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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

More Changing Stories

In my post Changing Stories, you saw how Rohr changed his story.  However, he was not the only one who was inconsistent with his stories.  Walter Denton is one of the accusers whom Rohr upholds in his blog.  Nevertheless, Denton is also one of those accusers who constantly changed his stories.  

Listen to the interview of Walter Denton with Jesse Lujan in the weblink below.  Listen carefully to the entire interview, which was dated June 9, 2016: 

Walter and Shirley Denton with Jesse Lujan on KUAM, June 9, 2016 from Undercover Neo on Vimeo.

In this June, 2016 interview, Denton stated that he overheard a small group of people at a funeral saying that one of his cousins was sexually abused by Apuron.   He was surprised and completely taken aback when he overheard this information and blurted out that he was also sexually abused by Apuron.  That story changed in March 2018.  According to news report:
He was attending his uncle's funeral and was back on Guam. A cousin started talking to him, and Apuron came up in the conversation. The cousin had seen Apuron sexually molesting another boy at the rectory who was planning to come forward, according to Denton. now it is not one of his cousins who was sexually abused as he claimed in the interview?  It was a cousin telling him that he has seen Apuron sexually molesting another boy and that this person  planned to come forward.  Interestingly, a Ramon De Plata came forward claiming he saw Apuron sexually molesting another boy, and that boy just happen to be deceased (See the story here).  For all we know, this March 2018 story was most likely the story he told the Vatican Tribunal.   

Nevertheless, why the change in story?  After all, we already know that it was Mae Ada (a member of LFM) who blurted out in the public radio that a person admitted he was sexually abused by Apuron.  That person was later identified as Walter Denton. Mae Ada clearly described how that young man overheard them speaking about Apuron and he blurted out that he was also sexually abused by Apuron.  Mae Ada stated that his mother was present in that small group of people and heard her son say that. Even Rohr admitted the same story in his blog.  

So, why the change in story?  See also the story here    

During the course of the interview, Denton was also asked if he had ever spoken to the other altar boys about the abuse.  His answer was "no."  He also described how he confided with Father Jack Niland.  Denton implied in the interview that he was alone when speaking to Father Jack.  

However, in later interviews with Denton, he changed his story again.  According to news report dated June 17, 2016 (the bold is mine):
Denton said he and another boy who claimed to have also been molested by Apuron went to the other priest and confessed what happened to them.
According to Denton, the other priest seemed surprised by the revelations but then reportedly told the boys that “the priesthood is a lonely life.”
Denton said he was “stunned” after hearing this statement and already knew nothing would be done by the church to investigate Apuron. He then decided to keep the incident a secret for most of his life, not telling his parents out of fear that his father might overreact and harm Apuron. 
So, there was an altar boy whom he spoke to.  There was an altar boy with him when he confided in Father Jack.  In fact, both altar boys confided with Father Jack that they were sexually abused by Apuron.  Denton never told the public who that altar boy was, but if he told the Vatican that it was Roy Quintanilla, then there is a problem.  Roy Quintanilla claimed that he never went public until now because he thought he was the only one.  The other problem the interview with Jesse Lujan, why did he say that he did not speak to any of the other altar boys?    

Obviously, these are inconsistent stories.  Why the inconsistency?  Could this be the reason why 5 expert canon lawyers say that the guilty verdict was not on child sexual abuse?  Could it be that the Tribunal found the same inconsistent stories as they interviewed the accusers?  Unfortunately, Archbishop Byrnes is more interested in monetary settlement rather than a search for the truth. 

A man who constantly changes his story is a man who has something to hide.  Truth does not change stories.  Truth always remain consistent. 


  1. I think the entire Catholic community should demand a thorough investigation rather than a cash settlement. What has the church got to lose when it's already losing with the endless lawsuits that keeps coming up? These lawsuits are not going to end.

    1. Thorough investigation by professional investigators who specialize in abuse claim may find out the truth. The truth must be given a chance to reveal itself at court. If someone has no bias, it must the the appointed judge of the court. A judge cannot be influenced by jungle lies. Those who lie at court should go to prison. Somebody should tell Tim Rohr that enough is enough!

  2. I think this explains why Tim was so frustrated when the expert canon lawyers came out explaining that the guilty verdict could not be on child sexual abuse. Tim desperately wanted the verdict to be on the child sexual abuse because the Apuron accusers are all connected to him.

  3. A persecution of all clergy members who support Apuron has begun starting with Deacon Tenorio and Fr. Adrian. I don't believe the accusation against Fr. Adrian. This isn't a coincidence. This is deliberate and evil.

    1. Speculation, all this is speculation. Who knows the truth? The truth may come out of the court only. Legal procedures need time. We have to wait.

    2. This is no coincidence. They connect unrelated things with the Way. This is wrong! Archbishop Apuron and Fr. Adrian walked in the Way. But this is unrelated and what they say about the Way is 100% untrue! The charges are made up in all these unrelated matters! No wonder Tim Rohr wants to connect unrelated things. This is his agenda. Absolute lies and shameless innuendo.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:45 pm, 

      Actually, I was simply stating the facts recorded in the Jesse Lujan interview and the news report recorded by Denton in the media. And the facts showed that Denton did indeed changed his story.

    4. I meant speculation about Fr. Adrien. What is actually going on?!

  4. And look at what’s happening with fr.adrian now he’s being called back here when he’s on mission right now spreading the good news which is the kerygma to the people the devil is being mad that he’s not winning the battle

  5. Sexual abuse is plain and simply wrong. No matter who the perpetrator is. Be it clergy, man, woman, father, mother, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, coworker, and on and on.

    I remember growing up in Guam the teasing or playful touching by uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, etc. These days, highlighted by the #MeToo movement, any kind of teasing or touching would now be considered unacceptable. I am now hesitant to even be innocently alone with anyone of the opposite sex in the same room. Not to mention carrying my young nieces.

    Lots of guys are now fearful of any ex-girlfriends or former female acquaintances/relatives bringing a lawsuit against for something that happened when they were younger.

    What is the ultimate effect of all this? Courting may completely disappear. Staring may be considered abuse. Where does the insanity end/ Imagine that, just eye-to-eye contact may be considered sexual abuse since maybe the guy may be having tempting thoughts.

    With the statute of limitations gone, soon my grandfather will soon be handed a lawsuit. My deceased uncles will be named in a lawsuit.

    Would not be surprised if all priests in our archdiocese are named in a sexual abuse lawsuit.

    Soon even the lawyers representing those filing lawsuits will themselves be named in lawsuits.

    Destruction of the Catholic Church, one priest at a time, one male at a time.

    Lord help us.

    1. What if some relative of David Lujan would walk out of the closet and accuse him? Or Tim Rohr? They would be treated by the "medicine" they invented.

    2. As a precautionary measure, I think all priests should take a lie detector test. That will keep any false accusers away from them. However, it will not keep the lawsuits away. They will simply accuse dead priests. The only way to get rid of all the lawsuits including the currents ones is to have the law declared unconstitutional and inorganic.

    3. It is the NCW's fault. If the NCW had come to Guam decades earlier and established their RMS seminary, we would not have this clergy sexual abuse problem.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 pm,

      The NCW had nothing to do with the sexual abuse scandal. It was the jungle that initiated the bill to lift the statutes of limitations. It was the jungle who pushed for the passage of the bill. The NCW opposed the bill and petitioned against it.

    5. The Truth About Lie Detectors (aka Polygraph Tests)
      Most psychologists agree that there is little evidence that polygraph tests can accurately detect lies.

  6. How about all accusers take lie detector test?

  7. Get the accusers to take a lie detector test and let the bishop and take one and see what happens I bet you the accusers will will not take it but the bishop will take it who is innocent I like to see Tim Rohr maybe they will take one when judgement day comes I'm glad the Bishops appealing the verdict maybe the truth will really come out Tim to get investigated

  8. Diana reminds me of Rachel Mandow show from MSNBC NEWS nothing but the Truth and Tim Ror as Hannity from FOX NEWS nothing but fake news:)

  9. Regardless whether TR changes his stories or the accusers should take a lie detector test, the fact is Bishop Apuron is guilty of something. He has filed an appeal, let the course of justice take its course. After the appeal is addressed, then we need to move on if this diocese is going to heal. If the NCW is to continue to operate here on Guam then I feel both sides needs to come to a compromise. I know they are good people in the NCW because I have friends and family members who walk in the way. It is unfortunate that a lot of problems are being exposed within the church. We need to address or mitigate the problems so we can move on.

    1. Dear 5EE445,

      What compromise would that be? David Sablan already made it clear on the radio that he wants the NCW banned and eliminated from the parish.

    2. That is what David Sablan wants, the question is What does Archbishop Byrnes wants.

    3. Dear 5EE445,

      Have you not been keeping up with current events? So far, Archbishop Byrnes has been siding with CCOG and the jungle.

  10. Diana Timmy has the letter of mr.diaz reguarding fr.adrian

  11. The fact that Timmy once again is the first to have a letter is proof that he is the one orchestrating all this mess. He wrote that letter as he wrote all the “testimonies” of the alleged victims. That’s why the “victims” can’t keep their stories straight: it’s not their story!!! Timmy invents them and they just repeat them. How much is he paying these “victims” and where is he getting the money.


  12. Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy wake up GUAM!!!

  13. Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy wake up GUAM!!! You want to buy a bridge

  14. The Archdiocese of Agana has truly become a soap opera.

    Each day, "At the Edge of Night", our priests know they have but "One Life to Live" for "All My Children" in their parish. In their secret meetings, the "Young and the Restless" of the Jungle and CCOG have cast "Dark Shadows" in our archdiocese by creating "The Secret Storm' among us. Here in Guam, "As the World Turns", we pray to our "Guiding Light" to free us from the "Dynasty" of Byrnes, Benavente, San Nicolas and Crisostomo. So that in the "Days of our Lives" will be "Bold and Beautiful" with a "Love of Life" in our "Search for Tomorrow" for "The Brighter Day" promised to us, for eternal life in heaven with our Lord.

  15. WOW you just explain Guam now Tim and CCOG ):€ THAT WAS GOOD 3:31 PM :)
