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Friday, May 20, 2016

My Take On Rohr's Interview

I do not know how many people actually heard Tim Rohr with Phil Leon Guerrero yesterday.  If not, you can listen to the interview in the jungle. 

According to that interview, Tim admitted that he was the "mastermind" behind everything.  He arranged for obtaining a publicist, arranging the media, finding the lawyer, getting the ad published, and everything else.  He even went to Hawaii, convinces Roy to talk, and brought him back to Guam a month ago. Obviously, someone paid the airfare.  Was it CCOG who paid the airfare?

I did not hear anything in that interview of providing counseling for Roy.  One then needs to wonder.  During that month that Roy was here with Tim Rohr "strategizing" their move, I cannot help but wonder.......did Mr. Quintanilla receive counseling or coaching???   

Tim admitted that Roy did not want to go public by bringing out the cameras.  But he only made this announcement after I stated in my blog that it is unheard of for a victim to go public the way Roy did with the cameras following him as they recorded him giving the letter to the Archdiocese and with family and friends shouting behind him.  In his interview, Rohr said that he managed to convince Roy to go public with the cameras the way it was done.  Since it was Tim Rohr who arranged everything and claimed credit for all it then safe to say that the letter Roy submitted was also written by Tim Rohr?  Perhaps, the credit also goes to Tim Rohr for writing the letter that was submitted by Mr. Quintanilla?  

In addition to going public the way it was done, another thing that is baffling is the fact that Mr. Quintanilla turned to another priest (Father Jack) to confide about his sexual abuse.  Deacon Tenorio stated that Father Jack was chosen because he is already dead.  Psychologically speaking, a victim who was sexually abused by a priest would NEVER turn to ANOTHER PRIEST to confide in.  After being sexually abused by a priest, the very last person a victim would turn to would be another priest.  So, what is wrong with this picture?

Whenever the police responds to a rape case, a female police officer always conducts the interview with the victim.  Why?  Because after a female victim is raped by a man, the very LAST person she would talk to would be a MALE officer.   Think about that for a minute. 

Tim also admitted in his interview that it was HIS idea. He admitted that everything was his idea.  So, is it safe then to say that it was his idea who "created" a victim by putting this idea into Roy's head?            


  1. Yes Diana, it is safe to say that Tim made this all up.

    Roy is lying.

    1. Jeffrey Tomas Marchesseault tells Rohr loud and proud:

      "I respect a lot of your opinions, Tim. But sometimes you're just a pig. In this instance, the swinish element is on display loud and proud."

      Lol. watching the jungle with a pig's eye... how low is that!? lol.

  2. Diana, I do feel that the Archdiocese needs better public relations though.

    1. Yes, in fact, it is a public relation war, as bloody and as ugly as it can be. Rohr's forces are all around. He is good pal with all the secular and liberal editors of local news and newspapars. They all know his relation to SNAP, an openly anti-Catholic and atheist liberal organization. Are you surprised? Well you should not be!

      Rohr is not the fervent and pious Catholic guy you think he is. Lol! Disguised, he is a closest ally and sweetheart friend of the fiercest archenemies of our Church! He creates scandals and causes major damage to our Church as a high ranking executive of these wildly anti-Christian forces.

    2. Archbishop needs to hire a PR firm.
      I know a good firm in New York. Expensive well worth it. Parishes can all chip in to help.

  3. Diana i believe Archbishop needs to call media question time today lunchhtime.
    We want press freedom to question him direct on prrceived abuse.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:46 am,

      Since the case is going to court, his lawyer advised him not to answer any questions from the media. Any questions from the media would have to go to his lawyer.

    2. "Since the case is going to court, his lawyer advised him not to answer any questions from the media."

      Where did you get this information?

    3. Stop baiting Anon at 9:46 AM. The archdiocese only need to sit back and keep watching as there Rohr-made fairy tales about a poor little boy who had an encounter with a priest some 40 years ago enfold. The best strategy is just watch and not saying anything. Every word will have great significance later when a court is examining the evidence.

      The logical inconsistencies and outright contradictions that are apparent and very obvious in this story will make the whole fairy tale to collapse at the slightest scrutiny. Rohr is desperate to look credible but he cannot control Quintanilla 100%. Quintanilla is improvising to much and spills his beans. By revealing internal contradictions of the fake story he inadvertently corrupts the whole concept of the mastermind and exposes the weaknesses of the artificial plot. This angers Rohr tremendously.

      Rohr is not stupid. He exactly knows how shaky his charges are that he gave to the mouth of Quintanilla. We will see Rohr desperately grasping for more "victims" to come forward, using CCOG's money to "inspire" them. Lol. What a fake! He thinks he can play a game of childish scores. But he will be bitterly disappointed when the truth comes out.

    4. "The logical inconsistencies and outright contradictions that are apparent and very obvious in this story"

      Can you explain what these are?

    5. Lol, anon, are you trying being funny? Why should I tell you anything that you cannot see?

      The court will examine the evidence. They will find the logical inconsistencies and outright contradictions that are apparent and very obvious in this story quite frivolous. Why do you think the court to be stupid? They are not and they will throw out this fake fairy tale to the trash where it belongs.

    6. Funny that you can't namea single "logical inconsistency" or "outright contradiction". I think you're simply desperate.

  4. I think it's fishy that these so-called victims are all from Agat (Rohr's village).

    1. Rohr is training these folks by indoctrinating them how to fight his war for him and flaunting large sums of cash in front of them for "inspiration". Lol. It is a true mercenaries' army recruited for the dark forces of a dark mind.

  5. Yes, the Archdiocese needs better public relations approach. Proactive, firm, direct, concerted effort to counter the accusations and to also lead a fact-based presentation of the good and also the difficulties the Archdiocese faces. The clergy have been glaringly silent and this may come back to haunt them. The Archbishop, as a loving father, may have protected some of his brother priests for some time now. He may even take his brother priests' indiscretions to his grave. I am not saying the Archbishop is perfect (I anticipate the jungle to cut, paste and twist this). None of us are. We are all sinners. Jesus Christ's judgement for us was love and mercy, taking our sins willingly on the Cross so that we can have the possibility of eternal life. Let's all pray for each other for love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation. The evil one is the root of all this mess, using everyone to try and destroy our Catholic Church. Sorry Satan, it is not going to happen. Your time, Satan, is temporary to try and destroy us and turn us away from Jesus Christ. God trusts we will ultimately follow his son Jesus Christ, and not the evil one.

    1. Those are culpable who give themselves by their own will for money to the service of the ancient serpent and liar who was a murderer from the beginning.

  6. I follow your logic, and agree to a point. Where I stop is: why would a man come forth, with his family behind him, and say these things? If he is coerced, or brainwashed, is it into coming forth with this information? Because I can't see how Tim Rohr could make this all up and then get a man to come out in public and say these things.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:43 am,

      If you had listened to Rohr's interview with Phil Leon Guerrero, Rohr said that Quintanilla did not want to go public in that fashion. It was Tim's idea to go public. An anonymous person on my blog said that Rohr is one of the top Amway salesman in the business. A top salesman is always good at getting people into buying his products. It was even speculated that Roy may have been paid a lot of money to go public in that fashion. Whatever the case may be, we at least know one fact. Based on that interview, we now know that it wasTim Rohr who managed to convince a person who said he did not want to go public to go public.

      We all know that CCOG was collecting money from its members to bring a lawsuit against the Archbishop. That is what the money is supposed to be used for. Yet, we recently learned that Rohr managed to get CCOG to pay for his ad in the newspapers. And now, we learned that Rohr went to Hawaii and managed to get Quintanilla to Guam since last month. Rohr was extremely defensive in the interview when he learned that someone was saying that Quintanilla was being paid a lot of money to come out with information that Rohr fabricated on his own. If it was not a fabrication, why was Tim Rohr extremely defensive in the interview? PNC took the interview off the air in its website due to the offensive words expressed by Rohr.

    2. Money tends to get people to do things they don't normally do. Tim came out and said that it was him who convinced Roy to go public AFTER Diana pointed out that real victims tend to avoid publicity. I agree with this. Rape victims don't come out and show their faces on the media's camera. They tell their story off camera.

      If Tim invented a sexual abuse story for Roy to say to the media, how is he going to explain a sexually abused child who was abused by a priest turning to another priest for help?

    3. Maybe the family got paid too.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:56 pm,

      I wonder if Tim Rohr also got paid for his hard work. :-)

    5. From : "Pereda has worked as a clinical social worker for more than 30 years, he said. He told the Pacific Daily News that in his professional capacity he is able to accurately determine if someone’s account of abuse is credible. In the case of Quintanilla, Pereda said his explanation of the abuse was credible."

    6. It is sure that a lot of cash gets exchanged at the hands of Rohr and his gang. It is like a mafia, a criminal organization that wants its payment out of church property and out of the properties of the Archbishop. Rohr requested 100K from CCOG on his blog to cover the expenses of his dirty job of bribing and paying the executives, recruited and hired for his evil cause.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 1:31 pm,

      The truth is what Jokers Wild pointed out. He is the husband of Mary Lou who is actively posts in support of the jungle. How did he come to that conclusion without an investigation?

    8. And also connected with Gofigan! GO figure!

  7. Those who back Tim are men of money. I'm pretty sure Tim is getting paid as well.

    1. Diana why do men of money back Tim?
      Charity money should be given to the poor. Not paying PDN ads.

  8. The truth will set us all free.

  9. …Lord, if it is You,” Peter replied, “command me to come to You on the water.” “Come”, said Jesus. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”…

    Courage.....we don't need two cents....we need prayers

  10. This will show how powerful God is,, beside them is David Lujan, a defense lawyer who I think is a Goliath in legal stage, no one can defeat this guy. However this time He might be on his biggest rival, Someone Who loves Israel by heart! I can just do nothing and say nothing and wait how these unfold.' Moses once was told by God, "you don't need do do anything, just observe I'll take care of the Pharaoh". I'll pray that I'll have wisdom to understand why are these things are given to us, in our lifetime.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:10 pm,

      That is a good idea. I just finished praying the rosary a while ago. I think everyone should pray.

    2. You told readers you do not pray Rosary Diana. Now you say you do pray Rosary.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:56 am,

      Show me where I said that.

  11. The God of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob and Moses is stronger than David Lujan..In the next life he"ll answer God from mercy throne!

  12. Tim Rohr, toward the end of the interview: "I hate liars, I hate bullies, I hate powerful people...." This is not a new teaching. This is an old teaching that Jesus meant to replace in our hearts with "love the sinner, hate the sin."

  13. All other things aside, I'm pretty sure Tim Rohr isn't making a dime. If you knew the man, you'd know that much. For all this faults, and he has plenty, greed isn't one of them.

    If you're going to condemn someone, do it for what he's guilty of. Yes, even if the other side is guilty of the same thing. Otherwise, you Neo people are not better than those you despise.

  14. I would be mad too if i lost out on a 3% commision for the sale of the pride and greed are the roots of every may have it all here on earth...but your rewards will not go to heaven...if you are a true Christian and a concerned need to examine yourself first...nothing you people are doing is Christ like...remember we dont live forever and everything we do on earth will be recorded by God and used against us in are own trial...think!!!! God is watching!
