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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Responding to Clara

This post is in response to Clara who made the following comment: 
What dates did Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI celebrate Mass with the Neocatechumenal Way? Are there any pictures, or Utube videos of these?
Thank you and God Bless.
Pope Benedict XVI was the one who introduced the Way into Germany when he was Cardinal Ratzinger.  Below are photos of him when he was still a Cardinal.  He presided over the Eucharist in the Neocatechumenal Way.

Card Ratzinger saying mass in a Neocatechumenal Way

  St. Pope John Paul II also presided over the Eucharist in the Neocatechumenal Way.  Below are photos of Pope John Paul II in celebrating the Eucharist with the Neocatechumenal Way.

John Paul II following the Neocatechumenal Way  Image result for Pope John Paul II and the Neocatechumenal Way


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:37 am,

      The photos of Pope Benedict XVI were taken during the time he was a cardinal, so the photos were taken between 1993 to 2005. As for photos of St. Pope John Paul II, he was already a pope when he presided over the Eucharist in the Neocatechumenal Way, so the photos were taken after 1978.

  2. Diana
    Now, I'm thinking that if it was Cardinal Ratzinger that celebrated the Mass with the Neocatechumenal Way, then why would he have, as Pope Benedict XVI, have Cardinal Arinze issue the letter of 2005 (on his behalf) telling Kiko that they had two years to change their Eucharist to that of what the rest of the Church was celebrating - a Mass that follows the GIRM/ROMAN MISSAL (approved Liturgical Books)?

  3. Because obviously he didn’t tell Arinze to write that letter. After the letter, Benedict met with kiko and Carmen and set the guidelines himself.

  4. yes Kiko...make the Eucharist more appealing to the people looking through the door....the window.

    hard for them to realize that they have a seat at the table.

  5. to Anon. 1:10
    The truth is Cardinal Arinze wrote On Behalf of Benedict XVI in Dec 2005. Benedict wrote Kiko in Jan 2006 confirming again that Arize's letter was on his behalf and expressed his belief that Kiko would obey. Unfortunately, that never happened. Kiko wrote back to the Pope "thanking the Pope" for 2 more year to celebrate the Mass the same way as always, totally ignoring the request of the Pope that the two years were supposed to be a transition from their way to that of the Church using the approved Liturgical Books. The letter from Cardinal Arinze on behalf of Pope Benedict was not forwarded to the others leaders of the Way, instead Kiko sent his people copy of "his own" letter which totally ignored the Pope's instructions.
    The leaders of the Way correct their members. But, who is correcting the leaders?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:31 pm, 

      That is incorrect. After Kiko wrote a letter to the Pope, he had a meeting with the pope. According to news report:

      "According to Giuseppe Gennarini, this way of receiving Communion sprang from a private meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Kiko Arguello on May 26, 2007. The Holy Father liked the idea of the priest coming to each person with the Eucharist because it shows that Christ comes to you in the person of the priest, Gennarini said."

      It was no longer Arinze's letter that the NCW was told to follow. It was the instructions that Kiko received from Pope Benedict in that private meeting, which took place in 2007.

  6. I don't understand why the alleged permission that Kiko claims he received from Pope Benedict XVI on May 26 2007 (which was oral) , was NOT printed in the approved Statutes of 2008 - a year later. The Sign of Peace was. Is not receiving the Body and Blood of Christ more important and warrant at least the same consideration?
    Again, the Leaders of the NCW corrects its members. BUT, who corrects their leaders?
    In 2012 when thousands of of NCW leaders and members went to Rome to receive the not only anticipated, but "definitely expected" written approval of the way they "do" communion, it never happened. What happened to that oral permission that Kiko claims he got in 2007? He never got it in the approved Statutes of 2008, nor in 2012.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:30 am, 

      Could you create a username? Pope Benedict celebrated the Eucharist with the NCW when he was a cardinal. He loved it so much that he started the NCW in Germany. The only things that were placed in the Statutes were the changes Pope Benedict wanted. If he wanted the NCW to kneel, that would have been placed in the Statutes. Pope Benedict was fully aware of how the NCW celebrated the Eucharist. Therefore, how the NCW celebrated the Eucharist remain the same except those specified in the Statutes. 

      In 2012, the NCW expected the approval of their catechesis, which contained some liturgical rites that did not have to do with the Eucharist. Those liturgical rites were approved.

    2. Diana, official decisions are always recorded in Vatican. If you don't have a written record or memo about some conversation, then there are chances it was not official. If Pope Benedict told Mr. Gennarini something without recording, then probably it was not serious.

      It is not a cat and mouse game, dear Diana, where the mouse tries to outsmart and trap the cat into doing what the mouse wants.

      NCW makes an impression of trying to influence the Popes by an agenda. Pope Benedict was not impressed by parts of the NCW mass and wanted modifications so that your celebrations fit better the church regulation. This is how Cardinal Arinze's letter was born. Please, do not try to explain away the facts.

    3. Dear curious,

      Arinze’s letter was in 2005. The private meeting with Kiko was in 2007. What makes you think that what the pope said to Kiko in this private meeting was not serious? It was recorded in news report that Kiko had a private meeting with Pope Benedict in May 2007 regarding the Eucharist.

    4. Any official document has to be recorded by law among the files of an organization. Vatican is no different! Are you saying the news report you mention was an official news release by Pope Benedict? I seriously doubt it. Pope Benedict is a very nice pope. But he was uneasy about the arrogance of some NCW people he met as Pope! For once in a while, please, state the straight facts, not an agenda.

    5. Dear curious,

      I have been saying for a long time that in 2008, I saw Father Pius READ out the new instructions on how the NCW was to receive the Body of Christ. He said that these instructions came from the Pope. I was there along with many people when the new instructions were given. The way the NCW receive the Body of Christ before and after 2008 were not the same. But it does not matter. Those who oppose the Way still do not like the change.

  7. To Diana 240
    I believe what the Pope told Kiko in 2007 was serious, because like you, I believe it dealt with the Eucharist.
    However, this meeting could never justify the alterations Kiko insists on. Proof of that is the alterations are not in the approved Statutes of 2008 - a year later.
    The Approved Statutes of 2008 do not give permission for the many alterations to the NCW Mass.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:42 pm,

      Could you please create a username? The proof is in the fact that the Way was investigated in 2012 for alleged liturgical abuse by Pope Benedict XVI and then later dismissed.

    2. Anon at 3:42
      You could also believe fairies are serious and real doesn't make it real. You are just making up facts. Produce the document in the vatican that states parishioners must stand and form a line to receive communion. There is none, which is why no document was written to state how the NCW has to receive communion. The Roman Missal doesn't state any such thing. The only changes that are stated in the statutes are those that don't directly follow the Roman Missal. You don't need a document stating how to do something that isn't already written in stone. The NCW is in obedience to the Pope. If not why is it that Arinze has never written any follow up letter. The reason is because the Pope himself directly interceded in the private meeting with Kiko and Carmen.

  8. I really think your barking up the wrong tree, curious and annon 12:30am, because even if you find the truth that NCW is accepted and approved, you would not even want to expirience what the people in the NCW expirience...or even accept it...
    I guess for the sake of dialog, Diana has more patience than I would ever have trying to explain or even provide evidence of what you may not want to hear....
    May the Truth set you free.....

    Leroy Brown

    1. Leroy Brown
      Your mistaken. I wanted to join the NCW but they wouldn't let me because I would not celebrate "their" Mass with them.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:59 pm, wanted to join the NCW so you can dictate to them what you want them to do. You are not the Pope or the bishop.

  9. @ annon 11:59PM. Like I said...its hard to accept the reality of the NCW. Is that why you will not celebrate the mass that has been celebrated by previous popes and been accepted and approved?
    Thats why I hope you find the truth you look for with an open heart....

    Leroy Brown

    1. To those who oppose the Way,

      In this blog, you need to hear our side of the story. If all you want is to dictate to the NCW that you are right by pointing to Arinze’s letter and other documents, then please have your comments posted in the jungle. It will not be published here. These are a few things we ask that you discern:

      1. Kiko had a private meeting with Pope Benedict XVI regarding the Eucharist in May 2007.

      2. There was a change in how the Body of Christ was received before and after the approval of the statutes.

      3. An investigation was conducted on the Way for alleged liturgical abuses in 2012. After a few years of investigation, the allegations were all dismissed. All investigations of the NCW were stopped.

      4. The NCW have never hid their Eucharistic celebrations simply because they have nothing to hide and we believe we are not in violation of anything.

      5. Kiko Arguello have never been disciplined. Rather, he had been awarded an honorary degree.

      6. The NCW will be celebrating it’s 50th anniversary with Pope Francis on May 5th.

  10. The truth will come May 5th.

  11. Dear Diana,
    I would gladly offer the Jungle the information I offered you. The only reason I do not, is I want to remain anonymous. (They no longer give me that option.)The information I provided you is written proof that the NCW must change the way they celebrate Mass to that of the approved Liturgical Books. Peace.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:20 am,

      The NCW obeys only the Pope and the Archbishop of Agana. When Archbishop Apuron was in charge, we obeyed him. Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Byrnes is currently in charge and we also obeyed him, following his instructions. YOU are not the Pope nor the Archbishop.

  12. Replies
    1. Dear Catholic Guy,

      That is not a very Catholic or Christian thing to say. 😉
