Blog Song

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Truth Prevails

The ownership of the RM seminary has been confirmed in today's Umatuna.  The certificate of title recorded at the Department of Land Management confirms that the RM seminary is under the Archdiocese of Agana even with the Declaration of Deed Restriction in place, just as the Archdiocese have been saying all along.  So, what does this mean?  It means that the Archbishop, Father Pius, Father Adrian, Jackie Terlaje and the Archdiocese have been telling the truth all along.  The fact that CCOG and the junglefolks NEVER believed them was never the problem of the Archbishop.  It was never the Archbishop's fault that CCOG chose to believe the fairytales in the jungle.  They wanted transparency.  They wanted some evidence that the RM seminary did in fact belong to the Archdiocese of Agana.  Tim Rohr even stated to prove him wrong.  Today, he has been proven wrong.  The truth prevails. The question now is.....who is man or woman enough to apologize to the Archbishop for calling him a liar and a thief?      

Apparently, Tim is upset and still calling the Archbishop a liar and thief despite the certificate of title in front of his nose.  As anyone can plainly see, it was the jungle that caused the division.  The Archbishop was telling the truth all along.  Now, the jungle is inventing fairytales about Land Management. So, who do you think you should believe......Tim Rohr or the Department of Land Management?  I doubt that the Archbishop would be signing any papers presented by CCOG. If CCOG persists in their blindness by bringing the matter to court, just remember that these are the documents that the Archbishop will be presenting:  
  1. Report from the Pacific American Title confirming that the lots on which the RM seminary sits identified the owner as the Archbishop of Agana.
  2. Report from the law firm of Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP in Denver, Colorado showing that the Archbishop of Agana retains substantial authority over the RM seminary. 
  3. Document of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts, which has the highest authority in the Catholic Church for interpreting the laws of the Church concluding that there was no alienation of the property. 
  4. Certificate of title from the Department of Land Management.
What documents will CCOG bring to the table showing that the RM seminary does not belong to the Archdiocese of Agana?  Do they have a certificate of title actually naming the Neocatechumenal Way as the legal owner? 

To CCOG, the Laity Forward Movement, and the junglefolks, if you want to cease the division and foster reconciliation and unity in the now begins with you.  Why?  Because the truth has finally come out. You now know that the Department of Land Management names the Archbishop as the legal owner of the RM seminary.  In other words, the Archbishop never gave the property away.  He was telling you the truth all along.  So, what do you think you should do about it?   


  1. can Tim turn the Diana clock off now!!!!

  2. Diana just so you know a report from a title Company don't mean anything in terms of legal proof. They are simply reports from a title company. The real proof is the deed. Just want you to know.

  3. Diana just so you know a report from a title Company don't mean anything in terms of legal proof. They are simply reports from a title company. The real proof is the deed. Just want you to know. This goes as well for the certificate of title from land management. Land management is an administrative agency meaning they simply accept what's given to them and record it. They simply record and don't investigate or ensure authenticity. That's why the real determination for legal purposes is a deed.

    1. Dear Tim Rohr,

      Essentially, what you are saying is that ALL the certificate of titles given out the Department if Land Management is invalid. I do not think so. I suggest you look at the divisions in Land Management. There is no deed. There is a DECLARATION of Deed Restriction. The problem is you only saw ONE word, when in truth there are four words together.

    2. Diana, everyone knows that DLM is just a recording agency. You can record a living will at DLM too.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:05 am,

      The Declaration of Deed Restriction was also recorded at DLA. Do you think that they would grant the Archbishop the certificate of title, knowing about the Declaration of Deed Restriction. In fact, DLM even have it registered in their records as a declaration by check marking "declaration". Take another look at it.

      Furthermore, you cannot invalidate the certificate of title and validate the declaration of deed restriction recorded at the same agency. Either both are invalid or both are valid. You cannot have it YOUR way.

    4. AT Anonymous November 29, 2015 at 7:02 AM Is that you TIM Anonymous Rohr ?? not being a coward.

  4. Diana, DLM doesn't do the research in the wording of the title for recording. Unless the titles are contested or ordered by the courts, DLM will issue a certificate of title. DLM is not the agency that validates the wording in the titles. They are a recording agency. Everyone knows that and titles have been contested before through the courts.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:40 am,

      DLM is required by law to issue out certificate of titles. To do that, they would require some proof that the property belongs to the person claiming the property. No one can just claim any property they want and then tell DLM to record the property as their own without some evidence. Also, DLM have their own legal counsel.

    2. CCOG should just proceed with their threat of bringing this issue to court. Let the chips fall where they may. If the court rules in their favor, CCOG will praise the judge and judicial system. Should the court rule in favor of the Archbishop, CCOG will cry foul and accuse the judge of favoritism and vehemently protest the corrupt judiciary. If CCOG were sincerely 'concerned Catholics of Guam', they would accept the decision of the court since it would CCOG bringing this issue to court. But I suspect a negative ruling against them would incite more vicious venom from them. Since they believe the only 'Truth' is their 'Truth'. Ultimately, we all will face God when we are called to judgement after we die. Matthew 7:2 'For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.'

  5. TIM is a little rattle, now picture of the middle finger, real good Family catholic man.

  6. I was wondering what you mean by the middle finger. I just saw it!

    Yeah, he's a mad man. Mad man I tell ya...

  7. Same thing again. Eileen bb , CNMI lawyer, Fr. Matthew Blockley, Mary Lou, Janet, chuck white, Tim Rohr, anon anon anon, like a breaking ranting record.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:46 am,

      I have not seen Eileen or CNMI lawyer lately on the blog.


    2. Yes Diana Eileen bb CNMI lawyer were quiet past week. Let's hope they have turned away from sin stop attacking our beloved Archbishop Apuron.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:35 am,

      I am still waiting for the media (PNC, KUAM) to do follow up stories now that they should know about the certificate of titles. They can interview the President of CCOG and the Dept. Of Land Management.

  8. Diana,

    The truth still hasn't prevailed. Just because there is a recorded title in the current archbishops name doesn't mean the deed has stipulations that supersedes the current owner when he's replaced or when he passes away. It's common sense that the wording in the deed is what's important.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:46 am,

      The truth has prevailed. CCOG accused the Archbishop of giving the property away. Ownership was the problem and they kept saying they want the property returned to the Archdiocese. The certificate of title solves that problem. Now they know that the property was never given away. So, what do they want to take him to court for now????


  9. Why do CCOG want to take Archbishop to court?
    Did Archbishop do wrong action?


    1. Archbishop stole gave away a $40,000,000 property. That is good enough reason to take him to the Superior court of Guam.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:58 pm,

      If CCOG still wants to take the Archbishop to court, that is their choice. I hope they accept the judge's choice when he throws out the case in favor of the Archbishop.


    3. Diana , once CCOG take this to court you also have to submit to the decesion of the Judge. I hope you understand that the decesion of the Judge is final on this issue. We do not have time to take this matter to the supreme court of the United States in Washington DC.

    4. What good does it do taking archbishop to court. Costly to take him to court. Then what happens if Archbishop is taking to court for his abuse issues. This whole Archdiocese becomes a zone of faking another to court. No. Archbishop needs to sit down with CCOG laity forward, Junglewatch, all the sections of community he offended. He needs to work things out with the people and act justly. Firstly he must return the stolen property to its owner the Archdiocese of Agana. He must remove his own name from the title and apply Archnishop of agana. Secondly, archbishop must restore all the I'll gotten wealth he massed over thirty years of corruption. Only then can peace process evolve.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:26 pm,

      What good would it do if the Archbishop were to sit down with CCOG, Laity Forward, and the jungle? They would never believe anything he says. If the Certificate of Title cannot prove anything to you, then nothing will. So, if CCOG feels the only way to resolve the issue is to go to court, that is their choice. And when the Archbishop wins the case, CCOG will also have to pay for the Archbishop's attorney.


    6. Diana don't you understand this is not about you taking CCOG to court or CCOG taking you to court. There will be a winner and a loser here . This results in dividing our archdiocese for years to come. It is not about who wins or loses. It is about the division that will grow because of Archbishop Apuron. Please try and understand the issue here. Archbishop Apiron has become such a figure of disunity he is no longer in a position to lead. When a leader has lost all moral compass as he has he must retire so a new bishop can replace him who has moral integrity. You don't understand Diana. This is not just about a piece of paper with a title. Yes property must be returned to the rightful owner but also other concerns. You are just after the money but to us who call Guam home this is about family division which you are feeding.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:50 pm,

      You stated: "We do not have time to take this matter to the supreme court of the United States in Washington DC"

      I do not think it will go that far. The judge will throw out the case due to the fact that the Archbishop has his documents. CCOG, on the other hand, is only going to have their attorney's OPINION on the Archbishop's documents.

  10. Our prayers for Sister Therese of the Sacred Heart of our Guam Carmel who passed away this afternoon. Eternal rest grant unto sister Therese O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.
