Blog Song

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ownership Of RMS Confirmed

Now, that the Certificate of Title has been released through the Catholic newspaper, I hope to see the media on Guam follow up on the story.  They can interview the Director of Land Management regarding the Certificate of Title issued to the Archdiocese of Agana.  The following was taken from the U Matuna Si Yu'os, a Catholic newspaper on Guam.

Ownership of Seminary property confirmed

The Archbishop of Agana is the legal and sole owner of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Guam in Yona (former Hotel Accion property) according to the Certificates of Title issued by the Government of Guam, Department of Land Management on October 30, 2015. 

The Department of Land Management issued Certificates of Title Nos. 135922, 135923, 135924 and 135925 for the ownership of the property where the Redemeptoris Mater Seminary of Guam is located in Yona.  There are four Certificates of Title because the Seminary property is made up of 2 lots, and 2 right-of-ways. 

Guam law authorizes the Government of Guam by the Director of Land Management to issue a certificate of title to the owner of the property, or his agent.  According to Monsignor David C. Quitugua, Vicar General, "The release of these certificates clearly resolves any doubt that the owner of the seminary property is the Archbishop of Agana, A Corporation Sole." 

Msgr. David C. Quitugua states, "These certificates establish that the Archdiocese of Agana by Most Rev. Anthony S. Apuron, OFM, Cap., D.D., Archbishop of Guam, maintains legal ownership of the Seminary property, and it is only the Archdiocese through the mechanisms of Canon Law that will determine the transfer or conveyance of this property.  Of course, all transaction must be civilly legally recorded and registered."  He continued, "The transfer or sale of the Seminary property and it monetary value cannot outweigh the intrinsic worth that the seminary provides for evangelization in the Pacific."  Moe than 40 young men currently are enrolled in the formation for the priesthood.  Thse men come for the Archdiocese of Agana.  Other Bishops from he Diocese of Kiribati, American Samoa and Western Samoa are also sending their men here.

Additionally, the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Theological Institute which provides for the academic formation of the seminarians, is affiliated to the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.  This is the Pope's University.  At the completion of studies, the degree conferred comes from the Lateran University. The program of studies and the Faculty have the Nihil Obstat of the Lateran University. 

The release of the Certificates of Title confirms the previous opinions of Bishop Arieta of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts (the highest judicial authority in the Roman Curia, who serves in the name of the Pope), and Lewis Roca Rothgerber, LLP, who have stated that the Archbishop continues to maintain authority over the Seminary property. 

A blessing from Monsignor David C. Quitugua, "In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us remember to give glory and praise to God for all his blessings upon us.  We ask Santa Marian Camarin to continue protecting us, as she has done over the years.  Dankulu na Si Yu'os Ma'ase to all the faithful for your generosity big or small, and for all that you do in the Archdiocese." 


  1. Diana,

    A certificate of title isn't as cut and dry as you may think it is. Anyone can give or sell a property to another and have the transfer to the new owner "recorded" at DLM. However, it is what is "within" the deed that ultimately says what the new owner/owners can do with the property in the future. Everyone knows that DLM is just a recording agency but their research is only limited to the recordation of uncontested land titles.

    DLM is not an agency that determines what the "fine print" of the DEED is. That "fine print" however can limit threw new owner to what he/she does or how it is transferred in the future after the new owner is replaced or has passed on.

    So try not to get ahead of yourself because not everything is as cut and dry as you may think it is.

    1. Dear Anonymous ar12:52 am,

      All the deed restriction does is restrict the use of the property. Whoever the next Archbishop will be, he will be the owner of RMS and will have control of it. The restriction deed should not be a problem. What Archbishop of Guam would want to sell the property just to pay off their debts??? Having priestly vocations is more important than the debts.

    2. Imagine you own a car, registered in your own name, and you sign an agreement with a friend that states that the use of the car is given to him "in perpetuity" and furthermore that he may do what he wishes with the car.

      If anyone were to look at the registration details, they would believe that you are still the owner, but effectively the car is no longer yours as you cannot use it or determine its future use.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:11 am,

      Do you actually know anyone who has done that with their car?

    4. So, Diana, notice how you have evaded the comment? What does it matter whether I "actually know anyone who has done that with their car". This is an analogy to what has happened with the property.

      Rather than see it for what it is, you throw in some silly comment about whether or not this actually happened. Let's say, yes, I do know someone who has done that with their car. Now what?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 4:10 pm,

      I do not deal with fairy tales. No one in their right mind would do that to their car. Why? Because if the car was involved in an accident or criminal activity, the owner would be legally responsible.

      What was done with the RMS property was different. The Archbishop is the legal owner and controls the property. All the deed restriction does is put a restriction on how the property is to be used. It did not put any restriction on anyone else. The restriction was on the use of the property....not on the person.

  2. Hey Diana, why aren't you publishing ALL the comments that have been submitted? Why are you only filtering what you want your followers to see and not the facts that are irefuitable?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:58 am,

      I am the administrator of this blog. I filter out comments whose questions have already been answered. It is useless to continue saying that the certificate of title is useless when in fact it proves all along that the property is owned by the Archdiocese of Agana.

      Why not admit the truth? It was never the ownership that bothered you or CCOG. It was the deed restriction all along. All the deed restriction does is restrict the use of the seminary. So, tell the truth. If you do not want the property to be a seminary, then what exactly do you want it used as?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:58 AM, please, do not be laughable. Diana is the moderator of her blog and she allows comments to be published under her own discretion. What is more, she is responsible for her own blog, so she naturally likes to keep it clean from mean comments and disinformation. Are you with me on this? If you do not like it, you may try to leave you comment at another blog. Lol.

  3. Oh get over it already jungle folks.

    1. Why cause you can't stand the facts?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:17 pm,

      The certificate of title is a FACTUAL document, which rattled the jungle. :-)

    3. Anon 3:17,

      That's a very funny statement actually. Because you jungle folks seem like the ones who can't stand it.

  4. The truth is all the people want Diana. You can assume all you want about what the CCOG's motive is. Think about it, if the truth about the DEED RESTRICTION wasn't hidden from the people, do you think the church would be this way? Why don't you admit the real truth? That restriction will be decided in court. That's when the truth will be determined. Till then, you can dramatize the truth because yea it is your blog.

    1. Yes, that is a good point. Why was the deed restriction hidden, if everything is above board? It makes no sense, and only leads to suspicion.

      If the Archbishop's/gennarini's intentions were sound and good, why did they keep the deed restriction secret?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:06 am,

      This did not start with the deed restriction. It started with the removal of Father Paul. All CCOG has been asking was the return of the RM seminary because they mistakenly thought it was no longer owned by the Archdiocese. Now that you know the truth, you are trying to make it into something else. On what basis will CCOG bring the Archbishop to court now??? Is CCOG going to argue that the owner of the property have no right to put a restriction on itself???

    3. Dear Diana at 11.44am. With respect, you response is totally beside the point of my comment. I asked why the Deed Restriction was made secretly if there was nothing to hide. If it wasn't for the JW, we would never have known it occurred. Why?

      You say "they mistakenly thought it was no longer owned by the Archdiocese. Now that you know the truth, you are trying to make it into something else"

      but the thing is, no-one ever argued that the title was not in the Archbishop's name, only that the Deed Restriction had the effect of transferring ownership. The Title may be unchanged but the effect of the Deed Restriction changes things. Otherwise there is no point to it.

      So, once again, I'll ask you - why was the Deed Restriction kept secret if everything was above board?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:44 pm,

      You stated: "no-one ever argued that the title was not in the Archbishop's name,"

      If that was the case, why was CCOG demanding that the property be returned to the Archdiocese of Agana? The deed restriction was made because there were some people who had intentions of selling the property. That answer was published in the news. The deed restriction does not change the ownership. It simply restricts the use of the property.

    5. Diana, you say the only one who can sale the property is the archbishop but then you contradict yourself by saying that "some people" wanted to sell the property. How can "some people" sell it if it belongs to the archdiocese? What if ROME ordered it to be sold, then what now?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 3:22 pm,

      You stated: "What if ROME ordered it to be sold, then what now?"

      Now you are getting into fairytale land. Do you know how many times the jungle says that the Archbishop is not in control? Do you know that the jungle says that all this was not done by the Archbishop but by Father Pius?

      People who make these kinds of accusations are looking for an Archbishop who can be controlled by those who want to sell the property. After all, look at the jungle. You can see Tim Rohr attacking the Archbishop's miter. It's only a miter....but he's telling the Archbishop what to wear. And he is not even the Pope.

    7. Dear Diana at 3.12.

      Once again you failed to answer the question. Is that because you genuinely don't have an answer, or because you are afraid of the truth.

      In the hope that your conscience might get the better of you, I'll ask the question again:

      Why was the Deed Restriction kept secret if everything was above board?

    8. Dear Anonymous 12:44 PM and 3:22 PM, please stop this silliness. You are asking absolutely irrelevant questions that have no bearing with the juridical clarification published at the U Matuna this weekend.

      It is your choice of accepting the facts or going against them. If you decide to sue the Archdiocese, please go ahead and make your charges at court. If you want verification of these very clear facts from a judge, then you are free to sue and spend a lot of money on lawyers. Then, you will arrive to the same conclusion that we are telling you right now absolutely free. Lol.

      We know you won't listen. It does not matter what evidence we show, you do not accept the facts. Your heart lacks the Spirit of Him who tells the truth. That is your free choice to make. But then it is our choice to ignore your additional baseless accusations and grumbles. If you have that much money and need a big slap on the face from the court, then go ahead and earn it by starting your frivolous lawsuit. You will reap public ridicule and people will laugh at you forever. Lol.

      You see the life is beautiful and we are all free to do what our conscience is telling us. Try to follow yours and accept what your conscience is telling you.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 4:17 pm,

      It was not kept a secret. It was in the news in August 2014. According to Father Pius, he told the Pacific Daily News:

      "Regarding the transfer of the title, the legal advisor of the Archdiocese, five years ago, asked that the title be transferred to the Redemptoris Mater Corporation to respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the property. This Corporation is a ‘corporation sole’ where there is only one member, namely the Archbishop who hasall power. He is assisted by a Board of Directors whooverviews the daily administration. The only member, namely the Archbishop, chooses all Directors. Then there is a Board of Guarantors that guarantees that the Corporation follows the original purpose for which it was created. TheArchbishop chooses, confirms or dismisses freely these guarantors."

      You were told since last year that the RMS is a corporation sole with the Archbishop as the legal owner. I already told you that the deed restriction was put in place to safeguard the property.

    10. It is not necessarily an RMSeminary but a Archdiocesan seminary.
      RMS is not a diocesan seminary. It is a Neo Seminary meant to provide presbyters for the NCW communities.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 12:28 pm,

      It is not a "neo seminary." It is a diocesan seminary that prepares men to do missionary work worldwide. Do you remember that Pope Francis ordained men from the RM seminary into the priesthood? These men made a promise to Pope Francis that they will be obedient to him. Every RMS priest makes a promise to be obedient to the Bishop, not to the NCW.

    12. " Every RMS priest makes a promise to be obedient to the Bishop, not to the NCW."

      Do you take us for fools? Do you really expect us to believe that the first and last obligations of the RMS priests are not to the NCW?

      I'll give you an example. In the Diocese where I live, the NCW communities have been told by the local Ordinary (the Archbishop) not to sit during communion, and not to simultaneously consume the Blessed Sacrament with the priest. They continue to do so, in disobedience to the Archbishop.

      When I asked one of the priests about this, he agreed that this was the case, but sought to justify it on the basis that "this is our charism".

      So, there is the truth - and that is where the allegiences lie.

    13. Dear Anonymous at 6:42 pm,

      Could you tell me what diocese you are referring to?

    14. What difference does it make which diocese? This is what the NCW actually is. You know that it is true, don't you? You've seen this sort of thing before I'm sure, and it stands to reason that Kiko demands the greater loyalty - you show it all the time yourself, Diana. To you, and the rest of the fanatical NCW members, there is no possibility of error in NCW. Even if everywhere else in the Church the Pope is undertaking reform, in your mind it is impossible that the NCW should change. Unless of course, Kiko tells you to.

      Its a joke. Actually, its not. Its serious and tragic.

    15. Dear Anonymous at 10:56 pm,

      It does matter because in countries where the NCW is unwelcome, I know for a fact that they follow their Bishop. When their Bishop told them not to celebrate the Eucharist and join the parishioners on Sunday Mass, they follow it. I know that they only do the word celebration, but not the Eucharist. So, which diocese are you referring to?

    16. You "know for a fact", do you? Well, I "know for a fact" that what I say is true. Which means you are wrong. And sorry, but no, this is not the forum to discuss the specifics of the diocese and the communities involved.

      Suffice it to say that the NCW exercises considerable political power in the diocese and feels entitled to disobey, as there is unlikely to be any real consequence. I might point out that this has been going on for a couple of years now.

      You need to wake up Diana. You are so full of pride for an institution created by a man, at the expense of a society instituted by God-made-man. You are full of justifications, imaginations and anything else you can find to support what is essentially a corrupt, political power play within the Church. Many of the NCW members have never had the opportunity to learn anything other than what they are told in the community - but you have. You have been given every reason to look carefully at the NCW system, its teachings and practises, and to defend the Catholic Church, even if it is personally costly to you, or challenges your previous beliefs.

      It is not only disappointing that you choose not to do that, but you also take a great responsibility for the consequences that this has on others. I urge you to think again.

    17. Dear Anonymous at 1:05 pm,

      The NCW came from the Holy Spirit. See the weblink below:

  5. How do we contact administrator of this blog with information not to be posted but blog needs to know facts?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:31 am,

      If you do not want information posted on this blog, then do not make any comments on this blog.

    2. Another example of your worthlessness as a source for anything. 11:31AM was asking for a way to contact you, like an email address, to pass along information.
      Your inability to comprehend even the most simplistic of things is why you and this blog is laughable.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:01 pm,

      He also said he wanted to pass information to me that he does not want publish. And if I wanted to be contacted, I would have provided an email address on my blog. If the person REALLY wanted to provide me information that he does not want publish, he will find a way. After all, in my blog, information will not be published without my approval. So, I am certain he can figure it out.

    4. Bloggers often desire to send Comments to the blog administrator that the blogger does not want published. All blogs of which I am aware provide an email address for readers to contact directly administrator. Tim Rohr administrator of JW provides an email address. You do not. If your blog is authentic Diana you must publish a direct email for us to contact you with our private comments to you. Otherwise you're blog cannot be taken seriously .I want to comment to you but I do not want words posted. Thank you. Irene.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:01 PM, I am sorry to disappoint you, but you simply cannot ask anything from Diana that she does not want to share with you. It is courtesy from here that she allows you to dump your nonsensical comments here, anyway.

      So please, stop demanding any personal information, because we know who you are and how you abuse other people's personal data. Did I tell you this nice enough? Lol.

    6. Dear Irene,

      Not all blog administrator have their private email address on it. An example is this blog below:

      Not all blogs also allows comments. It is up to the blog adminstrator. I do not wish to receive any private emails from someone who wants to share very personal and private things with me they do not want publish. Why? Because it becomes a burden and responsibility on me and I do not know whether those private comments can be verified as truth. I place my trust on the Archbishop because he was chosen by the Pope. I place my trust on the hierarchy of the Church because that hierarchy was created by God. If the Pope feels that he is unfit to remain the Archbishop, I am certain that the Pope would already have done something about it.

    7. Thank you 11.31am. I also would like to send a personal letter of reference to Administrator Diana . I have a gift I would like to send Diana to financially support her mission. Diana, if you have an email or a phone number I would like to call you. Please just give me your cell number and I call you. Perhaps we can meet for coffee or a bite to eat. Or may be you like a game of tennis with me. Please let me have a phone number or I will send you mine. Kevin.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 9:39 pm,

      If you would like to support the mission of the NCW, just go to the Archdiocese of Agana and donate the amount in an envelop stating that you would like to donate to the mission of the NCW. My family is not a missionary family, but your donation can go to any mission family in the NCW.

    9. What do you mean Diana you are not a missionary family?
      I do not like what you said a donation can go to any mission family in NCW.
      Why should Guam pay for these families who are not gainfully employed.
      I was also told mission families Guam mostly rejects from south America.
      South Americans from backward towns not qualified to get work so they come to Guam for easy life.


    10. I said I will donate to this blog not a mission family. I would like an email, cell number of you Diana so I can and you my envelope. I will not go to,Sam Ramon chancery since it is hard for me to go up the hill to the office. I want to give my gift directly to you Diana them I know money will support this blog. Just give me you"re email or cell number and we can text meet up . You can bring you're friends as well. As readers say this blog now needs a private email for us to send in Comments direct to the office of the administrator. Tim Rohr allows islanders to email him.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 11:41 pm,

      Who are you to tell a person where he should donate? If the person wants to donate to the mission of the NCW, who are you to tell him what he should do with his money? The person asked how he can donate to my mission, and I gave him an answer. My family is not on mission. We have not yet reached the stage of being a mission family. You are misinformed. There are some mission families from Europe.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 11:48 pm,

      You said that you wanted to support my mission. You did not say you wanted to support my blog. I do not take any donations for my blog. Tim Rohr can do what he wants with his blog.


    13. Eileen bb is now commenting again afew a rest period.
      CNMI lawyer is still quiet.
      Fr. Matthew Blockley off air time past two days. Thank God we need a break from his Rantings.
      Notice they all compete for air time then go silent for days. Return again ranting then silent again.
      Eileen bb ranting today.


    14. 11.55pm. No value to being a mission family. It is a waste of time, serves no purpose, and is a financial burden on the local church. Mission families need to be sent home buying their own air tickets. Mission families financial burden on our island home Guam.

    15. 11.41pm. What a nasty person you are. Mission families are sent to witness and proclaim .
      What unearth are you talking about? You have no understanding whatsoever.

  6. FYI Sept of Land Management isn't all current with their posting. I am currently paying land tax, but according to Land Management, said property was still recorded under previous owners. I had to produce documents of deed to have them correct it. Did the archbishop produce the deed that he transfered the property to RMS or was this certificate recorded upon purchase in 1998?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:51 am,

      Exactly. DLM cannot even make corrections until you bring in documents proving that you are the owner. As for the deed restriction, that was already recorded at Land Management. Most likely, there would have been a deed of sale in 1998 when the Accion property was transferred to the Archdiocese of Agana.

    2. Funny how you Diana aren't even sure when you say "most likely" but don't even hear yourself.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:21 pm,

      I say that because I am not the Archbishop. I do not know what papers were presented.

    4. So why do you preach something you aren't even sure of yourself? You see how childish this is? You're basing and opinionating on things you yourself don't really know.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:26 pm,

      I was correct in stating that in order to show that the property is yours, you need to bring in some evidence showing that. A person cannot just claim any property they want and then walk into DLM and tell them to give them a certificate of title for that particular property. That was my whole point. That was my preaching. The jungle, on the other hand, appears to think that DLM only records. In other words, anyone can just get a certificate of title from them without any evidence.

      The Archbishop has the certificate of title; therefore he has the evidence showing that the property belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana. Does CCOG have any certificate of title naming the NCW as the legal owner?

    6. And RMS can show a Deed Restriction which acts as a conveyance, so they can say the property belongs to them.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:15 pm,

      Indeed. And RMS will also show the Certificate of Title naming the Archbishop as the legal owner of RMS. That is why the legal name of RMS corporation is "Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Archdiocese of Agana."

      In my blog, I showed how St. John Seminary in California is actually a corporation and also under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and names the Archbishop of Los Angeles as the legal owner. It is the same with the RM seminary in Guam.

    8. It is not the same, as the RMS is separately incorporated.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 10:32 pm,

      The official name is "Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Archdiocese of Agana." It says so in the Articles of Incorporation.

    10. Are you saying that the RMS is NOT separately incorporated?

    11. Dear Anonymous at 10:29 am,

      It never was. This is what the Articles of Incorporation says:

      "The name of the corporation is THE REDEMPTORIS MATER HOUSE OF FORMATION, ARCHDIOCESE OF AGANA, a Guam non-profit corporation."

      How is it separately incorporated when it CLEARLY has the name "Archdiocese of Agana" as its legal name? Is there another Archdiocese of Agana on Guam?

  7. The truth is RMSeminary is not strictly diocesan. It is meant to be used for Kiko's agenda of fielding in priest to accompany family's in mission, itinerants, and support the NCW agenda.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:26 am,

      RMS is diocesan. There are priests from the RM seminary ordained by Pope Francis Some of the RMS priests on Guam are now serving in Guam's parish.

  8. How many have been ordained here? Which parishes, offices are they in? What about the so called mission?
    I bet there are more RMS ordained outside of Guam doing NCW activities? Ordained diocesan is only an excuse. I know.

    1. Dear anonymous, first of all, please show your good intention. You cannot call us enemies, talk war against us and threaten us with violence and at the same time assume that we take you as honest persons of good will and good intentions.

      No, you are not honest, you only ask fake questions. You have no good will and you have no good intentions at all. So why do you keep coming here??

  9. Anonymous 3:15, I come to this blog hoping that you can be 'saved' from the opium that you have made of NCW. Why? Because you never question anything that is NCW, Jesus asked a lot of questions but in the NCW you do not, and if you do, the Obedience card is being pulled out

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:45 am,

      Jesus instructed His disciples to obey the Pharisees because they sit in the seat of Moses.

  10. Hello from Italy.
    Thank you for the text of the article, Diana people: you know, don't you?, Umatuna silently deleted it.

  11. Will keep a copy of this page in case you modify or erase it.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:53 pm,

      Tim Rohr has his own copy. Are you afraid that he would modify or erase his own copy.

  12. Hello from Italy.

    Censoring comments, eh?
    This means that Tim was right.

    1. Dear Hello from Italy,

      What makes you think that Tim does not do the same? This blog exists so that both sides can discuss things in a civil manner. If all you have to offer are insulting remarks, then naturally your comments will not be approved nor published.

  13. Bless you and thank you for your blog, Diana. You are very correct that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thank you for exercising your right to remove comments as you deemed fit.

    As a Catholic of Chamorro parents who were born and raised on Guam, I myself was born and raised in the states as a Catholic, but have lived on Guam for the past 25 years. You have allowed me see things in a little different light. I was disappointed to hear in the news today that our Archbishop of Guam did not follow instructions from Rome. Looking from the outside, this whole issue seemed so suspicious from the start because he seemed to be evasive from the very beginning. I grew up experiencing the catholic parishes and churches in the states to be transparent with any and everything. I am not a master nor desire to be a master of religion or anything, but unfortunately, ALL the catholic people around me also are suspicious too. I pray that the Pope can resolve this issue swiftly in which will be beneficial and in best interest to the to the Archdiocese of Guam.
