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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Deacons For Archdiocese

Congratulations to the men who were ordained deacons for the Archdiocese of Agana. You can find the story here. They are: 
Greg Calvo from Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Yigo; Huan Hosei and Rene Dela Cruz from the Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Toto; John Fernandez from Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Santa Rita; George Quitugua from Santa Teresita parish in Mangilao; Joe Gumataotao and Romeo Hernandez from Santa Barbara parish in Dededo; and Rudy Que from Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica parish in Hagåtña.


  1. Peace and Thank you Diana. Congratulations deacons. May the Lord bestow the gift of zeal and perseverance to announce the gospel! Caritas Christi urgent nos!

  2. Diana Byrnes is doing another injustice and continues to attack Archbishop Anthony and deacon frank by taking away Kåmalen karidat and making it be ran by the chancery

    1. Dear God is one,

      So? Let Archbishop Byrnes continue to follow CCOG. We already know that CCOG is only out on a witchhunt. The NCW, on the other hand, will continue to do what we have always been doing. A celebration is coming up. Let us look forward to that.

    2. Looks like Byrnes' letter hit Junglewatch first before the media. Someone in the clergy is supplying Timmy with Byrnes' letter before going to the media.

    3. Byrnes should be for all the ''people'' not just one side

    4. Dear Anonymous at 6:03 am,

      The only reason CCOG is going after Kamalen Karidot is 1) to find some way to discredit Deacon Tenorio for supporting Archbishop Apuron and 2) because they failed to find any money laundering at RMS. For four years, Rohr claimed that money laundering was taking place at RMS, but they never found any thereby rendering their allegations unfounded. So, they now turned to Kamalen Karidot. Because of their witch hunt, Father Mike Crisostomo is no longer in charge. The feeding of the poor and homeless is now left up to the chancery.

    5. CCOG also tried to get Jackie disbarred, but that also failed. They are a bitter and angry group who is always complaining. We should also pray for them. CCOG is now Byrnes' headache. As long as he says yes to them, they will continue to complain and demand more.

      Christmas will soon be upon us. I agree with Diana. Let's look forward to the upcoming celebration.

    6. Diana I don’t think it’s a priest that’s leaking the letters I think it’s some no name higher person that’s leaking it not naming names but starts with a m and ends with a b

    7. CCOG will be known by its fruits - loss of RMS, persecution of Archbishop Apuron and the NCW communities. Guam's RMS fruits - 17 ordained priests for the diocese. Guam's NCW communities' fruits - 2 young men being formed at RMS in Rome and Portugal; several young women entering cloistered religious life in a Carmelite Monastery in Newark. Numerous fruits also include saving of marriages and families in crisis, service in parishes in various ministries.

    8. Our local priest like Fr. Mike Crisostomo lacks Christ in their spiritual life. The review hasn't even started and he's so quick to get on the radio to persecute Deacon Tenorio and Apuron. So typical of the junglefolks like Fr. Mike and so unbecoming of s priest. He can't even wait until the investigation on the finances is done.

      Looks like Fr. Mike knows where the 5 vehicles were all along, but he can't answer whether they've been bought or donated cuz they haven't started the investigation yet. And he's so quick to get on the radio.

      Did you hear Fr. Mike's answer when he was asked whether there was money in the Kamalen Karidot account when he took over? He said there was a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money in the account. A substantial amount? Really? You mean Deacon Tenorio left a substantial amount in the account? And CCOG thinks the substantial amount went into someone's pocket.

    9. Pale Mike also supported the bill that lifted the statutes of limitations. And he got on the radio trying to rally the people to support the bill. SMH.

    10. Dear brothers, 

      Let us not be like Father Mike Crisostomo. We already know trait of the jungle. They persecute and condemn without due process and without even hearing what Deacon Tenorio has to say. Yes, David Sablan And Father Mike were both given an audience. And they deliberately left Deacon Tenorio out of the picture so no one can hear him explain the SUBSTANTIAL amount of money he left in the account for his successor to continue on with the mission of Kamalen Karidot. So, let us not be like Father Mike Crisostomo and the rest of the jungle.

    11. How sad. The moment Byrnes gives out a press release to investigate the past finances of Kamalen Karidot, Fr. Mike jumps at the opportunity to destroy a brother clergy without waiting for the final results of the investigation. And all because of his hatred for AB Apuron. So sad to see this in a priest. ☹️

    12. This even includes Byrnes because he also hates his brother bishop because he wants the full title of archbishop of agana

    13. Dear God is one,

      Yes, it was Archbishop Byrnes who set the example for his priests. He badmouthed his predecessor to the media, calling for his exile when he stated that his return would be a disaster. That is no different than what Father Mike did when he eagerly went to the media to discredit his predecessor.

      They say “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you”. This is a lie. Words can build a person up or shatter a soul. Just ask the emotionally abused child whose mother told her that she wished she had never been born. We pray for the spirit of Christ so that we can have humility while Christ takes up our persecution. Archbishop Apuron never retaliated against Archbishop Byrnes when he called for his exile to never return. Deacon Tenorio also did not respond with bitterness and hate toward Father Mike Crisostomo as he happily discredited him and the many ministries he developed under Kamalen Karidot. We need to pray hard for our persecutors in the hopes that Christ would save them.

    14. Pale Mike went to the media to smear Deacon Tenorio and AB Apuron. Notice that he’s already saying that there were some questionable practices, but he NEVER said what those practices were. Sablan also went out to the media claiming that Pale Mike told him that vehicles were missing. When Pale Mike was on the air, suddenly all 5 were accounted for. But I like to know where is their evidence that those vehicles were purchased with donations from Kamalen Karidot. Where is the evidence that Tenorio and Apuron were using the donation for personal use? All Pale Mike can say on the radio is that was what he HEARD.

      We, on the other hand, have evidence showing Monsignor James using Catholic Cemeteries funds for his personal anniversary party.

  3. Let's look forward to the upcoming celebration.
    Peace, Love,Joy, to all men women of goodwill!

  4. Diana look how fast Timmy responded after I and the other person who put the question about the leaking of the letter by Byrnes and when I put the m and b name he rushed to say it wasn’t him but he put on the email of the pdn reporter and the reporter sent it to David Sablan but how is it that David Sablan asked for the letter when reporters are not supposed to be giving the reports

  5. I'm sorry but the average Catholic has no idea what is happening up at the chancery these days.
    They complained about the NCW not believing in the Parish structure now the chancery is making all the decisions concerning the Parishes. The finance office is just about ready to micromanage every parish. Parishes are now required to give access to the chancery over their financial reporting. All this just to show artificial numbers to the banks for all the borrowing that's about to go down to cover the costs of the lawsuits.
    When Fr. Jeffrey was told about the burden on the parishes the new and higher assessment fees have brought on, he responded by saying, do a 2nd, 3rd or 4th collection if needed. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    I suggest that if you want to help the parish financially, you either do it directly by paying for it up front or by delegating where you want your money going to. Do not put in the basket for the discretion of the finance officer. If you want your money to be spent on flowers, canon law says it should,would and will be spent only on Flowers.
    We are in a bigger mess today than we ever were.
    God help us!

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild,

      If I am not mistaken, I think that is also in civil law. If money is designated or set aside for a certain thing, such as flowers, then it should only go to flowers. I would prefer my money to go into helping my parish. From now on, every check we write will be stated “for parish use only.”

    2. That’s what Fr. Jeff said? Many families are struggling in Guam and his solution is 2nd, 3rd, and 4th collection? Where is the compassion for the struggling people?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:04 pm,

      I said from the beginning that the law lifting the statutes of limitations is unjust. Innocent people will be suffering. Yes, it is true that those who were sexually abused suffered. But it is unjust to allow innocent people to pay for their suffering. And that is what is happening. When they passed the law to sue the Church along with the individual, we were in that lawsuit because we are the Church. That was the fruit of the jungle....a very bad and unjust fruit.

    4. Diana,
      You may need to be more direct than "parish use only". Your memo may have to say something more specific, like power bill or toilet tissue.
      The chancery has no compassion. In fact, Josie the Archdiocesan Finance officer thinks that she can take a trip to Hawaii, review their diocese finance procedures and come back and think that Guam can adopt those practices overnight. Get real!
      Hate to judge, but I believe the new vision for this diocese is centered around $$$$$$$$$$, of which we don't have.

      -Jokers Wild

    5. Rohr made big deal about benefactors wishes in consideration of seminary is closed they should return money to benefactor. IMO

  6. The diocese is knee-deep in debt because of the lawsuits... fact
    The diocese needs cash... fact
    The diocese is likely to listen and ACT upon any rumor of money mismanagement, because of the situation in which it stands... so it is no surprise that they entertain CCoG's fabrication or version of the facts, in which they insinuate that Apuron or the NCW are/were mishandling funds. No surprise there.

    If I were a pastor, I'd put up a wish list of items needed and ask people to 'donate' items... not cash... or pay-bills, not ask for cash to pay bills... this would be a better model of parish organization in which everything is transparent and there is no possible mismanagement of funds because it is all in the open and you can truly say you depend on divine providence... although, not sure if it is realistically 100% of the times. Let the diocese do the same and let them live on divine providence as well.

    1. How can the diocese be strapped for cash? Aren’t they selling the seminary building and lands? After all the scandal they have orchestrated to get the seminary why are they still asking for money?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 1:56 am,

      They have not found a buyer yet. Who in Guam has 75 million dollars to buy the Seminary? In the meantime while they’re looking for foreign investors , Father Jeff suggested the parishes to have 3rd and 4th collection just as Jokers Wild mentioned.

    3. But Diana your forgetting that number 3 still hasn’t given the nod they can’t sale it yet so Byrnes can’t just shut the seminary yet so Byrnes is defying a direct order of cardinal filoni that they need approval from him

    4. Dear God is one,

      That is true. He needs the permission of the Holy See. He can shut down the Seminary, but he cannot sell it without permission from the Holy See. I was actually hoping that what was done to the RMS in Japan also be done to RMS in Guam.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:06AM,

      Some pastors are already seeking help for their parishes since Mass collections are so low. They are asking and getting help of church groups to pay for Mass flowers. Pastors are seeking donations from parishioners to renovate the church buildings. Such as split air conditioners to replace the big 10-ton ac units, water blasting and painting, refurbishing of pews, communion wine and altar linens, and so on. So most of the Mass collections go towards utility bills, previous loans and contractual obligations, diocesan assessments and other expenses.

  7. I am sure that in Athens and in Agana there are uncorking bottles of champagne to celebrate the closure of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Guam.

    This is a victory for Archbishop Hon, Father Jeff and Bishop Brynes. Congratulations!!!

    They have worked so hard to achieve their destructive goal. And they succeeded.

    But truth will have the last laugh.

  8. Pale Mike doesn’t deserve the Lumen Christi award last year, just saying.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:23 am,

      In my blog, I congratulated Father Mike for the nomination of the Lumen Christi award. I took it off my blog after he came on the radio talk show supporting the bill to lift the statutes of limitations. He did THREE things wrong that same day: 1) he publicly supported a bill that would damage the Catholic Church, 2) he disobeyed Archbishop Hon’s instruction to read the letter to his parishioners, and 3) he did not give his parishioners the option of signing a petition to oppose the bill.

      Added to that, yesterday he called the radio station to insinuate that Deacon Tenorio and Archbishop Apuron were guilty without waiting for the completion of the investigation. Archbishop Byrnes said in news report that he will inform the public after he knows the results of the investigation. Father Mike did not even wait for the Archbishop Byrnes to make that transparency to the public. Father Mike simply took it upon himself to take away the due process of Deacon Tenorio and Archbishop Apuron, which is typical of the Junglewatch Nation.

  9. Diana what would happen if archbishop is not guilty and comes back can the seminary still be opened after it closes
