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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Some Good News

The defamation lawsuit against Archbishop Apuron has been partially dismissed by Superior Court Judge Michael Bordallo.  Brothers and sisters, continue to pray for Archbishop Apuron.  We love you Archbishop Apuron.  Take care of yourself.  God bless you!   

According to KUAM news:
 "The Superior Court of Guam made a finding and it found that absolutely every person has the right of privilege of self-defense," explained Attorney Jacque Terlaje. "If someone accuses you of sex abuse, and in this context in a public forum, that every person has the right to defend against that, to repel the allegations of abuse is the language that is used by many courts."
In a recent decision and order issued by Superior Court Judge Michael Bordallo, he denies in part and grants in part Archbishop Apuron's motion to dismiss the libel and slander lawsuit against him. If you recall, the defamation suit was filed by Apuron's accusers, Roy Quintanilla, Walter Denton, Roland Sondia, and Doris Concepcion on behalf of her deceased son, Joseph "Sonny" Quinata.
All four men allege they molested by Apuron, who was a priest at the Mt. Carmel Parish in Agat, decades ago.
Apuron, in response, denied the allegations via video or press release statements to island media. Terlaje added, "It dismissed half the suit essentially...the complaint is two-fold: it's a defamation suit. One for libel. One for slander. The slander was dismissed so all that's remaining is libel. Essentially, the court has instructed that upon the filing of an answer then it would be appropriate for the parties to seek a motion for summary judgment and to seek dismissal of the suit based on the affirmative defenses of qualified privilege."


  1. Power of Rosary, thanks be to God.

    Luis L. Carino =======》 Espana

  2. Diana, when you express confidence in the court system, then you need to stick to you confidence under other circumstances, as well! Will you also applaud the court if it makes decisions that are not necessarily what you'd favor?

    1. Dear Grow up in faith,

      My confidence is in God because he is perfect. Our court system is not perfect. At times, I have expressed disappointment at our justice system. For example, I think the sentence given to Torre for killing a fellow police officer was too lenient. With that said, our judicial system is still better than that of a totalitarian regime.

    2. So why are you giving credence to those who try to undermine our trust in the order of law and in our justice system?

    3. Grow up - is because Man's law. Perhaps your belief is Sharia Law.

      Luis L.Carino ====》》》》Espana

    4. You are funny, Luis. I believe, law and justices rule in all democracies around the world, including Spain. Perhaps except the chambers of exception...

    5. Dear Grow up,

      Really? Where is the law and justice for the rights of unborn children being murdered through abortion? Where is law and justice when Democratic Belgium passed a law to euthanized children with disabilities?

    6. Diana
      Well said.

    7. So much of self proclaimed Grow up in fsith but Grew up Fake.

  3. I applause the news on Archbishop because many people, at least what the media portrays, is against him... I want the underdog to be victorious...
    Yay!!! Archbishop Anthony....

    Leroy Brown

  4. the part of the lawsuit that was dismissed was because of a technicality and not because what was said wasnt't true check it out on the jungle

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:06 am,

      Therein lies the problem. The jungle is the only one saying it was dismissed because of a technicality. Rohr even praised the PDN for getting the information correct, but you did not bother to read the PDN article. You just swallowed what Rohr said. According to the PDN:

      In his order, Bordallo said the damages that plaintiffs alleged include only "losses to their reputation, shame, mortification, and hurt feelings and losses with respect to their occupations" and not any specific economic losses caused by the defendant's statements.

      "Accordingly, because plaintiffs failed to plead special damages, Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted," the judge wrote. "Therefore, the court holds that dismissal of the slander claim is appropriate."

    2. I don't understand - is it not a technicality because wouldn't the charge stand if the plaintiffs pleaded special damages upon which relief can be granted? If the plaintiff's lawyer doesn't dot the i's and cross the t's, the other lawyer would be quick to ask for dismissal. I've personally seen this in a court of law where a guilty person (ex-boyfried) walks out free of all charges because of technicalities. At the time it was a great relief, but nevertheless, he had been guilty.

    3. Diana, I don’t understand why only the slander was dismissed by the judge why wasn’t the libel dismissed too??? It sounds like the judge made a incomplete decision!!!!!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:26 am, 

      Could you create a username? A technicality pertains to the accused, not the accuser. An example of a technicality is when the police forgot to read the accused their rights or the jury was not properly informed. In this case, it was the plaintiffs who FAILED to show proof of economic loss.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:34 am,

      I am guessing that the judge is waiting for the verdict of the canonical trial. The Vatican did the investigation, and the canonical trial is valid. If the Archbishop is found not guilty, that may have an impact on both the libal lawsuit and the sex abuse lawsuit. If the verdict is not guilty, then what Archbishop wrote in the press release may be construed as truth and cannot be used as defamation.

    6. Diana, what happen to the separation of church and state. Do you really think the judge will make any decision base on the outcome of the canonical trail?

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:17 pm,

      Can you create a username? As to your question, Vatican City is a sovereign nation, and the Pope is recognized as the Head of State of Vatican City. Therefore, the canonical trial is recognized as a valid trial.
