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Monday, October 31, 2016

Our New Bishop: Bishop Michael Byrnes

I have recently learned that a new Bishop will be here very soon.  His name is Bishop Michael Byrnes, an auxillary bishop from the Archdiocese of Detroit. Archbishop Apuron still remains the Archbishop of Agana.  Information about Bishop Michael Byrnes can be found here.  
Bishop ByrnesOn May 5, 2011, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron ordained the Most Rev. Michael J. Byrnes auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Since 2004, Bishop Byrnes had served as vice rector of Sacred Heart Major Seminary, where he earned his Master of Divinity.
Bishop Byrnes was ordained a priest by Cardinal Adam Maida in 1996. He later studied in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University where he earned a doctorate of sacred theology in 2003. Bishop Byrnes, a native of Detroit, also served as pastor of Presentation/ Our Lady of Victory Parish from 2004 until his ordination as bishop in 2011.
Bishop Byrnes serves as episcopal vicar and regional moderator for the Northeast Region of the archdiocese.
Born: Aug. 23, 1958 (Detroit, Michigan)
Ordained Priest: May 25, 1996
Appointed Aux. Bishop of Detroit and Titular Bishop of Eguga: March 22, 2011
Ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit: May 5, 2011
According to KUAM news:

The Vatican has announced the Pope has appointed an Archbishop Coadjutor with special faculties of Agana.  The Holy Father has appointed SE Mons. Jude Michael Byrnes. Prior to his appointment he was serving as the titular Bishop of Eguga and auxiliary of Detroit.  According to “this  is a special type of Auxiliary Bishop. They have more authority than a regular Auxiliary, but not as much as the bishop. Usually they have a "right to succession" which means that when the current bishop leaves office (by Death, Resignation, etc.) the Coadjutor automatically becomes the new bishop. It is sometimes used to help ease the transition from one bishop to the next as it allows them to work together before the new bishop takes over all responsibility. Before 1978, Coadjutor bishops were normally assigned a titular see, but that is no longer the case.” The local Catholic Church has been embroiled in controversy after several men came forward alleging that Archbishop Anthony Apuron molested them when they were altar boys decades ago when Apruon was a priest at Mt. Carmel Church in Agat. Following the allegations, the Pope sent Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai to Guam to take over while an investigation was conducted.  Additionally, Apuron’s actions involving the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona have also come under scrutiny. 
The attorney representing the men who have accused Archbishop Anthon Apuron of sexual  molestation is holding a press conference Tuesday morning.  According to a media release from attorney David Lujan’s office, the press conference will provide “a significant update regarding our interaction with the Archdiocese and its leadership.” According to,  SE Mons. Byrnes was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit 20 years ago. He was born in 1958. Monsignor Byrnes attended the University of Michigan and Sacred Heart Seminary. He later attended the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome where he earned a Ph.D. in biblical studies. 
Bishop Michael Byrnes says he humbled by the Pope’s appointment as Coadjutor Archbishop of Agana. "The great spiritual writer, Blessed Columba Marmion, wrote, 'The task of the priest is to give Jesus to the world.' That is what I have endeavored to do as an auxiliary bishop here in Detroit, and I look forward to giving Jesus to the thousands of people who live in the island of Guam. I have learned that the Catholic faith has long been embraced on the island, and the faith of the people is rooted in a rich history of devotion to Jesus and to His Blessed Mother. At the same time, there are always challenges to face. With my brother priests and deacons, with the catechists and other pastoral workers, and above all with the spiritual gifts of the People of God, I trust we will persevere in faith, hope and love, and will exercise the 'wisdom from above' (James 3:17) to meet these challenges,” stated Bishop Byrnes in a statement released by the Archdiocese of Detroit. 
The release goes on to state that Bishop Byrnes will be given the full pastoral responsibility and administrative authority in the archdiocese. “Archbishop Byrnes has given exemplary pastoral service in the Archdiocese of Detroit, most recently in leading us to prepare for Synod 16 as part of our efforts to Unleash the Gospel," said Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron. "Now God has chosen him for a challenging mission almost a half-a-world away. Pope Francis, in sending Archbishop Byrnes to Guam, has recognized that he possesses not only the talents, but above all the deep faith in Jesus Christ that make him suitable for this apostolic work. He goes with our love and our prayers."  
Bishop Byrnes is expected to stay in Detroit until late November before transitioning to his new role in Guam.


  1. Friendly to the Neo?

  2. We wish it was as petty as friendships but what we are dealing with is a matter of life or death for many people.
    Being friendly to the neo is not what matters. Its his willingness to acknowledge that we have a serious problem on Guam that needs immediate attention. For the new Bishop to realize that there are many brothers and sisters who are at the peripharies, who are away or have never been to church or have yet to meet Jesus Christ.
    We need a Bishop who corresponds with the vision of the New Evangelization.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. We need a bishop who can put a shackle on the animosity fed by both church groups in this comedy drama. These groups are the same in their tactics of fighting each other to the detriment of the Holy Mother Church. Both the Jungle group and the neo must come back with an honest heart to peace and unity. Otherwise Bishops Byrnes will have to banish both.

      Regarding RMS, a portion of the huge hotel building is absolutely sufficient for seminary function, the rest of the property must be given to other church function. Either share it with an unselfish cheer or give up the whole thing and move to other facility. Archbishop Apuron should not return to Guam unless he rescind the deed restriction for good.

      Bishop Byrnes will recognize that New Evangelization is much wider than a narrowly defined NCW.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:25 am,

      The NCW is not the one with the animosity. You do not see us parading any signs, telling the Bishop what to do every Sunday. When Archbishop Hon rescinded the decrees of Archbishop Apuron, you did not hear us complain. Monsignor David, Father Adrian, and Father Pius were removed from their position, and we did not complain. Father Paul and Monsignor James were granted due process and we did not complain.

      The ONLY time we rose up and complained was when we heard that Archbishop wanted to remove Archbishop Apuron. He had already judged him as guilty without a trial. The route we took was writing to Rome. We did not take to the streets, trying to get Rome's attention. That is the jungle way. Our letters of complaint were sent to Rome, and Archbishop Hon has been removed by the Pope. Archbishop Apuron still remains the Archbishop of Agana.

    3. The letters your catechists ordered you to write to Cardinal Filoni from Guam by the hundreds will backfire. Your tactics is the same as the Jungle's! There is no difference at all. You try to coerce people in high office to show favor to you. This is deplorable.

    4. Bishop Byrnes will not be fooled. He will see and identify the responsible parties for this ugly state of affairs on Guam in both groups of extreme animosity, malice and ill-will towards their sisters and brothers. You will regret that you undercut Archbishop Hon who will be justified when your spite and hidden maneuvers come into light.

      Pope Francis is the pope of light and not of darkness!

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:33 am,

      Bishop Byrnes is already aware of the mess in Guam. That was what I stated in my post when I first announced the coming of a new bishop. I was listening to Father Mike in the Patti Arroyo talk show. He admitted that he was not aware that there would be a new bishop on the way.

      However, we were aware, and some of the RMS priests already knew. Did you not remember what I wrote in my post? I said that one of the RMS priests had already announced to his parish what some of us already knew. ๐Ÿ˜€

    6. Diana, this is just another evidence of secret plotting.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:59 am,

      No, it is not. Anyone can write a letter of complaint to the Vatican. The junglefolks also wrote letters. I listened to Bishop Byrnes with Patti Arroyo. He admitted that he was called in by Pope Francis because he was very concern about the Church in Guam. And all we did was told the Vatican what was going on. Archbishop Hon has done much damage and deepened the division. The wisest thing for him to do is not to do anything anymore. He has hurt the Church enough.

    8. Archbishop Hon is awesome. He did some really great things for the Archdiocese!

  3. Start the Tim's count down clock to see how long it take ''Tim'' to put this Bishop down????

  4. I am hopeful that this will begin a new chapter of healing for the church in Guam. Savio Hon has certainly not contributed to this effort and many are relieved to see his departure, sad to say. Savio had a great opportunity Before him to make a great name for himself but he made some very serious mistakes. Now we need to pick up the pieces when he leaves and pray to God that we can finally come together as a church and move towards true unity and peace.

  5. A Blessed and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Archbishop Anthony Apuron!

  6. Archbishop HOn was the interim that was needed during the time. All good. Now let the new coadjutor bishop take over and be inspired to put a direction to the Arch diocese.

    1. Archbishop Hon did what he was supposed to do. Those who tried to slime him and his effort are the real divisors and propagators of animosity.

  7. Hon added to the problem.
    Good to see back of him.

    1. Hon was viciously attacked by both groups, the Jungle and the neo. It is a sure sign that he was doing the right thing! Hon will be remembered as an honest servant of Pope Francis who did not shy away from confrontation for the sake of peace and unity of the Church. The animosity won't stop until both groups put a muzzle on their venomous rhetoric and agree to shake hands and reconcile for the good of the faithful Catholics of Guam.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 8:17 am,

      He was not viciously attacked by the NCW. We did not call him any names. We did not hold up signs rudely telling him to go home. We took a more civil route by writing letters to the Vatican.

    3. If Rome actually thought that AB Hon was doing a great job, he would not have been replaced. AB Hon only made things worse

    4. Dear Anon at 8:27 am, you played out the Filoni card. Okay, Hon is taken out for now. But will this help you in the long run? I don't think so! When things get sour for the NCW under bishop Byrnes, you won't be able to play out the same card again.

    5. Lol, Diana, you did it in secret!

  8. Hon is a good man. He arrived with the wrong attitude and turned people against him. A little more humility respect for everybody would have gone a long way.

    1. Hon did not receive the humility and respect from everybody that would have been needed for him to succeed. For this, both groups of wickedness and animosity will have to pay the price tag.

      So Hon will be replaced. That is okay. If it did not work one way, it will surely work another way. Vatican has an infinite supply of resources to pacify the opposing sides in the long run, one way or the other!


  9. i believe we are are nearing peace.

  10. Hon made himself the supreme pontiff of the pacific by claiming to have complete and full authority to go above and break the laws of the church. He was biased against the reigning archbishop and imputed upon him guilt even before an investigation. He was completely partial and board against the Way and was beholden to the CCOG which should have been restricted in the first place.

    1. Which law did he break? How did he break it? Please, be just and honest, as Archbishop Hon was with both sides of the aisle.

    2. You mentioned bias against the reigning AB. What bias are you referring to?

    3. I am sorry, I was wrong. As far as I can see now, Archbishop Hon did not break any any of the church. I apologize for my confusion.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:52 pm,

      The bias that he has judged Archbishop Apuron as guilty without due process of the law.

    5. What about the bias Archbishop Apuron had placed upon Msgr James and Fr Paul without due process?
      Oh wait, didn't stick to the OP so you probably wouldn't be able to answer that truthfully.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:20 pm,

      Father Paul and Monsignor James were waiting for their due process in Rome. Archbishop Apuron said that they were waiting for Rome to decide their case.

    7. Diana, Archbishop Hon did not judge Apuron. Why do you say that? He was not in the position to judge another Archbishop. He offered the opportunity to Apuron to resign that he rejected. Fine, Hon accepted that Apuron wanted to stay.

      The Presbyterian Council voted the way as voted. This had nothing to do with Hon! Why do you blame him? The vote had everything to do with representing the Guam clergy. Archbishop Hon is not the cause of the extreme unpopularity of Archbishop Apuron!

      Now, Apuron faces a long and exhausting canonical investigation into his unbecoming conduct, while his position is filled by Archbishop Byrnes from Detroit.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 4:40 pm,

      Archbishop Hon judged Apuron as guilty and wanted him removed. He should have waited until after the canonical trial. It is good news that Archbishop Byrnes is replacing Archbishop Hon. He is not there to replace Apuron because Apuron still retains his title as the Ordinary.

    9. So what exactly would AB Hon do while waiting for a canonical trial, which in the very beginning wasn't even granted or even guaranteed to happen? Just twiddle his thumbs and say,"Let's wait and see what Rome decides to do first and then act"?

      I don't believe waiting would have solved anything. He needed to act because he was sent here and the people wanted answers. To be sent here and do nothing would not have helped anyone. And because of the animosity that already existed the way he chose to fight it was to enforce his right to obedience, but did eveyone obey? No. When Fr. Mike and Fr. Jeff, who are not the spokespeople for the AD but knows full well the impact of their words, cooperated with the media to skew opinions, when Fr. Adrian was reassigned and refused, and when Msgr. James was cleared of wrongdoing and the Catholic Cemetaries Board filed a complaint with the AG's office without permission, those were all acts of disobedience by those under AB on all sides...the clergy and the laity!

      And whoever announced to his parish that a new bishop was coming is just as guilty as Fr Mike and Fr. Jeff for continuing the division even if it's the truth because they are not in charge of revealing that information. It is the leadership. Why did they have to reveal it except to make the statement that the NCW knows more about what is happening than anyone else? And what does that say except, "I deserve to be acknowledged because I know more of the truth than any other group in the archdiocese"? Did you really need validation for that? Did you really need people to validate that you are telling the truth?

      Jesus told the truth and didn't need validation that he was the truth because eventually it would be known by everyone.

      In other words, the unspoken message being sent by the NCW and clergy that have loose lips is that you are looking for validation when you reveal information that should come from the top. And what is validation in this instance? Is it not ensuring you still have "power" over others by their acceptance of you? Apparently, Jesus isn't enough for you.

      And wouldn't that be cause for division?

  11. Apurons' page in history has been turned.

    1. Apuron is still the Ordinary, the Archbishop of Agana. This is a fact. JW, CCOG, and LFM need to get it through their stubborn head that Pope Francis has not removed him from his position. They don't have the authority to remove Apuron. They need to accept the Pope's wishes to keep Apuron as Archbishop of Agana.

    2. Has the canonical investigation been finished?

    3. JW would be better off shutting down. By every post they make the neo stronger. Filoni is a shrewd puppet master. He knows how to turn the actions of his adversaries into his own benefit. JW is basically playing from the book of Filoni.

      It would be better for Tim Rohr to shut his big mouth as well. Every time he does something, the neo celebrates. Because in his folly, he gives himself away and discredits his own efforts.

      People who want to roll back the RMS business into the auspices of the Catholic Church and want to rid the arrogance of NCW from Guam, are better to collaborate with rather than vilify the Roman envoy who will show his power and authority to demand a disciplined resolution of all these controversies.

    4. Sorry to disappoint Anon @ 10:30 AM. Apuron only has the title but has had no power since June 6, 2016.
      The Archbishop of Agana as of October 31, 2016 is Michael Jude Byrnes.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:40 am,

      Open your eyes. Did you not notice that Archbishop Hon did not even know that a new bishop was appointed until it broke out in the media? The news broke out FIRST from an RMS priest who told his parishioners. Then I published it on my blog. Then the media published the name of the new bishop before Archbishop Hon had a chance to formally announce him. Father Mike admitted on the radio that he did not know about the new bishop until he heard it from the news. The new bishop will be here to replace Archbishop Hon, not Archbishop Apuron. The new bishop will respect Apuron's title and will not seek to remove him the way Archbishop Hon had tried to do. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Thank you Diana and NCW for bringing a new archbishop to Guam.
    Sorry but I think archbishop Apuron won't be back. I think archbishop Michael is here to take over for good.
    Thank you for writing your letters that finally brought a new church leader to our island.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:39 am,

      You are welcome. we will find out once the canonical trial is over. If he is found guilty, then Bishop Byrns will become the new Archbishop of Agana. If he is found innocent, he will return and the new bishop will remain assisting Apuron, who will remain the Ordinary until he retires.

      I also learned that if the canonical trial takes a long time, that is GOOD news for Archbishop Apuron. A long trial indicates that there is some doubt about him being guilty. It indicates that he may be innocent.

    2. If Apuron's trial goes long that means he won't have any chance to return to Agana.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:06 pm,

      Archbishop Apuron will return to Guam after the trial is done.

  13. Patti Arroyo interviewed him this morning. At one point she basically said that the problem here is the neocatechumenal way.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:57 am,

      I am not surprised. She is prejudiced against the Way.

    2. I read about and watched part of the Atty Lujan news conference. His reaction to the news of Archbishop Byrnes..."I think its offensive that Rome selects someone from Detroit of all places and a white person at that to send that person to Guam." He said that...he said it ...out loud...on camera. Is that a racist/prejudiced statement? Perhaps we will see another warm welcome at the airport in a few weeks. They may want to modify their signs. "Go home Hon ky."

    3. "I am not surprised. She is prejudiced against the Way."

      I'm not surprised you said that. It seems that the Way is prejudiced against regular Catholics.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 5:03 pm,

      And where is your evidence of that? The jungle, CCOG, and LFM are prejudice against the Way. We saw the prejudice signs they held up every Sunday. Also, those who have expressed racist remarks of the new Bishop because he is white are not people walking in the Way.

  14. No matter the result of the canonical trial, Apuron is no longer going to return to the Archdiocese of Agana with full faculties. The appointment of Bishop Michael Byrnes affirms this.

    1. Dear Veritas,

      The appointment of Bishop Byrnes affirms that Pope Francis was not pleased with Archbishop Hon. If Apuron is found not guilty, then the first phase is done, and the second phase will begin.

    2. Diana, this has nothing to do with Hon. Unless you want to say that Hon succeeded in Vatican in his effort to replace Apuron. Bishop Byrnes is the new (coadjutor) archbishop of Agana. You still don't want to face reality.

    3. And if Apuron is found guilty?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:04 pm,

      The reality is that Archbishop Apuron still retains his title as Archbishop of Agana. It was never taken away from him. He came to replace Hon, not Apuron, who still remains the Ordinary.

    5. Dear Diana, can you please explain which powers or authority Archbishop Apuron still holds? I am confused by some of these comments. Some say that Archbishop Apuron has no residual power, and that the hew Archbishop will have all the authority of the Archbishop of Agana, and others say that the Archbishop of Agana is still Archbishop Apuron.

      Apart from the actual title, what authority does Arhcbishop Apuron continue to have?

    6. Diana, if Pope Francis' plan was to replace Hon, logically the next person would retain the "Apostolic Administrator" title. Am I right?

      Byrnes instead isn't just an administrator in any sense, but a Coadjutor Archbishop. This has much more permanence than a simple Apostolic Administrator. In this sense, Pope Francis is handing the keys he took from Apuron over to Byrnes.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 12:15 am,

      In my opinion, I think the Pope saw that the division had worsened under Archbishop Hon. Previously, it was only the junglefolks writing to the Vatican and making a lot of noise trying to get their attention. During that time, the NCW did not bother writing Rome at all. However, Archbishop Apuron did approach the Pope himself, making him aware of the situation in Guam. He went to South Korea and the Philippines to meet the Holy Father. Then he had an audience with him.

      I think the Pope saw that Archbishop Apuron would need a co-Bishop to help him in the event that he is found innocent of those sexual allegations. If the Pope was thinking of permanently removing him, you would not need a coadjutor. Rather, the Pope would remove Archbishop Apuron and appoint another to be Archbishop of Agana.


  15. Blessed and HAPPY Archbishop Anthony Apuron!

  16. Archbishop Apuron's powers are still intact but they are on hold. Bishop Byrnes is coadjutor with specific powers which have not been yet fully disclosed.

    The fact is clear: ROME did not follow the demand of HON to remove Apuron. Instead of removing Apuron, ROME still kept Archbishop Apuron and has assigned him a coadjutor. This is A BIG disgrace for Hon. Hon wanted to completely erase Apuron from the face of the earth. Hon has 'LOST FACE'. Too bad for Hon.

    1. Apuron won't be a bishop again in his life time. This has nothing to do with Hon. Apuron will bleed in the canonical trial. Not because new evidences emerge, but because his stubbornness about RMS. The two things seem unrelated on the surface, but connected in the deep. He will have to pay the price for the advances of NCW on Guam, for squandering the RMS property and for Public Law 33-187.

      As about Hon, his job is successfully done. He made the transition for the Agana diocese from chaos to order, readying the chair for Bishop Byrnes who will take over a renewed diocese. This was Hon's transient assignment, everybody will forget him as soon as he leaves the island. He did not play any important role in this game of clean-up.

      Actually, Hon is only triumphant person by the new appointment, because he can leave the troubles behind. He got offended by the protestors who were loudly sending him home. So he is leaving now, but with a sense of vengeance and victory.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:02 pm,

      Archbishop Hon did not even know about the appointment. We got to the media FIRST before he did. :-)

    3. Yes, Diana, and Hon knew about Pius getting canned before you did.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:51 pm,

      Actually, we already expected Archbishop Hon to remove Father Pius after Father Pius went to the media to announce that Hon had no authority to rescind the deed restriction.

    5. Diana, you cannot be serious! Are you saying you knew it BEFORE Hon?! Wow, this is just ... awesome! This is the perfect punishment for a disobedient Hon. Is this what you wanted, Archbishop Hon? I am not exactly sure things went your way. Ha-ha! Shame on him by not knowing anything in advance. Things came to him by big surprise even before he could have had a clue. Lol!

    6. Dear Anonymous at 11:08 pm,

      It was on October 24th that I posted in my blog that we are getting a new bishop to replace Archbishop Hon. Then 8 days later, the media announced the name of the new bishop. Do you honestly think that was a coincidence? ๐Ÿ˜€

    7. Ai adai Anon @ 6:54 PM I guess you didn't pay attention to what Archbishop Hon said during his press conference yesterday. Let me help you nai.
      Here's what Archbishop Hon said:
      "In other words, as Coadjutor Archbishop Monsignor Byrnes has the COMPLETE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER EVERYTHING CONCERNING the Archdiocese, including its FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION, the DISCIPLINE OF THE CLERGY and its PASTORAL LIFE."
      What other "specific powers" are you looking for? Maybe the special power to make the sex abuse charges against Apuron disappear? LOL

    8. Dear Anonymous at 2:43 pm,

      You also need to pay attention. Bishop Byrnes himself stated that he have those responsibilities for the time being. The results of the canonical trial depends on whether that authority becomes permanent or temporary. If Archbishop Apuron is found not guilty, he can assume all responsibilities after that.

  17. Hon was confident about the sede vecante deal but it turned sour and news from the hill is that HON's really fuming with anger like a Chinese dragon. In the end Apuron returns, he can retire in peace and then look back at hon and then giggle at the Chinese puppet show Hon played while on guam. Apuron will have the last laugh over Hon.

    1. You are so right!

      It is so like Jesus to hold someone's mistakes in their face and remind them just how badly they screwed up...OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

      Therefore we should all look down on the losers of this situation, especially all those "Sunday Catholics", and lord it over them just how right the NCW is for the church on Guam. How else would we be able to inform the losers and "Sunday Catholics" of their ignorance? The non NCW priests are just too lazy to put in any real work or have utterly destroyed not only theirs but the people they minister to of gaining a deeper relationship with God.

      We must and we should continue to fight the good fight of exhaulting the NCW excellence through this situation. That is the only path towards peace and unity in the church.

      The NCW must stay or there is no Way.

    2. Dream on Anon @ 2:23 AM.
      What Darling Diana won't tell you and won't admit by posting this comment is that Brother Tony was given the chance to step aside gracefully. He was offered an ASSISTANT bishop but he refused. He wanted it all.
      IF Brother Tony is allowed to return to Guam, he will be nothing more than a toothless lion with a roar (Rohr?) but absolutely NO POWER since Pope Francis has granted Bishop Michael Byrnes special rights to carry out ALL duties as archbishop EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Those duties include financial administration, discipline of clergy and the pastoral life of the archdiocese.
      For some reason I don't see Brother Tony having the humility to return to be archbishop in name only without any chance to undo what Archbishop Hon has done. Brother Tony is too proud and would not return if all he could do was sit on the sidelines and watch the action.
      Because of his pride Brother Tony has lost everything he worked for. And he will never get the cardinal's hat that Kiko promised him if he ordained all the misfits from RMS.
      Poor Brother Tony.
      Poor Diana.
      Poor Anon @ 2:23 AM.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:50 pm,

      Read what Bishop Byrnes said to the media. He said that Apuron still remains the Archbishop and he was given governance FOR THE TIME BEING. archbishop Apuron is not interested in being a cardinal. Right now, he is fighting for his name and reputation. If Archbishop Apuron is found innocent in the canonical trial, he will return to Guam. Why? Because he needs to complete the second phase. Our catechists told us that there will be two trials.

      The first trial is a canonical trial, which deals with the sex abuse allegations. If Apuron is found innocent in this first trial, he will return to Guam for the second trial. The second trial is a defamation and libel lawsuit. Archbishop Apuron plans on bringing a defamation and libel lawsuit against ALL his accusers.

    4. If Archboshop Apuron is a man of God a man of Peace ,do you believe diana it is is wise for Archbishop Apuron to file against his accusers creating disunity? He should forgive his accusers. Blessed are those who forgive for they shall see mercy of God!

    5. Dear Anon. at 12:23,

      Your comment does not sound like someone who is in the Way, but you could be...I'm just saying I've never heard anyone in the Way talk the way you do.

      Let me guess though...your not in the Way, and that is fine, and that your comment is meant as sarcasm and that you think this is how Catholics in the Way feel. If this is how you think Catholics in the Way feel, your wrong, and if someone told you, then you've also been misled.


    6. Dear Anonymous at 2:59 pm,

      His accusers showed no mercy to him; therefore, no mercy will be shown to them.

    7. Guess you believe in the saying "an eye for an eye". Such A Christian, you are.


    8. Dear Anonymous at 7:56 pm,

      Actually, "an eye for an eye" is in the Old Testament. What I said came from the New Testament. We treat others the way we want to be treated. Obviously, the accusers of Apuron do not want mercy. In the same way that the protestors told Archbishop Hon to go home.......and so their wish was granted. The accusers of Apuron will also receive what they asked for.

    9. "His accusers showed no mercy to him; therefore, no mercy will be shown to them"

      This, is a new testament concept?

      You must be reading a different Gospel

    10. Dear Anonymous at 5:22 pm,

      James 2:13 They will be shown no mercy to those who showed no mercy to others.

      Since his accusers treated him with no mercy, then they expect the same treatment in return, and it shall be given to them. They will receive what they asked for.

    11. Diana, James 2:13 talks about the final judgment. "Judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy." This means you have to show mercy to people in your life time, because once you die, you will be subjected to the final judgment by God.

      James is not talking about affairs between people, but affair between mankind and God. This is huge difference! When you drag down the final judgment into a human analogy like judgment of people by people, then you are back to the eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth logic of the Old Testament.

      My two pence.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 6:35 pm,

      After bringing a lawsuit against them, then you can show mercy to them. Sometimes people need to learn their lesson the hard way otherwise they would never learn it at all and will continue to commit the same sins and mistakes. In the end, the accusers will think twice, and the lesson they learned will benefit their souls.

    13. Diana, you place yourself in the seat. How do you decide in someone needs "to learn their lesson the hard way"? How can you decide if it should be you to gives them the hard lesson? Your train of thoughts is running too fast, while you talk harsh words to some people whom you don't know.

      Don't forget, none of us has a supernatural power to know the truth. That is why God is enthroned above the heavens, in a highness beyond what our mind can reach.

    14. Dear Anonymous at 7:27 am,

      After telling them for three years that the RMS property still belongs to the Archdiocese, that RMS is producing priests for the Archdiocese, and that the NCW is Catholic, and still they call you a liar. After telling John Toves that he is not guilty of molesting anyone, and still he continues to be harassed. After three years of name calling, and the name calling continues on even after he is removed and facing trial.......I would think that is enough.

      A lawsuit will finally put an end to all of it. Sometimes, one needs to stand up to a bully. Standing up to a bully is the most effective way to deal with the problem.

    15. diana ok RMS produced priests for Archdiocese. Thankyou. At this point in time Guam does not need more priests. On thesr grounds we close RMS send seminarians to need dioceses. we are not in need of priests.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 am,

      The Catholic Church is always need of priests.

  18. Proud to be humble and in the NCW.

  19. To 12:23. You are not in the way.

  20. No, I am not in the way. It was meant as sarcasm.

    But Diana's words have done nothing but incite that type of behavior from those "anonymous" posters who appear to be members of the NCW supporting Diana.

    So tell me, are your members in the NCW in agreement with you DCI and 1:49?

    It is so unchristian to have that attitude and to come from a group that I was even considering of being a part of. What more are you going to look down on if you can so easily look down on someone for "not knowing"? I don't want to be around that type of attitude especially in what you all are so proud to call "family".

    Seriously, if Hon is a member of God's family, why in the world would you want AB Apuron to remember the mess he made and had to fix and lord it over him and everyone else who took part in the mess? That is truly the worse type of attitude you could have towards a person. Then consider what it's like to be on the receiving is something that will take a lot to heal from and let go.

    They should ask themselves what it's like to not be forgiven and be reminded over and over and over again just how wrong they were. And then consider if they would want someone to have to go through that.

    1. What do you mean? I just said your comment was meant to be sarcasm. As far as whether NCW members believe in "eye for eye" thing, I'm going to say they don't, but it depends on which member you talk to. My experience has been that we do not go for "eye for eye." But again maybe some do... I don't know.

      We are regular Catholics, everyone has their own thoughts despite what they are taught as Catholics.


  21. your words Diana...Standing up to a bully is the most effective way to deal with the problem. Yes! We agree. That's why we are standing up to Apuron, your brother

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:58 pm,

      Exactly how is Archbishop Apuron a bully? I do not see him calling Anyone bad names and harassing anyone. I see Tim calling the Archbishop names all the time in his blog even when he is not on island.
