Blog Song

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Is It The Money?

At first, it was understood that it was about the money or the finances.  Those who oppose the Archbishop kept demanding that he publicly released the financial report.  They were even shouting that the Church is in financial ruin. They demanded to know the truth!  Their slogan has always been "The Church is in financial ruin.......Our Church is in financial ruin!!!!   

Then suddenly, to everyone's surprise the Archbishop fired Monsignor James  Benavente due to financial mismanagement.  The Archbishop came out with an audit report from Deloitte and Touche outlining this financial mismanagement.  And what did the opposition do?  They were outraged and shouting that the Archbishop is wrong.  They got together a financial council, which is claiming that there is no financial mismanagement.  All the bills are paid on time.  There is no delinquency. The financial problems have been corrected. Everything is updated.  In short, there is no financial ruin.  The song and dance have changed.    

Then on August 9th, Dr. Rick Eusebio's letter was published in the Pacific Daily News.  On that same day, the jungle published the Fantasy news of Father John Wadeson. This fantasy news, by the way, has still not yet been verified.  We are still waiting for the jungle to produce the flight confirmation of Father John. 

By creating this fantasy news, it appears that Tim Rohr was trying to distract his followers from the finances and Dr. Eusebio's letter that was published in the PDN that day.  By the time Tim Rohr responded to Dr. Eusebio's letter, it was on August 10th, the next day.  According to Dr. Eusebio: 

Let me assure you that the money you give in the collection basket is not going to the seminary since most, if not all, the money collected is spent for the parish. As a member of the Board of Directors of the seminary, I have witnessed the financial reports and confirm this fact.

Dr, Eusebio's letter in PDN

Dr. Eusebio's good news is that the money from the parish collection basket is NOT going to the Seminary.  And how did Tim Rohr respond to this?  Did he say anything about this good news? No. Instead, he looked up to see who is in the Board of Directors.  He discovered that Dr. Eusebio was indeed in the Board of the Directors in 2002, BUT he is now making a fuss that no one knows who the CURRENT Board of Directors are.  

My response to that......Who cares!  Don't you want to celebrate now that you know that the money in the collection basket do not go to the seminary?   Isn't the message that Dr. Eusebio gave you more important than who the current Board of Directors are and what the bylaws are........especially since you have been demanding to know if your money has been going to the seminary?     



  1. Keep on digging Diana.

  2. How do we no it's not going to the seminary? Because he said? Where is the transparency? The members of the board is public information, and should be on file at rev and tax, but it's not.

    1. This is simple. You trust the Church authorities that they do their job. You trust the good folks in the leadership that they follow the Lord faithfully even is the small matters. Or you do not trust and then you are not even a Catholic.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:45 am,

      How do you know that it IS going to the seminary? Because Tim Rohr said so??? Tim Rohr is not even a member of the Board of Directors at the seminary, but Dr. Eusebio is. Tim Rohr says that Guam's law requires ALL corporations, profit or not, to file an annul corporate report showing the CURRENT board of Directors. Below, I provided a weblink on how to start a Guam corporation.

      According to Guam's law:

      According to §28201 of the Guam Business Corporation Act, it is not required to list the names of directors and officers on your articles of incorporation, although you can if you want. According to the Guam Business Corporations Act, Division I, Part 5 of Title 19 of the Guam Code, Chapter 8: Your corporation is required to have a board of directors. The directors are not required to be residents of Guam, unless your corporation’s bylaws say so

  3. Do you really expect us to just take his word alone? Especially when you guys are notorious for lying. Provide the paper trail.
    And as for the audit report that the Arch put out, THAT'S NOT A FINANCIAL REPORT!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:49 a.m.,

      Of course. After all, you took the word of the Finance Council. And you took the word of Tim Rohr without him showing you the flight confirmation of Father John.

  4. Flight confirmation coming. SNAPs lawyers have legally made the request to United and Delta and if need be they will ask for a court order.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:50 a.m.,

      Good. We will be waiting.

    2. Jiminey Cricket!

    3. I hope Snap has good Lawyer, Tim Rohr is part of this mix, Wadeson's lawyer is prepared also. So be prepared this will be a back lashed.

    4. Most anti-catholic organizations have good lawyers, but the light of truth will prevail even over the most cunning lawyers. Amazing how our Catholic faithful turn to people who hate the Roman Catholic Church to bring their justice on priests they condemn (but never convicted). God help us for we are blinded by our rage.

  5. What does it matter when Father John left and where he went. HE IS NOT ON GUAM Tim Rohr, et al. Geez. You and SNAP! Stop stirring the kettle! Its time to bring our Church to peace and unity.

  6. The truth about Jungle blog folks and their leader is that they are compulsive gamblers. They start with a small bet but then, each turn when they lose, they double the stake. Because they lose a lot, they double the stake over and over again so that it runs very high already. But they just raise it even higher and higher... in the end they run out of stakes and just fall into depths they have created. This is gambler's fate!

    The sad thing is that don't ruin themselves only but everyone else around them, These people go close to the gamblers for their own misery. The gambler cannot resist his desire of instant self-gratification. His lack of decent limits and healthy self-control digs the abyss that will swallow him. I feel sorry for those people of good intention who seek support and get associated with the gambler. I wish they woke up and left the gambler until it's too late.

    "20 Walk with the wise and become wise,
    for a companion of fools suffers harm.
    21 Trouble pursues the sinner,
    but the righteous are rewarded with good things."
    (Psalm 13)


  7. "Money is the root of all evil"... Grew up hearing this often. When the Church financial statements were requested by Tim Rohr, et al, my first thought was WHY? My parents never discussed their finances with us, their children. If one of us asked for a toy or something may be frivolous to an adult, but a necessity to a kid, my parent (s) would allow the purchase within reason. If they can't afford it we are given a simple explanation. We always had food, from simple to elegant, on our table, clean clothes, warm bed, roof over our head, power, water... the necessities of life... as good parents provide. I didn't question their financial reasoning. NOW as an adult I look back an wondered how in the world my parents made ends meet with just one income and many of include extended families. Sure things were cheaper then but so was my dad's income. My Church provides me w ALL that I need Spiritually, she gives me warmth, comfort, Body and Blood of Christ to nourish me, provide a safe haven, care for my weaken soul, and give me hope and courage when life becomes difficult. Sometimes food from the "Martha's pantry" feed my family when I am short of cash to buy groceries. I DON'T QUESTION my Church's financial reasoning... like my parents I am grateful for the support my Church has given me..

  8. Junglewatch is Xenophobic!August 12, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    Father Pius mentions the apparent xenophobia of Junglewatch in his interview. Do folks at Tim Rohr's blog have xenophobia indeed, a hatred against other people from other lands?

    Well, they almost surely have! Here is the evidence: Tim Rohr wants the Homeland Security to kick out those seminarians from the RMS who are on Visas. Why? Because, he says, they are "culpable" in the Fr Wadeson controversy. What? How are they culpable? What did they do wrong? How could their Visas be revoked because of Fr Wadeson? I don't understand this vicious intention of destroying people and enjoyment of ruining their lives. Why? How could you say this Tim Rohr? Have you completely lost your moral sense and reasonable mind? How did these seminarians who committed themselves to the service of the Lord hurt you that you want them "sent packing"? Are you insane?

    Whoa, what a mean person! Nobody at Junglewatch dared to challenge his vicious intention of kicking out the seminarians from the island. This is xenophobia at its meanest from. How sad...! We should pray for these lost souls at Junglewatch.

    1. @ Anon at 10:11 a.m.:

      Sounds like the Jungle is on a witch hunt, huh. What grounds does he have to call for their deportation? I'd like to know because accusing someone (or threatening them) of deportation is low down and dirty. For all of those Jungle followers who are Catholic and support this unjust attack on formation of priests for our Church, I pray you find some sense in what you are doing since you have now become an instrument of evil.

    2. 10:11AM wrote: "Do folks at Tim Rohr's blog have xenophobia indeed, a hatred against other people from other lands? Well, they almost surely have!..."

      Pius has never met me, has never spoken or written a word to me... and yet he is comfortable about *judging* me as xenophobic.

      Why does this priest insist on judging me? Why does he hate me so much? I have not wronged him in any way. I have not forced any injustice on him.

      And why does the author of this post hate me? Why do you judge me so harshly?

      Pray for yourself first. Meditate and address your anger and hatred. I'm rooting for you. Wishing you all the best!

    3. Good point. Why do you challenge him.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11;50 a.m.,

      What makes you think that Father Pius hates YOU? Father Pius called the jungle xenophobia because you would find comments like this in the jungle:

      "As an aside, though, we would like to see the source document for the Pope and the bishops desiring "internationality". In fact, post-Vatican II, we have seen the opposite: a trend towards the ordaining of priests and consecration of bishops for service to THEIR OWN people, and a trend away from sending foreigners into mission lands.

      Thus, after centuries of foreign bishops for Guam, our last two bishops (post-Vatican II) have been from Guam. Should we - as per the supposed desire for internationality - expect to see soon an African or South American bishop as we are now seeing with our priests? Probably not, but if anyone has the document on the desire for internationality, please feel free to post the link in the comments. We'll make sure it gets top billing in our next post."

    5. Junglewatch is Xenophobic!August 12, 2014 at 4:22 PM

      Oh, yeah, anon 11;50? Why don't you are not talking about the very issue at hand? I quote: "Tim August 12, 2014 at 9:25 AM: Speaking of seminarians, if in fact Wadeson was hiding at the seminary while their own rector told the PDN he had "left yesterday", and it can be proved that he was, every seminarian will be culpable. And since most are here just on visas, they might as well start packing."

      "Since most are here just on visas, they might as well start packing." Really?? Do you guys really think that those seminarians who put together their last pennies to get a chance in their priestly education on Guam and came here should be sent home on whatever pretext? Do you really want to use their via status to get them kicked out or deported? Do you really want Homeland Security to arrest them and get rid of them? Really? And you are not xenophobic?! Really...??

    6. It is not "xenophobia", because we despise any error that is promulgated in the Church. It doesn't matter in which country the error begins. Anyway I prefer the term "Kiko-misia"

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:51 p.m.,

      This has nothing to do with doctrines. It has to do with the nationality of people. They were discriminated against because of their ethnicity.

  9. The job of Tim Rohr is to make smoke, to diverse the attention on somewhere else. Rohr knows what is the truth. Rohr after all is after MONEY. Now I heard he is asking for money in his blog. Little bit strange...after Benavente was moved, Rohr begun to ask for money. Was Rohr working at the Cathedral?

  10. The financial reports and audits I have seen - both internal and external, for both non-profits and commercial ventures - were detailed looks into the accounting and flow of assets.

    The D&T letter addresses a very specific and narrow set of points, answering next to nothing in the way of addressing the concerns stakeholders have raised. I've put together training reports that had greater depth and detail.

    So again, where's the audit? Where are the financial statements?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:41 a.m.,

      In time that will come, but it will not be at the demands of one man who controls a minority. It will come at the Archbishop's own time. Patience is a virtue.

    2. Are you talking about AAA and Kiko cause as far as I can tell there are far more non-neo's than neo's on Guam. So AAA and his leader Kiko are in the minority.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:36 pm,

      From what I gather from your protest prayer, there are only a few hundreds.

    4. Diana,

      Do you really think there are more neo than non Neos?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 6:54 pm,

      I never said that. I meant to say that you have less supporters. Just because a person is a non-neo does not mean that they support you.

  11. I think everyone is missing the point with the Wadeson Affair. It is more about the hypocricsy of the Archbiship in sheltering a priest who was banned from LA because of sexual allegations that he chose not to fight. Especially in light of his vicious attach on Father Paul. It is more about AAA trying to protect a fellow neo priest than the children of the island. It is more about the cover up of such deception and of trying to change the subject by tarnishing the reputation of a popular local priest. So diane, thanks for pointing out that it really is no big deal when Wadeson left Guam, we should focus on how he came to be here in the first place.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:47 p.m.,

      I do not live in North Korea. A man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Father John is innocent. The man whom Father Paul was harboring was a CONVICTED sex offender. He was found guilty in a court of law, and his name is on the sex offenders list.

    2. The truth shall prevail!

    3. anonymous. .....interesting read from the web titled Coherence of Truth.

      Coherence refers to a constant and overwhelming explanation of all facts. To be coherent, all pertinent facts must be arranged in a constant and cohesive fashion a a integrated whole. The theory which most effectively reconciles all facts in this fashion maybe considered most likely to be true. Coherence is the most potentially effective test of truth because it most adequately addresses all elements.

      Forgive me if my observations are wrong but the accusations of jw and supporters remind me of throwing noodles on the wall. So fragmented that perhaps the test of truth in your eyes is the hope that something will stick. There is a sense of anxiety, almost bordering in hysteria in many of jw and supporters accusations and comments, lots of wasted noodles and so little facts that justify our understanding of truth.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 6:05 p.m.,

      Perhaps, he should clear his name and get it off the list of Sex Offenders Registers list.

    5. Junglewatch is falling apartAugust 12, 2014 at 9:28 PM

      Good point, Juan! Junglewatch is not even coherent anymore. One day you read this, next day you read the opposite on the same Junglewatch. It is because their charges are falling apart, therefore their logic becomes messed up. Someone made himself a fool and tries to cover it up by making himself an even bigger fool. It did not had to be like that...

  12. In JungleWatch We Do Not TrustAugust 12, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    Way to capitalize on Tim's slip-ups. Your carefully putting the pieces together of what will be the biggest lie, money-making scam of all time. At the end, God will prevail.

  13. Dear Diana,
    Tim Rohr has just put another piece of garbage in his jujglegarbage.
    It is a piece against you. Do not worry Rohr is only able to bark.
    PDN published the information of his daughter. So it is public dominion.
    Rohr decided to enter in something bigger than him, his family of course will pay the consequence, as usual those that are innocent. He had to think about this before he begun to write all that crap.
    Diana we are with you, Rohr has to understand that he is not God and his actions have terrible consequences, unfortunately also on his family. Again the innocents will have to pay the prize of Rohr garbage.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:07 p.m.,

      I am not surprised to see him resort to this. After all, just look at what he did to Father Pius. Father Pius came out to the media and spoke to them. And what did Tim Rohr do after that? He took up a petition to remove Father Pius. Obviously, he believes that Freedom of Expression applies only to him and no one else. Tim Rohr only makes things worse by going to PDN. Not everyone reads my blog, but everyone reads PDN.

      Also, I think he is more upset that he cannot verify the confirmation flight of Father John after he accused the seminarians of hiding Father John in the Seminary. He is probably upset because of the Guam law I cited showing that a corporation does not required to list the names of directors and officers on your articles of incorporation and that the Board of Directors do not have to be residents of Guam.

  14. Its all about money. The Jungle can't find out who Diana is by its informants, so the Jungle offered $500 for the information. Also, while the Way gives away money for the poor and to their parish churches, the Jungle asks for money for his pockets on his site. It's about money...and who is always looking at it!

    1. Where did he offer 500.00?

    2. Anon at 9:50 p.m.: in his latest blog. It's original title was "A $500 Reward". Then he changed it to "Let's Do It This Way". He was soliciting others to get the identity of Diana. Money = The Root of Evil.

    3. He did WHAT?? He offered $500 bounty reward for my head just because I said that the PDN may have a conflict of interest due to his daughter working there??? I see....and he thinks that offering $500 is not going to get out of hand???

    4. Yup! Although he never used the word "bounty", it came across as one. Of course, the jungle and its followers will respond and defend behind this technical use of words. I pray that God keeps you safe Diana since his commentors even made light of the archbishop driving around in a car with slashed tires. What more will angry people do for a cash reward (or as the blog referred to as "award" in the edited version) incentive? Words have incited hate and vengeance against the archbishop, clergy, and seminarians! I shudder to think what the outcome could be with money thrown in to fan these flames.

    5. 8:14pm I don't know what you are going on about. When I was in the ncw we were NEVER asked for money to support the parishes. Even when we'd be using the parish and the parish rooms to host our eucharist and word celebrations, we were never asked to help shoulder the bills.

    6. 7:56 a.m.: brother/sister, thank you for your correction. Unlike weekly mass collections, the occasional collection that i have seen in my walk were made to help us put aside money as an idol in our lives. However, at these occasional times, it would be announced that whatever is given (whether a few pennies or a fortune offered anonymously) would to help the parish obligations or for a purpose of the poor and those who have not heard the good news. God bless you in your faith for you have found a way to live in Christ without the help of a community. Please pray for me, I ask sincerely, in my struggles and shortcomings in faith.

  15. Tim lost it, it took him 48 hrs to react about you posting his daughter frim PDN. Poop starts to hit the fan.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:15 p.m.,

      And within those two days, look at the topics I wrote......the unbalanced journalism of PDN, his fantasy news of Father John hiding in the Seminary, and how he distracted his followers from the finaces.

    2. Yes, keep posting Diana. You have no idea how your words are being used to make a rod for your own back. Keep it up.

    3. Anon 9:54 the comment made about the bylaws of being in the board for nin Guam residency? Chinesse businesse would have a problem. A tiny lady prove him wrong.

    4. Anon 7:54,

      It's not about it being illegal to have foreigners on the board, it's about the intent of these foreigners on the board.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:39 am.,

      And what exactly is the intent of these foreigners on the board. Could you be more specific and explain?

  16. Neo issues- unbalanced reporting, persecution of The Way, fantasy Wadeson sighting, rohr's old job.
    Traditional Catholic issues-sacking of Father Paul, protection of fallen priest Wadeson, false allegations against Monsignor Benavente, failed attempt at giving away the yona property. Which set of issues is more troubling?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:27 a.m.,

      I would say all of them, but all of them cannot be discussed in one post. I have already posted about the unbalanced reporting and the fantasy news of Father John as well as Tim Rohr's job. I started with these to show that there is things going on behind the scenes that has an impact on the issues that the Latin Mass Catholics are concern with.

      I kept saying that Tim Rohr and his followers are not concern about justice, truth, or unity. They have an agenda. In other words, if they want unity, then why do they undermined unity by leaking minutes from a closed meeting, publish it on a blog only to ridicule it? If they want truth, then why are they making up fantasy stories of us hiding Father John in the seminary? What purpose do you think that serves?
