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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Petition For Father Pius

To all Brothers and Sisters in the Way worldwide and all who support the Neocatechumenal Way.

The Neocatechumenal Way is being persecuted worldwide, including here in Guam.  There was a petition that Tim Rohr has put out after Father Pius spoke to the media.  Tim Rohr's petition gave no concrete reasons as to why Father Pius should be removed.  Every citizen has a right to express their opinions despite that others may disagree.  This right is a fundamental right, and one should be able to express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs without any fear of reprisals and despite that others may disagree with those thoughts, opinions and beliefs.  Father Pius spoke the truth about the Way in the media, and suddenly a petition was brought against him.....a petition that shows no concrete or specific reason as to why he should be removed.  Not only is the Way being persecuted, but our fundamental rights of free expression is being suppressed through job intimidation, senseless petitions of removal, and offering monetary rewards for my capture as though I was a common criminal for speaking my opinions. 

A petition has now been set up to show support for Father Pius.  From the petition for Father Pius: 

A man that loves the Pacific and experiences God’s love daily gave his life to proclaim the Gospel through evangelization. He has touched the lives of countless individuals and families, many on our precious island of Guam and neighboring islands of Saipan, Hawaii and Kiribati. Fr. Pius Sammut, OCD is humbly part of the team of Catechists for the NeoCatechumenal Way in the Pacific. Unfortunately, people want to get rid of him. Why? What evil has he done in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ? Please support this petition in good faith and with a spirit that trusts God’s plan for each and everyone of us, especially our local Catholic Church on Guam and the Pacific.

You can click on the weblink below and sign your name.


  1. Diana, from what I understand the petition was posted on chuck white blog, and then on Tim's blog

  2. I wonder why Tim changed the heading of this blog post from "500 Reward" to "Let's Do It This Way"? Maybe because it would be considered solicitation of criminal acts? How so? If the Rhor disciples were so moved by Tim's inciting words as to find information by criminal means...guess what? Rhor just committed solicitation and maybe even complicity by encouraging any means to get Diana's identity. I'm sure if Tim was on payroll, he would be able to give a bigger bounty for Diana's head.

  3. I support the Church who approved the Way as an itinerary of faith! I support and pray for Fr. Pius and the formation of priests! I signed the petition and ask all Catholics to do the same!

  4. I signed this petition. And while there is the chance that it could be misconstrued as some glorified 'pissing match', forgive me, I don't believe it to be so. I don't think these two petitions are a sort of popularity contest, or even a warm up for the upcoming elections. Rather, I signed this petition in gratitude. I didn't realize how many people I really had to thank... to my pastor, for inviting the catechist team to come so many years ago. Then I must thank, of course, the archbishop, for allowing these catechists to go from parish to parish. Then I must thank Guiseppe, for sending Fr. Pius to the islands. To Kiko, who started it all. And of course, I must thank P. Saverio, for allowing Fr. Pius to go out and evangelize. God's hand was in the histories of how many people so that one day I may be able to see God acting in my own? Thank you.

  5. First of all Diana, the word capture does not have the same definition as identity; more propaganda. Second, he gave tho opportunity for any decent Neos to come forth with your identity; also to save some cash, as he stated, but he also said he would offer the cash again if non of the Neos come out with your identity.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:13 a.m.,

      I have heard that the Archbishop's tires were slashed, and Tim Rohr made fun of it. In the jungle, Tim never told his followers to pray for the Archbishop. Instead, he calls for the Archbishop's resignation. He has led his followers to believe that the Catholic Church is in danger with the Archbishop in place thereby inciting his followers to cause property damage. Rather than condemning that act of violence, Tim Rohr makes fun of it. So, how much more damage can be done by offering a monetary reward???

    2. Reply to my comment, but you don't address the points of my comment.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:40 a.m.,

      My use of the word "my capture" has nothing to do with propaganda considering the fact that his followers has already slashed the Archbishop's tires and he made fun of it, rather than condemn this act of violence.

    4. It's not an act of violence, it's property damage. Get it straight, more propaganda. You pride yourself with erroneously pointing mistakes with your twisted logic, and then you defend your mistakes.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:54 a.m.,

      Property damage is an act of violence done on things not belonging to the person. It includes vandalism and even graffiti.

      According to, VANDALISM is defined as: deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of property:

    6. By the way, would you also like me to look up the word "violence" for you in the dictionary??? An act of violence is not only done on a person, but also on property.

    7. According to VIOLENCE is: the exercise or an instance of physical force, usually effecting or intended to effect injuries, destruction, etc ; to inflict harm upon; damage or violate:

    8. Property belongs to a person or gov't.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 9:29 a.m.

      Thank you for the correction. :)

    10. Property damage alone is not violent act, hence the term violent offender.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 9:43 a.m.,

      I agree. It depends. Sometimes property has been damage unintentionally as in losing control of a car and hitting a gate belonging to a private owner. What was done on the Archbishop's tires was malicious intentions sending a vicious message to him.

  6. AnonymousAugust 13, 2014 at 8:54 AM Nope that is life threatening by law. Should we filter out in JW? Be careful what you say now.

  7. In JungleWatch We Do Not TrustAugust 13, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    Thank you sharing this petition. This petition doesn't justify what Fr. Pius has done for Guam and the rest of the Pacific. He is a humble man who has asked for nothing but still gave his life.

  8. If you signed the petition, a confirmation message will be emailed to you to confirm your signature. If you do not receive this confirmation message within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there.

  9. Thanks Diana. I also signed the petition. By the way, did you now that your blog is in the guam way facebook page?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:19 p.m.,

      My blog is in a facebook webpage?? Really?? I received a text about the petition, and decided to put it in my blog. Someone also put a comment about it, but I did not publish it because I already decided to post about it where it would receive more attention. But I did not know that someone put my blog on facebook. :)

    2. So, about 100, or 30% of the signatories on this petition are not even from Guam?! You've got to be kidding

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:28 am,

      What did you think? The Catholic Church never confined herself to only one location. The NCW is missionary, and there are people who were once from Guam who are now in mission abroad.

  10. Diana form JW regards to PIUS.

    The Kiko's have started a petition to counter ours. Ours is to get rid of him, theirs, to keep him.

    Given this, I am willing to admit defeat. Fr. Pius' Carmelite superiors will support their petition and ignore ours. Here's why:

    According to everything we've learned, Fr. Pius' superiors washed their hands of him years ago because he was so much trouble to their order after he became involved with the Neocatechumenal Way. Guam is about as far away from Malta as you can get on this planet so Pius' superiors couldn't be happier. They'll probably reply to the Kiko's petition with a simple LOL and a happy face :)

    Alas. Their gain is our loss. But we will persist. (Sign the petition here.) At some point his superiors will incur some liability under church law for letting their guy wander the earth destroying parishes and priests with O.C.D. after his name. Though I suspect they will exclaustrate him before it comes to that. Pius isn't worried though. He knows Archbishop Apuron will incardinate him here.

    We should put up a sign.

    "Exclaustrated? Banned from other dioceses?
    No problem. Welcome!"

  11. Funny JW thnking the petition is rigged. Pius not only evangelized in Guam but Kiribati, Saipan, Oahu, Maui,Ireland and more. People and family were touch by him also support their cathechist. More will come because God is stronger than the evil plan that Jungle Watch claim.

  12. In JungleWatch We Do Not TrustAugust 14, 2014 at 6:32 PM

    If it was rigged it would've been in the thousands on the second day. They don't even know!

  13. You guys should all try to get along. I respect both groups. But, it is not fair and right to push this new movement and change our Church on Guam if this is not the consensus from the entire Catholic Community. There is a limit to the way. I think because the Archbishop has joined the way these problems have gotten worse. You all should step back and figure this out like adults and learn to live in peace while respecting each others ideas. Our children are now at risk with seeing all this fighting in our Church and we all should be embarrassed at this whole issue.
