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Friday, April 29, 2016

What The Jungle Left Out

According to KUAM news dated April 27, 2016: 
Klitzkie says the group just wanted to meet with the archbishop, and  should have been free to visit if it were indeed archdiocesan premises. Now he wants to know why they were told to leave. 
And according to Tim Rohr's press release published on his blog:
Fr. Edivaldo also attempts to make the case that the demonstrators were trespassing when they walked on to the grounds of the Seminary this past Tuesday and asked to see the Archbishop.  He compared their presence to an interference with the learning environment at a public school.  This is even more pathetic since there is no law forbidding a parent to walk into a public school and ask to see the principal.

Below are photos taken of the protesters INSIDE the RMS property.  One of the protesters deliberately hid his face as these photos were taken: 

So, based on these photos that were taken of the women who entered INSIDE the RMS property, did it look like they only wanted to speak to the Archbishop as Mr. Klitzkie and Mr. Rohr claims??????  Of course not!!!! 

With their huge placards and signs, they  deliberately brought their protest inside the RMS property.  They were not there to have a nice talk with the Archbishop.  They were there to scream their protests as they hold up their signs and to disrupt the meeting and education of the seminarians.  

This is what the jungle left out.  They wanted the public to believe that the protesters who entered the RMS property merely wanted to have a nice talk with the Archbishop.  They left out the part that they came in and demonstrated in front of the Seminary building, holding up their huge placards and signs.  Due to the fact that they deliberately brought their protests inside the RMS property, they were indeed "trespassing".  Their intention was never to have a nice talk with the Archbishop.    


  1. People above a certain age might have a medical condition causing a set of symptoms including disorientation, inhibited movement, memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. It is caused when the central nervous system is impacted by diseases. We don't know what could be there: Parkinson, Alzheimer, dementia, none of these of perhaps some of these... or just being old, who knows? But these people are vulnerable for sure!

    Sending people with this condition into a challenging situation like a protest may cause them unpredictable harm and damage. It is irresponsible if not outright criminal behavior. Let me ask this: would the jungle check the medical records of all these people before he sends them into battle to fight? Would Rohr ensure that these people remain in good health during his selfish operation of public disruption? Would he care at all?

  2. Oh my goodness! These women are manakos standing and holding up protest signs. How in the world did Tim manage to treat our manakos like this?


  3. The visitors entered RMS only to seek an appointment with the Archbishop.They were ordered out by Fr.Pius. visitors only wanted a few moments of the archbishop's time. He could not even spare 5 mins with Guams senior citizens asking to pray with him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:53 pm,

      I am not a fool. Even a parent who wanted to speak to the school principal would not be bringing in a huge placard opposing the school and principal.


  4. Old people are not difficult to talk with. I would suggest Archbishop Apuron meet with them.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:56 pm,

      It appears that they are also not very difficult to brainwash. Please stick to the subject.

  5. It's funny how you Neo truly believe that all fault lies with one man,Tim Rohr,and he is responsible for brainwashing everyone. Get real!

  6. if brain....washing was the case Diana, they should have been Neos by now..just saying...coz its true

    1. Dear Superales,

      If they were with is, they would not be under the hot sun holding up signs and blocking traffic.
