When Ramon De Plata came out publicly, he was also interviewed in the Patti Arroyo talk show. Toward the end of the interview, Ramon De Plata admitted that he had been talking to Richard Untalan, whom we know is well acquainted with Rohr and the Junglewatch Nation. Mr. Rohr can claim all he wants that John Toves did not know Ramon De Plata, but the wheels continue to keep turning to the very same people over and over again.......always the same people. Mr. De Plata admitted in his interview that he talks to Richard Untalan.
In other words, Mr. De Plata was already connected to Richard Untalan. And when it came time for Mr. De Plata to come out to the media, he was introduced by Tim Rohr through his blog.....in exactly the same way Roy Quintanilla was introduced with written statements already in hand. Therefore, all the accusers of Apuron are connected. You can listen to the interview of Ramon De Plata in the following weblink:
Interview of Ramon De Plata
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Banning Casino Gambling
Casino Gambling had been proposed as a referendum a few times on Guam, and Archbishop Apuron had always been an outspoken critic against it. But the supporters of gambling has once again tried to bring it in at the Liberation Day Carnival. The carnival is supposed to be a place for kids and families. If Archbishop Apuron were here, he would have led a campaign against casino gambling in the carnival.
However, thanks to Telena Nelson, her bill to ban casino gambling at the Liberation Day Parade was passed unanimously by the Guam Legislature. If the Governor were to veto this bill, he would have to convince at least six members in the Guam Legislature to vote against the override.
However, thanks to Telena Nelson, her bill to ban casino gambling at the Liberation Day Parade was passed unanimously by the Guam Legislature. If the Governor were to veto this bill, he would have to convince at least six members in the Guam Legislature to vote against the override.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Historical Timeline #3
On May 4, 2015, John Toves claimed to have found a second victim who was allegedly molested by Archbishop Apuron. He wrote about it in the jungle, which can be found here. According to John Toves (the bold is mine):
"His island attorney contacted me with the information...." I find this statement very unsettling. Why? What attorney on Guam would contact John Toves about his client? John Toves is not an attorney, a counselor, or a newspaper reporter. For what reason would an attorney contact John Toves and give him information about his client? Who is this attorney who gave out information about his client?
Since the attorney represents his client, why didn't he write a letter to the Archbishop, the media, or even the Archbishop's attorney informing him of his client's accusation? Why did this attorney go to John Toves, release details about his client, and allow Toves to release those details in the hopes of bringing another alleged victim forward?
John Toves further stated (the bold is mine):
Below is a screenshot of that comment:John C. Ada Toves "Typhoon"May 4, 2015 at 8:07 PMAnon 6:08, here is an update. What you heard on the The Buzz was information on a "Victim #2" who had been molested by Archbishop Apuron. His island attorney contacted me with the information and allowed me to release some brief details in hopes of bringing another victim forward. I had two subsequent conversations and two emails from the attorney. The timeline was given to me. I have my phone records and emails for documentation. I have not received further communication as of yet.
"His island attorney contacted me with the information...." I find this statement very unsettling. Why? What attorney on Guam would contact John Toves about his client? John Toves is not an attorney, a counselor, or a newspaper reporter. For what reason would an attorney contact John Toves and give him information about his client? Who is this attorney who gave out information about his client?
Since the attorney represents his client, why didn't he write a letter to the Archbishop, the media, or even the Archbishop's attorney informing him of his client's accusation? Why did this attorney go to John Toves, release details about his client, and allow Toves to release those details in the hopes of bringing another alleged victim forward?
John Toves further stated (the bold is mine):
I've called the Archbishop prior to every move but unfortunately always seem to get only voicemail. I mentioned that I had thoughts about the dance and other clips but I would like to hear good faith on his part. I'll be happy to provide call logs for this as well.What I placed in bold shows that John Toves has become so obsessed with ousting the Archbishop. He constantly harassed him through phone calls, poked fun at him through video clips, tweeted and Facebooked weekly that he no longer have a stable life but an abnormal obsession. Is it any wonder then why Archbishop Apuron obtained an attorney to inform John Toves to cease and desist? LikeTim Rohr, John Toves wanted Archbishop Apuron removed.
I've tweeted and Facebooked weekly to the island since January. I guess I need to get a life, - but I know I have my God.
So, Anon 6:08, I intend to remain a thorn in his side.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
839 "Those who have not yet received the Gospel are related to the People of God in various ways."325
The relationship of the Church with the Jewish People. When she delves into her own mystery, the Church, the People of God in the New Covenant, discovers her link with the Jewish People,326 "the first to hear the Word of God."327 The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ",328 "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable."329
The Jewish people still follow the Old Covenant, which God never revoked while Christians follow the New Covenant. For example, it was God who established circumcision (see Genesis 17:11). Man never established circumcision.
Although the Jewish people follow the Old Covenant, they still must follow God's will to obtain eternal salvation. Being a Jew will not earn them salvation. After all, Christ said, "Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord's will enter the Kingdom of God, but he who does the will of my Father in Heaven will enter the Kingdom of God. " When Jesus spoke those words, He was addressing the Jewish people. Nevertheless, these same words also apply to us. Not every Catholic who says 'Lord, Lord's will enter God's Kingdom, but he who does the will of God the Father. The Jews are the Old Israel while Christians are the New Israel. Both are the people of God.
Historical Timeline 2
As we have learned in the first historical timeline, John Toves was the first person to accuse Archbishop Apuron of sexually abusing his cousin. His accusation came on November, 2014. However, his cousin never came forward. Toves flew to Guam afterwards to confront Archbishop Apuron, but the Archbishop would not entertain him. So, Toves resorted to harassment. In fact, he even went to the police asking about whether he would be arrested for harassment. According to Pacific News Center (the bold is mine):
During the time that Toves was on Guam, he was disappointed that no one else came forward to accuse Archbishop Apuron of sexual abuse. On November 21, 2014, John Toves wrote in the jungle:
John Toves was unable to remove the Archbishop, which was his intention as shown in the first historical timeline. Nevertheless, he left a warning to the Archbishop before he left Guam. That warning is what I placed in bold.Before going to the Chancery, he visited the Hagatna Precinct to discuss the issue with police. He was advised, however, to take the matter up with the Attorney General’s Office instead."I did ask [the police] if I shortcut the Attorney General and go straight up then the scenario would be that if it was deemed harassment in nature in their perception then they would call [the police] and then they would have to come up and remove me. Either way I look forward to being removed," announced Toves after meeting with authorities at the Hagatna precinct.Toves says the AG’s Office advised him that because the Chancery Office is a private entity, the AG cannot get involved in the matter. Toves is scheduled to leave the island tomorrow and return to California, but he warns that his mission is not over."My message to the archbishop, that he’s only in the eye of the storm. The rest of the typhoon will come back and the back end usually hits much, much harder than the first," warns Toves.
During the time that Toves was on Guam, he was disappointed that no one else came forward to accuse Archbishop Apuron of sexual abuse. On November 21, 2014, John Toves wrote in the jungle:
However, the single most important phrase is that "no one has come forward".John Toves continued to harass Archbishop Apuron even while he was in California. However, a month later, Toves revealed the very FIRST glimpse of the connection between himself and Ramon De Plata. In the first historical timeline, John Toves knew the alleged victims because all of them were altar servers from Agat. But in December, 2014 while he was in California, Toves gave the first glimspe that he may have known Ramon De Plata. On December 20, 2014, John Toves wrote in the jungle (the bold is mine):
John C. "Typhoon Toves"December 20, 2014 at 4:48 PM
I just spoke directly with Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron. (Phone records will prove the conversation.)
(Toves) "Archbishop, I will persist in trying to meet with you. I am thoroughly disappointed that you had been unable to meet with me each time."
(AAA) "I am following the advice of my attorney." "I cannot talk to you." "I have to go." (starting to hang up)
(Toves) "I know about Chalan Pago."
(AAA) "I am following the advice of my attorney." "I cannot talk to you." "I have to go." (starting to hang up)
(Toves) "I know about Chalan Pago."
(AAA) (breathing heavier)
(Toves) "I know about you and Father Tony Cruz, and the altar boys." "I have met with persons directly involved."
(Toves) "I know about you and Father Tony Cruz, and the altar boys." "I have met with persons directly involved."
This begs a couple of questions: 1) How did Toves meet them when he admitted a month earlier that NO ONE came forward to accuse Archbishop Apuron of anything while he was in Guam, and 2) How did he meet them while he was in California and Mr. De Plata was in Guam?
Two years later, Tim Rohr INTRODUCED Ramon De Plata in his blog BEFORE Mr. De Plata came out publicly. Below are screenshots from the jungle showing that Rohr knew Ramon De Plata and the blue corvair before it even hit the news media. Notice that Rohr published these posts before Mr. De Plata came out publicly.
Then on September 12, 2016, Ramon De Plata came on KUAM and shared his story, reading his written statements. Tim Rohr also admitted that he knew about Ramon De Plata since 2014. According to Tim Rohr:
Yep. I learned about it in 2014. It's taken awhile. Many thanks to David Lujan.
I am not certain whether Rohr made the mistake of naming David Lujan when it was John Toves who revealed that information on his blog on December 20, 2014. At any rate, below is a screenshot of that comment:
So, Ramon De Plata is also connected to John Toves and Tim Rohr. It appears that all the accusers of Archbishop Apuron all had a connection to these two.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Relationship Between Catholics and Jews
There has been a lot of comments under the posts of the Jewish Rabbis. However, I am going to respond to only one anonymous poster who made the following comment:
Now to address the first paragraph of your comment. Many of us need to be catechized because not all of us know what the Catholic Church teaches. Furthermore, there are many Catholics who see nothing wrong with homosexuality, same sex marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, and other issues that are simply NOT Catholic. So yes, even the ordinary Catholics who go to regular Sunday Mass and who see nothing wrong with homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, etc. do need to be catechize. Yes, the ordinary Catholics who shack up with their boyfriends and girlfriends and practice birth control methods need to be catechized.
AnonymousMay 24, 2017 at 12:21 PM
I find these conversations very interesting and curious. On one hand you have the NCW claiming that "ordinary Catholics" (you know, the ones that go to Mass) aren't really Christian, but are more pagan and that they have to be catechised and converted.
And yet, on the other hand, these same people claim that the Jews, who outright reject Jesus Christ as King, God and Savior, are somehow protected from error and are saved because of their physical genetic history! Not because of what they believe, but because of who-they-are!
This amazes me, not the least because any survey of modern people who claim Jewish ancestory, will show that the majority don't even believe in God (the Father), let alone Jesus Christ.
Yet, once again we have these NCW experts telling us how wonderful are the Jews and how we should be more like them.
Forgive me, but I think you're mad.
And yet, on the other hand, these same people claim that the Jews, who outright reject Jesus Christ as King, God and Savior, are somehow protected from error and are saved because of their physical genetic history! Not because of what they believe, but because of who-they-are!
This amazes me, not the least because any survey of modern people who claim Jewish ancestory, will show that the majority don't even believe in God (the Father), let alone Jesus Christ.
Yet, once again we have these NCW experts telling us how wonderful are the Jews and how we should be more like them.
Forgive me, but I think you're mad.
This is my response:
Dear Anonymous at 12:21 pm,
You stated "....these same people claim that the Jews, who outright reject Jesus Christ as King, God and Savior are somehow protected from error and are saved because of their physical genetic history.! Not because of what they believe, but because of who they are!"
The Jewish people believe in God and they pray to God. The NCW follows what the Vatican says because the NCW is Catholic, and this is what the Vatican says (the bold is mine):
Jews can secure eternal salvation without converting to Christianity, senior Catholic theologians said in a report published Thursday, in the latest refinement of their stance on a vexed theological issue.
Addressing a question that has long blighted relations between the two faiths, the report also unequivocally stated that the Catholic Church should not actively seek to convert Jews to Christianity, and called for the church to work to eliminate anti-Semitism.
The document, issued by the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews, not only effectively affirmed that Jews can be saved independently of Jesus, but described Christianity’s relationship with Jews as a shared patrimony.
“Although Jews cannot believe in Jesus Christ as the universal redeemer, they have a part in salvation, because the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable,” the report concluded, according to a summary released to the media.
The belief that the only way to salvation is through belief in Jesus Christ is a fundamental tenet of every strand of Christianity.
But it has also been blamed for creating an evangelical tendency responsible for some of the darkest periods in the history of religion, notably the anti-Muslim crusades of the Middle Ages and centuries of Christian anti-Semitism.
The latest report reiterates that it is only thanks to Jesus’s death and resurrection that all people have the chance of salvation, but accepts that Jews can benefit from this without believing in him.
The authors appear to acknowledge that they are effectively squaring a theological circle.
How Jews being saved while not believing in Christ “can be possible remains an unfathomable mystery in the salvific plan of God,” they say.
The report noted that Christian evangelism to Jews was particularly sensitive issue because it involves the “very existence of the Jewish people.”
“The Church is therefore obliged to view evangelization to Jews, who believe in the one God, in a different manner from that to people of other religions and world views,” it said.You can read the rest of the article here.
Now to address the first paragraph of your comment. Many of us need to be catechized because not all of us know what the Catholic Church teaches. Furthermore, there are many Catholics who see nothing wrong with homosexuality, same sex marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, and other issues that are simply NOT Catholic. So yes, even the ordinary Catholics who go to regular Sunday Mass and who see nothing wrong with homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, etc. do need to be catechize. Yes, the ordinary Catholics who shack up with their boyfriends and girlfriends and practice birth control methods need to be catechized.
Pope Francis prays at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, in Jerusalem's Old City on May 26, 2014. |
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Historical Timeline
The Pacific Daily News got it wrong as to who was the first accuser who came out in public. According to the PDN article:
Interview with John Toves
Four days later, Tim Rohr gave his two cents piece on what he thought about the allegation. According to Tim Rohr: The bold is mine.
Therefore, the PDN got It wrong. Roy Quintanilla was not the first one who made the sexual allegation against Archbishop Apuron. It was John Toves. Before all this talk of sexual allegations, the issue was on the RM Seminary. The jungle tried to discredit the seminary, but that did not remove the Archbishop.
Within a year since former altar boy Roy Quintanilla came forward on May 17, 2016 to accuse Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron of sexually abusing him in the 1970s, not only has the Vatican promptly stepped in but also placed a global spotlight on Guam’s clergy sex abuses.It was not Roy Quintanilla who FIRST accused Archbishop Apuron of sex abuse. It was John Toves from California, who was a regular writer in Junglewatch. Before coming out on November, 2014, John Toves had been posting videos such as the one here, making fun of the Archbishop. John Toves was a regular contributor to Junglewatch. On October 24, 2014, John Toves wrote the following comment in the Jungle:
We need to understand that the Archbishop does not and will not abide by any rules from wherever they come. This is a "Holy War"! We cannot continue to ask him - "Please Mr. Archbishop, would you step down, you are hurting us". We will force him down! I'm in! Are you?Then on October 31, 2014, John Toves wrote the following comment in the jungle. According to John Toves:
It was on November 17th, when we finally discovered what John Toves meant when he said that he intends to do something. John Toves called the Jesse Lujan talk show from California and for the first time accused Archbishop Apuron of molesting his cousin. John Toves also admitted in his interview with Patti Arroyo that his real motivation for making those allegations was the removal of Father Paul and Monsignor James. You can listen to that interview below:We all must do more. Not everyone is called to the same level of activism, but everyone must come up with their own resolutions to stop Apuron, Quitugua, and Cristobal. We must stop this cancer from spreading!Be courageous, strong, and faithful.Let us all DO WHAT WE KNOW WE MUST DO.I know I WILL.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Interview with John Toves
Four days later, Tim Rohr gave his two cents piece on what he thought about the allegation. According to Tim Rohr: The bold is mine.
However, John Toves revealed later through the media that he never spoke to his cousin and that he never obtained the sexual allegation from his cousin. He heard it from someone who most likely heard it from someone else, but he had never asked his cousin whether the sexual allegation was true. Also, his cousin never came forward.There is now a similar allegation against Archbishop Apuron. Whether it is true or not remains to be proven. However, again, as per the Archbishop's implementation of his own policy in his actions against Wadeson, no proof or truth or formal charges are needed for the removal of a cleric, including himself.Thus, Archbishop Apuron, by virtue of his own policy and his own example of its implementation, MUST REMOVE HIMSELF and permit an independent investigation to move forward. (A temporary diocesan administrator will be appointed by Rome during this process.)
Therefore, the PDN got It wrong. Roy Quintanilla was not the first one who made the sexual allegation against Archbishop Apuron. It was John Toves. Before all this talk of sexual allegations, the issue was on the RM Seminary. The jungle tried to discredit the seminary, but that did not remove the Archbishop.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Monsignor Edward Arsenault
It can be easy to blame the bishop for the financial mismanagement of his diocese because he is the one who approves everything. His signature is on the paper. However, it is possible for a priest to steal from the Church without the bishop's signature and without him knowing. It is possible for a priest to steal and even mismanage church funds as in the case with Monsignor Edward Arsenault. According to the news article:
CONCORD, N.H. — Pope Francis has dismissed a Roman Catholic priest from New Hampshire who was convicted of stealing $300,000 from a hospital, a bishop and a deceased priest’s estate.
Monsignor Edward Arsenault, who served as the face of the church in the state during a sex abuse scandal, pleaded guilty to three theft charges in 2014. He was transferred Tuesday to home confinement and is up for parole on Feb. 19, 2018.
The Diocese of Manchester said Friday that Arsenault was removed from the priesthood Feb. 28 and no longer has “faculties to act, function, or present himself as a priest.”
“Dismissing a priest from the clerical state is very serious and taken very seriously by the Holy See,” said the Rev. Georges de Laire, the diocese’s vicar for canonical affairs, who conveyed the decision to Arsenault on Thursday.“It is not a decision that is reached lightly as it implies pain for the former cleric and those who may have been affected by him,” he said.
Arsenault could not be reached for comment Friday.
Prosecutors said Arsenault billed the church for lavish meals and travel for himself and often a male partner.
He was convicted of writing checks from the dead priest’s estate to himself and his brother and billing a hospital $250 an hour for consulting work he never did.
Arsenault held senior positions in the New Hampshire diocese from 1999 to 2009. He had been the top lieutenant for then-Bishop John McCormack, handling both a clergy sexual abuse crisis in New Hampshire and orchestrating the church’s new child protection policies.
Friday, May 19, 2017
More On The Sex Abuse Scandal
The latest alleged victim to accuse Father Brouillard is a person whose initials are B.J. What is interesting about this case is that he was never an altar server or a member of the Boy Scouts of America. Nevertheless, he is suing the Archdiocese of Agana and the Boy Scouts of America.
Despite that B.J. was never a member of the Boy Scouts of America or an altar server, he must have hung around them. According to news report, B.J. was there when he witnessed Father Brouillard fondling the boys while they were swimming.
B. J. then claimed to have met Father Brouillard while he was walking to the store alone one day. The priest asked him to come with him to teach him some survival skills. And despite the fact that he had seen this priest do inappropiate things to his friends while they were swimming, he nevertheless went with him. Father Brouillard brought him to Lonfit River, tied him to a tree, and raped him. According to The Guam Daily Post (the bold is mine):
He was asked what made him come out? His answer was "I realized I wasn't the only one." I found this a strange answer. Why? Because he already admitted that he was there and witnessed Father Brouillard fondled the other boys while they were swimming. He could have gotten together with any or all of those boys to report Father Brouillard, but he did not.
However, Father Brouillard was reported. Someone did report him. A retired police officer knew about the case and even spoke about it in the news, but Archbishop Flores moved him to the United States.
Despite that B.J. was never a member of the Boy Scouts of America or an altar server, he must have hung around them. According to news report, B.J. was there when he witnessed Father Brouillard fondling the boys while they were swimming.
B. J. then claimed to have met Father Brouillard while he was walking to the store alone one day. The priest asked him to come with him to teach him some survival skills. And despite the fact that he had seen this priest do inappropiate things to his friends while they were swimming, he nevertheless went with him. Father Brouillard brought him to Lonfit River, tied him to a tree, and raped him. According to The Guam Daily Post (the bold is mine):
As a mother, I would certainly noticed if my child had gone missing for a few days and were spitting up blood for three days. B.J. admited that he stayed in the jungle for a few days to heal and was spitting up blood. So, my question is......where were his parents? While he stayed in the jungle healing, did his parents not noticed that their 12 year old child was missing for a few days? Did they not report their missing child to the police?"I never told anybody back then. Who was gonna believe me? Back then it was very strict," B.J. said.He said he went home that day and showered and went to sleep "feeling dirty." The next morning, he said he went to the jungle and stayed there for a few days to "heal.""For three days I was spitting up blood," B.J said.The man became nauseated when thinking about Brouillard taking his innocence."I can remember everything," he said.B.J. held the secret for 45 years until he heard about other victims coming forward mentioning sexual abuse by Brouillard at Lonfit."I realized I wasn't the only one. That's what made me come out," B.J. said.
He was asked what made him come out? His answer was "I realized I wasn't the only one." I found this a strange answer. Why? Because he already admitted that he was there and witnessed Father Brouillard fondled the other boys while they were swimming. He could have gotten together with any or all of those boys to report Father Brouillard, but he did not.
However, Father Brouillard was reported. Someone did report him. A retired police officer knew about the case and even spoke about it in the news, but Archbishop Flores moved him to the United States.
Another Rabbi Speaks
"Shema" is one of the songs I love in the Way. We sing it in the Easter Vigil all the time. What does it mean? Listen Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. Blessed is His name, whose glorious kingdom is forever. Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
As parents, we always tell our kids to do well in school, get good grades, and get a good job. Although these things are good, we never tell them to love God first and foremost. The Way is teaching us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our strength. When we put God first and in the center of our lives, all things fall into place. And the things that usually hurt us is taken up by Christ.
As parents, we always tell our kids to do well in school, get good grades, and get a good job. Although these things are good, we never tell them to love God first and foremost. The Way is teaching us to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, and with all our strength. When we put God first and in the center of our lives, all things fall into place. And the things that usually hurt us is taken up by Christ.
By Rabbi Daniel Allen
Can we Jews accept love and admiration from others without suspicion? We are conditioned over centuries to be skeptics about gestures let alone explicit embrace from others telling us that we love you as Jews and wish only that you prosper. Last week I became less skeptical and less cynical having spent 4 days at Domus Galilaeae with 400 Catholics and Jews, Rabbis, Priests, Cardinals, Bishops and Catholic lay leaders from 27 countries.
We were brought together by the Neo-Catecumenal Way, a lay led very conservative movement within the Catholic world of more than two million souls. It is led by Kiko Arguello, a most fascinating fellow who is an artist, musician, writer and clearly the charismatic leader of his flock. It provides post-baptismal formation to adults who are already members of the church.
They love the Jews, honor and study our Torah, support the State of Israel and have incorporated the recitation of and belief in theShema as central to who they are as Catholics.
To be sure we do not agree on many issues and certainly not on doctrine. Nonetheless, we studied together, dined together and prayed – if not together but at least in each other’s presence. The more than 150 Rabbis – men and women – represented the entire spectrum of our folks including Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Modern Orthodox, and Charedim. A member of the Chief Rabbinate participated as did Blu and Rabbis Yitz Greenberg, Shlomo Riskin and Jay Rosenbaum the head of the North American Board of Rabbis under whose auspices we came from America and Canada.
As North American Rabbis we chose to issue a statement from this experience. Drafted by Rabbis Michael Zedek and Gary Bretton Granatoor, we declared it publicly for any who wished to sign.
The take away message to me is that loving relationships – even between and among those about whom we were once skeptical can bring understanding and Godliness into all of our lives. If we can do so with “others” perhaps we can do it among ourselves as well.
Rabbi Daniel R. Allen is Executive Vice Chairman Emeritus of the United Israel Appeal and past President of Association of Reform Zionist of America (ARZA) and Masorti Foundation.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Retreat In Israel
Last year, many Jewish Rabbis gathered together with many Catholic Bishops and Cardinals at the Domus Galilaeae runned by the Neocatechumenal Way in Israel. The retreat was so successful that the Jewish Rabbis asked to hold another retreat this year. The article below was written by Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg who attended the retreat. His article can be found here.
Last night Jews and Catholics, some two hundred of us, sung together around a bonfire ‘Hinei mah tov umah na’im – How good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together’. Last night we prayed Ma’ariv, the traditional Jewish evening service, together; this morning we joined Christian singing of the Psalms and Shema Yisrael, with an excellent sermon by Cardinal Bassetti of Perugia stressing how love, love of nature, of animals, of people, of one another, is the essence of God’s word for us all.
All this has taken place in the Domus Galilaeae, home in Israel of followers of the Neocathecumenal Way. To previous generations, such an encounter, marked by generosity and respect, would have been unthinkable.
All this has taken place in the Domus Galilaeae, home in Israel of followers of the Neocathecumenal Way. To previous generations, such an encounter, marked by generosity and respect, would have been unthinkable.
I have by no means found myself in agreement with everything I have heard during these three days of meetings. I am far more of an egalitarian, less critical of the secular world and have greater sympathy with those who struggle to find faith or understand if there is indeed a God in whom we can believe. I miss wider, more progressive spiritual voices. I have felt uncomfortable with certain judgements and assumptions I have heard, or think I have heard. There could also be further opportunities for closer reflection and study which a future gathering might explore.
But I am moved by the very generous welcome extended to us by the Catholic community here. I am conscious of the profound change this represents for so many, from a history containing shameful and painful periods of contempt and persecution, to the sincere affirmation of Christian indebtedness to Judaism and the commitment to a close future partnership between our faiths and communities. I appreciate deeply the courage, openness and invitation which an encounter such as this represents.
The statement of representatives of the orthodox rabbinate is a deeply important response, including as it does official representation of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel: that Jews and Christians must see in each other honoured partners in the sacred work of striving to fulfil God’s will for our torn and broken world. This is a significant legacy of Nostra Aetate, on which representatives from across the Jewish world worked closely with Pope Jean-Paul II and their Catholic colleagues together.
What touches me most, though, is the spirit of humility and service I have found in some of the Christian participants I have got to know, people who will return to the slums and impoverished estates of the big cities across the world to work with the poor, the homeless and those who find no place in a world of so-called progress by which they have been largely forgotten.
I shall take away from here a deeper awareness of the importance of hearing God’s Torah and teaching from all other human beings, of all faiths and none, and from the natural world also, because ‘leit attar panui minei’, – ‘There is nowhere where God is not’ – so long as our hearts are open to allow God in.
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Senior Rabbi to Masorti Judaism
CCJ President
Senior Rabbi to Masorti Judaism
CCJ President
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
No Priest Is Safe
An anonymous poster made the following comment under the post "At The Cost Of Everything":
AnonymousMay 16, 2017 at 12:17 PM
"The others are either dead or off-island." Or have not yet been publicly identified and accused. Maybe like Joe San Agustin, just conveniently hushed up since these priests are the favorites of the Jungle. Only a matter of time.
Under the thread, someone brought up Father Mike Crisostomo's name because he was assigned to move to the Yigo parish, but he never made it there. What is interesting though was that it was Tim Rohr himself who actually brought up that Father Mike was being accused of sexual molestation by someone for years. Tim Rohr claimed to know who that person is, but he discredited that person. Rohr claimed that Archbishop Hon intends to use that person to remove Father Mike. However, whoever that person is, he never came out. And Archbishop Hon never removed Father Mike Crisostomo. The person who brought up the topic of sexual molestation against Father Mike Crisostomo was Tim Rohr himself. It was first brought up in the Junglewatch blog.
However, it was Tim Rohr who wanted to remove Archbishop Hon. Below is a screenshot of Tim warning Rome to remove Archbishop Hon for his own safety.
Then below is another screenshot taken from the jungle showing Tim accusing Archbishop Hon of trying to remove Father Mike Crisostomo by having someone accuse him of sexual abuse.
Although this accusation was published on Junglewatch, Tim Rohr also went public with it in the Patti Arroyo talk show. He accused Archbishop Hon of trying to remove Father Mike Crisostomo by coming up with a trumped up charge of sexual abuse against him. According to Tim Rohr, this person had been claiming that he was sexually molested by Father Mike for YEARS!!!! You can listen to Tim Rohr's interview in the following weblink:
Now, here is something that you should bear in mind. If this person had been accusing Father Mike Crisostomo for YEARS (as Tim Rohr claimed), then there is no reason for Archbishop Hon to even convince this person to make such accusation against Father Mike, considering that he has been doing it already for YEARS. That would defeat the purpose. So much for Tim's accusation against Archbishop Hon.
Another thing you should bear in mind is why did Tim Rohr discredit this alleged victim who claimed to be sexually molested by Father Mike Crisostomo? Why is this alleged victim being suppressed by Tim Rohr? Why and how does Tim Rohr decide who is a victim and who is not? It is also interesting to note how Rohr describes the strategy of removing the enemy to Patti Arroyo.
As long as this law is in place, no priest is safe because the law already made it possible for anyone to bring a lawsuit against a priest regardless of whether the witness is dead and even if there are no substantial evidence. The name and reputation of a priest can be tarnished even after he is long dead. Forty or fifty years after he is gone, anyone can claim that he/she was sexually molested by him, and he would not be able to defend himself from the grave.
After 15 years of lawsuits from alleged victims, the Boston Archdiocese is still receiving lawsuits to this day. But now, the accusers are getting younger. Many of the accusers coming forward are in their 20s and 30s. According to The Boston Globe:
Fifteen years after the clergy sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston broke into public view, hundreds of victims around the world continue to come forward, including some who say they were attacked as recently as 2001, advocates said Thursday.........
Garabedian said some clergy sex abuse victims now coming forward are in their late 20s or early 30s, meaning they were abused in the 1980s or 1990s.
“The clergy sexual abuse crisis is endless,” he said. “They’ve enabled the sexual abuse to continue for decades, and it’s not going to end in my lifetime.”
Monday, May 15, 2017
My Proposal
An anonymous poster made the following comment:
AnonymousMay 15, 2017 at 9:03 AM
Dear anon, Guam is the only place on earth where there are several Catholic church buildings in a one mile radius. There are over 20 parishes serving a city size population, most of whose don't even attend Sunday masses. This is unnecessary luxury. Perhaps, 3 parishes in the Northern region (Yigo, Dededo), 7 in the Central and 5 in the Southern (including Yona, Santa Rita and Agat) would suffice.
This is as few as 15 parishes with one or two priests in each, deacon and clerical staff. No more is needed.
The Archdiocese has a lot of room for consolidating the parishes into a less number of Catholic centers, thus saving a lot of resources and money to pay off the lawyers, court fee and the victims.
This is as few as 15 parishes with one or two priests in each, deacon and clerical staff. No more is needed.
The Archdiocese has a lot of room for consolidating the parishes into a less number of Catholic centers, thus saving a lot of resources and money to pay off the lawyers, court fee and the victims.
Anonymous 9:03 am made an excellent suggestion. However, I believe that there should be more parishes in the northern region because that is where most of the population resides. The central area of Guam consist mainly of our business, government, and tourist industry; therefore, we do not need 7 parishes in that area.
However, the number of lawsuits already over-exceeded the assets of the archdiocese, and these lawsuits are expected to increase. Thus, there would be NOTHING left to save. Some people claimed that they can rebuild just as our grandparents did after World War II. However, the truth is....because the lawsuits OVER-EXCEEDED the assets of the Archdiocese and CONTINUE TO RISE, then even the structures you rebuilt will be taken away. People today may also not be willing to rebuild because we are not the same generation as our grandparents. An anonymous poster made the comment below, which can be found here.
People may have had to rebuild a church because it was bombed in WWII and be fine with it, but we aren't talking about outside forces beyond our control, we are talking about our own people DESTROYING it, bombing it from within!
Nevertheless, this is my proposal:
- Do not liquidate any assets at all. The focus should be on getting the law declared unconstitutional by the Judicial branch. Why? Because there is a higher probability that the law can be declared unconstitutional and inorganic due to the problems already outlined by the attorneys. Once the law is declared unconstitutional, that puts a stop on all the lawsuits.
- I like the objectives of the Hope and Healing Program. I believe that the FIRST thing to healing for victims of sexual abuse would be counseling. However, certain procedures need to be put in place first to ensure that people do not abuse this program meant to help those who were truly victims of sexual abuse. It is already noted that some people in Guam have abused the Food Stamps Program, GHURA, and welfare program meant to help those with little or no income. If some people can take advantage of these government programs, the same can happen to the Hope and Healing Program. After all, someone has already identified that the testimony of the person claiming to be sexually abused by Monsignor Ziolo Camacho (deceased) may be a false allegation due to the fact that Monsignor Ziolo Camacho was not assigned to the Dededo parish until 1981.
Conversion Of An Atheist
Below is a very beautiful article on how one of the movements in the Catholic Church was able to convert an atheist into Catholicism. After joining the Charismatic Catholic Renewal (a movement within the Catholic Church), the atheist have come to know God and that He was calling him to the priesthood. The following article can be found here.
Madrid, Spain, Mar 6, 2017 / 03:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After an anti-clerical childhood and adolescence, filled with hatred for the Church, Fr. Juan José MartÃnez says he discovered “that God exists and wants me as his priest.”
“Sunday mornings I would peer out of the balcony of my house, and when the people were going by on their way to Mass, I would spit on them. I told them that the Church was a sect that wanted their money,” explained the priest, who ministers in the Diocese of Almeria, Spain.
Fr. Juan José's parents were not believers, and he had received no religious formation, but he said they did not raise him to be intolerant. In fact, he says he does not know where he got all those ideas, because the perception he had of the Church and God was that of a “multinational corporation with branches in every neighborhood to extract money, like a sect.”
“I was absolutely anticlerical, I was the first student in my school and the town of Carboneras, Almeria Province, to never be taught Religion because when I was 8 or 9, I chose the alternative course which was Ethics. In the following years, I went on convincing my friends to quit Religion classes and to take Ethics with me. In the end, my whole class ended up being taught Ethics and none of them Religion.”
But what he never imagined is that the end of his journey would be to help his friends to come back to the Church. Fr. Juan José remembers quite well that the first day he went into a Catholic church, “I went to make fun of those who had invited me.”
“It was in January 1995, some friends from class invited me to a Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer group at the parish. Obviously I told them I wasn't planning on going because I didn't want them to brainwash me. For a whole month they persisted. I finally gave in – it was a Thursday in February 1995 when I went into a Catholic church for the first time.”
A golden box
A lot of his friends were there, and he was surprised because “they were all looking at a golden box at the back of the church. I didn't know what it was, but I thought it was where the parish priest kept the money.”
That golden box was the Tabernacle.
Fr. Juan José says that he came to make fun of them because “I thought they were crazy. Inside, I was laughing at them a lot, but I was polite and concealed it. But I decided to come back the following Thursday to laugh at them some more.”
And so one Thursday after another, Fr. Juan José was letting go of his prejudices against the Church and religion.
“The pastor seemed to me to be a very wise man who was helping the people,” he told CNA. And little by little, the love of God was penetrating his heart: “I was 15 years old and I started to sing at Mass, which meant I would attend Mass on Saturdays. I liked being in front of the tabernacle and little by little, I realized that God existed and loved me. I felt the love of God. The Charismatic Renewal group, which I had come to make fun of, helped me a lot.”
“My eyes were being opened and I saw that God was not a legend or story for the weak, but that he existed and that he was supporting and guiding me. I experienced that he loved me so much that he wanted me for himself and was calling me,” he recalled.
“I am yours for whatever you need”
Fr. Juan José had been baptized and made his First Communion because of his grandparents' wishes, but he did not have a relationship with God after that. “I made my Confirmation as I was right in the midst of the process of conversion, and it was a genuine gift. That day I told the Lord, 'I am yours for whatever you need.' My mother came but my father did not. It was a unique moment in my life to receive the Holy Spirit and to put my trust in the Lord.”
For months, the young Juan José was resisting the call to the priesthood. “I told the Lord that I didn't want any hassles and to quit talking to me. Until I had to make a decision and it was to follow him, becoming a priest.”
One Saturday afternoon when he was 17, Fr. Juan José told his father he wanted to go to the seminary. His father beat him and said that “he would be a priest over his dead body.”
“They did not understand that I would want to be a priest. In fact, my father offered to pay for me to go to college in the United States but (he told me) he would never pay for the seminary.”
In such a difficult moment, Fr. Juan José recalled that all he could think of was the prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila: “Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you. All you need is God” and when his father stopped rebuking him, the young man gave him a hug and said to him, “I knew you were going to react like that, but I also knew that one day you'd understand.”
In fact, his father went so far as to threaten to report the pastor to the police if kept helping his son discern his vocation. “My father was trying everything, but the Lord is stronger,” he said.
To obey his father, Fr. Juan José could not start the seminary, and so he began to study teaching at the University of Almeria. For years he was patient, and continued to be faithful to his vocation to the priesthood. Until one day in May 1999, as he recalled, his mother told him that she had spoken to his father and that finally he would let him enter the seminary. “I began to cry and cry. I remember when I told the pastor about it he said “welcome” and gave me a great big hug.”
In September 2000, he finally entered the seminary.
In 2006, Fr.Juan José was ordained in the Almeria cathedral and his father even attended the ceremony. “In no way did he want me to become a priest, but he saw that I was happy and even though he was totally anticlerical, he decided that the happiness of his son came before his ideology and if I was happy, even though he didn't understand it, he would have to accept it. “
In fact, he recalled that two years ago, “before dying, my father received the Anointing of the Sick. And it was I who administered it to him.”
“When somebody tells me he doesn't believe in God, I always tell him that neither did I believe in Him, but I was mistaken, because I have discovered the genuine happiness that Jesus has given to me. If you're not completely happy, ask the Lord to help you, because only He will give you the happiness that your heart needs.” Saturday, May 13, 2017
False Allegation?

You can read the story here. H.J.C. claimed that the sexual abuse took place in Santa Barbara Church. However, a person who obviously knew Monsignor Ziolo Camacho wrote that the time of the accusation does not match Monsignor Ziolo's place of assignment. According to Richard who wrote in the comment section of the news article as well as in JungleWatch:
RichardMay 13, 2017 at 10:02 AM
The PDN article showed that the sexual allegation against the late +Monsignor Zoilo Camacho happened in Santa Barbara Church, Dededo in the late 70's. Everyone knows that the late +Monsignor Zoilo was not assigned to Santa Barbara Parish until 1981. Father Tom (a priest from India) was the pastor before +Monsignor Zoilo took over. After successfully spear heading the reconstruction of San Vicente Church in Barrigda, he was a blessing to the parishioners of Santa Barbara as they finally had a pastor that spear headed the reconstruction of their parish after so many pastors had failed.
If this is true, then a false accusation has been discovered. And if one false accusation is found, the possibility exists that there may be others as well. This is what happens when there are no investigation. Apparently, it was not only the PDN who did not do any investigation, but Attorney Lujan also did not do any research on the allegation before filing a lawsuit.
Archbishop Apuron had nothing to do with the law that lifted the statutes of limitations. Those who pushed for the passage of this law and endorsed it are responsible for the 65 or more lawsuits, of which some may be false allegations made to defraud the Archdiocese and the Catholic people of Guam.
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