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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Letter From Bishop Ballin

The following is a letter from Bishop Ballin.  Father Luis Camacho has been exonerated by the Holy See of any sexual misconduct.  The sexual misconduct were rumors started in the jungle and by Deacon Steve Martinez.  Many thanks to Bishop Ballen for bringing the matter to the Vatican and having the Vatican resolve the issue.


  1. It will be interesting to see the jungle's response to this letter from the Apostolic Vicar.

    1. How funny that Rohr invented a dirty story, full of pornographic fantasies, about Fr Luis that he spread on Junglewatch. All this came nothing! Or wait... Except Rohr's dirty mind and pornographic fantasy, that is the only real thing here that was exposed and confirmed. That is a lot of confessing to do, Timmy boy! Lol.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 8:48 pm,

      Actually, the pornagraphic description came from Deacon Steve Martinez. It did not come from Tim.

    3. Rohr was a good buyer of the dirty stuff, anyway. He spread it all around. he also filled pornographic depictions in the testimonies of alleged victims. It is very revealing of what is truly on his mind. Yuck!

      It is the concept of Rohr and SNAP to picture NCW as protector of abusers. It is false! It is slanderous! Nothing is farther from the truth. Rohr, Martinez, Klietzkie, etc. will never ever be able to link NCW to abuses or any other dirty stuff on their fantasies.

  2. You would think the Guam Archdiocese would have announced this instead of hearing about it through the posting of a letter from AB Ballin to his parishioners. What a crock!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:31 pm,

      I think it was more important that it be announced in Qatar since the jungle spread the false rumors there.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:31pm,

      You have a point regarding the Archdiocese of Agana commenting on this letter.

      But I suspect the jungle and others will twist this letter around anyway to discredit the Bishop Ballin, the Archdiocese of Agana, and possibly even the Holy See.

      It is sick to see how low the jungle and their followers will go to further their agenda. Pope Francis sent Archbishop Savio to help build unity within our local Catholic Church.

      So how does the jungle's methods promote unity and reconciliation?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:31pm,

      Archbishop Savio is charged with assessing the situation of our Archdiocese of Agana. This understandably takes time.

      From public announcements, Archbishop Savio has interviewed the clergy, religious and others he saw fit to speak with. He has formed 4 committees comprised of clergy of the Archdiocese who are tasked to help him in formulating future policy. He has appointed a spokesman and a new sexual abuse coordinator. More actions, I am sure, are forthcoming.

      Archbishop Savio's efforts seem to be inadequate to the jungle and their followers since Archbishop Savio's actions do not follow the jungle's demands.

      Pope Francis personally appointed Archbishop Savio as Administrator for our Archdiocese. I trust in Archbishop Savio, and Pope Francis who sent him here. I believe the Holy Spirit inspired the election of our current Pope Francis. I believe God chose Pope Francis as the leader of our universal Catholic Church.

      Who is Tim Rohr and his followers? They sure have the nerve and audacity to dictate what the Catholic Church should do.

      I believe in a loving and merciful God. May God have mercy.

  3. It is a sad day when church leadership and officials treat their people as idiots by releasing statements like this. We know what happened, and Ballin just makes a fool of himself and embarasses the Church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:11 pm,

      How would you know what happened? Were you there? Perhaps, you heard it from the jungle, who was also not there? This is what I mean by being misinformed. The truth is right before your eyes. father Luis was exonerated by the Holy See.

      As for the Guam newspapers not publishing this report.......In the first place, the newspapers, media, and police report always cited "custodial interference" as the reason for his arrest. The charge of sexual misconduct came only from the jungle and Deacon Steve Martinez, who were never there.

    2. Dear Diana at 6:27AM:
      Okay, let's go with the custodial interference part then. What was he doing with the young lady at the secluded beach in Agat without the parent's consent?
      And by the way, the deacon was only stating what the arresting officer said he saw upon approaching the car.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:26 am,

      First of all, let us start with the Deacon's story. Deacon Steve NEVER said that he got that information from the arresting officer. He said he got the information from someone. Whoever that someone was, he/she managed to witness Father Luis pick up the girl at the school, saw them drive to a diner and even know what they ate, and then saw them drive to a secluded spot at a beach, and even saw the sexual act performed inside the car. That information itself is already highly suspicious. How is it that this person just happen to be in the school in the first place to witness all this?

      The arresting officer charged Father Luis with custodial interference. That was what he stated to the media. The charge of sexual misconduct never came from the police or the media. It was first mentioned in the jungle and from Deacon Steve.

    4. And so what was Fr Luis doing with a young lady at the secluded beach in Agat without the parent's consent? (custodial interference)

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:30 pm,

      They were talking to each other.

    6. And that's why Apuron got rid of him? For just talking? Mae, you are so delusional.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:35 pm,

      No, he was shipped out because he was arrested. The arrest was a scandal, and being with a girl even if there was no sex involved is still a scandal. And my name is not Mae.

    8. Your real name is Mae and your blog name is Diana. C'mon Mae, we know it's you.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 4:46 pm,

      My name is not Mae. The fact that you do not believe me is not my problem.

    10. If it's not Mae, then is it May?

    11. Dear Anonymous at 8:59 pm,

      No, keep guessing.

  4. Once again, Tim Rohr and the Jungle folks are not Catholic. They're gangsters.

    1. Yup! Gangsters to rid our Catholic Church from the grips of the Kiko!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:44 am,

      When are you going to start to see that what comes from God cannot be destroyed. You are only fighting against God. And God always win. Three years you have been trying to get rid of the NCW, and you are nowhere close to it.

    3. Maybe not the NCW but Archbishop Apuron :)

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:31 am,

      Archbishop Apuron is the local Vicar of Christ appointed by the Pope. Going against him is going against the Church and God, who is one with His Church. Now, the jungle is trying to convince people to go against Archbishop Hon who stands in the stead of the Pope.

    5. But, Diana, I don't believe God would want us to follow blindly! There are many instances in the Church's history whereby an appointed Vicar has given in to the devil and gone astray. Are you saying that we are to continue following and obeying one such as this? I prefer to believe that God asks us to discern carefully.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 3:39 pm,

      I do not believe in following blindly as well. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says to obey and submit to the Bishop, who is the Vicar of Christ. And it says that the only time we disobey is when the Bishop tells us to do something immoral. When I say immoral, I am referring to the Ten Commandments such as stealing, killing, etc. what immoral instruction has Archbishop Apuron asked you to do that is against the Ten Commandments of God?

    7. He's not asking us to do anything immoral....but what if it's true what they say? HE is the one who is doing something immoral! I know the family of one of the victims and, heaven help me, but I do believe he is telling the truth. Please pray for me!

    8. Dear Anonymous at 4:28 pm,

      How does anyone know who is telling the truth when there was no investigation? All we have is word against word; therefore, that is between Apuron and the victim.

    9. "that is between Apuron and the victim"

      Well, first of all it is "alleged victim".

      Secondly, it is "victims" plural, not "victim"

    10. Dear Anonymous at 12:32 am,

      I was responding to Anonymous 4:28 pm. He/She mentioned only one victim he/she knew.

  5. What investigation actually happened. From every possible indication, he was shipped off to Qatar in order to protect him and save the NCW some face. Am I wrong?

  6. Anon 6:44,

    Please explain to me what it means to be Catholic.

    1. To be Catholic means following Jesus Christ and not Kiko.

  7. Anon 6:44,

    Do you seriously think the Catholic Church is in the grips of Kiko? You seriously give him that much power? You think this layman controls the mighty Catholic Church?

    You are delusional my friend.

    1. You underestimate the power of Kiko. Just look at his hold in the Vatican. You my friend are the delusional one.

    2. No, he controls people, most notably you and anyone else in the NCW. There is nothing that happens in the NCW that is not controlled by Kiko. And you know as well as I do, through an exagerrated sense of obedience, there is little chance you will go against the instructions of the catechist, let alone if Kiko told you personally.

      There is such a significant group of people now subject to Kiko working in the various positions in the Church. They too would never question an instruction from Kiko.

      All of you here in the NCW trot out the same old illogical arguments because you've all been told that that is what you are to believe. Intellect is from the devil, so don't dare think for yourselves.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:58 pm and 9:08 pm,

      I do not know where you got your information, but I assure you that the members of the NCW have free will. I also have another blog on Catholicism. I have not written much on that blog, but show me what is heretical in what I said there. In the Way, we were taught to discern what God's will is for us. And yes, we think for ourselves.

  8. Congratulations on the clearing of Father Luis name. However, I don't see the seal of the Pope on the document submitted by Bishop Ballin. So who actually cleared him? Was it Bishop Ballin or the Pope? Please let us know. Also is Father Luis now assigned to Bishop Ballin and no longer part of the Guam diocese?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:37 am,

      The letter belongs to Bishop Ballin informing his parishioners that the Holy See cleared Father Luis. It was the Holy See who cleared him.

    2. So where is the proof that the Holy See cleared him? It's only Bishop Ballin's word.

  9. There is a saying..."If you can't beat them....join them..."
    If you can't beat God... join Him..
    Through a carism of the church...
    The Neocatechuminal Way.. its not just a walk...its an adventure... we come!!!!
    Biba Santo Papa....

  10. Still waiting for the official advisory from our archdiocese that Father Luis was exonerated by the Holy See. I was thinking it would have been announced here immediately.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:00 pm,

      Do you believe In the Church hierarchy or not?

    2. Starting to see it's not working that way Diana.

    3. Hard to believe in Church hierarchy when even the bishops can't agree on some things. (e.g. Some believe NCW is okay and some do not: So if you are walking and are transferred to a diocese with a bishop that restrains NCW activities, do you simply obey?)

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:15 am,

      In places where the Bishop do not approve of the NCW, the NCW obeys the Bishop. In Japan, for example, they do not celebrate the Eucharist at all, but attend the parish Mass every Sunday because the Bishop ordered them not to celebrate the Eucharist. So, the NCW obeys the Bishop. The only thing they have is the celebration of the word. No bishop can stop a Catholic from reading and studying the Bible in their own homes. This is a right every Catholic have.

  11. The problem with these people (rohr, protestors, archbishops detractors, white, CCOG,etc etc) is that they are either criminally ignorant or willfully misguiding people. Ignorant because they obviously do not understand 1. how the church works through hierarchy and so do not understand why Ballins letter is enough and 2. They do do not understand catholic liturgy, tradition or dogma and so cannot understand why the NCW is Catholic and not "changing their religion" (as if the faith could be appropriated by one group or another. Ridiculous. ) Criminally because they are spreading their ignorance to devide the church and incriminate innocent people causing scandal.
    If instead they are willfully misguiding people then they are not Catholic and should not be given any attention. They are the Luther of Guam.
    The church in its concern for all Catholics tries to reach out to them but for all intent and purposes they have excommunicated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church (which is why they keep calling themselves the church of Guam)

  12. Pleas post letter from the pope clearing Father Luis so we can finish this story for once and for all. Otherwise it will go on and on and continue the belief this was only Balin's doing.

  13. @ anon july 3 7:08am...

    Bishop Ballin's email address and contact is on the letter posted.... maybe you can email him and he can help you resolve this issue you have so that it dont go on and on and belief it was his doing.....
    I trust in his letter and am happy of the conclusion...

    1. Email Bishop Ballin? You must be joking! No way will he resolve this issue. How gullible can you be! As long as there is no official advisory with the Pope's signature on it, Ballin's letter means nothing.

    2. Really?! This is ridiculous! Baiting the Pope on a fly paper?! Are you completely out of your mind? Lmao.

      We all know what you are gonna do with a letter from Pope Francis... Rohr would steal it immediately for personal use and your criminal lawyer David Lujan, would cite the Pope in court for money. Yep! You are greedy and hungry for money to distort a lot of it! The higher from the church hierarchy, the better, right?? It's a shame! This is how evil you guys at the jungle are.

  14. Email him for a copy from Pope... He just might send you a copy... How are you gona try to help your situation if you dont seek help?? Let him know that it can solve your problem.....

    1. Anon at 10:48PM: did that last week...will let you know if I ever get a response.

  15. Hope you do get response.....

  16. Hope you do get response.....
