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Friday, June 17, 2016

Vatican Said NCW Is Fine

I was listening to the Travis Coffman Show yesterday with Tim Rohr on the air. And this morning, I listened in on the radio today. Tim spoke about the Vatican delegation that was here on January 2015.  They include Archbishop Hon, Archbishop Krebs, and Father Ted.  The interview with Travis Coffman and Patti Arroyo is in the following weblinks below.  In both interviews, Tim admitted that the Vatican delegation told him that the Neocatechumenal Way is fine:

So, here it is.........the Vatican delegation in January, 2015 said the Neocatechumenal Way is fine.  The fact that you or Tim disagree with the Vatican delegation is not our problem.   Therefore, all discussions about the Neocatechumenal being illicit and not Catholic will no longer be entertained.  Rome has already spoken through the Vatican delegation in January, 2015.   


  1. Yes Diana, we believe the NCW is fine. Good decision on not entertaining these ridiculous comments about the NCW. My family is better because we are in the NCW. Period.

  2. JW thinks that we threw the archbishop Tony under the bus. If anyone has thrown anyone under the bus, it was Tim.

    1. They cannot bear the thought that NCW will survive, what is more, will strive and flourish even if they are successful with their character assassination.

      The Pharisees and scribes thought that the Christian communities will be erased from the earth by murdering our Lord on the cross. How bitter morning they woke up to when the Christian communities became stronger and more numerous than ever before!

      The murderous plotting of the Pharisees, the scribes, the Jungle, the SNAP, the CCOG, the LFM, etc. are all futile and counterproductive.

      "In pride the wicked hotly pursue the afflicted;
      Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised. "
      (Psalms 10:2)

      By God's willing, the moment of truth is approaching.

  3. Yeah.... Tim has a way of twisting stories.....

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:30 pm,

      In this case, he was not being transparent. He was told by the Vatican delegation that the NCW has no problems, and they are fine back in January, 2015. And he did not share that bit of important information to his readers at that time.

    2. Is is fatal shortsightedness. He is manipulating his own crowd according to short term tactical purposes he has on his mind momentarily. He is definitely not a long term strategist. Lol!

  4. so if we start to peel away the onion....a realtor stands to make approximately 2.1 million commission on the RMS property? Anybody know how much the lawyer will make? What is the relationship between the realtor; concerned Catholic's and this lawyer? If the Vatican and four Popes; two of which are SAINTS have supported the NCW; who can we validate the same Vatican support for the ccgc or other Guam based organization who claim to have the best interest of Jesus Christ Church and Catholic's on Guam?

    1. Remember that St. Pope John Paul II (John Paul the Great) who is among the 4 Popes who have supported the NCW also supported the Legions of Christ and to his dying day considered the group's founder Fr. Marcial Maciel an efficacious guide to youth. St. Pope John Paul II continued to praise and support Maciel even after a 1988 canon law case in which Maciel was accused of sexually abusing Legion seminarians.

      Pope Benedict XVI dismissed Maciel from Ministry in May 2006. But it took 4 years before the results of a Vatican investigation of the group revealed in 2010 that Maciel had a daughter, a fact known in the Vatican (but not by St. Pope John Paul II) as early as 2005.

      While Pope John Paul the Great is a saint, this proves that even saints can be wrong in who they place their support.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:39 am,

      It would be unfair to equate the Legion of Christ to the NCW or any other Catholic organization. Their founder is not the same as the founder of the NCW. It was Maciel who was found guilty of sexually abusing seminarians and even fathering some children. Kiko Arguello is not Maciel. He has not been charged of anything. A man should not be judged with another man's sins.

    3. Diana, I think Anon @ 3:39 was making the point that even though 4 Popes have supported the NCW there was also the matter of how a saint (Pope John Paul II) was a big supporter of the Legions of Christ. The example of how Fr. Maciel was known to be a serial sex abuser and yet was supported by JPII was made to show that Popes can be wrong in who they support. I don't think Anon 3:39 was trying to say that Maciel and Arguello are the same. I think that Anon 3:39 was just pointing out that having the support of 4 Popes is not a guarantee that a movement or organization or whatever you want to call the NCW is without problems.

  5. I heard that the lawyer wants the rms property? Is that true?? I dont trust him.. since he was accused by a california lawfirm of cheating the hilbroom boy off millions couple years back....

  6. Watch the slander, people

  7. Please stop the slander and innuendo. We would be stooping down to the cesspool level of the jungle.

  8. When will the Archbishop be coming back? I really want to see him and pray with him as all of this is just to much for me to bear. He is a good man and doesn't deserve all of this.

    1. IF, and I emphasize IF,
      IF our Archbishop is indeed guilty of what he is accused of (and I pray not), do you still say that he does not deserve this? Just curious...

    2. Please, prove anything, I say anything, about our Archbishop before you make assumption about his guilt. Can you you prove anything you say? Please!

      Being unable to prove the charges what remains is innocence! Innocent means not guilty. Without proof all you can talk about is allegation or, better to say, slander.

  9. Have all the priest met with Archbishop Hon this period of time??
