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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Vatican Visitors Are Here

As you all know, the Vatican visitors are here.  Let us all pray that their visit to our island will be fruitful in helping the Catholic Church so that we can find unity and reconciliation.  We trust that God is in full control of His Church and will lead her where He wills..... as He has always done.  :) 


  1. Read the article on PDN about Archbishop giving away $57M in assets away...he is finished, you are finished. It is over. Your credibility is gone.

    1. Dear J.M. Aguigui,

      Now you know that the Archbishop has the title of the property because his name is also on that list.. The RMS will publish their own financial report. The Archbishop did what he did, so the Seminary will remain a seminary and not be sold as some people wanted. There were some people who wanted to sell the seminary to pay off their debts. I wonder who that could be? Surely, it could not be the Archdiocese of Agana since they have a surplus of $400,000. Isn't interesting what Tim Rohr said in the PDN???? According to PDN:

      "The restriction on use of the property for a specific seminary, said Tim Rohr, a local blogger on Catholic issues and a realtor, 'makes the land valueless to the Archdiocese of Agana since it now can never be mortgaged, sold, or used for any other purpose."

      Now what kind of thinking is that????? In the first place, Tim Rohr and the people of Guam never had anything to do with purchasing that property. An off-island person purchased it for the people of Guam, and this anonymous donor wanted the hotel to be used as a seminary. And here is Tim thinking about selling it?? It is always about money.

    2. Let Mother Dawn explain the intent of the donor to the visiting guests.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:31 am,

      Mother Dawn is simply going to say the same thing we've been saying....that the donar wanted the money to be used to build a seminary. The fact that you do not see it as a seminary is your problem. It is a seminary with seminarians living in it, studying for the priesthood. Is there a way you can prove that it is not a seminary?

  2. thats not what happened. the Archdiocese took out a loan for the property and THEN an anonymous donor paid the loan off.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:56 am,

      We have been telling you for a long time that the people of Guam did not spent a single penny on that seminary. The money was donated by anonymous person from off-island to the Archbishop with the intention that it be turned into a seminary. As a matter of fact, the news even reported that it was a miracle because we did not spend a single penny on it. God provides. See my new post about it.

  3. Archbishop went against the recommendations of his own finance council. One of whom is/was NCW who recommended not to transfer/alienate/license/deed/assign the property to the NCW of which he is a part of.

    Against their recommendation AAA acted alone and documents show that he decreed perpetual use of the property. This is against Canon Law per assets of the Diocese.

    And then he fired them because they disagree? Really?

    The donor gave the diocese the property for "a seminary" not specifically a NCW Seminary. the NCW took this asset from the Archdiocese of Guam.

    He gave what was not his to give away. What a slap in the face to those who are unsalted. And for years we have been giving to this seminary under false pretenses.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:43 pm,

      It appears that the finance council was going against safeguarding the seminary from being sold or used by others who wanted it to be used for other purposes. The Archbishop, on the other hand, was protecting the wishes to the donor and safeguarding the seminary from being used, mortgaged, or sold by people whose only interest is money.

      You say "He gave what was not his to give away"???? How easy is it for people who did not put in a single cent to the purchase of this seminary to quickly claim it as "theirs."

    2. "......It appears that the finance council was going against safeguarding the seminary from being sold or used by others who wanted it to be used for other purposes...."

      who could ever mysteriously sell it or appropriate it without the control mechanisms in place, e.g. the finance council or AAA?

      OH Wait a minute!! was the .Archbishop who secretly appropriated it to the NCW forever and then silenced the finance council from protesting by firing the individuals.

      Really....Diana, who could sell it without the Bishops or Financial Councils endorsement.?

      IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN behind AAAs or any other Bishops' back.

      And why does the NCW get to keep it forever?? the donor wasn't NCW. The donor came through on behalf of the Carmelite Order.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:30 pm,

      Can you not see that there are people already going behind the Archbishop's back? There are people removing documents from the chancery without the Archbishop's knowledge. There are people organizing for his removing. How many years has gone by and the financial report has never been published. It was not until the Archbishop finally took action and removed certain people that the financial report of the Ardiocese has now been published.

      As for the do you know he/she wasn't NCW?

    4. Diana, you have to be made aware of all the lies you just printed in your 12:54pm comment. Stop lying already. If you don't you, you don't know. But fabricating stories will not make it true. I have pity for your soul.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:24 pm,

      Could you be specific as to what these lies are??? Since the day the seminary has been erected in 1999, we have been saying that the people of Guam did not spend a single penny on the purchase of the seminary. According to the PDN in 2010:

      Many prayers were raised to God so that He would give us a place, and indeed He did not delay in answering our prayers. He provided us with the building that is now our seminary, a previous hotel, built by Japanese, somewhat along the lines of a Spanish monastery. It was place too big for our little faith, but for God nothing is impossible. When God gives, He gives abundantly! Imagine, a property worth millions acquired by the diocese for free!

      The people of Guam got this seminary for free. This was in the PDN in 2010. We never changed our story. The truth anonymous donor gave the Archdiocese the money to purchase the hotel. This donor wants to remain anonymous and would like to see his donation be put to establishing a seminary. That promise was kept by the Archbishop.

      Five months ago, Father Pius DID speak to the media and stated "Regarding the transfer of the title, the legal advisor of the Archdiocese, five years ago, asked that the title be transferred to the Redemptoris Mater Corporation to respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the property."

      So, why was the reason for the restriction and title transfer? To respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the seminary from being sold or used for other purposes other than what he donor intended it to be.

      That was 5 months ago, so I do not understand why the jungle folks are surprised at discovering information that was already revealed 5 months ago. The Archbishop kept his promise to the donor, but what Tim Rohr and the jungle folks want is totally different. They act as though they were the ones who purchased the seminary themselves and are angry that the Archbishop put a restriction on the property.

  4. Diana, you're right.

    Tim's followers no nothing apparently.

  5. Something is wrong here....time will tell of the deception. Wait and see!!!!!

  6. isn't tim in real estate ??
