Blog Song

Monday, April 17, 2017

He Is Risen! Alleluia!!!

Christ is risen!!! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!!!! Now that Christ has risen from the dead, the NCW communities will be going out evangelizing in the villages from door to door spreading the Gospel of Christ just as Christ commanded us to do. Spread the Gospel brothers and sisters so that all can be brought to our Lord Jesus Christ. 


  1. Isn't there a moritorium for a year on the NCW evangelizing new people?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:21 pm,

      Archbishop Byrnes said that the NCW cannot build new communities for one year. Evangelizing is NOT building communities at all. Evangelizing means to go out and spread the Gospel of Christ.

    2. A "Pause" is what they are calling it. I think it is a bad idea but whatever...God turns everything into good.

    3. I don't think you should be evangelizing. On what authority do you evangelize? Byrnes given you authority to go door to door? No! Take a years break from your nonsense. Guam villages already know Jesus they don't need evangelizaing.

    4. Dear Diana, when the NCW wanted to go around Archbishop Hon about the RMS land, you had to be corrected in a painful way. Your boards were declared illegitimate and were disbanded. Now, the NCW wants to go around Archbishop Byrnes about evangelizing. Is this the right thing to do, Diana?

      The issue raised is the qualification of your catechists. They are not supposed to teach just "something" that is not in conflict with the teaching, rather they should teach what is laid down by the church and requested by the local bishop!

      RCIA catechists are certified under the aegis of RCIA to teach of faith. Your catechists, on the contrary, stun the rules of RCIA, despise RCIA catechism and teach things apart from the RCIA material. Would it not be better to collaborate with RCIA to provide a consistent knowledge base about Christ and our Catholic faith to all believers?

      When you go out to evangelize, you defy the spirit of the moratorium. The concern is that acting as a loose cannon and defying decency may result in even more conflicts and even more need of correction. Please, allow discussion of this matter, because this is relevant issue and valid concern.

  2. This door to door kind of thing is the same what the Jehova's Witnesses do? 7th Day Adventists and Latter Day Saints also do that! What is the point? What is your news? Everybody heard about the Bible! They don't need you to tell them.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:21 pm,

      This kind of evangelization was started by the Apostles of Christ. As a result, Christianity increased. Not everyone heard about the Bible.

    2. The Apostles did not evangelize like that. The story of Pentecost tells us a different story! They were preaching and people follwed them. There was no Bible at the time of the Apostles either. How could people hear about the Gospelt that has not been written yet?! Only Old Testament was at the time.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:39 pm,

      The Apostles did not need the Bible to preach that Jesus has risen from the dead. Also, Scripture tells us how Jesus instructed His JEWISH Apostles to evangelize among the JEWS:

      Matthew 10:12-14 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

      And in the same way, the Catholics in the Way can and will evangelize among their Catholic brothers. Why? Because it is obvious that many of them need conversion (a change in heart).

    4. please ask permission from Michael Byrnes prior to activity in Guam.

    5. Bible not a literal book Diana?
      When Jesus said go out to proclaim good news he meant live it. Not going door to door. Lord Jesus Christ meant live Gospel.Problem with your group you don't know Lord Jesus Christ as I do.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 9:53 am,

      And how did you think Christianity grew if they did not go out and proclaim the good news. Let me ask you did Catholicism reach Guam?

  3. Can't wait till I see a neo at my door. Lol. Maybe I'll evangelize them.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:44 pm

      Yeah.......sure you will. 🙄

  4. The reason why certain poetry is so powerful is because it reminds us of things we really already know but have somehow tucked under the rug. I think our relationship to God is sort of like that thing or feeling or understanding that has been tucked under the rug. In a religious context, that tucking our relationship to Him away we call sin, being antagonistic, apathetic, or complacent. That means that there may be for a particular individual no single conversion, but rather a sequence of conversions. In other words, time and falling to temptation offer many occasions for a return to the Lord or a change of heart. Is it your opinion, Diana, that there is a single conversion or multiple or continuous conversion? Just asking.

    1. Dear Timothy, your question to Diana is quite interesting. In my opinion conversion is truly a growth toward Christ. It is continues, permanent process and firm desire to realize how important Jesus and His teaching are in our lives.

      You point out 3 thing: being
      - antagonistic,
      - apathetic or
      - complacent.

      These are extremely damaging things we can fall into, rather than overcome in my opinion. If we are all Christians who confess Jesus as our Savior, then we cannot be antagonistic to each other. A Christian cannot be apathetic either, because of the poverty, pain and suffering in our world is contrary to our Lord's desire.

      Complacency means a false belief that we can own Christ. But Jesus called into attention that He is present in His church and not apart from it. The church, as well as my soul, is the home of the Spirit. If there is no submission to the church, then the doors open up to complacency. In particular, nobody can be so delusional as to claim ownership of Christ to her/himself or to his movement.

    2. Where and how did you come to the conclusion that complacency is the false belief that we can own Christ? I don't understand what you mean.

  5. Dear Diana, what will happen if Tim twist our Catechisis? He said he illegally has all the volumes and is translating now. This is big concern.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:21 pm,

      Where have you been? He has been twisting the catechesis for a long time. This is old news.
