Blog Song

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

WYD Lisbon, Portugal

The 2023 World Youth Day will be in Lisbon, Portugal. The NCW in Guam is preparing our Guam youth to participate in the World Youth Day next year. 😀 


  1. How many will be going on WYD pilgrimage?

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      We are still in the process of gathering the names of the youth who will be attending the World Youth Day in Portugal. We should know by December, so we can start organizing the trip and figure out how many busses we would need.

  2. I know this is off topic, but Chuck White is forming some sort of Bible or Catechism study. What do you think of that? Just asking.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:16 pm,

      I think it is good that Chuck White is forming a club to study the Bible or Catechism. The NCW does something similar. We scrutinize the word, study the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and read the writings of the Church Fathers, and look at the fruits we bear in the NCW. We produce priests and nuns. Furthermore, we evangelize and bring others back to the Church. What fruits will Chuck White bring from his club, we will just have to wait and see if any fruits can be brought forth.

  3. Glad to know the Way in Guam is still thriving especially the youth. Many blessings to you, Diana. We're praying for all of you in Guam.

  4. This is so exciting! This will be my first WYD but my 4th pilgrimage overall. Super excited and absolutely can't wait for all the energy that Guam brings. Blessings and prayers from communities in San Diego, CA.

  5. Will there also be a pilgrimage to Portugal like they had in Israel?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:34,
      I haven’t heard any announcement of an adult pilgrimage to Portugal. As far as I know, the catechists have called on the youth and chaperones to attend the World Youth Day in Portugal. The chaperones are most likely the parents of the youth who will be attending the event. Personally, I would prefer an adult pilgrimage to Spain.
