Blog Song

Friday, September 25, 2015

To Jaden

An anonymous commenter alerted me to Jaden's message to me in the jungle.  Why he needed to address me in the jungle when I have a blog here is beyond me.  According to his message, which was delivered to my blog by an anonymous commenter: 

Diana, Jaiden has something to say to you. Tim Rohr put his message on his blog.

"Hi I'm Jaden and I was attacked for my words that I used in my interview. Common sense Mrs Diana it is impossible to build a building with blood and stone. But to build a building with stone and mortar even a 12 year old knows blood can't build a building I meant in my words that through the blood of the martyrs the church was built. I was also speaking about the faithful not the building. As I pointed to the cathedral I was pointing to to Lord our God who offers himself in the sacrifice of the mass present in the structure Mrs Diana ur knowledge is strong but Christ said it is children's faith that can get u into heaven"

This is my response:

First of all, my words were not an attack on you, but a correction.  Someone had to correct you in your error when you believed that the Church is a stone building rather than allow you to continue to believe in the error. 

Secondly, I saw the video.  You pointed to the Cathedral as you said "THIS Church...."  You specifically stated "THIS Church....." as you pointed to the cathedral. You should have pointed to yourself and the people around you.  That is the Church.   

Now, you stated:  "As I pointed to the cathedral I was pointing to to Lord our God who offers himself in the sacrifice of the mass present in the structure." 

I see......So, Jaden, when you stated in the video "THIS Church was built by the blood of the martyrs"  as you pointed to the Cathedral, you were referring to our Lord God who gave Himself in the sacrifice of the Mass.  Well, dear Jaden, that is STILL incorrect. 

Our Lord God who offers Himself in the sacrifice of the Mass is NOT the Church.  He is the HEAD of the Church.  In fact, Christ was never called the Church or even THIS Church (as you stated in the video pointing to our Lord God in the sacrifice of the Mass), and even my kids who are much younger than you know that.  Christ was the one who built the Church.  

Therefore, to correct your error....... When you stated: THIS Church was built by the blood of the martyrs, you should NOT be pointing to the Cathedral nor to our Lord God who gave Himself in the sacrifice of the Mass.  Why?  Because the Church is not a stone building, and our Lord God is also NOT the Church.  He is the HEAD of the Church.  Thus, your finger should have been pointing to yourself or to the people.   That is the correction.

You stated:  Mrs Diana ur knowledge is strong but Christ said it is children's faith that can get u into heaven"

No Jaden, Christ did not say that.  Christ said, "Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (See Luke 18:17 and Mark 10:15)

Jaden, if you wish to grow in faith, read the scriptures and listen to the homilies of the priests.  May peace be with you.   


  1. § 1. The nature of the Neocatechumenal Way is defined by His Holiness John Paul II when he writes: "I recognize the Neocatechumenal Way as an itinerary of Catholic Formation, valid for our society and for our times."

    § 2. The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the bishop as one of the forms of diocesan implementation of Christian Initiation and of ongoing education in faith.

    § 3. The Neocatechumenal Way, endowed with public juridical personality, is composed of an ensemble of spiritual goods:

    1. the "Neocatechumenate," or a post-baptismal catechumenate

    2. the ongoing education in faith

    3. the catechumenate

    4. the service of catechesis

    Maybe of some help to Jaden....listening to a Saint always helps.

    1. Dear J. Bautista, the Lord Jesus taught us absolutely free of charge of His gospel message. If the NCW is an implementation of ongoing education in faith, then why do you charge your listeners a hefty tuition fee in the form of mandatory financial commitment to NCW leadership after scrutiny?

      “And St. Francis added: "My dear and beloved Brother, the treasure of blessed poverty is so very precious and divine that we are not worthy to possess it in our vile bodies. For poverty is that heavenly virtue by which all earthy and transitory things are trodden under foot, and by which every obstacle is removed from the soul so that it may freely enter into union with the eternal Lord God. It is also the virtue which makes the soul, while still here on earth, converse with the angels in Heaven. It is she who accompanied Christ on the Cross, was buried with Christ in the Tomb, and with Christ was raised and ascended into Heaven, for even in this life she gives to souls who love her the ability to fly to Heaven, and she alone guards the armor of true humility and charity.”

    2. AnonymousSeptember 26, 2015 at 1:01 PM

      Dear J. Bautista, the Lord Jesus taught us absolutely free of charge of His gospel message. If the NCW is an implementation of ongoing education in faith, then why do you charge your listeners a hefty tuition fee in the form of mandatory financial commitment to NCW leadership after scrutiny?

      Why do you question what a person gives the church freely?

      Tuition fee? Mandatory financial commitment? This is the language of secular man and it appears that you have an affection for your money.

      and if that is your case; "Sell your possessions and give to the poor." will be impossible for you.

  2. Hey Diana, spell the boy's name correctly! It's "Jaden".

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:58 am

      Thank you for correcting me regarding the boy's name. I will correct it.

  3. Diana, Christ said destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days. So, Jaden is correct. I learned this from Junglewatch.

    Richard NochefrancaSeptember 26, 2015 at 4:34 AM

    This Thingie states that Christ is not the church but the head of the church.... This Thingie needs to read the scripture where Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." This Cult needs to use THIER MONEY to build THIER own Building to practice THIER deceptive actions against OUR Fellow Parishioners...

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:19 am,

      What you learned from Richard Nochefranca is incorrect. Someone needs to correct him as well. When Christ said "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up", He was NOT referring to the Church. He was referring to His physical body. The Church was not destroyed and raised up in three days. It was Christ's body who was killed and raised up in three days. The birth of the Church came at Pentecost. Please do not listen to the jungle. As you can see, they teach heresy. They are a heretical group.

    2. Anon. 7:19, it sounds like this Richard whatever his last name is saying that Christ is the church instead of head of the church. As Diane pointed out, that is wrong. Crhist was talking about his human body. Christ's human body died and was raised in three days. In here Christ was talking about his resurrection.

    3. The Church was born from the blood and water that gushed out of Jesus' side as he hung upon the cross.

      John Chrystostom:
      "“There flowed from his side water and blood”. Beloved, do not pass over this mystery without thought; it has yet another hidden meaning, which I will explain to you. I said that water and blood symbolized baptism and the holy eucharist. From these two sacraments the Church is born: from baptism, “the cleansing water that gives rebirth and renewal through the Holy Spirit”, and from the holy eucharist. Since the symbols of baptism and the Eucharist flowed from his side, it was from his side that Christ fashioned the Church, as he had fashioned Eve from the side of Adam Moses gives a hint of this when he tells the story of the first man and makes him exclaim: “Bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh!” As God then took a rib from Adam’s side to fashion a woman, so Christ has given us blood and water from his side to fashion the Church. God took the rib when Adam was in a deep sleep, and in the same way Christ gave us the blood and the water after his own death."

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:55 am,

      I agree with what you stated here. The birth of the Church started at the cross when blood and water flowed out of Christ., but it did not stop there. The Church was made manifest at Pentecost where everyone can see the Church. The birthing process included Pentecost where the Holy Spirit sanctified and made manifest the Church. Just as Chrystostom said, "the cleansing water that gives rebirth and renewal through the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit did not come until Pentecost,

      In the same way, God made Adam, but Adam became a living soul when God breathed the breath of life into Adam.

    5. The Church is the resurrected body of Christ. The King of Life and Ruler of the Heavenly Kingdom is among us through His church, the One, Holy and Catholic Church. After His resurrection, Jesus was able to go through the wall of the room where the disciples gathered behind closed doors because of their fear of persecution. His body was beyond human. The bodily resurrection only makes sense through HIs church and its members.

      “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49) The temple is His Father's house, the house of God. This affirmation is coming directly from Jesus. We should believe Him the Lord, because He says the truth.

      "It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'" (Matthew 21:13) The house of the Lord is a house of prayer. This is our church in a mysterious way, the house of the Lord Jesus, where we should come together and pray. Do not ever underestimate the efforts of the faithful throughout 2000 years, since the death of our Lord and the inception of Catholic faith, to erect churches as beautiful houses of prayer and worship of God.

      In a cathedral you manifest the work of the faithful, who comprise the precious resurrected body of the Lord, to express their love for the Creator, who is God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the blood of the martyrs is in work among us, whenever we humbly accept the Precious Body on our tongue at the house of God.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 12:47 pm,

      In the Old Testament, the temple was the house of God. In the New Testament, our bodies became the temple, which is now the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. When Christ said, "You are Peter and on this rock, I will build my Church," He was never referring to a stone structure. He was referring to an assembly of people.

      And when Christ said, "Destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up" He was not referring to the Church but to His human body. It was Christ's human body that died and rose from the dead on the third day. The Cburch, on the other hand, was built by Christ......and the Church He built never died. In fact, His Church still exist today, and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it.

    7. The resurrected body of Christ going through walls and disappearing into the nothing was anything but human. The Kingdom of God is His church, He is alive through resurrection in my body and yours. We are the body of Christ! People with blood and flesh built the cathedrals as a praise for God. The blood of the martyrs made them strong. Jesus confirmed that the house of God is a place of worship are prayer. There are NO two different Gods in the Old and New Testaments. The story of cleansing the temple is in the New. You are badly misunderstanding something, dear Diana.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 3:04 pm,

      I believe the argument here is whether Jesus is the Church. Christ is the Head of the Church, and we are His Body. A few people under this thread are claiming that Jesus is the Church. While it is true that Christ is one with His Church, they are also distinct from one another. In the same way, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are one God but also distinct from each other. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      796 The unity of Christ and the Church, head and members of one Body, also implies the distinction of the two within a personal relationship. This aspect is often expressed by the image of bridegroom and bride........

      Christ is distinctly the Bridegroom (the Head) while the Church is the Bride (the Body). Although one with His Bride, Christ is not the Bride. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      795 Christ and his Church thus together make up the "whole Christ" (Christus totus). The Church is one with Christ. The saints are acutely aware of this unity:,,,,,,,

      The Catholic Church has always taught that Christ is the Head of the Church, not THE Church.

      I agree that the God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament. But the New Testament fulfilled the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God wrote the laws on stone tablets. In the New Testament, God wrote the laws into our hearts. In the Old Testament, circumcision was the sign that the people of Israel belonged to the family of God. In the New Testament, baptism replaced circumcision. It is through baptism that we belonged to the family of God and become His sons and daughters. In the Old Testament, the temple was the House of God. In the New Testament, our bodies becomes the living temple where God dwells.

      1 Corinthians 6:20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

    9. This entire argument is silly. The point is that a young man stood up with great conviction and courage. He knows what we know - that there are those among us who wish to put an end to the traditions of the Church -the same traditions that the saints lived for and the martyrs died for - and replace them with innovations and spurious teachings.

      This is the point. You should be applauding this young man Diana, not trying to find fault by a literal interpretation of what was clearly metaphorical.

      The problem does not lie with this young man. Rather, it is due to error in the teaching of the NCW sect, and complacency on behalf of "ordinary" Catholics.

      By the way, have you read Fulton Sheen's book "Calvary and the Mass" yet Diana?

      I would very much like to get your comments on how the NCW understanding of the Eucharist compares to that given in this wonderful book.

    10. Diana, may I say that God is same past, present and future and would never change any tiny bit ever! It is Catechism 101. Circumcision has never been a sign of belonging to Yahweh. It was an Ancient custom canonized my Moses. You mistake the words of Moses with that of Yahweh. Muslim people also circumcise but they don't belong to Yahweh. Or do they?

      Baptism has never replaced circumcision, because baptism has a completely different concept. John the Baptist introduced baptism and he himself was circumcised. In the early Jerusalem church all the baptized were also circumcised. There was not replacement in any sense. Get you fact right, please.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 6:52 pm,

      I have heard this young boy speak in the video. I heard him say that God did not build TWO Churches. That part is true. Christ built only one Church. So, what was the second church he was referring to? Did anyone from your camp explain to the boy that the Pope endorses and supports the NCW? Did anyone from your camp explain this following Catechism of the Catholic Church?

      1269 Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection.......

      Did anyone from your camp explain to him that he is involved in a protest against the Archbishop (and therefore in violation of CCC 1269) and also in a protest against an organization that is endorsed and supported by the Pope? Did anyone explain to him that all organizations under the umbrella of the Catholic Church are also PART of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church?

    12. Dear Anonymous at 7:08 pm,

      You stated: " Circumcision has never been a sign of belonging to Yahweh. It was an Ancient custom canonized my Moses."

      Circumcision was not canonized by Moses. It was ordered by God. According to the Holy Bible:

      Genesis 17:9-11 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.

      And what happens when an Israelite is not circumcised???? According to the Holy Bible:

      Genesis 17:14 Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

      In the Old Testament, God made a covenant between Abraham and all his descendants. The sign of that covenant showing that Abraham and all his descendants is circumcision. All who were circumcised belong to the people of God while those who were uncircumcised were cut off from the people of God, His chosen people.

      In the New Testament, baptism replaced circumcision. Baptism is the new circumcision because it is a circumcision of the heart. According to the Apostle Paul:

      Colossians 2:11-12 In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins [fn] of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.

      The Old Covenant that God made with the people of Israel was circumcision. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but God DID say that He will make a NEW covenant. According to the Holy Bible:

      Jeremiah 31:31-33 “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—“not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, [fn] says the LORD. “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

  4. Jesus did not found the Church. Jesus preached the Kingdom not about the Church as we know of it today. Jesus did not form the bishops, priests. It was the outcome of a movement that started after Jesus death.Jesus did not have a blue print of the Church.
    Common Diana, you know better than that.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:52 am,

      What Protestant denomination are you in? I am Catholic.

  5. Mrs Diana why do u have so much pride in ur heart. Remember humility is a virtue

    1. Dear Jaden,

      Before you judge someone as having sin in their heart, look in the mirror first. And also remember that when you point an accusing finger at someone, three fingers on your hand are pointed straight back at you.

    2. An inspiring display of courage to engage a child in witty banter!

      Jaden called it right. Pride in your heart made you decide to publish his comment and then respond with a retort worthy of a 12 year old's debate.

      This is indeed has to be a great accomplishment for you.

    3. Dear Jose,

      I taught my children to respect adults. And if my kids are rude to their elders, I will correct them. I also expect an adult to correct my children if they are disrespectful. In other words, if my child is disrespectful at school, I expect the teacher to correct them and to report the incident to us. This is what every parent and adults should do to children.

    4. Your pride is now driving you to cry "disrespect." Jaden was not rude in admonishing you as he performed this work of mercy. The Holy Spirit enabled a child to reveal your lack of humility and you are angry with that.

      Do you also suppress your children with as much disdain when they reveal your other displays of pride?

    5. Dear Jose,

      I am not angry at Jaden. I am teaching him that he should not judge another. It is clear that Jaden has judged that the sin of pride is in my heart. Is Jaden God? Only God can see into a person's heart. And along comes Jaden asking why I have pride in my heart? So, who has pride? Is it not the one who thinks he can see into a person's heart like God?

    6. A prideful person refuses to accept the admonishment of anyone and continues to rationalize their behavior. How much longer are you going to remain in this state?

      Let this be the time you are able to overcome your pride on this thread. Listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you. Do not continue to allow pride to determine your next response.

      Peace be with you.

    7. "So, who has pride? Is it not the one who thinks he can see into a person's heart like God?"

      No, its the one who believes they have not pride.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 12:45 pm,

      And where in my comment did I ever say that I am not a sinner?

    9. Dear Jose,

      Someone under this thread said that I spelled Jaden's name incorrectly. I thanked the person for correcting me and went ahead and corrected Jaden's name in my entry post. A person who refuses to accept correction is one who has full of pride because they think they are right and everyone else is wrong. The worst pride is when one starts believing that they are like God.

  6. 7.16am. You are living in a world of 1960 that no longer exists. Your parenting skills are something of 1970 mentality that you got stuck in.
    Children today are trained in New schools of thought where they are given responsibility to freely express what they believe and feel. We want to break down structures and give young people total freedom. If our young people, our young. Holden want to be rude to our elders than we need to encourage this freedom of expression. To me everybody has to be free to do what they want. Only then will the free world grow when ,an is totally free. Diana, if you do have children I want you to give them total freedom to do as their spirit calls them to be. If your children want to be be freedom fighters and deliver a message that is different you let them. if your children want to denounce Archbishop allow them to do so. This is a path to freedom. Walk the way of freedom and it will lead you to Jesus.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:59 pm,

      You stated: " Holden want to be rude to our elders than we need to encourage this freedom of expression. To me everybody has to be free to do what they want."

      What you call "freedom" is actually "chaos." It is not freedom. Everyone must more or less conform to the rules of society. Freedom without responsibility or consequences is chaos.

      You stated: "Walk the way of freedom and it will lead you to Jesus"

      Jesus did not come to earth to preach democracy. And in God's kingdom, there is no democracy. The Church that Christ built is also not a democracy.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:59pm--
      Having respect, being polite, and being gracious with your words never goes out of style---for all ages. What world do you live in?! If you are a parent and are raising your kids in this manner then you are in for a world of heart-ache. I feel sorry for the teachers of your children and the future bosses of your children.
