not matter what degree he has. He has disqualified himself for any future service in the archdiocese by being the primary means for this flow of evil. I'm sure Archbishop Hon will soon discover it if he has not already. I will personally see to it that David is removed.

    3. Yep. Tim already confessed to the conspiracy, but the junglefolks are too blind to see it. All those so-called victims wanted the same thing as Tim. Remove the archbishop was all they wanted. It was all a set up.

    4. It's a long journey to undo the harm. Step by step is all we can do.


  22. Is Archbishop Hon from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith? If not, he has no authority to investigate the allegations against the archbishop. I don't know why the archbishop and his representatives continue to lie about the whole investigation process.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:24 am,

      According to the PDN, the sexual allegations will be investigated by the Vatican. So, there will be an investigation, but it will not be done at the local level. It will be done by the Vatican.

      It sounds as though you disagree in having an investigation. I think an investigation should take place. It does not matter to me whether it takes place at the local level or Vatican level, but an investigation on the sexual allegation should take place. Most people agree to it.

    2. You are so wrong, Diana. I am in complete favor for an investigation to take place. My statement is that the archbishop continues to LIE about the reason for the presence of Archbishop Hon. He is not here to investigate the allegations. He is here to take over administration of the archdiocese.

      BTW: According to the interview this morning, Walter Denton's accusation of being raped by Fr. Anthony Apuron was documented, notarized and sent to Nuncio Archbishop Krebs long before Roy Quintanilla came forward. So claiming that Denton is just a copy-cat accuser is wrong.

    3. It seems that the investigation by the Vatican was the only recourse all along and AAA knew that. It's a good thing he asked for it.

    4. Agree I heard his interview and he has been in communication with the Vatican for more than a year and the Vatican has been investigating this case already for quite some time. Thoughts on that Diana? Does this Denton case still fit into your conspiracy theory?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 9:20 am,

      In your eyes, anything the Archbishop says is a lie. When he remains silent, people complain. When he says something, they call him a liar. I am not surprised at this. Yes, I was able to catch the interview with the Dentons. Not a copy cat? Let us see...... He was at a funeral when he confessed to people that he was raped by Apuron. He also confided in Father Jack. And he made a public announcement of his rape in the limelight of the media. And he had a written letter to give the Archbishop. Sounds familiar.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:40 am,

      I did say that the chancery already expected him to appear. So, he fits into the conspiracy.

    7. Can't really blame Anon @ 920 Diana. The archbishop said that he asked for the Pope to send someone to investigate the accusations. So why did the Pope send the archbishop from the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples when the job to carry out investigations was given to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith? Does the Pope not know which of the Vatican personnel to send out? Or was that just an oversight by the Pope?

      I guess it's clear that in your eyes, everything the archbishop says is the truth, no matter how much evidence piles up. In an earlier post you pointed out that ONLY ONE person (Roy Quintanilla) claimed abuse. You discounted both John Toves and Mrs. Doris Concepcion because they didn't witness the abuse. Now that Walter Denton has shared his story you buy into the archbishop's "conspiracy theory" and fail to recognize that pattern of behavior he has exhibited through these two (and possibly more) accusations: the behavior of a SERIAL SEXUAL PREDATOR.

      For the record, I don't expect that I will see this published but I will be pleasantly surprised if you do.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 12:04 pm,

      It is published. In your life span, have you ever had a miscommunication or misunderstanding or do all people who did not understand something are all "liars." That is the problem I see. Apparently, the Archbishop (like everyone else) was unaware that a local investigation was useless.

      I believe that an investigation is necessary in order to clear everything up. I also believe that it is important to have a civil lawsuit for the same reason.

    9. Not to be nit-picky, but how could he not know? Between Msgr David and the Archbishop being an archbishop, that should have been automatic, considering both Pope Benedict and Pope Francis have been hardcore about transparency (to protect whoever is innocent, be they accuser or accused).

    10. Dear Anonymous at,3:23 am,

      Did you know???? Not all priests and Bishops are canon lawyers.

  23. Diana i never thought the archbishop was a liar. I have stayed out of this fight between regular catholics and the neo because I family in both. But sadly after watching these people tell their stories i don't believe the archbishop any more. please don't dimish their pain by calling them liars and some part of a conspiracy theory. Do you have children? Do you have sons? I do. I would die if this happened to them. I would just die. the unbearable pain and suffering is so evident when they speak. So go ahead and believe the archbishop becuase you want to but for the love of our Mother Mary do not diminish and belittle their pain by saying they are liars and are part of a conspiracy. You need to pray. Pray so very hard that God forgives you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:34 pm,

      I still stand by the principle "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." That is our justice system. It is so easy for you to point fingers, but one day when you or someone close to you is arrested simply because they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, then you will understand the importance of that democratic principle. Our justice system is based on that principle. I do not live in a Muslim or Communist country where people are guilty until proven innocent. I believe in "due process."

    2. And yet, you believe "conspiracy theory" without any evidence.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:25 am,

      Actually, there is evidence. That evidence will hopefully help Archbishop Apuron in the investigation.

    4. Lots of evidence... able to obtain flight schedule and stolen confidential email...

  24. How can people not know that there is a plot (conspiracy theory) to remove the archbishop? Are people that blind?
    Or just not in the know of events that lead to the situation today....
    It has been nothing but hate for the dicissions the archbishop has made in the interest for the church that certain vocal people did not like....
    Look at all the issues they bark at...geee whizzz....
    You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.....
    Its people against the ncw, the yona seminary, relocating priest and a deacon and who just might have a personal interest in assets that are love.....
    As for the accusations of abuse?? Let the church do its duty to investigate.
    The island needs a change in the church to help youths of this day and age because suicide, abortion, rape and etc. along with other teenage issues, not to exclude adults, have on this island....
    Look at the bigger picture and not be selfish......

    1. 8:42 AM Right on Right on Right o))
