Blog Song

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Conflict Of Interest

I have just learned that Tim Rohr has been on the payroll of Monsignor James Benavente since 2009 and as late as last April.  This explains many things.  This was never about justice or trying to right a wrong.  Again, this has to do with revenge.  Due to the fact that Tim was closely affiliated with Monsignor James through employment, it explains all the emotional drama and soap opera surrounding the firing of Monsignor James.  It is no wonder why a blog invitation was sent out to see the exit of Monsignor James.  This appears to be another conflict of interest.    

I used to watch a lot of Law and Order.  And when a judge knows the person in the case, the judge would excuse himself so that any trial procedure would go on objectively without any emotional bias in it.  When people are called for jury duty, they are even asked if they know any police officer.  They are also asked if they know the lawyer in the prosecution or defense.  Why?  Because even knowing a lawyer as a friend is a conflict of interest and can sway the juror's feelings either for or against the case rather than objectively looking at the evidence presented in court.  If the person is a past employee also causes a conflict of interest. Our court system is designed to ensure that there is no conflict of interest so that the person's individual rights are protected.  It is clear that this never had anything to do with justice or trying to do what is right. Tim Rohr was on the payroll of Monsignor James since 2009 and as late as last April.  That explains everything!   


  1. Wow!!! There was a lot of hoopla at the Agana Cathedral with all the reporters there!! Yep, that explains all the drama. Thanks Diane!

    1. I wonder if Rohr is working overtime to get his old job back then. Maybe the promise of collecting income from the Church if Monsignor is reinstated to his previous position of power? OR maybe this is their campaign: to oust our archbishop and have a candidate like his former boss take over the vacancy? I'm pretty sure someone who works as hard as Rohr does will be shown great appreciation then ;). Imagine...the jungle playing God in the Church. They will have their pound of flesh.

  2. Expert on justice now, I see. Yup, keep watching Law and Order. Maybe Rome will assign you to be judge for Msgr. James and Fr. Paul. Oh wait, you've already taken on that role.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:19 p.m.,

      I am on the side of the Archbishop and the Pope. :)

  3. Now who sucks the money again and yet they blame RMS to sucking the Triple-A money? Wait for it. Fill in the blank folks.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:24 p.m.,

      I know some brothers in the Way who does things for the Church for free. They even make repairs for the Church for free.

    2. A question: when Rohr speaks in blogs or in public news media is he representing on his own personal interests, or is he speaking on behalf of his immediate employer?

    3. He represents the truth.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 6:20 p.m.,

      Christ is the only Truth. And Christ's representative on Earth has always been the Pope and His Bishops.

  4. Should we question Msgnr James and Tim? This all started in July 2013 with Father Paul. Tim is planning to sue if expose his information from the new administration. Should I say "devil's advocate"?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:39 p.m.,

      I remember Tim Rohr putting Zoltan's place of work and phone numbers right at the top of his blogsite. He did not seem to have any problems with that. Now that he is being given a taste of his own medicine, that is a problem??? Everyone knows that Tim is a businessman who hangs around the Church a lot. So, it should not come as any surprise that Monsignor James would hire him.

    2. I think it's the devil's advocate the other way around. This is old news, which Tim has mentioned several times on his blog. So he was the manager at one time, and...?

    3. And it explains why we have all the emotional drama and soap opera at the Cathedral as Monsignor James exit the Church. I find it ironic that a businessman would put himself on the Church's payroll, while proclaiming all the while his love for the Catholic Church.

      Now that he is no longer on the payroll, that may also explain why he demands the Archbishop's resignation more than ever and had a petition going for Monsignor James to be restored to his former duties. Does he hope for Monsignor James to be the next Archbishop??

  5. And what about you Diana? Are you on anyone's payroll? How would we know?

    By the way, one cursory look at Tim's blog is enough to know your argument is laughable. You would be lucky to find a man of greater integrity.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:48 p.m.,

      I give to the Church. I do not take from the Church.

    2. anonymous, you can dispute all the facts presented and God will not love you less. The facts presented by Diana is undeniable and may offer a motive for a brothers actions in persecuting the church. You can comment and present facts to the contrary but your comment about payroll and integrity are to use your language....laughable.

  6. Peace... I went into Thoughtful Catholic for the first time, and I am absolutely sick to my stomach at the hate White has for the Neocatechumenal Way and the catechumens. It was not so much the articles, but to know that Charles (Chuck) White actually has that much hatred, it really scares me to be around him. I see him often at the different Catholic Churches, and I wonder when he sees the catechumens how much hate he is feeling. I really pray for his and tim rohrs emotional state. Must be so hard to sleep at night with this self- destruction obsession.

  7. oh and I don't find anything Catholic in Thoughtful Catholic and Junglewatch.

    1. Criticism is not hate, if the shoe fits, wear it. Own up to the fallacies you defend. Do not simple label it as hate. Seek an intellectual understanding instead of closing your eyes and walking away.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:23 p.m.,

      Archbishop Krebs has already labeled those blogs as hate blogs.

    3. AnonymousAugust 13, 2014 at 6:23 PM Ahem, Archbishop Krebs unfortunately label Jungle Watch a HATE BLOG and instructed not to go to the blog.

    4. I've posted several times and you did not publish it. I understand cause it exposes the truth and causes you to question what you are doing. You are afraid that the rest of the followers of this blog will depend on you to answer and refute my statements and many if them you failed to address and respond to. I'm not a Rhorbot or any of the sort. My family help build this church on Guam- educating, donating land, and even building schools. Our names are not in the history books and we really don't care, we chose it that way- our biggest concern is that Apuron and his team are destroying what we helped build. The documents, proof, pictures and statements are all coming out in a manner in which will cause long term pain and stress, they come out little by little- chipping away since it is the only way since he turned his back on his flock and sold his soul. The archdiocese has failed miserably. So continue to not publish it cause the truth hurts and I can assure you the Nuncio sends his blessings and had asked us for written statements which my grandmother, mother, uncles and I gladly provided. We have known bishops, cardinals, met several popes privately on many occasions (house if full of photos) and it is our prayer that Archbishop remove himself from this office and step aside. It is what we pray, my family, my colleagues, my employees, my team all pray to Blessed Diego and Santa Maria Kamalen for.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:28 a.m.,

      There are reasons I choose not to publish certain comments such as hate comments, one liner comments that have no meaning, and comments who say one thing but give nothing to substantiate what they say.

      Those documents and pictures you saw were all interpreted for you by one man. If you read Dr. Rick Eusebio's letter in the PDN, he made an excellent point on transparency of truth. Everyone can see the same thing, but everyone comes up with a different interpretation of what is seen despite that they all saw the same thing. Every police officer is aware of this fact. It explains why even witnesses who saw the same crime sometimes come up with different things such as the color of the criminal's clothing.

    6. Letters and photos don't lie.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 8:10 a.m.,

      You are correct....letters and photos do not lie. It is the INTERPRETATION of those letters and photos that is a lie.

    8. I posted a comment yesterday about how this "argument" is a red herring designed to distract from the real issues. It did not appear on the blog. Unlikely that this one will either. As the suppression of truth is The Way of The Way. The best way to guarantee that comments appear on a post is to take a photo of the post before it is posted and then post the picture of the post on the other less secretive blog. As a neutral Catholic trying to learn both sides suppressing one's ideas does not help The Way.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 1:55 p.m.,

      I apologize if I did not publish your comment. Lately, I have been getting about 20-30 comments, which I must first screen before publishing it. I have also found that some comments have gone to my Spam box instead of the inbox. Also, I have a life outside this blog and am not always at my computer.

      With that said, the topic of this post is about Tim Rohr being on the payroll of Monsignor James. I chose the topics of my posts, and I prefer that comments are aligned with the topics. Unfortunately, that does not always happen because comments tend to get diverted from one topic to another. The fact that Tim Rohr was on Monsignor's James payroll would have an impact on the events taking place.

  8. Diana, please explain to me (us) how does one become an Apologists? It baffles me that Misters Timothy Rohr and Charles White are apologists!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:56 pm,

      If there is anything positive I can say about Tim Rohr and Chuck White is that they are not bad apologists. But they are not Christians. They know many things in their minds, but it never reached their hearts. They know Church history and dogmas, but they do not know God. A person who knows nothing about Church history but knows God stands in a much better position.

      Rohr and White are like the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law. They know the teachings, but they do not practice it. These are the ones who would look at the sinner and thank God that they are not like that sinner.

  9. That's it!!! It is all about money!!!
    I would not be surprised if behind Junglewatch there is Monsignor James Benavente.
    "THE PEOPLE'S PRIEST" yeah, right I never saw him say mass. In tammuning was the first time I saw him.
    Thank's Archbishop hopefully now he will say mass like the other priests.

    1. And what were you doing in Tamuning?

  10. I believe Fr. Pius advising the Archbishop regarding the matters of the diocese is a conflict of interest

    1. Dear Bernie,

      I do not know if the Archbishop has a group of advisors. It is not a bad thing to have one. If he does have one, I do not know if Father Pius is in it. And if he is in it, I do not see it as a problem. But the ultimate decision regarding the diocese is the Archbishop. And as Archbishop he is capable of making those decisions.

    2. Honestly Bernie,

      Fr.Pius see the archbishop rarely while on Guam, he has Christian mothers, divine mercy event etc to attend to. This came from the Archbishop's mouth. The answer is no, Fr.Pius is no adviser of the Archbishop.

    3. 5:27 PM, oh please! What are you doing? You are not the real Bernie... Please, do not use my name! Use something else. Would you, please? Thanks!

      "19 Truthful lips endure forever,
      but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
      22 The Lord detests lying lips,
      but he delights in people who are trustworthy."
      (Proverbs 12)


    4. Bernie, he may not be the official adviser but surely the scrutinies will suffice.

    5. Anonymous,

      The Archbishop may frequently call upon Fr. Pius for advice, but Fr. Pius is not his advisor.


  11. Well at least now we can explain where some of the money went. I wonder how many others the people's priest paid off...

    1. 5:50PM serious allegation you just all the more reason we should get that audited financial report right? let's see where all the money goes.

    2. Dear Destruction,

      We can at least establish that the collection basket does not go to the Seminaries.

  12. And how did you learn this, do you have proof? What is wrong with him being a former employee? You want to talk conflict of interest? How about the Archbishop being a member of the NCW, subject to his Kiko leaders? The only Arch that walks the crooked path. Now that's a conflict of interest.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:44 p.m.,

      If I have a business of my own, I do not need to be in the Church's payroll. Instead, I would give to the Church. The NCW is Catholic.

    2. Diana is an expert at sidestepping... and your comment about NCW being Catholic, they are Catholic with Lutheran trimmings.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:21 p.m.,

      The only ones who say that they have Lutheran trimmings are those who are against the Way. Because they hate the Way, they would say false things about it.

    4. In JungleWatch We Do Not TrustAugust 14, 2014 at 12:34 AM

      Dear Anonymouse 8:44 PM,

      Consider looking up Archbishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski of the diocese of Siedice, appointed by John Paul II. He also walked the "crooked path," as you say. Looks like -- at least 2 archbishops -- are doomed for hell for believing in something that brings people closer to Christ.

    5. Why do you judge these bishops to hell?

    6. Two wrongs don't make a right. Right?

    7. In JungleWatch We Do Not TrustAugust 14, 2014 at 5:59 PM

      To Anonymous 7:48 AM: Consider re-reading my post.

  13. Where are your facts? Show us a check stub from Monsignor Benavente to Rohr.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:49 p.m.,

      Why not just go ask your leader. He has the check stubs. I am not in the habit of stealing things that do not belong to me such as someone's else check stub. By the way, we are still waiting for you to provide the confirmation flight for Father John.

  14. I had a feeling there was something wrong with the picture when I attended the Vocational Meeting with Kiko and low and behold at the departure gate was Msgr. on his way back to Guam, he was on the same flight as the Neo Group. I found it strange, I thought to myself, maybe he was meeting with the Cardinal to set up his visit to attend his Anniversary Celebration or just maybe he was there to see what exactly the "Neo Group" was doing in Manila. This is all speculation, but it causes me to think up a storm. Another oddity I found was how Mr. Rohr is so against the NCW and its teachings(which are Catholic) and its abuse of the Liturgy but he was still willing to contribute to the cause by selling the Dictionary of Biblical Theology and The New Jerusalem Bible which communities regularly use. Then again, money aint prejudice? Its all about the money.

  15. Rohr is paid by Benavente to do what? Clean the church, sell books, pay bills? NO. It is a fact that Rohr spends a LOT of time in the blogs, at KUAM, PNC, Marianas Variety and PDN reporting, speaking and writing. He is the self proclaimed 'concerned catholic'. So what's really Rohr's job description? Media brain, blog spokesman? And whom does he vilify in the blog? The answer: the archbishop and the NCW. What is Rohr's mantra? Sell the seminary! sell it now! Why? Selling the seminary will pay off the BIG debts in Agana and Pigo - a great idea! But who stands in the way of this sale? The archbishop. If he won't' sell the seminary, we'll get rid of him. How do we get rid of the archbishop? Easy. Make lies, more lies, more lies, throw mud, more mud AND make everybody hate the archbishop. Let's get Tim to do this job, he's smart. Call for bishop Tony's resignation! Call Chuck White! Organize a prayer vigil! Call a press conference! Call the vatican! Write Krebs! Email Filone! - Vilify, accuse and demonize the archbishop! Demand for Tony's resignation! Everybody, all together: "Enough is enough!" But why? What REASONS do they have to get rid of bishop Tony? What, you don't like him? Is that the reason? Sounds really convincing. It is really sad to see a senior churchman pay off some dude to do some really nasty hate blogs. In the final analysis it's all about MONEY. And who suffers? The PEOPLE. This is the legacy of the "people's priest".

  16. As a CONCERNED CATHOLIC OF GUAM, I demand to know who else is on the payroll of the cathedral! I demand to know why Rohr was on the payroll. Are the parishioners aware of this? I want to know where the money is going? Is the audit done? do we have an audited financial report of the Cathedral. Let's call the former Finance Council of the cathedral, they have some explaining to do!

  17. I'm still confused as to how rohr working for the Monsignor years ago is a conflict? What did his employment have to do with the unlawful ouster of Father Paul? What did it have to do with the rejection of Aaron quitugua? What does it have to do with the Wadeson debacle? What does Tim's former job have to do with the sacking of the monsignor? Will someone please explain?
