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Friday, May 20, 2016

Deacon defends archbishop, condemns accusations

The Archdiocese of Agana has released a video of Deacon Francisco Tenorio defending Archbishop Anthony Apuron and condemning what he says are false accusations of sexual abuse. Earlier this week former Guam resident 52-year-old Roy Quintanilla alleged that he was sexually molested by the Archbishop when he was 12 years old.

Quintanilla says the alleged incident occurred when the Archbishop was a priest in Agat and he was an alter server at the time. The Archbishop denied the allegations.

Deacon Tenorio in his video said the Archbishop is deeply hurt by the accusations.


  1. On another note Vince Pereda steps down as board member, go figure, hes the husband of the infamous Mary Lou.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild,

      The same Mary Lou who often writes in supports of the jungle. I am not surprised.

    2. Vince Pereda steps down as board member for what?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:21 am,

      According to news report, he said he is stepping down because he believes Roy's story is credible. I would like to know how he came to that conclusion without any investigation being done.

    4. diana;

      has the investigation started, has the chancery appointed an investigator.

      i hear that roy is going back home.

      thank you

    5. "I would like to know how he came to that conclusion without any investigation being done."

      Q: Since when does the Archdiocese do investigations?

      A: Only when it involves those who don't blindly support AAA.

      Pereda - with years of experience dealing with abuse, sexual and otherwise - heard relevant accounts of what happened and formed an opinion that there is credible reason to prompt an investigation into the matter.

      Deacon Claros - and now Deacon Tenorio - formed the opinion that there can be no credible evidence against AAA, because they know he wouldn't do such things.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 5:52 am,

      Deacon Tenorio was not forming an opinion. He was actually there in the Agat parish during that time period when Roy was an alter server. So, he would be considered a credible witness.

      As for Pereda, we all know that his wife is Mary Lou who supports the jungle. His years of experience should have taught him that a doctor cannot give a proper diagnosis without first speaking to both Roy and the Archbishop.

  2. I'm sorry Archbishop for everything you're going through. This is sad.

    May Christ be very close to you during this time.

    We love you Archbishop.

  3. diana;

    is this another video, its different from the kuam, when did this air.

    thank you

    1. Dear Anthony,

      It was aired last night in KUAM.

    2. Junglewatch has the original video which shows Edivaldo orchestrating and celebrating.

    3. It was aired on PNC first, and the message remains the same. The important thing is what Deacon Tenorio said. Deacon Tenorio was there at the same parish in the same time period that Mr. Quintanilla was an alter server. Tim Rohr was not there at the time Mr. Quintanilla was an alter server.

    4. Yeah, forget that edivaldo was seen celebrating his dance moves while deacon tenorio was trying to convey his defense for brother tony. Forget that instead of being compassionate for all those involved when the archdiocese's spokesman is seen doing a victory dance rather than taking the matter seriously. Yeah, that's how a priest should act but I know you won't post this comment even though edi was so quick to redo the interview to make it appear sincere. But no worries, the truth is already speaking out loudly.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:51 pm,

      So what if Father Edivaldo was there? It is obvious that there was no coaching involved. Deacon Tenorio was present during that time period when Roy was an alter server in the Agat parish. On the other hand, Mr. Quintanilla says pretty much the same thing that Tim Rohr says in his interviews. As I pointed out, what Mr. Quintanilla did is so unlike what a victim would do. The "going to the public" was more of a show.

    6. "So what if Father Edivaldo was there? It is obvious that there was no coaching... "

      Yet you opine that Roy was coached.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 554 am,

      We all know that for three years Rohr has been trying desperately to remove the Archbishop. The Archbishop has not been doing anything to Tim Rohr. Father Edivaldo also is not doing anything to Tim Rohr.

    8. You're steering into a different direction again.

      Mr. Quintanilla spoke without a reading off a sheet of paper separating him and the public. Yet, you opine that he was coached and brainwashed.

      Deacon Tenorio read off a previously prepared statement (who wrote it?) to a camera with the scene shot in two takes:
      1. KUAM footage that shows Edivaldo pacing in the reflection
      2. The official one from the Archdiocese that frames Tenorio in better religiosity

      In Tenorio's case you are much more forgiving saying, "So what if Father Edivaldo was there? It is obvious that there was no coaching involved."

      You didn't claim that he was coached and brainwashed in this case. Why not?

    9. Dear Anonymous at 7:23 am,

      The sheet of paper that the deacon read from were his own written words. Father Edivaldo could not write them because he was not in Agat 40 years ago. But listen to Tim's and Roy's interview on the radio. Roy's words are almost exactly as Tim's.

      The deacon and Father Edivaldo, on the other hand, had very different statements. The deacon said that Father Jack was chosen because he is dead and cannot testify. Father Edivaldo said that it was not reported because it never happened.

      Tim, on the other hand, already came out and stated that he was the one who convinced Roy to go public despite that Roy said that he did not want. So, Rohr managed to coerced a man who said he does not want to go public to go public. That came out of Rohr's mouth and it is on tape.
