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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hope And Healing Program

Image result for Attorney Michael W. CaspinoThe Hope and Healing Program offered by the Archdiocese of Agana offers a better alternative to years of court litigation.  The main thing that sex abuse victims are in dire need of would be counseling and/or psychiatric help.  If they are a substance abuser due to the traumatic event of child abuse, they would also need to enroll in a rehab program to deal with their substance abuse.  According to the news article:

The program is two-pronged: 

  • Professional counseling has started for those who have already called the Hope and Healing Guam hotline: 1-888-649-5288.  This will be followed by rehabilitation and long-term treatment as needed, and guidance from a spiritual director. 
  • Individual review of each claim for compensation, along with referral for investigation, once an independent board is formed as early as next week.
Counseling, psychiatric care, and even rehabilitation should always come first when treating a victim of sex abuse. This is where healing begins, and many times, the victims cannot afford to pay for it.  However, the program will be paying for the treatments.   

The Hope and Healing Guam hotline is 1-888-649-5288 and is available 24 hours everyday.  All calls are confidential.  You can also read the interview with Attorney Michael W. Caspino, the Executive Director of the Hope and Healing Guam Program in the following weblink: 


  1. Varying differences of opinion on Hope Healing Program. Unclear at this time.
    However, Impressed you made this post Diana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:07 am,

      My only reservation at this time is who sits on the Board of the Hope and Healing Program. I noticed that David Lujan has proposed that the alleged victims have an input in who gets to sit on the board.

      In my opinion, whoever sits on the board should have no connection with the alleged victims and alleged perpetrators. If the local judges excused themselves from the lawsuits citing a conflict of interest, the same should also be to those assigned to sit on the board. If there is a conflict of interest, they should excuse themselves. I prefer the original idea of Attorney Caspino. He stated that people from off-island sit on the board due to the fact that many people here either know or are related to the alleged victims or the alleged perpetrators.

    2. Yes Diana well stated. Off Island People should sit on this board.
      Appoint off Island people HHP could work. At present no trust in HHP.

    3. Diana what do you think of Alicia Limtiaco as Chairwoman of HHP?
      How about Andrew Camacho (CCOG VP) & Joe Santos (SNM Founder) as 2 of the HHP incorporators? The lawyer from CA said that Julie Bollinger (3rd incorporator) is a regular Sunday picketer. What do you think of that group?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:40 pm,

      I think that Alicia Limtiaco was an excellent choice. As for the three who were assigned as the 2nd board to act as watchdog to hold Attorney Caspino accountable and oversee the administrative work of Hope and Healing.....who is going to hold that board accountable? This board is not neutral and objective. Who is holding them accountable?

    5. I don't understand your last question Diana. You're saying the board needs to have someone else (another board?) to hold them accountable?

      There are already 2 boards identified for HHP. Are you thinking there should be a 3rd board (or person) to oversee the 3 people? What is your suggestion/solution to this problem?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 7:11 am,

      I am saying that these three do not qualify for the position. These three have called on all Catholics NOT to give any money to the Archdiocese to this day. Yet, it is the Archdiocese who will fund this program to help victims of sex abuse. How do you expect the victims of sex abuse to get funding for the program when the three people they chose to oversee the program have encouraged Catholics not to give any money to the Archdiocese?

    7. The people they picked are only out to destroy the church. And the irony of the Hope and Healing are for victims to be reconciled back to the church. Not going to happen when you have a board whose agenda is to destroy the church.

    8. Diana, what is your problem? Are these people responsible for anything? Who is responsible?

    9. Dear Anonymous at 12:06 pm,

      Yes. They are responsible for the administrative work of the organization such as paying the bills, preparing the financial statements, etc. No surprise there. They always seem to put themselves where the money is at.

    10. Yep. And CCOG and LFM never published their annual statement. Now that they were given control of the Hope & Healing Program, are they gonna be transparent and publish the annual statement of the Program?

    11. Yep. And CCOG and LFM never published their annual statement. Now that they were given control of the Hope & Healing Program, are they gonna be transparent and publish the annual statement of the Program?

    12. Thanks Anonymous @ 2:08 PM (2x) and 5:19 PM for making it clear where you stand about CCOG & LFM.

      The thing is, I know that Andrew Camacho is connected to CCOG and Joseph Santos was connected to Silent No More (SNM). But is Julie Perez Bollinger connected to CCOG or LFM?

      How do you figure that Mr. Santos & Mrs. Bollinger are responsible for publishing the annual statement of either CCOG or LFM? Aren't you giving them more "credit" (or blame) than they deserve?!?

    13. Diana @ 10:15 AM, you wrote that "These three have called on all Catholics NOT to give any money to the Archdiocese to this day." Do you know something the rest of us don't know?

      I thought it was Tim Rohr suggested that as long as there was no financial transparency by Apuron (along with rumors that he was playing fast and loose with the collections from the parishes) we don't support the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal or put money into the collection baskets. As far as I can tell CCOG supported that suggestion. BUT where does Mrs. Bollinger fit into your Blame Game?!?

      Is there anything on record to show that Mrs. Bollinger also "called on all Catholics NOT to give any money to the Archdiocese to this day" as you claim???

    14. Dear Anonymous at 10:15 pm,

      LFM is also part of the Junglewatch Nation. Their announcements are in the jungle and they believe everything the jungle says including the false rumor about Archbishop Apuron hiding out in the seminary. They went down to the seminary demanding to speak to someone who was not even there.

  2. Hope Healing Sham.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:20 am,

      Can you explain how it is a sham?

    2. Anonymous @ 11:20 AM. Please explain how HHP is a sham.
      Thank you

  3. NCW priests will be needed because local clergy will be unable to administer Guam.
    Shortage of Priests.

  4. Way Charismatic Gift for Archdiocese. Special gift given to hope heal Guam. Gift turned away unappreciated demonized by those who seek power.

    1. The Way has nothing to do with the Hope and Heal Program.

    2. Sell the churches; sell the assets and what will we have left; the WORD of God. Not bad considering there were no churches when Jesus Christ was on earth.

      The WORD of GOD; the SPIRIT of GOD that either you have or you don't.

      And after everything is sold to pay you for your suffering; ask yourself whether there is enough to pay your passage to heaven.

      OPPS..I should suffered more than JESUS CHRIST at the cross.

    3. How can you compare?

  5. Victims suffered more than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ suffered on Cross few hours. Victims suffered 40 to 50 years the same mental pain as Christ on Cross. Their minds daily experiencing torture internal bleeding. Christ,s pain suffering physical mental. Victims experienced same mental anxiety internal bleeding of brain.Level of pain experienced by Christ and a victim nearing. Victims suffered years Christ short time.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:19 pm,

      In your opinion, Christ may have suffered physically for a short time, but spiritually, he suffered more than any human being. Why? Because in His suffering, He carried ALL our sins.

    2. Well Diana, those victims are selfish. They only see their pain. How do you expect them to understand the weight of everyone else's sins, the pain and sufferring Christ went through if they only think about themselves? Telling them that means nothing to them because they lack the psychological and emotional capacity to understand what you're talking about. As J. Bautista stated, you either have the spirit of God in you or you don't.

    3. Jesus's suffering on the cross was not a simple physical suffering. It was metaphysical. You cannot measure that with a time line. The time is warped when you hang on the cross. God dying on a cross is pure metaphysics. He did not truly die because God cannot die. But He died as a human being.

  6. Doris carried her pain of suffering for years after Sonnys death.
    Her suffering united to the suffering of the Cross. Doris shared in the suffering of Christ.
    A mother who lost a child suffers daily.
    Doris carried pains of her son. Mother Mary carried pain of Jesus her son. They knew suffering.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:32 pm,

      All people suffer, but no human being except Christ has suffered more when He carried all the sins of mankind.

  7. All you need is Jesus, Jesus alone will heal you.

    1. In the sacraments and in the church.

    2. Jesus said something about those who abuse the little ones. You have to decide if you are on the side of the victims or on the side f the abusers. Now is the time to make good on the words of the Lord!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:36 am,

      Abusing the little ones is evil, but destroying an innocent person is also evil. This is why we follow the rule of law in a democratic society: a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We are not savages.

    4. Dian in past you said Church is not a democracy. Freedom Justice democracy built on the fundemental law of God natural law.
      Now you state the church is a democracy requiring right of rule of law. I have been teaching the right of rule in freedom justice democracy in the Church.
      Happy to see you now support democracy in the church need for democratic freedom Justice democracy for all.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:33 pm,

      Where did I say that the Church is a democracy?

    6. The church is a limited democracy. The limits are the doctrines, the teaching, the rules and the Sacraments. You can do as you wish so long as you follow the doctrines, the teaching, the rules and the Sacraments.

  8. Look up and let it go. All of it. And don't look back.

    1. No, you won't go away that easy without paying the bill!

    2. If only it was that easy.

    3. It is just the beginning. The high point of new lawsuits will come out in 2018-19 when people from Guam who live in the U.S. realize that it is time to come forward.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:42 pm,

      Where were they when the U.S. were going through lawsuit after lawsuit in 2008, 2009, and 2010?

  9. Let us pray for real healing within Archdiocese. Archbishop Anthony left. Conflict continued grew.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:12 am,

      The conflict grew because removing Archbishop Apuron is not enough. They want the destruction of the NCW. And even then, that will not be enough.

    2. Nobody wants to destroy NCW. It is about bringing NCW back to the flock. You said you were a candle minister. That is nice. But do something for the parish as a member of NCW, as well. Please, do not hide your membership from the parishioners who trust you. Tell them you a neo and watch if they keep believing you.

  10. diana you should get this post off because guess who is on the board for watching over the overall board silent no more and ccog

    1. Dear God is one,

      This post was made before CCOG, LFM, and Silent No More was assigned to oversee the administrative work of the program. I still agree with the objectives of the program.

    2. So you agree with the objectives of HHP but not those chosen to oversee it?
      These 3 are very much determined to protect the interests of the victims. What's wrong with that? Are you not willing to support the victims?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:35 am,

      They are the same people who violated a person's civil rights of due process. One of them also gave a negative report on a seminary that he never visited and falsely claimed that the seminary was never under the Archdiocese of Agana.

    4. These same three also have an agenda. They worked at getting a bill passed that would bankrupt the Catholic Church.

  11. I believe there were better names who could have oversee HHP.
    Reservations about this organization. But let's give it a chance see how it functions.

    1. Anonymous @ 11:19 PM you and Diana say that there are better candidates to oversee HHP.

      Instead of complaining, why not let us know who you think would be better suited to oversee that program? In other words stop being a part of the problem (by only complaining and criticizing) and be a part of the solution (by suggesting replacements for the people you don't think should be involved). It's so easy to sit on the sidelines and play the armchair quarterback. How about putting some action into your words?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:20 pm,

      Making a suggestion for the position does not matter because the position has already been filled.

    3. Diana, does it make sense what you say? These people at least contacted nationwide anti-abuse organizations and created local organizations with the same purpose in order to make public the abuses and prevent future ones. Publicity is a key factor in a culture where abuses had been tolerated for decades and parents were made blind to it. It is only a personal preference that you don't like some members of the anti-abuse board.

      You did not have the same problem with the boards of the RMS. Those boards consisted of NCW members only, operated secretly behind the back of the public. Those boards were appointed in a manner that Archbishop Michael had to disband them all, one-by-one! It was the very first action of his administrative leadership of the archdiocese.

      Diana, you stated repeatedly that the church is not a democratic institution. Really? Now, why are you thinking otherwise?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 7:26 am,

      The only organization that was contacted was SNAP, who is now in the middle of a lawsuit for taking kickbacks or taking advantage of sex abuse victims.

      As for the RMS boards, see the latest video I posted on my blog.

    5. Diana, this won't excuse you. All public firms have to face lawsuits sometimes. So what? Storm in a glass of water. No problem at all. SNAP is still and remains a very powerful organization. They ask for Sondia or Quintanilla to be admitted to the board of the HHP! You ignore this request on your own peril.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:51 am,

      You do not seem to be very concern that the sex abuse victims were being taken advantage of by an organization that claims to be on their side.

      SNAP asked for Sondia or Quintanilla to be admitted on the board? Why not Leo Tuedela? After all, Father Broulliard confessed his guilt while Archbishop Apuron has always claimed that he's innocent and still awaiting the results of the canonical trial.

  12. 10.20pm. As Diana states position has been filled.
    However, attempts are in progress to offer names of potential candidates to assist HHP.
    Replacement is not issue rather creating a more balanced board. For example there is no survivor on this board. They are all good people no question. But it is not a balanced configuration as it stands.

    1. Who said it should be "balanced"? Do you want to include abusers, as well?


    2. who is Caspino to come here tell us who goes on the board. Agree until the composition of this board is balanced hard to support it. simply add couple more names who are acceptable to victims and it will help.

    3. Anonymous @12:38 AM maybe another position can be added to the HHP board
      Andrew Camacho is the president
      Julie Perez Bollinger is the secretary
      Joseph Santos is the treasurer

      Maybe a victim survivor can be assigned to sit on the board as the vice president

    4. No victim would want to be VP of HHP.
      More a case of having another with personal knowledge empathay on board.

  13. There are no victims in clergy abuse only survivors.
    Survivors talk to survivors not some mystery woman at the end of a phone line contributing good will hours. I see no hope or healing in HHP. Only dispair opening wounds in HHP.

  14. Ironic those three wish to pay bills of Arcdiocese.

  15. Who will pay the bill?
    The people of God Archdiocese of Agana.$25 Tax on each Catholic student in a school.

  16. Diana has a valid point. The three named administrative workers are not best choices for this board. It really makes no sense having individuals who supported not giving money to Archdiocese now saying we will pay the bills. I think caspino is using them only to gain support for a program that is not at all going to be productive.

  17. This is really a joke. Past months HHP administrative board informed us not to give to the Archdiocese. Now same people stand before us saying we have a million usd funding. we will pay the bills. This is a really bad joke in bad taste insulting Church members.
    Once more How will HHP heal a victim? Its a crap program badly applied to Archdiocese.

    1. Anonymous @ 1:43 AM it's not HHP itself which will heal a victim survivor
      HHP will help the victim survivor get counselling or treatment or spiritual direction (I'm not sure if that part will work)
      The counsellor will work with the victim survivor to decide what steps need to be done to start healing
      HHP will pay for the counselling and treatment to help the victim survivor to heal

      You want to know what a crap program is? SNAP is CRAP
      That's right
      SNAP lies and pretends to offer counselling to victim survivors but all it does is get kickbacks from Big Bucks lawyers when SNAP sends cases to them
      And some of the priests they try to smear with their SNAP CRAP are innocent

      HHP offers HOPE that leads to HEALING
      If you think that's crap then I guess you're more interested in making sure Apuron has money to siphon from Guam through his connections

    2. SNAP are hundreds of little people throughout America quietly working for victims.
      Yes Founders of SNAP caused complications no question.
      However, SNAP is not Barbara Blain or David Closkey.
      SNAP is 99 per cent little people answering help lines from victims from Guam as far back as 2006.
      All parties should be respected.
      In fairness to Diana she is not rude on this page to any side.Diana expresses some clear thoughts on assisting victims of abuse. Diana may have a heart after all.

    3. Once again Let us not say who what is crap.
      Let us together do the right process for victims. Each victim finds their own path to healing. Let us assist those in need in finding path best for them.
      Be it hope healing or snap or independents is non essential. essential element is to get for those in pain.
      thank you Diana for allowing us on NCW communication.

  18. It is really victims who decide sincerity level of HHP not bloggers. A victim is free to seek the help of HHP or free to seek their own healing programe followed by legal help. Each victim decides alone which path to take. Each will have their own private opinion to Follow HHP or seek self direction. Our purpose is to assist victims on their chosen path.

  19. Dear Diana.

    What advise to you give to a victim of abuse who uses his time to bring down Archdiocese.
    I am helping such a person?

    1. Begin by lifting person up to God in prayer. Befriend person gain their trust. Tell them God loves them and He can heal them.

  20. Tonight 58th Victim filed against Monsignor Z.Camacho/ Monsignor Raymond Cepeda. Monsignor Z Camacho passed away. Monsignor Raymond Cepeda retired active ministry in 2010. Neither of these priests were walking.

  21. Monsignor Z. Camacho well Known priest Farmer in Guam. He had a priest brother possibly a sister who became a sister of mercy.
    Monsignor Camacho Farmed Bananas. He Loved Bananas. He also grew egg plant gave it to his parishoners. A kindly man man who lived alone on his farm Sister Camacho would help find him staff for parish office.

  22. NCW defended Church
    Movement is pro Catholic Church.


  23. With all these coming out in Guam sure sign we need moral leadership of NCW
    I am not walking because of my limited time. I see a sign from God. Were the NCW sent by God to restore moral leadership of Archdiocese? Our church needs guidance our local priests failed to lead. Is it time for this way to now guide us?

  24. Mr. Andrew Camacho .
    Nephew of Msgr.Z. Camacho?
    As a direct relative of an accused he is paying bills for the accused .

  25. Few weeks ago someone wrote that the NCW was a charism given to Church in Guam. Charism gift turned away. Question is was the NCW sent to us by God to rebuild our Church. Did we turn away this gift in our blindness to God's grace? Did we unfairly judge NCW? I would accept now a priest from brazil rather than a boy like Monsignor Z. Camacho. Question becomes can we respect local priests? Big question now.

  26. Sense dishonesty in Hope Healing .
    Flaws become obvious.


  27. Are these three qualified to sit on a board like this. Month ago these activists protested against Church. Today highly motivated to spend church money. News reports yesterday saying million usd will not cut HHP expenses so they need to sell propery to create cash. so this group will have expense budget of possibly two million. They write checks? Who are they paying?


  28. Unfortunate that the good intention of Hope Healing is seriously compromised by the Archdiocese in appointing activitists from CCOG and LFM to its board. Three appointed discredit Hope Healing. Incident reported concerning Ernie Perez which also raises serious questions on this association.

    1. Incident reported? Serious questions?
      What are you saying Anonymous @ 10:49?!?


  29. Hope Healing organization requires trained human resources in care of victims.
    Those associated with CCOG LFM or NCW JW who sit on this board seriously weaken Hope Healing.
