Blog Song

Thursday, September 8, 2016

NCW Devotion To Our Blessed Mother Mary

The NCW has many Marian songs devoted to her. We have always acknowledged that the NCW was inspired by the Mother of God. The seminary is also called "Redemptoris Mater", which means "Mother of the Redeemer." Christ is our Redeemer, and Mary always points to her son. At the wedding of Cana, she pointed to her son Jesus and instructed the guests to "listen to Him."  Blessed Mary always points to her son Jesus, and tells us to "listen to Him" and to "follow Him."  In fact, the icon of the NCW depicts Mary and the child Jesus.  In the NCW icon, Mary leans toward her son Jesus.  She also tells us to lean toward Christ, her son.  

This is one of the Marian songs in the NCW.  This song was sung by Kiko Arguello with the NCW orchestra.  Yes, the NCW has an orchestra.  


  1. Is it true that the NCW uses only Kiko-written songs and Kiko-created art work? If suo, why is that?
    Also, what is the procedure for communion?
    Do Neos pray the rosary? Keep hearing people say that Neos do not pray the rosary. Next year is the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. Will Neos celebrate this centennial?
    Thanks for clarifying theses questions.
    Eileen B-B

    1. My family sings and listens to all kinds of Christian music. We also have statues and artwork of saints, Mary, angels, and Jesus Christ for our devotions. We pray the Rosary. We will celebrate the centennial of Our Lady of Fatima. In fact, early this morning, my wife and I prayed the Morning and Office of Readings. And it was beautiful because today is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are Catholics, always have been and always will.

    2. Dear Eileen,

      I pray the rosary. Mr. Gennarini also said that he and his wife pray the rosary when they were interviewed by KUAM.

    3. Eileen,

      I also heard others say the NCW preaches that Jesus is a sinner. I am in the NCW, and that is untrue.

      I also heard others say that the NCW doesn't pray the rosary. We do.

      I also heard others say that the NCW doesn't believe in the Holy Trinity. We do.

      We are Catholic, therefore, we do.

    4. Hi,
      I think the problem is that there is no printed info available to learn about the NCW. I like to read up on topics I'm interested in or curious about. So with people just talking about the NCW there will be misunderstandings.
      Eileen B-B

  2. Hi Diana,
    If I attended a Mass with a small Neo community celebrated by a Neo presbyter, what differences if any, would there be regarding communion?
    Thanks for explaining this and can I attend the small community's Sat night liturgy and not walk in the Way?
    Thanks for clarifying about praying the rosary.
    Eileen B-B

    1. Dear Eileen,

      We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities. We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it. First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter." I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. They are diocesan priests.

      In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up. We do not consume His Body immediately. We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration. After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......" And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......" All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass. But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest. And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.

      Yes, you can attend the Saturday night liturgy and not walk in the Way. We had others attend the Eucharist, but they are not walking in the Way. We simply let them know that whatever is said in the echoes cannot be taken out of the room.

    2. Diana - there is no guarantee that whatever is said in the echoes won't be taken out of the room.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:52 pm,

      We kindly ask that echoes not be taken out of the room. I never said that there is a guarantee.

    4. You then need to rephrase your statement that 'whatever is said in the echoes CANNOT be taken out of the room'.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:28 am,

      Thank you for the correction.

  3. Hi Diana,
    Thank you for your response. What is the schedule for the Sat liturgy at St. Anthony and San Vicente?
    Those parishes are closest to me.
    What are echoes?
    Thank you,
    Eileen B-B

    1. Dear Eileen,

      Some of the brothers volunteer to speak when they feel the readings have moved them. Echoes can be personal life experiences, which is why we ask that it not be taken out of the room. The Eucharist always starts at 7:30 pm. You can ask the pastor of San Vicente or St. Anthony the location of the celebration.

  4. Hi Diana,
    Thanks. Will call about the times.
    Eileen B-B
