Blog Song

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Joyous Celebration At RMS

Every year the seminary would hold a Christmas concert and invite the public. This year there was no Christmas concert.  Instead, the Neocatechumenal Way communities gathered for a celebration at the RM Seminary tonight.  The parking was packed when we got there.  I knew we should have come earlier.  We had to park just outside the gate and walk in.  They didn't have the trolley tonight.  As we neared the seminary, we looked down and saw many of the brothers seated outside where it was cooler.  Inside there were many more people.  The place was so crowded, and there was not enough seats for everyone.  Some people had to stand at the balcony.   

Afterwards, we all gathered upstairs for an agape.  There were about four or five tables of food.  Tables and chairs were laid out.  The tables were covered with beautiful tablecloths and adorned with a floral arrangement in the center.  People were laughing, joyous, and happy. 

 The head table was beautifully arranged with flowers, and there was a bottle of champagne for each priest.  Was it champagne or wine?  I could never tell.  At any rate, there were smiles going all around as we drank, ate, and watched a slide show of all the achievements RMS brought to this island.  We listened to the Christmas songs played in the background, and we rejoiced, knowing that God our Father has much bigger plans for the Neocatechumenal Way communities in Guam.  

The seminarians also surprised us by holding a show for us.  They entertained us with their joyful singing in the various languages of their countries.  We recall all the successes that RMS in Guam has brought.  17 priests ordained for the Archdiocese of Agana.  The many vocations coming from the NCW that lead to the life of the priesthood, the religious life, married life, or an itinerant life.  We celebrated because we have local brothers and sisters as itinerants.  We have local mission families. We have couples open to life, bearing more children.  Marriages that were on the brink of divorce have been saved.  Many of those couples whose marriages were saved celebrated with us tonight.  We have much to rejoice in. Although RMS is closing, we will not forget the fruits it brought.  And it was because of this man that these fruits were born here.  God bless you Archbishop Anthony Apuron.  We love you!  
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  1. God bless you archbishop Anthony we love you so much and miss you at the end of the Eucharist it made me tear up because at the end they played Christmas songs that was from archbishop Anthony love you archbishop miss you and may god bless you where ever you are pues adios estaque pues adios estaque so good by fairly well so goodbye fairly well

  2. ""Beautiful" Guam's real Archbishop Anthony Apuron the true and only Archbishop of our beloved island of Guam

  3. Yes, it was a beautiful evening. So much joy among the brothers and sisters. 😃 BIBA Archbishop Apuron!!!!! BiBA NCW and RMS!!!

  4. Rejoice! Judge not. God has something greater as the RMS closes Friday. These are the points emphasized by our catechists and the RMS rector. So we celebrated God's glory exemplified by the fruits of the RMS and of the Neocatechumenal Way communities of Guam.

    We continue to live the tripod of Word, Liturgy and Community to sustain us and grow in faith. Faith that eternal life awaits us. Loving the brother who is hard to love. To proclaim the Good News, the Kerygma, that Jesus Christ conquered death, forgives our sins, and loves you, loves me!

    We praise and bless God!

  5. We praise and bless you God our father. Hearts filled with joy. seminary close God's unexpected ways bring greater joy justice to NCW.
    Biba Archbishop Anthony Apuron!

  6. Dayenu, it would have been enough! One chapter has closed and we begin a new chapter.

  7. I am grateful that Archbishop Apuron allowed Neocatechumenal Way to act in Guam. As I was sitting in my chair last night, I felt a great sense of peace over me... I remembered all the times I was there at the seminary, assisting in the kitchen, in the office, the Libray, decorating for Christmas, cleaning, bringing snacks, picking and dropping off Seminarians.. and my most favorite time... participating in the Morning Prayers and Eucharists. God Bless us all!

  8. We are witnesses of Christ for we have seen the miracles. Couples being open to life producing many children without worry and fear. Cohabiting couples who took the steps to the sacrament of marriage. Marriages on the brink of divorce being saved and strengthened. Vocations being inspired into the priesthood and religious life. Non-Catholics joining the Catholic faith. Brothers forgiving one another. Active participation in parish life with a new perspective of coming to Church out of love for Christ rather than out of obligation.

    We are like the three kings who met Christ. After meeting him, they do not travel back but go into a new direction. After all, after meeting Christ one cannot go back because they are a new person. Anyone who meets Him does remain the same. They change into a new person.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  9. Anyone who meets Him does remain the same?

    1. Oops! My bad. I meant “Anyone who meets Him does NOT remain the same.“

  10. No tears in my eyes tonight.
    Joy happiness abound for Jesus leads us on a new journey in a new direction to evangelize transform this community into God's holy nation. People of holiness ready to serve His Word Eucharist community. The new star will lead us in direction to Him. Thank you Jesus!

  11. I was very moved by the homily. For me, i was reminded how everything started... the catechists who came to Guam by a mere fluke and run in with a sister pleading for them to come to Guam. I'm so grateful for that event that created a wonderful page in the history of Christianity on Guam.

    Communities being born, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    How the archbishop Anthony Apuron desired for a Seminary, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    How men had vocations to be priests and many families opened their homes to house them, Dayenu (this would have been good enough),

    How the Seminary started at Tai, Mangilao, Dayenu (this would have been good enough),

    How the Redemptoris Mater Seminary was moved to Yona, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    How the Seminary was backed by the Lateran, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    the first priest to be ordained, Dayenu (this would have been good enough),

    As years passed, 16 others ordained, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    The graces placed upon Guam, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    Families and marriages rebuilt, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    People being saved from and resisting suicide and abortion, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    People falling in love with Christ, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    We are here today, Dayenu (this would have been good enough)

    I am very encouraged despite this being a moment that the devil tells me to cry about it. I can't cry about it because I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. Thank you Lord for having mercy and I pray you protect all the deacons, priests, and our Archbishops... Anthony Apuron and Coadjutor Michael Byrnes from the attacked of the devil. Lord, Send the Archangel Michael to help.

    Peace and Merry Christmas.

    1. AnonymousDecember 14, 2017 at 8:32 PM - Dayenu (this would have been good enough).... yes!

  12. All glory and praise to God!!!! I was so overwhelmed with the power of God through the Holy spirit and communion with all brothers who share the miracles and anundant love of Christ. When we had a moment of silence to reflect in all the marvelous deeds. I was filled woth tears of joy and mense gratitude to God for sending Fr. Pius to Guam and the grace given to oir sjepherd, ARCHBISHOP ANTHONY to welcome the gift of the Way to our island and families. Lorday you.bless all.your servants that you have sent to me and my family. A building may be taken or destroyed....bit the seed planted and noirished by Christ Himself...may never be destroyed. My faith will not waiver in these times.BIBA!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU ARCHBISHOP ANTHONY!!!!

  13. Diana Byrnes is doing something illegal and against church protocol with kamalan karidat because he’s calling himself archbishop of agana to become the overall chairman of the board of kamalan karidat because in the bylaws of kamalan karidat it just says archbishop of agana not corporations sole only the word archbishop of agana so he’s doing something illegal and against the church because he’s co-adjutor archbishop when archishop Anthony apuron still holds the title of archbishop of agana

    1. Dear God is one,

      Pope Francis has not removed Archbishop Apuron's title. It remains. Archbishop Byrnes is the Coadjuator. I am certain he is aware of that.

    2. I don’t think. So because he’s calling for a board meeting to hold a election so that’s is an illegal meeting and election that he’s doing

    3. Dear God is one,

      I do not see anything illegal about calling for a meeting to hold an election. What I see is that he did not read the bylaws of Kamalen Karidot. He probably thought he could do away with present board the way he did RMS. Did we not tell CCOG that RMS had always been under the control of the Archbishop of Agana and his successor?

  14. In this season we pray for Archbishop Apuron, wishing him consolations and strength from the Lord.

    However, Rohr and friends continue their Christmas 'tradition' to find ways to further stain the image of our friend, Apuron. The more he tries to smear him, the more we all see he hurts himself. When will they realize that the one they are persecuting, like Herod, and trying to kill is Christ himself. May the Lord have mercy on them and their families in this most joyful and peaceful season. As for us, we flee to Egypt waiting for God to do justice for us.

  15. I have been in the Way for 17 years. Have attended 99% of all celebrations, gatherings, and various events. There could be a crowd of 2 up to hundreds of people (relations from acquaintance to a bond w personal friends) for any length of time. In these gatherings I have always felt comfortable, accepted for who I am, not judged or whispered about. I am shy in nature but here I feel a bond with any person I meet most of whom I don't have a previous relationship with them. Because I learned through the Way that we are truly all children of God I have accepted every one, even those not in the Way, as my broter/Sister in Christ. Oh what a wonderful and blessed feeling of Love.

  16. With no intention of judging Archbishop Byrnes, I just wish he would come out and publicly give us a word of hope, that he understands us and that he accompanies us. Are we not a part of his flock? Is he not our Shepherd?

    God has greater plans than I.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild, 

      With no intention of judging Archbishop Byrnes, is it possible that the reason he is not meeting with us is because it will rouse up jealousy and suspicion with the jungle? It is the junglefolks whom Archbishop Byrnes has been working hard to gain their trust. 

      Therefore, let us look to Christ as our Shepherd for He would never abandon us.


  17. Look to Christ and his vicar on earth as our shepherd.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:00 pm, 

      You said it better than I did. Yes, we look to Christ and His Vicar on earth as our shepherd. We have the blessing and support of Pope Francis. And most of all, God loves us.
