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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Cult of Covid

This post is in response to Anthony who made the following comment from my last post: 

I have seen it not work. I know it does not work. Could we speculate that maybe it works for some? Sure - but there is no evidence and I have seen the evidence where it does not. We have identified 3 patients so far who got the vaccine and then admitted with COVID, and this game is still early. I push you mostly not to participate in abortion in any way, where the benefit is not evident. This is my concern for all of you.

First of all, the COVID-19 vaccine is not a guarantee that you will not get the virus. That is not the purpose of the vaccine. So, yes, you can still get the virus even after being vaccinated.  The main purpose of the vaccine is to stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies, so that when you do get the virus, you have a better chance of fighting off the virus and surviving.  Rather than going through the news report, you can find more information on the vaccine in the Mayo Clinic website.  The Mayo Clinic is a non-profit organization that employs physicians, researchers, and scientists.  You can find a vast array of information as well as questions and answers on the COVID-19 vaccines at the Mayo Clinic website. 

Secondly, I oppose abortion, and I have participated in its opposition through demonstrations and even through this blog. A person has a right to express their opinions on abortion, and they should.  We should challenge our Christian brothers who support abortion and even correct them with charity.  

Joe Biden (the President of the U.S.), Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Andrew Cuomo (Governor of New York) are all Catholics who support abortion.  In Guam, our Governor, Lou Leon Guerrero is also Catholic and supports abortion.  This only tells me that some of our Catholic brothers did not receive proper catechesis and were poorly educated on Catholic moral teachings.  And whose fault is this?  Unfortunately, it is the fault of some of our Bishops.  The NCW, on the other hand, has done an excellent job in giving proper catechesis on the family and the sanctity of life, but this needs to be communicated throughout the entire Catholic community who are not members of the Neocatechumenal Way.  In other words, the bishops need to go back and re-educate the Catholic faithful on the sanctity of life and God as the Author of Life by giving them proper catechesis.     

Thirdly, I have read the weblink you sent, and this is my comment on it:  

The vaccine is not the problem.  The cult of Covid are the leftists who now control the White House and Congress, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and most of the public educational system in the United States. They are the cult of Covid.  They use "covid" as an excuse to ban journalists from entering the facilities in the southern border.  But the truth is....they ban those journalists because they did not want the American people to see the humanitarian crisis in the southern border that the government had created.  The state of Texas declared a state of emergency along its borders.  And both the President and Vice President say nothing about the crisis.  It is not only right of worship that is being jeopardized, but the liberties of the American people are being eroded by the Biden Administration, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and the rest of the left-wing radicals. 

Finally, I have also read the last weblink you provided in my last post, and this is my comment on it:  

Rome, Pope Francis, and the Vatican are not the enemy.  The enemy of God and man is Satan.  The Catholic Church is a hierarchy founded and commissioned by Christ.  She is the only true Church.  Christ created only one Church.  He did not create 50,000 different churches.....only one Church, and that would be the Catholic Church.  She holds the fullness of truth.  Critics may find Pope Francis a confusing pope, but Christ is still the Head of the Catholic Church.  And it is Christ who leads His Church into all truths and will be with her until the end of time.  The Catholic Church has stood for over 2000 years and will continue to stand no matter how much Satan attacks her.  Why?  Because the gates of Hell will never prevail against her.  The recent attack against the Catholic Church were the sex abuse scandal.  The scandal started in Boston in 2002, and the Catholic Church is still standing.  The attack we are seeing against the Church (and all Christian churches) today are the government lockdowns.  Covid is being used as an excuse to keep the church in lockdown in spite of the vaccines.  However, there are a few courageous priests in the U.S. fighting back and bringing lawsuits against the government to get the churches opened.           


  1. One thing to recognize is that, as Pope Paul said, “the smoke of satan” has entered the church. We have the true Catholic Church and we have the antichurch that has infiltrated it. It is necessary to understand the difference. It is necessary to observe the voice of Jesus, the true Shepherd, and ignore those who speak contrary to 2000 years of Catholic doctrine and morals. Do not be mislead. If you pray the rosary daily, you will not be.

    1. Dear Brother Anthony,

      Thank you for your concern. I pray daily that God would guide me in everything I do and say and in every decision I make. I am aware that Satan had infiltrated the Catholic Church since apostolic times and has been trying to destroy the Church from inside as well as outside. I am also thankful that I have a community who helps me in my walk.

      Peace be with you.

  2. Absolutely! It won’t be long and our Father will take care of this mess.

  3. Two more things for your reflection, here. I make no claims of any certainty.


    Pope Francis
    Papacy began. 13 March 2013

    17 December 1936

  5. Dear Anthony,

    Can you explain in your own words what these news articles mean to you?

  6. Fatima - Prophecy of 13 and the 3 secrets ... It becomes fairly obvious.

  7. Maybe this will sum it up.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      Are you assuming that Pope Francis is part of the left-wing radicals?


    17 — Noted by Abb£ Baudry.

    Heaven because IN ALL CORNERS OF THE WORLD THERE WILL BE ANTICHRISTS as at the time of the Last Judgement who will travel through the whole world to pervert. . . -

    25th October 1881

    1. Oct. 25 1881 prophecy can be interpreted in 2 ways. "Those who govern the church" could mean the pope or the bishops. It could also mean the pope or bishops will help the bad govt. or sacrifice their life in trying to stop a bad got.

  9. Replies
    1. Dear Anthony,

      I asked if you assume that Pope Francis is part of the Left-Wing radicals. That would be a "yes" or "no" answer, but instead, you give me a biblical quote on false prophets. I do not believe that Pope Francis is a false prophet nor a left-wing radical. The next post I publish on my blog will explain why.

  10. I told you that I will not make any claims of certainty. I have referenced you the words of the saints. Who these words apply to will at some point become manifest. Look them up before you jump to your preformed conclusions. Don’t back yourself in a corner that you will have a difficult time later backtracking out of. Don’t set your opinion in stone. Just watch. Be awake. Be sober.

  11. And I acknowledge further your statement on big tech.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      So, the pope met with Mark Zuckerberg and was given a drone. So what? He also met with Donald Trump. So, what is your point?

  12. One more hot off the press article for you so that you might realize how the world has deceived you and many of the brethren. It is not your fault. Just don’t let them trick you into being remotely connected to abortion again. I fault the world, not my brothers and sisters.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      If you do not want to take the vaccine, that is fine. But you should not persuade anyone not to take the vaccine. The German measles vaccine was also connected to abortion, but I am sure your parents had you vaccinated with all the necessary vaccines when you were a baby. That would also include the German measles. The Pope and Archbishop Michael said that it is morally acceptable to take the vaccine to those who expressed doubt. So, the choice is theirs.

  13. That I do not agree with and I see you are in error. There is one truth. Not multiple truths. This is no vaccine. This is a scam. I cannot push a lie. There is no peer reviewed journal article showing efficacy. There is lots of propaganda you have bought into it. The tip off for you should have been the abortion link to be honest.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      There is no vaccine? If what they are giving people is not a vaccine, then what is it? Do you have some medical or scientific proof from a doctor or scientist saying that the Pfizer and Moderna are not COVID-19 vaccines?

  14. I am a doctor.
    I have a degree in biology research.
    In grad school, I was a teaching assistant for microbiology.
    In medical school, I was a teaching assistant for parasitology.
    I have done medical research in the field of microbiology and parasitology.
    I have myself participated in phase 3 trials of drugs.
    This is a phase three trial. With those, I have been paid to compensate for my risk.
    You do not prove that a medication does not work. The burden is to prove that it works.
    No peer reviewed journal publication - no proof. Nada. You can call them vaccines but they are in fact theoretically vaccines (highly theoretical since no safe and effective mRNA vaccine has ever been developed). They have tried. They discontinued those trials because of adverse effects. I believe one was for RSV. I don’t know if they are even doing controlled clinical trials on coronavirus “vaccine”. They seem to be distributing them until enough people get injured and then just pull them from the market. Highly unethical.
    CNN is nothing. MSNBC is nothing. Fox is nothing. They are without credibility. Zero.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      No vaccine is 100% effective. But the Pfizer and Moderna has been proven to be 94-95% effective in clinical trials. As I said, it is the person's choice to take the vaccine. No one should force them to take it nor should be forced not to take it. It is their choice.

  15. The pope and your archbishop have said that it is permissible to remotely participate in abortion, for your own gain. Abortion; the most diabolical sin of the 20th and 21st centuries. -Just reiterating.

    I agree with you on the MMR. I have recently learned that also. I will be certainly be declining any boosters with that new knowledge. I accept your admonition.

  16. Replies
    1. Dear Anthony,

      I disagree with the person on YouTube. Christ said that He will lead His Church into all truths. So, you either believe what Jesus said or you do not believe His words. The members of His Church can go astray, but One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church cannot go astray. The teachings of the Church remains the same. It has not changed. Instead of using YouTube videos, why not make your own comments on what you really think about the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I think it is insulting that a Catholic priest would call the Bride of Christ an organization. It was an RMS priest in the Way who taught us that the Catholic Church is not an organization, but a living organism.


  18. I think he was referring to the State of the Vatican and not the True Church. If the True Church controls the Vatican, that is good. If it does not, that is not good.
    This priest is one of the few who read the 3rd secret of Fatima.
    You can talk to himself about it if you like. He is dead. My presumption is he is in Heaven but I would assume purgatory otherwise.
    Why are you insulted? Who are you?

    1. Dear Anthony,

      I did not say I was insulted. I said his comment was insulting.

      If you do not believe that the Vatican is not the true Church or is not controlled by the true Church, then where do you think is the true Church?

  19. You may also want to read the following weblink regarding the third secret of Fatima. It never said that the Church should consecrate Russia. It said that Russia needed to convert.

  20. 1960. This is from where our problems come. What is the 3rd secret, which Haven said for the Church to then announce, but they did not. No one in the Church denies it was the instruction, but the Church did not follow through. Instead the leaders in the Church let their own worldly thinking guide them and did not release the 3rd secret out of fear. I have seen many versions, official and unofficial, of the third secret now. Hiw are we ever supposed to know for certain, since it was withheld and not promptly released?

  21. There is a True Church and there is an AntiChurch. Thats about as much as I know right now. The messages seem to define one or the other. The AntiChurch is growing and spreading heresy. I can hear both the messages of the True Church and AntiChurch, sometimes coming from the same mouth. The AntiChurch says things that contradict the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. There may be more to it than this, but thats what I understand now.

  22. It is definitely a consecration that was called for.

    I have Lucia’s 4th memoir right in front of me. Its on page 201.

    This is it exactly:

    1. Dear Anthony,

      I believe you have been misled. I looked up the Consecration of Russia by the Church. According to the information I found, the Catholic Church did consecrate Russia. Russia was consecrated by three pope’s. According to the weblink below:

      “Holy See: The Consecration of Russia has taken place

      There have been a number of consecrations of both Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, made by different popes (including several by Pope Pius XII and St. John Paul II, and one by Pope Francis on Oct. 13, 2013). But according to Sr. Lucia of Fatima, the 1984 consecration by St. John Paul II satisfied the request Heaven made in 1929 for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.”

  23. I have read all sides. I have read those viewpoints. Certainly those consecrations had merit but they were incomplete, much as in the same way that I did my 5 first Saturday devotion incompletely twice before realizing it and doing it properly on the third try. I found this for you. It looks recent and it goes over both topics.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      On the contrary, according to Lucia of Fatima, she said that the consecration made by Pope John Paul II fulfilled the request made by Heaven. And I believe I know why. Pope John Paul II was from Poland, a country devastated by the Communist Russians.

  24. There is no authentic signed statement by Sr Lucia that said the consecration was accepted by heaven. That is what cardinal Batrone claimed, something like 7 years after the fact. JP II wanted to consecrate Russia explicitly but got all kinds of blowback from the underlings and he got pressured not to explicitly. This is a hotly debated topic. I’m inclined to think that the consecration needs to be made once again, explicitly. It can only help.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      The website I provided gave the evidence. There was a written statement from Lucia of Fatima.

  25. This is looking like a good article you found. I’ll read it over.

  26. Here’s a summary and commentary on the good cardinal.

  27. Regarding the statement said to be of Lucia... is that the one originally written in Italian (a language that she did not speak). I will look into it.

  28. Order yourself a copy of Antonio Socci’s, The Fourth Secret of Fatima. Skip to pages 115-16 and you will see that the supposed confirmation was written in Italian (Lucia does not speak) and jointly signed by both her and Cardinal Bertone. The statement wasn’t written by her. Lucia spoke Portugese and Spanish but there is no similar document in those languages. You can see how this would not stand up as evidence in a court of law.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      The website I provided showed that her letter was written in Portuguese. And why are you citing interviews of people who are against the Pope? The NCW is not against Pope Francis.

  29. Good. No Catholic ought be against any pope. Everyone wants the pope to do the right thing. Pray for the popes, at least as many times as you put gas in your car. A pope is not infallible except in terms of dogmatic proclamation. Lets remember that even Peter needed a little re-direction from St Paul.

  30. “John Paul II, for his part, asked for the envelope containing the third part of the “secret” following the assassination attempt on 13 May 1981. On 18 July 1981 Cardinal Franjo Šeper, Prefect of the Congregation, gave two envelopes to Archbishop Eduardo Martínez Somalo, Substitute of the Secretariat of State: one white envelope, containing Sister Lucia's original text in Portuguese; the other orange, with the Italian translation of the “secret”. On the following 11 August, Archbishop Martínez returned the two envelopes to the Archives of the Holy Office. “

    It says Italian. Original secret written in Portuguese before 1960. Your claiming that it says a document after Pope JP 2/bishops consecration confirmed that the consecration was accepted by Heaven. However, that document was in Italian, and joint signed by Bertone, and he preferred his own interpretation. Get the book.

    This also ignores the second, Portuguese written letter of the third secret; one has the vision and one the explanation provided by Mary. Would it not be great to see a picture of these letters?!

    You are tough to crack. You need not reply so quickly. Take a month. Few others are probably reading this thread, if anyone.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      The website I provided you showed that Lucia's letter confirming that Russia's consecration by Pope John Paul II was accepted by Heaven was written in Portuguese.

  31. Copy and paste that here. I don’t see it. I only see Portuguese for the original document of the secret.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      The article I provided you stated:

      "Sister Lucia personally confirmed that this solemn and universal act of consecration corresponded to what Our Lady wished (“Sim, està feita, tal como Nossa Senhora a pediu, desde o dia 25 de Março de 1984”: “Yes it has been done just as Our Lady asked, on 25 March 1984”: Letter of 8 November 1989). Hence any further discussion or request is without basis."

      "Sim, està feita, tal como Nossa Senhora a pediu, desde o dia 25 de Março de 1984” is Portuguese. It came from the letter written on November 8, 1989 by Lucia of Fatima.

    2. This is another article you might find interesting:

  32. And at the bottom of that article, it says That the document you refer to was written in Italian. Look again. I copied it and pasted it right out of the article for you earlier.

    Yes, the Blue Army has said this. Now find and show me the letter.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      The phrase, "Sim, està feita, tal como Nossa Senhora a pediu, desde o dia 25 de Março de 1984" is Portuguese. I looked it up.

  33. It is a good article. It would be good to see this letter. I hope you can find it.

    As I understand, the conversation of Russia further relies on the first Saturdays devotion by the laity. Hopefully, this will be done by more.

  34. Ah. I see a little better. So, as you say, the consecration to Russia was not done and Jesus was displeased. The next best thing was this belated dedication to the whole world with mention of Russia. I found the source. It makes sense. I am somewhat relieved. I regret that it was not done properly sooner.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      I never said such thing, so do not put words in my mouth. Lucia of Fatima already said that the consecration of Russia has been adequately done and accepted by Heaven. And the evidence was in the fact that communism fell in the Soviet Union during the papacy of John Paul II.

  35. No. I didn’t say you did. Our conversation led me to it. I think you touched on it though. I see now where the consecration of the whole world comes about, rather than just Russia. It makes sense based on this later vision.

    I am actually quite relieved. I thought JP2 was making that part up because he was afraid to mention Russia for political reasons.

    I have to get these books that are referenced!

  36. Communism did not fall. Have you looked at the US as of late? Communism took a blow but was not eliminated. That consecration was done late.

    1. Dear Anthony,

      I said communism fell in the Soviet Union. Please read what I wrote.

  37. You got it. I did. I guess the intent matters how you read it.

    I thought you were saying communism fell ... in the Soviet Union. It seems you were only saying that it fell specifically in the Soviet Union and not elsewhere.

  38. Great talk. Thought provoking - got some good new answers. Maybe I’ll bounce thoughts off you again!

  39. In September- October 1940, the visionary’s confessors promise to make another approach to the Holy Father to propose a request held morr acceptable by him, that the consecration of the world (with special mention of Russia) that had already been advanced by other parties. On October 22 Lucia receives the approval from the Lord for this request, but he reveals to her that this solemn act will not accomplish the promise of Fatima (the conversion of Russia and peace), but a more limited grace: “His Holiness will obtain an abbreviation of these tribulations.”

    Memoirs and Letters of Sister Lucia, p 467, October 22, 1940


  41. I concur with your opinion on the Consecration of the world and Russia. I believe also it is completed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Let us pray that many more of us will do a 5 first Saturday devotional. It would be good to encourage this of others.

  42. There is no God in Neocatechumenal way and you are not special, or chosen. You are nobody

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 am,

      God exists in the a Neocatechumenal Way. However, you are correct in that we are not special. In fact, we are just like YOU....sinners. You see, you are also not special. You are also a sinner.
