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Thursday, April 28, 2016

News Flash Of Recent Events!

On Wednesday April 27th, LFM and CCOG said they will cause a commotion in Yona Parish during the Archbishop’s visit for confirmation. There was no 
commotion. People were happy to welcome him in their parish. A no-event. 

On Thursday April 28th, they said that they will come in numbers to protest at the Seminary. They even had an article printed at PDN before their scheduled event. There was a police car. But there were only a FEW people holding the usual placards. The seminary staff offered them water and coffee. Again a no-event.  And Kudos to the seminary staff for offering water and coffee to the elderly folks protesting under the hot sun! 

Is this the latest tactic to keep feeding the newspapers, radio-shows and TV?

On Sunday April 24th, a group of 5 women went to Merizo to distribute their hate-flyers. And they shouted at Father Julius, the pastor to go home. They probably picked on him because he is black. Racism in its most despicable form.  


  1. John 15:12, Jesus said, "This is my commandment: love one another as I love you." The Seminary staff took Jesus' commandment to heart. What about these elderly folks who were protesting? What about LFM? What about CCOG? What about the Jungle Watch? And from Matthew 23:27-28, Jesus said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth. Even so, on the outside you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing."

    1. Only in Rohr's dream!

      I encourage everyone to stand up to Rohr and against the jungle. We have to voice our disagreement with this uneducated and culturally challenged, low quality human behavior they promote.

      Now you see how Rohr went total ballistic just because Joshua Aglubat stood up against him! Rohr is a complete ridicule, very vulnerable and shaky because he built his Golem on clay feet. Lol! Kudos to Joshua who exposed Rohr's weakness and incredible mental imbalance.

      There is no reason to be silent anymore. We have to make the Golem collapse simply by standing up and exposing his lies. Courage. The jungle Golem will fall very soon. Stand up, show your determination and resolve.

      No Golem can defeat the Holy Spirit! Only in Rohr's dream. Lol.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:08 pm,

      I do not encourage this at all. My advise to you is to trust in God. Give it time. I am asking that you do not encourage anyone to stand up against Rohr. If you are in the NCW, this is not what our catechists have taught us. The NCW is an itinerary to Christian formation. As Christians, we put our full trust in God. There is a lot of power in prayer, so please pray. It has been known that praying the Rosary has brought down the Soviet Union. Tim Rohr is more into human action. As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer. So please practice that. Let us show the jungle the power of prayer. Let us show the jungle that human action is nothing against God's divine hand.

    3. I understand you, Diana. You say what you have to say. This is absolutely fine with me. The Golem was not brought down by human action, but by the supernatural power of God! When we pray we trust this supernatural power that raised our Lord as well. He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!

      I still applaud Joshua because he is a brave person who went to the lion's den and laughed into the yellowish eye of the compulsive liar. In God we trust, the Golem will fall! Lol.

    4. "It has been known that praying the Rosary has brought down the Soviet Union."

      Oh really? I like this one! The Rosary was surely efficient. How about the internal deterioration of a morally corrupt, godless Red Empire? How about the firm determination of President Ronald Reagan and the overwhelming military power of Uncle Sam? Hmmmmm. Beyond the prayer, I am sure these things did not hurt either, did they?!

  2. Of all people providing refreshment for the protesters, the Seminary staff. Where was Tim Rohr, Chuck White, Bob Klitzie and the leadership of CCOG, LFM? I pray for peace, understanding and reconciliation for all. We are Catholics after all. Only God will find a way for peace and understanding among all of us. Once that happens, the devil will really be mad.

    1. Tim Rohr, Chuck White, Bob Klitzie and the leadership of CCOG, LFM are well aware that criminal activity will earn them jail time! The little problem is that they are afraid of going to jail. So they rather hide and stay away in the dark. They only send others to fight for them and risk their physical well-being by acting erratically and unreasonably.

  3. And they shouted at Father Julius, the pastor to go home. They probably picked on him because he is black. Racism in its most despicable form.

    -having written this, it WAS YOU who started the racism angle

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:18 pm,

      I never told Father Julius to go home. As a matter of fact, I never told any nonChamorros to go home. The LFM and CCOG who were at the airport were the ones shouting at the Gennarinis to go home. They were the ones who started this "Go home" thing and even carried placards.

    2. Racism is not an angle. Racism is a deformation in one's mind. Those who spew hatred and incite violence against other people because of their skin color are plain sick and need medication for their brain! Perhaps it is not too late to save them for the sake of humanity.

  4. Why is it so important for Rohr to lie straight into the face of Senator Tom Ada?

  5. I condemn the actions of the women shouting in Merizo. However, I can't stand when people cry "racism" with no basis for it. Diana, please allow me to point out that I think there is no basis for it in this case. Lamentably, these people have said terrible things about priests because of their connection to the NCW, independent of race. There is no need to call them racist. What they do is worse. They call these men "neo" priests, even though no such thing exists. These are validly and licitly ordained priests of Holy Mother Church, and as far as I know, most of them work hard and administer the sacraments reverently, the same work that any other priest does BESIDES their involvement in the NCW. We should pray for more vocations, many more priests like these, regardless of their involvement in the NCW. And I think that crying racism diverts the attention from this real issue.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:17 am,

      It is also because of race. On August 26, 2013 (3 years ago), the jungle posted a photo of a black priest and Tim Rohr stated the following on that same post:

      "As an aside, though, we would like to see the source document for the Pope and the bishops desiring "internationality". In fact, post-Vatican II, we have seen the opposite: a trend towards the ordaining of priests and consecration of bishops for service to THEIR OWN people, and a trend away from sending foreigners into mission lands.

      Thus, after centuries of foreign bishops for Guam, our last two bishops (post-Vatican II) have been from Guam. Should we - as per the supposed desire for internationality - expect to see soon an African or South American bishop as we are now seeing with our priests? Probably not, but if anyone has the document on the desire for internationality, please feel free to post the link in the comments. We'll make sure it gets top billing in our next post."

      Tim Rohr have always advocated for "local" priests, which is why he challenged us to show documents of Popes and Bishops desiring "internationality". The RM Seminary is "internationally" a mission seminary with many international seminarians.

      In the universal Church, it should never matter what nationality the priest or bishop is because God does not look at race. The mission of the Church is to spread the Gospel of Christ to all people. St. Paul said that those in Christ are neither Jew nor Gentile. All are one in Christ Jesus. All belong to God's family.

    2. Diana, how can you say Tim is racist when he's married to a black woman?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:12 am,

      Racism is racism no matter how one tries to sugar-coat it. Take the case of Thomas Jefferson. He was the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence with the words "all men are created equal with inalienable rights." Yet, the man who wrote these words was a slave owner and even fathered children with one of his slaves. He owned Black slaves.

      When those 5 women said "Go home" to Father Julius, that has nothing to do with the ownership of RMS. The remark was referring to his being a foreigner from Africa. The protester holding the "Go home" sign is sending the same racist message to the seminarians in RMS. Most of those seminarians are Pacific Islanders from other Pacific Islands. The ONLY person who was not sending out any prejudice or racist remark is the protester holding up the sign that says "return the RMS property to the Archdiocese" or "restore the property." Those kinds of signs dealt with real issues. The rest of the signs are nothing but hate signs. Racism always causes division, and it was the jungle who caused this division starting with racism . So, sadly, the minds of our elderly folks are being brainwashed with prejudice and racism.

    4. "Go home" is racist now? That's a pretty long bow to draw. Why not understand it as it is literally. In other words - "we don't want you here". You are the only one trying to make this an issue of racism

      Shame on you.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:23 pm,

      "We don't want you here" is the same remark that Donald Trump said to the Mexicans, and right now, he is viewed as a "racist" by many people. When you tell a local to go home, that carries a DIFFERENT meaning when telling an African like Father Julius to go home.

    6. "Go home" is not only racist, it is outright Nazi! You cannot tell anybody where is his home. People who come to live on Guam have their home here on Guam! They bring their wealth and values here, both material and spiritual and utilize it for the benefit of the people of Guam! Do you have problem with that? Do you? If yes, then you must be not only a racist but also a Nazi. Period.

      Saying "go home" is also very much un-American, even anti-American! Where do you see in the mainland people telling to Chamorros to go home?! They would never do that. Why? Because they welcome migrants, they welcome Chamorros, Hawaiians, Puerto Ricans, etc. any native people of any American territory!

      American people are very generous in sharing their wealth and beautiful lands with migrants of every nations and give them very decent salaries for their hard work! Many Chamorros move to the mainland because they are welcome there, their dedication to their job and professional skills are very much appreciated.

      Do you want that to change, dear Anonymous?!

    7. "We don't want you here" is a typical misconception stemming from a false sense of power of some uneducated people. Tell the palm tree that you don't want it to grow at the beach. Tell the gecko that you don't want him to run around at the fields. Would they listen to you?

      You do not have power to stop the palm tree from growing, You do not have power to stop the gecko from running around. In you insane fury you may try to destroy them. You may cut some of the palm trees and kill some of the geckos. But way beyond the time you exist on earth, there will be many palm trees still growing on the beaches and many geckos still running around on the fields.

      What can you do against the power of good ole' mother nature, my friend?

      The same way, the land you live on is not yours to exclude others. It is yours to share with others. If you don't understand this, then you are not the rightful owner of that land, you are not a good steward of your Chamorro inheritance.

    8. Hey there peeps, I didn't say that saying "go home" was justified. It is the sort of thing my mother taught me not to say. But I do not believe it is racist.

      The thing is, the NCW choose to represent an organization that appears to (and may in fact) undermine the Catholic doctrine, practise and tradition. You will find comments from prominent anonymous NCW supporters (Joker, for example) actually proudly stating this.

      So, for those of us that see this as a threat - as an intentional assault on the Church that we love - the sentiment contained in "go home" is precisely "stop doing this horrible thing to the Church. Stop abusing your power. Leave us alone so that we might worship n peace, unassailed by novelty"

      That is the sentiment, and, despite my mother's good advice, I am inclined to agree, and to say to all NCW members, whatever their race - "GO HOME"


    9. Fr. Juilus is not born on Guam
      He is an alien on Guam.
      Is visa in order?

    10. Dear Anonymous at 1:51 pm,

      Yes it is. That is the reason why some of them leave off-island so they can update their Visa. However, Tim tells a different story.

    11. Dear Anon, it is none of your business if someone has a visa, green card or citizenship card. It is only the business of Homeland Security and not yours! Do you understand? Shame on you!

    12. You are insane, peeps. Who is undermining Catholic doctrine? Are you out of your mind?! We are Catholics are everyone else who confesses to be Catholic.

      It is you who defy the teaching of our Lord about love of your sisters and brothers. Shame on you peeps, what you do is ugly and racist!

  6. 1pm i hear you. But you cannot compare chamorros who go to the mainland with this mob neo group dominatung our island and culture.
    I am one of those shouting " go home" i plan to start shouting in Agana cathedral during homily. GO HOME.

  7. As if we don't have enough problems. Diana, you brought up racism, and you are foolish and so tone deaf to use the name of the national socialist party in Germany. Your Journalistic skills are so limited. You are simply not helping, dear. Over your head. Just cut and paste Zenit and be done with it.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:27 pm,

      I did not bring up the race card. Tim Rohr brought it up three years ago, but only a few people caught on to it. Most people did not catch it.

    2. "Most people did not catch it. "

      That's because it wasn't the race card. Your lens is distorted.

    3. The worst kind of hatred is that of racial hatred. It is a big shame on the traditional Catholics group on Guam that they identify with this kind of racial incitement. On mainland America many people were lynched because of racial hatred back in the 19th century! Is this really that dark pages of history that you are proposing to bring back on Guam?!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:01 pm,

      Most people here on Guam did not catch it because racism is not as visible as it is in the U.S. Some of my African Americans told me that they love Guam because they feel comfortable here unlike in the U.S. where many of them feel like they are being watched most of the time as they enter a store. However, people who have had experience with racial discrimination can easily catch it.

      Tim Rohr was the one who pulled out the race card about three years ago. In fact, it was about 1 month after Father Paul was removed from the Dededo parish. I did not start blogging until 2014.

    5. You have African Americans?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 7:33 pm,

      We have friends who are African Americans. They are not in the NCW. They are in the military.

  8. please notice how the tone is changing. A few days ago rohr's lackeys were conciliatory. Knowing that they have broken the law, their words were covered in honey. Today we begin to hear their shrill bullying again. They tell Diana she's over her head. They plan to desecrate the Eucharist. They shout go home to any non native islander that disagrees with them.

    I also suspect that it was not racism with Julius. It is even worse: it is nativism. Nativism is worse than racism. Racism targets only one race. Nativism targets everyone who is not native. The horror is than these people are using faith as the excuse and the means to make the real Catholic faith into a nativist heresy. CCOG is not Catholic, it is nativist. While the Roman Catholic Church is universal, these people erect barriers that say in our church you either do it the Chamorro way or you are not welcome and we will not just kick you out of our church but kick you off our island. They are heretics who have left the real church long time ago.
    But as all heretics tend to be, they can and will get violent, with their words and with their deeds. They do not listen to reason and do not accept facts. All they see is the hate for everything that is different from themselves.

    1. Good point! Rohr is turning them into savages. Disgusting!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:04 pm,

      These elderly folks are our manankos. Tim Rohr targeted this age group because they are vulnerable. The very young and elderly are usually targets by people who use them for their own purposes.

  9. I hear and see bishops from most dioceses in USA use the catholic stations radios and tv to broadcast their pastoral messages across on a scheduled regular basis because they could not go into all parishes. they take live phone calls from their congregation and not afraid to engage them in doctrinal or theological or pastoral conversations. its saddening that this bishop from Guam....with one of the smallest diocese on face of this earth could not simply use the station the catholics are continually supporting to keep on a tool to engage his congregation. you may suggest this to him because it makes no sense to hear him sing but not actually speak in person.....very rare these days except on sundays at the cathedral and some few special sad....
