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Friday, November 18, 2022

My Opinion of Donald Trump

 Donald Trump is one of the greatest Presidents of the United States.  He has indeed accomplished a lot during his one-term as President.  However, not everyone likes his personality or his character.  He is arrogant and has a lot of pride.  Recently, he made negative remarks of the Governor of Florida and the Governor of Virginia, both of whom are Republicans.  Both Governors recognize Trump’s achievements and understood that his policies worked for the country.  Trump has also announced that he will be running again as President of the U.S. in 2024. One of my friends supports Trump and would vote for him again in 2024.  That friend asked my opinion of him.  This is my opinion:

While he was President, his policies were a benefit to the country, and he did put America first. Unfortunately, his arrogance has earned him a lot of enemies including among those of his own party. Saying negative remarks about Ron De Santis and Glenn Youngkin is not going to get him re-elected by the people of Florida and Virginia. Nevertheless, Trump seems to have a lot of affect on his enemies that they cannot forget him and continue to persecute him to this day.  If Trump were elected in 2024, he can continue to do great things for America, but I do not think he can unify the American people.  There are people whose hatred of him runs so deep that they have become so obsessed with seeking his downfall regardless of the good things he has done. 

With that said, I am sure that there are many Donald Trumps out there. In fact, I know one person in my community who have the same personality.  Yet, is this not the reason why we walk in a community and attend put out the old man and allow the new man to emerge in us?  I can say for certain that my brother in my community have changed a great deal that I do not see much arrogance in the brother. Then again, could it be that I changed and have learned to accept the brother’s character? Perhaps, we both changed in our walk, but one thing is for certain, we are still struggling with pride.  Is this not true with many people regardless of whether they are in the NCW or not?  Pride is the worst of the deadliest sins.  No one can change Trump’s attitude and personality.  That is up to him to change, and he can change with God’s grace. In the same way, Trump cannot change his enemies’ hatred of him.  


  1. Yep. I agree. When he's out of office, they blame Trump for the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan, and they blame him for the mass of illegal immigrants entering the country. Biden and the Democrats were in charge, and they can't get Trump out of their minds and move forward.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:55 pm,
      You are correct. Their hatred for Trump keeps them from moving forward. One can only pray for them. May God have mercy on their souls. A hatred that deep only poisons the soul and brings misery.

  2. Trump won't be able to unify the nation cuz the leftist doesn't dialogue. They shut down all free speech they don't agree with and they shout you down when your talking.

    1. Jane Doe, you got that right! We see that in the US where conservative speech are being censored while hate speech from liberals are being tolerated. All this nonsense comes from somewhere, and my guess are the colleges taken over by liberals.


  3. My friend who asked my opinion about Trump said that one of Trump’s goal is to unify the Americans, but how can that be done when there is so much division? My friend often reads my blog, so here is my response. My response is to start with the simple truth. Trump was already able to prove that the Russian Collusion was a hoax. One can bring people together when one stands by the truth and with humility. One cannot use appeasement to bring people together. History has already shown that appeasement only emboldens the persecutors. Just look at World War II. Appeasement never prevents a conflict with someone with ambition.
