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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

More On Bishop Byrnes

With the appointment of Bishop Michael Byrnes, the mission of Archbishop Hon, sede plena, has now come to an end. According to PNC news:

Newly appointed head of Archdiocese responds to church issues

The new co-adjutor says he hopes to be on Guam by the end of November.

Guam- Meanwhile, newly appointed co-adjutor archbishop Michael Byrnes responds to some of the biggest issues and controversies surrounding Guam's catholic church.

Newly appointed co-adjutor archbishop Michael Byrnes responded to some of the most pressing issues and controversies surrounding the church.

One of the biggest issues is what's going to happen with Archbishop Anthony Apuron? Archbishop Byrnes says Archbishop Apuron will remain the archbishop until death or the mandatory age of retirement.

"As far as I know, I mean that's my understanding. I know the difference here is that the holy father has removed his faculty to exercise pastoral care and assigned them to me for the time being,” said Byrnes.

On Tuesday, attorney David Lujan called a press conference to announce that three of the victims who allege that Archbishop Anthony Apuron molested them while he was a priest at Mt. Carmel church in Agat filed a lawsuit against the archdiocese. Byrne responded to the allegations of molestation against archdiocesan priests.

"My first comment is, uh you know uh, is just uh, one of deep concern for the alleged victims and so that’s the first, the second is to uh you know again I only have hearsay and so ill enlist the best help we can," said Byrnes. "On their mainland the bishops have taken very strong measures to protect God’s children and so I will bring that concern to see if we can implement some of the steps and measure that we’ve taken here on the mainland.”

Lastly, Byrnes comments on the recent controversy surrounding the redemtoris mater seminary. He says he has limited knowledge of the controversy and most of the information he has gathered has been hearsay.

"To listen that’s the first plan and my main expertise is the scripture and the constant direction of the scripture is to listen to both sides before you judge. The limited knowledge. I know right now is there seems to be a taking of sides. I have no predisposition to take a side other than the side of Jesus honestly," said Byrnes.

Although Bishop Byrnes is not a member of the Neocatechumenal Way, he is familiar with us.  According to KUAM news:
When asked about the Neocatechumenal Way and his familiarity with the issues here Bishop Byrnes responded “I have some familiarity, not close,  I’ve never been part of the Neocatechumenal Way. The reputation is good, you know, in the broad stroke and we are Catholics together… So we should be able to find some way. I know there’s a division and faction and my heart is sad  for that, but I know there’s some way… I mean if we believe if Jesus I the Lord then he is the Lord of all us and so we’ll sort this out as Christians”. 


  1. Hon said explicitly that he went to Rome to ask the Pope to remove Apuron from remaining an Archbishop of Guam. The presbyteral council wrote a (nasty) letter to the Pope to declare the Archdiocese sede vacante.

    Response of the Pope – he discarded these requests and left Archbishop Apuron Archbishop of Guam.

    No further comments are necessary… Facts speak louder than words.

    1. Hon says the Pope sent Archbishop Byrnes for his request. This was his way to relieve Apuron. But this is a lie. The appointment of Archbishop Byrnes is a clear proof of Hon's disobedience. He was silent when he should have talked. He talked when he should have remained silent. This is disobedience and disgrace. Everybody is laughing big time because the disobedient servant will be sent to serve someplace else. Ha-ha.

  2. Fact - Hon failed to remove apuron.
    Fact - Hon is and was removed in disgrace.
    Fact - Hon was not informed by way of official channels of the appointment of Byreans.
    Fact - Byreans appointment was effective immediately when it was announced.
    Fact - neither was Krebs informed, or else news would have reached HON's ears in a matter of seconds.
    So Hon and Krebs were intentionally left in the dark by the powers that be in the Vatican.
    Not only were Krebs and Hon left in the dark, they were completely caught off guard by their superiors in Rome. This information was intentionally withheld from them.

    1. It means Rome has its heart in the right place. We stand for Rome, we stand for Cardinal Filoni and we stand for Pope Francis. We do not stand for disobedient and disgraceful clergy. Rome does not stand for them either! The Holy Spirit protects Archbishop Apuron against the snares and traps of his enemies. Glory be to God! Halleluja!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:13 pm,

      Archbishop Hon was not in communion with Rome when he went after his removal. He was not bringing peace and unity between the divided Catholics. He was appeasing the protesters. Father Mike Crisostomo even said on the Patti Arroyo talk show that it was easy to resolve the division. All they had to do was listen to the people....meaning the people who were protesting at the front of the Cathedral holding up signs saying to defrock Apuron. Even Father Mike Crisostomo failed to teach the Christian values of not condemning a man without a fair trail. His answer is to follow the protesters who were already judging and condemning Archbishop Apuron without due process of a fair trial.

      Rather than educating the Catholic faithful not to condemn a man without a trial, they continued to mislead the Catholics by supporting their hatred. The right thing to do is to speak to the protesters and educate them properly and let them understand that condemning a man without a trial is unchristian. Archbishop Hon and his clergy failed to do that. That is the right path to peace and unity.

    3. If the priests of Guam you are calling HON'S clergy, then what are RMS priests.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:54 am,

      To clarify, by "Hon's clergy" I am actually referring to only two priests: Father Jeff San Nicolas and Father Mike Crisostomo.

  3. The Holy See listen when there was requested to remove AAA last January 2015. Bishop Brynes appointment with Hon's recommendation paved the way for the new bishops coming.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:05 am,

      Open your eyes. There was no reason for Pope Francis to remove Archbishop Apuron last January, 2015. January 2015 was the visitation of Archbishop Hon, Father Novak and Archbishop Krebs. Apparently, they considered themselves the Holy See. They are not the Pope. Pope Francis never told the Archbishop that there are going to look for another Bishop to replace him. He also never told him to rescind the Deed Restriction.

      Archbishop Hon did not even get the information about the new Bishop. The media got it first. Did you not see how awkward he looked during his morning press conference? His press conference came at a time when everyone already knew the name of the new Bishop. :-)

    2. Diana. Tim found out something that you might not be aware of. There has been a plan from Vatican ever since January 2015 that Hon and Krebs were told to keep top secret. They were charged not to tell anyone about this plan, especially not to the media until a coadjutor Archbishop will have been appointed.

      Apuron was trapped into believing that his case looked good. But, in fact, his character and trustworthiness was tested apart from the canonical trial! The test was the RMS. Hon gave Apuron a chance to rescind the deed restriction without litigation. He missed the opportunity that started the domino effect to unfold.

      Tim says Apuron's followers were also fooled into believing that the Archbishop would be victorious. This was a case to make the rabbit jump out of his hiding place from the bushes. Now that the Apuron movement was exposed, Rome can see its minuscule impact.

      The fact is that Apuron won't be allowed to return to Guam unless he rescinds the deed restriction on the Yona property. His allegiance to Kiko versus Pope Francis will be tested. If he chooses Kiko and betrays the Pope, then his chances will be very much limited. If he chooses Pope Francis then his comrades may turn against him, but he will be allowed to return to Guam to help the coadjutor.

      What Tim says gives a completely new twist to the whole story.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:23 am,

      Are you now claiming that the Vatican keeps secrets? Do you honestly think they will plot to remove a Bishop without informing him of the reason? Apuron was removed from his duties because of the sexual allegations.

      The Vatican already knew about the deed restriction because according to Dr. Eusebio:

      "In regards to the deed of restriction, Archbishop Hon claims that the Holy See directed Archbishop Apuron to lift or rescind this deed but failed to clarify that the office making this “request” was his very own Congregation of Evangelization and he as the Apostolic delegate was the one making the request. The pope, as stated by Archbishop Apuron, never made the request. This request, however, was sent to the Congregation of Legislative Text (the highest Vatican Body for the Interpretation of legislative act) for an opinion and stated, “ the Archbishop’s act of assignment, therefore, can neither be considered a sale nor alienation, but only a [required] transfer of ownership between two “Corporation Soles” which have only one member who alone enjoys all the powers of extraordinary administration.” Additionally, Bishop Arrieta, the Secretary of the Congregation, stated, “ what seems to emerge from the whole affair is that the Archbishop (Apuron) has limited himself to only fulfilling a required act and truth”. The Vatican, the Holy See, the Pope has many arms or congregations to oversee the Catholic Church and both of these Congregations are “branches” of the Pope. Why Archbishop Hon fails to mention these facts remains to be understood."

    4. Diana, Apuron did not have to fool around with the deed restriction as he did. It was his choice. Hon offered him a chance to rescind by the request of the Holy See. Apuron missed his chance.

      Now, Archbishop Byrnes will take over the corporation sole and Gennarini will have to decide if he wants to sacrifice Apuron for the sake of keeping the exclusive rights on the property or he is willing to have mercy on Apuron and rescind the deed restriction.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:01 am,

      The NCW never abandoned Archbishop Apuron. The NCW takes the view of "family." One can even see that when Dr. Eusebio organized the "Catholic Families for Apuron." Archbishop Apuron is part of our family.
