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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Redemptoris Mater Seminary

According to today's Pacific Daily News, it stated (the bold is mine): 

A local Catholic Church - asset a former hotel worth $57 million at one time - may no longer be under the full control of the Archdiocese of Agana, government land records show.............Department of Land Management documents state that Archbishop Anthony Apuron assigned "perpetual use" of the property to the redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Seminary and its institute for academic formation. 

The seminary is under a four member "board of guarantors," incldung Archbishop Antony Aupron, according to the seminary's articles of incorporation.

I do not understand why those who oppose the Archbishop are up in arms about this?  Did they not recall that Father Pius came out in August of last year explaining about the Seminary.   In August, 2014, the Pacific Daily News asked this question of Father Pius:

Did the Neocatechumenal Way attempt to influence the transfer of title to the former Accion Hotel proptery in Yona from the Archdiocese of Guam to an entity whose officers are members of the Neocatechumenal Way?

Father Pius' entire response to PDN's question (the bold is mine): 

Actually it is the other way around. The purchase of the Accion Hotel was proposed by the Neocatechumenal Way to the Archbishopbecause in order to start the Seminary and an Institute there was a need for rooms for 30-40 seminarians, 10 Faculty Professors, four classrooms, a library for twenty thousand volumes, a chapel. The money for the purchase of the Hotel was donated to the Archdiocese by an off island benefactor who offered it with the explicit intention of erecting the Seminary and the Theological Institute. The previous owner of the hotel sold it for just 1.9 millions with the proviso that the building be used as an educational facility. Actually the Archdiocese did not put down a penny.
Regarding the transfer of the title, the legal advisor of the Archdiocese, five years ago, asked that the title be transferred to the Redemptoris Mater Corporation to respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the property. This Corporation is a corporation sole where there is only one member, namely the Archbishop who has all power.  He is assisted by a Board of Directors who overviews the daily administration. The only member, namely the Archbishop, chooses all Directors. Then there is a Board of Guarantors that guarantees that the Corporation follows the original purpose for which it was createdThe Archbishop chooses, confirms or dismisses freely these guarantors.
So the Neocatechumenal Way does not and cannot (by reason of its Statutes) possess the seminary but simply ensures the formation.
The Neocatechumenal Way has helped in fact form one hundred seminaries worldwide, the most recent being in Seoul by Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-Jung, Primate of Korea. This means that around 30 cardinals and 70 bishops consider the formation in these seminaries excellent. In the past there were many seminaries conducted by Jesuits or Sulpicians and nobody ever thought that entrusting a seminary to a religious order would violate the diocesan nature of the seminary.
The whole discussion on the property of the Accion Hotel began two-three years ago because certain individuals wanted to sell the building to pay their debts. Actually the Archdiocese is only supporting 3 or 4 percent of the seminary’s budget, while the rest is supported by Catholics from all over the world including different foundations and Propaganda Fide.
The whole discussion on the property began two-three years ago because certain individuals wanted to sell the building to pay their debts????  I wonder who could that be?????  Now, let us look at what Tim Rohr said in today's PDN.  According to the PDN: 
The restriction on the use of the property for a specific seminary, said Tim Rohr, a local blogger on Catholic issues and a realtor, "makes the land valueless to the Archdiocese of Agana since it now can never be mortgaged, sold, or used for any other purpose." 
Oh is about money again.  Oh my.......Tim Rohr is thinking about mortgage, selling the property, or using it for other purposes???  He did not understand.  In the first place, the people of Guam did not purchase that property.  The money for the purchase of the hotel was donated to the Archdiocese by an off-island benefactor who offered it with the explicit intention of building a seminary.  Tim Rohr is actually thinking of going against the intention of what the benefactor wanted when he donated that money.  The whole purpose of having that restriction is to ensure that the benefactor's wishes are granted and to prevent those from selling the seminary to pay their debts. 

Furthermore, this seminary is NOT valueless.  It is only valueless to Tim Rohr because he thinks in terms of money.  The seminary has been a tremendous value and asset to the people of Guam in that it produces and forms priestly vocations for the island.  Some of those priests are now parish priests in Guam's churches.  We no longer need to spend money sending our local men to the U.S. to become priests.  They can become priests here like Father Luis.  We no longer need to ask for priests from the Philippines or any other country.  Rather, we can help countries who are lacking priests.   


  1. Tim Rohr has always has an ulterior motive.

    It's his nature. And sadly to say, people are stupid enough to not see that.

  2. Are you kidding Diana? There will come a time when all your rationalizations of the poor behavior and lies from the Hill are gonna come home to roost.

    You omit so much from the story and you continue to make it all about Tim. There are so many more people that are involved in this matter, including our former Papal Nuncio Bishop Balvo advising our Archbishop not to move on this and yet you choose to spin this otherwise. This dishonesty you promote is not going unnoticed.

    You really are doing a disservice to the NCW here on Guam. It's not helping and others are turning away because we are now seeing things clearly. Stop it already and come to terms with what is happening. This does not mean you or the Archbishop is condemned. But if you continue down this path of denial, you place yourself in serious jeopardy.

    Please do not dismiss this comment, either on your blog or in your heart. You seem like a smart person, which is why it is confusing that you would actually believe what you are posting here. Face the truth with courage and start to heal.

    Nevermind anyone else, start with you!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:28 am,

      It was 5 MONTHS ago when Father Pius came out in the media and told them that the legal advisor of the Archbishop asked that the title be transferred to the Redemptoris Mater Corporation to respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the property. That was revealed by Father Pius 5 months ago in the PDN, but you guys in the jungle act like you just discovered the information TODAY, which is ridiculous. The information was even on my blogsite 5 months ago because I coped and pasted the news article from PDN.

    2. Did the donor say strictly build it for the RMS? I doubt it!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:46 am,

      In the first place, it was the Neocatechumenal Way who FIRST approached the Archbishop for a seminary. The donar says that he wants to remain anonymous and that he wants his money to go toward building a seminary..........and it was the Neocatechumenal Way who FIRST approached the Archbishop for a seminary. The Jesuits, Franciscans, and other religious groups did not ask for any seminary.

    4. Dear Diana, are you now comparing the NCW to "groups" like the "Jesuits, Franciscans, and other religious groups"?

      In any case, in an "ordinary" Archdiocese, it is the Archbishop who erects a seminary, and it is not as if someone needs to "approach" him in order for that to happen. By definition the NCW doesn't actually exist as an autonomous group, and so it is nonsense to say that the "NCW first approached the Archbishop for a seminary".

      And precisely how does a "way of doing things" (the NCW) approach the Archbishop for a seminary anyway?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:27 pm,

      It is a well-known fact that the Neocatechumenal Way has formed 100 Redemptoris Mater Seminaries worldwide. As Father Pius said five months ago to the PDN, it was the Neocatechumenal Way who first made the proposal to the Archbishop to purchase the hotel so it can be converted to a seminary. This idea came from the NCW and God allowed the purchase to be made through an anonymous donor so a seminary could be built for Guam.

    6. Yep. Now the jungle is talking about a lawsuit against the Archbishop for assigning a perpetual use on the property. Do you know how that's gonna look like in court? The Archbishop assigned a perpetual use on the property to respect the intention of the donor and safeguard the property from being sold. And Rohr and company wants to take out the perpetual use for what? To sell the property?

    7. First of all like what Diana said, it was a millionaire who happens to be in the WAY donated that FOR a Seminary which is the Redemptoris Matter Seminary. GET IT in your skull you did not spin or labor for this building. YOU and the ROHR's did spend a single dime.

      How this rumor get started? It start with Jealous people who needs money. Concern Catholic this building does not belong to you but for missionary purposes. GE TIT? Understand? How hard is it for you not understanding this. THE MONEY DID NOT COME FROM YOU! INTIENDE. How hard can it be you don't understand!

    8. Lies lies lies, it was for a seminary, but AAA gave it to the NCW. Just cause the NCW approached AAA for seminary, does t mean it should be given. They did not ask, they directed AAA TO GIVE IT.

    9. AnonymousJanuary 7, 2015 at 8:00 PM - envy hurts huh?

  3. Priests from RMS cannot compare to those coming from the US. These NEO priests are ill-equipped and unable to run a parish....much less a community.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:03 pm,

      You say that the RMS priests are ill-equipped and unable to run a parish? On what research basis did you conclude this on? Or is this simply your opinion?


    2. Anonymous January 6, 2015 at 2:03 PM

      I believe your comments reflect ignorance that surpasses the height's of Mt Everest. Give it up...

    3. There is no research needed to prove their ill-training. Simply, listen to their homilies. They get lost many times. They never prepare ahead and write it down. Their points are all over the place. Some of them who have been ordained for years still get confused what to do in Mass. Some don't even follow the GIRM. I do not doubt the sincerity and holiness of these Neo priests. However, I advocate for proper seminary training. I would actually advocate for them to also be sent to off-island seminaries where the quality of education is better. No worries about the money. Like many Neo and non-Neo priests say, "God will provide!"

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:47 am,

      I will remind you that many of the RMS priests graduated with a degree from the Lateran University in Rome. So, what are YOUR credentials?? What credentials do you have to tell us that you know better than those at the Lateran University in Rome who graduated these men?

    5. Any common man can tell that a priest is ill prepared by the way he communicates through his homilies and how they celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Just because a person graduates from the Lateran University in Rome doesn't make them "it". If they do graduate from their, one would expect quality in their homilies instead of things like "squeezing the juice out of the orange." As said before, they mean well. However, it wouldn't hurt to prepare your homilies in advanced. One of them, who actually prepares and writes down his homily coneys it beautifully and with great content. From the pew, does it hurt to ask just to be coherent and not all over the place.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 11:33 am,

      "Squeezin the juice out of the orange".......I see that you must be referring to Father Edivaldo. Father Edivaldo speaks in a way that reaches the youth more than the adults. The youths find him easy to speak to because he is capable of reaching down to them in their own language. The youths understand what he means when he says "squeezing the juice out of the orange." To the youths, they understood what he means because the youths are used to this kind of language. And the youths are the future Church.

      A lot of RMS priests gets right to the point. And the point is.......Girls, beware...boys will want to sleep with you because boys will always be boys. And that is the truth. Boys will always be boys. It would be good for parents to be straight to the point with their daughters sometimes in regards to boys. Then perhaps, we would have less teen pregnancy on this island. Why do we say this more to the girls? Because the boy cannot sleep with the girl unless SHE gives him permission to. For a teenage boy to sleep with a girl, he needs the permission of the teenage girl (otherwise it would be rape). So, girls have a lot of power!!!! This is a known fact that woman have a lot of power. Women have a way of influencing their men.

      In the Neocatechumenal Way, we even say it straight out to the members. Women are to dress conservatively and would be nice to wear a tie. You would be amazed to see that some men actually come in wearing a tie (sometimes a suit and tie) to the Eucharist.

    7. I was not expecting a whole exegesis on the sexual tendencies of boys and girls. I was expecting you to address the issue of ill prepared priests when it comes to preaching and celebrating Mass. It nice though that many go to Eucharist wearing tie and a suit. I highly encourage that as well in a regular Mass. However, not everyone is fortunate to afford such attire.

    8. To anonymous at 11:33 so your saying prepare the homily early that is not the work of the holy spirit so your being a priest who just reads it by a script piece of paper we who are in the way we do it by the heart and we ask help by the holy spirit not like some priest they just reads it by a piece of paper that's not by the heart

    9. Dear Anonymous at 12:37 pm,

      Farther Edivaldo is who he is. God called him to the priesthood the way he is. God
      has his reasons for calling him to the priesthood. So far, he has been very successful in reaching the youths. According to a friend who attends Chalan Pago Church, he has noticed an increase in church attendance. He did not say which Mass time he goes to, but if there is a little bit of increase then perhaps many of the parishioners enjoy his style of preaching.

    10. And thanks to Edivaldo for his commentary on himself. Gotta love it.

    11. Wait a minute, @3:56 Brother Ton reads his homily all the time. Never looks up at the people. Get real.

  4. Diana

    The biggest concern is not about the money but rather how the archbishop went about to assigning the property to RMS. You talk about safeguarding, well there are SOP that the Archbishop must follow as well, but did he? He went against the recommendations of the finance council, the legal council who stated that an "assignment" will create confusion and the former nuncio Archbishop Balvo. Archbishop Apuron is held in trust to safeguard the diocese's assets but he assigned the property in a manner that is against the laws of the church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:39 pm,

      It is about the money and has always been about money. Below is what Tim wrote in his blog:

      "Even though the title remains under the Archdiocese of Agana, it can never be used for anything other than a seminary for the Neocatechumenal Way. And not only can it never be used for anything else, but because control of the property is assigned "in perpetuity" to a corporate entity which is NOT the Archdiocese of Agana, it can never be used even as collateral or accounted among the archdiocese's assets.

      So while schools struggle to stay open and churches have to do bake sales to fix leaky roofs and Msgr. James gets dragged through the mud for owing a few bucks on a loan, Archbishop Apuron hands over a deca-million dollar portion of our patrimony to his neo-masters for-freaking-ever and for-freaking-NOTHING."

      As you can see from Tim's statement, he is upset that the Archbishop assigned "perpetual use" to the RMS Inc. without a single penny. Tim mentions struggling Catholic schools and leaky roofs of the some parishes because he is complaining that the seminary cannot be used as collateral to help the struggling schools and fix the leaky roofs of the parishes.

      Archbishop Apuron did safeguard the diocese's assets. The Archbishop still holds the title of the seminary, and he made certain that this valuable asset cannot be used as collateral. The seminary is there to form priestly vocations for the benefit of Guam and the Catholic Church.

  5. What many fail to understand and refuse to comprehend is that Scripture has consequences in your life and in the life of the Church. I am talking to you, anonymous! If there are no consequences then it is either no Scripture or no comprehension. Now, we believe the Bible is Scripture, therefore they don't have comprehension.

    I am talking about shunning the work of the Spirit. It is written in chapter 5 of the Acts of the Apostles that Ananias and his wife Sapphira wanted to shun the Holy Spirit by not providing what was given to them and holding back what God provided to them. They even lied to the Spirit because of their egotism! Now, St. Peter was not a fool, looked through them and the Spirit struck them. This is the consequence of cripture, do you understand that?

    We in the Way understand Scripture very well. We do not hold back but share freely what belongs to God. We live the consequences of Scripture every day in our lives. That is why the Way is targeted by jealousy. That is why we are hated by the few. Because we are able to raise funds in a fraction of the minute! We are able to support our seminarians! We are capable of funding our families on mission! Which other church group is demonstrating the work of the Spirit more?! Now, think of that before you start your little hate campaign of jealousy again.

    We live in the consequences of Scripture and this makes the Spirit rejoice among us, in our NeoCatecumenal communities. Does it hurt you?? The Redemptoris Mater Corporation is most efficient in producing formation for vocation, whereas vocation is coming from our communities! This is the fact of the matter. This is why we have a separate juridical persona, by the decision of Kiko, for handling seminaries and other related nonprofit business in the most efficient manner.

    We are producing fruit and multiply the talents. We are producing membership, faith and vocation, we are producing priests with commitment and families with mission. We are sending missionaries to uncharted corners of the world! Can you show your talent multiplied? Can you show your addition to the increase of the faithful of the Catholic Church? Or your talent is fading away in decline and reduction?

    Therefore I tell you, do not be yellow of jealousy and dig your talent hiding from God, because the Master will come home and take your talent from you. Lousy, undeserving servant! Your talent will be given to those who can produce fruit, who know how to multiply it. Now this is the work of the Spirit, this is living in the consequences of Scripture! Your false hopes will collapse as the Nuncio knows all these things too well. Why, you will ask, why? Well, it is simple, he is a good servant of the Lord!

    1. Ernie membership, faith and vocation are not enough to be catholic. Having a priest who is not formed well in theology, philosophy and psychology despite his charisma is like having a nice teacher who knows hot to teach but does not know the subject he teaches. Both are equally important. Also having members who simply believe in God and Jesus' words but do not do good deeds in their everyday life is pretty useless too. God does not care if we know all the bible by heart but then when we are tempted we fall every time, again both are important. Yes we are prone to sin but we are able not to sin and the bible which is the word of God encourages us to not sin but walk on the example of Jesus. Here is the most direct quote from the bible just in case you don't believe me- romans 6: "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

    2. Keith quit preaching and psycho analysing Ernie, this is a discussion but not a preaching sequence. State your objective and come down to earth.

    3. My objective is to make sure that Ernie and also other christians who may or may not be in the ncw, know what their faith is about. It is not simply about being christians, it is not about not doing bad things, it is not simply about praying or reading the bible, and it is not to make excuses that we cannot not sin, because that would mean rejecting Jesus and thus rejecting God's plan to take away our sins. We have a choice to do good deeds and be examplary men and women in our christian life on our work bench, with the people we meet everyday, the people who do not maybe believe in God also, we have to live on the example of Jesus Christ, that is why we are called Christians. We will sin inevitably because we are not perfect but we should be formed with the mentality to do good and to repent when we sin, not just accept that we are weak sinners and stop there. Is that down to earth and practical enough? :)

    4. Keith, it is funny but I did not say anything that would contradict you. We are Catholics, what else would we be?! ;) Our presbyters educated in the Redemptoris Mater Seminaries are extremely well formed in theology, philosophy, psychology, Church history, etc. Who could say otherwise? Mother of the Savior how beautiful is that?! is this not beautiful for you, Keith? If you don't want to increase, then you decrease and vanish. So please, do not fool around! Our Pope knows this very well. Just like Nuncio and all the visitors. Why do you think otherwise?

      I don't think you are able not to sin. You sin because you are human. Only the Virgin was exempt because she was chosen to be the Mother of the Savior. Therefore she was immaculate. Are you like her? Or are you like Abraham who could have killed a child, his only son, and still be sinless? If you do what God tells you, then you are sinless, ever if you kill. But are you doing God's will like Abraham? Do you have his faith? Are you able to look at God and not die? I don't think so, Keith. Right? It is time to admit. Therefore do not be conceited, but have humility and shame in your heart because you claimed yourself to be like the Virgin, to be like Abraham, to be able not to sin.

      Look at those who follow the French bishop who became a lost sheep. Marcel Lefebvre was excommunicated. He was allowed back to the Church at the back door, when he repented, but his followers in the Pius Society became like back door Catholics. They do everything backwards. They shrink rather than expand. They decrease rather than increase. They repel the faithful rather than attract. Because they are unable. You see why the Lord tells about the lousy undeserving servant! Do you want to be one of them, Keith?

      So just forget the Jungle. It is not your kind of spirituality. They entrap you and keep you on leash until you bark for them. Is this nice? Mammon is their God, worldliness and money dictate in their hearts. Do you want to be like them, Keith? So just look whom you wanna believe. We are here waiting patiently. One day your boat needs a safe haven on calm waters. We know where to find it. Either you also find a community of the Lord or you sink. There is no middle ground Keith. Do not even think about it. The dogs are barking all around! It is time to save your soul... Oh, yeah, the Lord of Hosts is nobody else but Yahweh Sabaoth. He is the only one who tells you the Way and the Truth, so that you may have Life. Therefore believe the Scripture, Keith, and do not reject Him!

    5. Of course we are able not to sin! We just can't do it for all situations of our life because we are never strong enough as Mary or Jesus, but that does not mean we do not have the ability to not sin. God gave us free will, he made us capable of doing good. I didn't say we can not sin throughout our life, and also not have original sin, that is the difference between Jesus and Mary. So i did not claim myself to be like anyone. I know how to pray, i know how to trust in God, and I know how to try and be a good man. Do I always manage? Of course not, sometimes temptations win over because we are human as you said. But should this stop me from searching God and living by His will for me, that is living as close as possible on the footsteps of Jesus? No, right? I hope we agree there.
      I want to point something out, I am not with the people from jungle watch although I do understand them, but I find it suspicious to say the least that the same problems I saw in Malta and read about on the internet are very similar. Because you do not agree with them does not mean they are on the path of evil, or that they are not saying the truth or at least part truths. As far as 'we know where to find it' I am sure that all the Church organizations and movements and even the catholics who are not part of any community are capable of finding the path that leads to God, because that path is Jesus, and no further revelation is possible which modifies this idea. The Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the giver of life and love, just as you said. Btw I do not reject the scriptures :)

    6. Dear Keith,

      The jungle has an ulterior motive that has nothing to do with Way. Tim Rohr used to receive a salary from the Church, and the Church was also supporting his business. That is no longer happening. The first time that Rohr went against the Archbishop was when the Archbishop removed Father Paul for disobedience. Father Paul was the one who first used the Way as a scapegoat for his removal. He mentioned the Way in his interview with Patty Arroyro.

      At the clergy level, there appears to be some jealousy with some priests who are not walking in the Way. According to a survey conducted a few years ago, some of them expressed that the Archbishop does not spend more time with them. Some feel that he pays more attention to the RSM priests. The fact that they perceived it this way causes the division. Jealousy, envy, anger, and all manner of sin causes division and separates us from God. It is not the RMS priests who are complaining. It is the priests not walking in the Way who are complaining.

    7. That is why I said I am not with the jungle. I have no connection with money, with envy, with anger, with trying to break the unity of the Catholic church, so any of those claims towards me Cannot be made. I just want to have a unified church, and atm I see that the ncw is offsetting that balance to a more negative one unfortunately. I am sure that some priests wouldn't just invent all this panic for simply who the archbishop spends the most time with, or else the priests would be rather childish to say the least. Maybe you should be the better chiristians and intend on staying and growing, to include everyone, and to include everyone does not mean with the neocatechumenal way or against it, but you have to show the 'other' catholics that their thoughts are not correct, so simply change the mentality from a closed one to an open one, maybe you are one of the most unbiased although still a bit, just like i am maybe a bit biased towards the other side, but then you have to make sure that all the members of the ncw think in this matter. You do not have the controlling mechanism in the ncw, there are no investigators from the ncw themselves, and that is why Rome had to send its own investigators to japan (actually it calledthe bishops instead of sending more I think) or in Guam now. That is your responsibility as much as it is the other catholics to become open to part of the parish walking the neocatechumenal way of life.

      Even by the simple value of respect and this Pope Francis recommended, you should respect the cultures where the ncw goes to. They are the second to arrive unless they go to a place where noone has ever heard of Jesus. So you have to see if the place needs the formation or if it has its own already for example, if it is just one way to salvation there is no reason why everyone should join. Not liking the style of your way of life is not persecution it is sometimes just- I don't like the music and clapping, which is enough reason to not choose the ncw life yes, IF there are other ways the persons know how to live their faith, that is in an already established christian population/community. If you go to south africa in a village where noone has ever heard of Jesus, and some do not accept it then I encourage you to keep on trying, but there is no need in an already christian population, and as far as I can say Guam was quite catholic to begin with.

  6. Just by comparing the two blogs, it's obvious who the attackers are. The Jungle does nothing but mock and persecute the bishop and members of the NCW by exposing things from their history.

    That's not Christian.

    I'm not even in the NCW and I feel bad for the members being attacked by Tim Rohr.

    1. AnonymousJanuary 6, 2015 at 7:38 PM - I've seen in PDN Face Book comments that they see the vile morbid intentions of the Jungle. Dave Sablan had fall out with Santa Rita Church cus he was unable to make profit with his son's business.

      Is he for reals I say. Like what Diana said is all about the money.

    2. One last thing here's the stone cold Tim Rohr's statement.

      TimJanuary 6, 2015 at 4:25 PM

      The visitors can discipline or remove Apuron, but they cannot undo a civil action such as a deed. Apuron would have to undo it. If he doesn't, then we sue. It would be the only way to get the property back, if at all. I will copy here the legal counsel's warning at the time this was done:

      .'alienation' and 'assignment' are words of distinction without a difference. Any documents containing these words would place a huge cloud on title to real property which would result in a protracted litigation and prohibitive cost to remove such cloud. Do you really want to risk title to the property conservatively valued at 75 million dollars?

    3. AnonymousJanuary 6, 2015 at 9:26 PM Yes anonymous I saw that quote for the repair of the Church is was 400K? Oh my LAWD, that explain he hates the RMS priest cause he wan able to suck the money out of the parishioner of Santa Rita. If I have that quote I would post it all over the island. The guy is a fink.

  7. It's pure JEALOUSY!

  8. To be honest, even IG the RMS was 'taken away' for some reason. The practicing Catholics in the NCW will continue to persue that of the Church's teachings: mission, vocations, marriages, etc

  9. Diana - this should be use against the JUNGLE trolls that goes with your post.

    Better safe than sorry right. Channel 13 news was just talking about this change in Facebook's privacy policy. Better safe than sorry. As of January 3rd, 2015 at 11:43am Eastern standard time; I do NOT give Facebook or any entitles associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, or post, both from the past, in the present, or in the future. By this statement I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-11 308-103 and Rome statute). NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version if you do not publish the statement at least once it will be tactically allowing the use of your photos, as well as information contained in the profile status updates. DO NOT SHARE you MUST copy and paste this. I will leave a comment so it will be easier to copy and paste!!!

  10. Not every young man discerning the priesthood is called to the spirituality of the Neocatechumenal Way. You can't force anyone to accept any specific spirituality, especially those discerning the priesthood. The boys in Malojloj may not want to be in the NCW, but they are being formed academically by its professors. The Blessed Diego Institute is bias because all of its professors are affiliated with the NCW. That is why we need to send such vocations off-island for training and formation in the traditional diocesan way of life. If they really want to strengthen the Blessed Diego Institute, open it up to more professors even if they are not in the NCW. We have many knowledgeable Diocesan and Capuchin priests, as well as laity who can serve as professors. You say that we don't need to spend money sending these seminarians off-island, but then why does the Archdiocese pay for RMS seminarians to go to WYD, travel with bishops and such. That money can be used to help form other local vocations. Just saying.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:44 pm,

      What every young man discerning the priesthood should know is to be obedient to his bishop. So if the Archbishop ask him to choose between the RMS seminary and the John Paul II seminary, he is given that choice. If he is unable to obey the Archbishop, then he is not ready to be a priest and should seek another vocation in life. And when he does that, then he will learn when he is hired for employment that he has to comply with his boss or get fired.
