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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Money Is Always An Issue

It appears that some people are under the mistaken belief that the money the NCW puts in the trash bag is money that belongs to those not walking in the Way.  According to an anonymous commenter whose comment can be found here.:

Diana, I'm not ahainst you I'm just trying to show you concerns. For example you have
Eucharist. No problem. Except those who go to Eucharist of NCW place their $10 in
Trash bag. That $10 should be in parish collection. So parish loses $10 but still pays
Diocesan assessment. So parish collections really suffer. I know one priest who is now
Starving because he cannot afford to buy food. Reality is Diana clergy are without food
Basic needs here in Guam. I am having to send food to rectory because priest has no money
To buy food. He already lost about 20k in weight because only eating one meal a day.
This is how bad it is. Yet Archbishop can ear in Roy's three times a day and between
Meals in Shirley's. Makes us cry to see priests with no food to eat.
This is my response: 
First of all, we do not collect any money during the Eucharist. 
Secondly, our APPROVED statutes (which was passed by the Vatican) explain what we are to do with any temporal goods that the communities collect.  Article 4, Section 1 states that the communities are not to have any goods of their own.  This means that whatever monies we collect cannot be kept but used for a purpose.  Article 4 section 2 states: 
§ 2. When in a diocese it is considered useful to financially support initiatives and activities for the evangelization realized through the Neocatechumenal Way, the diocesan bishop, at the request of the International Responsible Team of the Way, will consider the suitability of erecting an autonomous diocesan foundation, with juridical personality, regulated by its own statutes, which will also be recognized by the civil authorities. This may also be supported by  oblatory donations made by participants in the Neocatechumenal Way, as well as by foundations and other individuals. 
Thus, the statutes is saying that the Diocesan Bishop (in this case the Archbishop) establishes an autonomous diocesan foundation that will be used to financially support the initiatives and activities for the evangelization of the NCW.  This foundation is supported by donations from members of the Way as well as other foundations and other individuals.  It did NOT say that the foundation would be supported by parishes.  Section 3 of Article 4 then state: 

§ 3. In the communities, collections are made to answer different needs. It is the task of the responsible team of the community and of the responsible teams of the Way at every level, to ensure that such collections are administered with a great sense of responsibility and respect for the law. 
The approved Statutes give the authority to the Responsible team of the community and the responsible teams of the Way to decide how these collections should be used, and they should do it with a great sense of responsibility and respect for the law.  In other words, they are not to pocket the money for themselves, and there are rules to ensure that does not happen in the same way that there are rules in place at the parish to ensure that money is not stolen.  These are the rules set down and approved by the Pope, which should be followed. 

In the third place, the money that the NCW puts in the trash bag is always slated for a specific purpose, and it would be against the law to use the money other than what it was collected for.  This is the same rule that the parish follows by law.  If a parishioner donates money for a specific purpose (such as paying the electricity bill of the church), the parish cannot use that money for any other purpose.  Therefore, what the NCW members collects in the trash bag is not your money.  The itinerants and mission families that were sent to the U.S. to see the Pope came from the pockets of the NCW members and its foundation.  It did not come from the parish.  In other words, all the money you give to your parish every Sunday is not used for sending itinerants or mission families off-island.   It is also not used to pay for the retreats of the NCW, which is usually held in hotels.  The NCW members pay for their retreats. 

Finally, in regards to your starving priest... take him out to dinner.  There is no reason for a priest to be starving.  The parishioners of a parish are supposed to take care of their priest, not just pray for him.  I have seen parishioners invite the priest to their homes for lunch or even to their home fiesta and barbecue.  I have seen parishioners drop food in the parish office. There are also times my community have taken our priest out to dinner after the celebrations.  Each parish is supposed to take care of its priest. 


  1. I understand that your statues say that. I understand that Rome has approved it. But you keep telling us that NCW communities are members of their local parishes. If that is so, then shouldn't it also be their responsibility to donate to the care of their church maintenance and the priest? My relatives say they donate regularly at their NCW services---they don't go to regular Sunday masses. So, if what you say is true, then this donation does not help their parish at all. To me, it appears as if the NCW is affecting an already dwindling financial support the parishes receive. I wonder how many Walkers do not attend regular Mass...

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:20 am,

      The NCW members donate their time, money, and care to the parish. There are members in the NCW who are Eucharist ministers, lectors, parish council members, alter servers, choir members, CCD instructors, and ground maintenance keepers in the parish. There are NCW members who attend Mass every day including Sunday Masses. Why Sunday Masses when they already attend the Eucharist??? Because they are Eucharistic ministers, lectors, choir members, and alter servers in the regular Sunday parish Mass. There are NCW members who spend the weekends cleaning the Church and maintaining the Church grounds. They also volunteer their time and service in maintaining the grounds at the chancery and in the RM seminary. There are NCW members who repair air-conditionings and plumbings in the Church from their own pockets.

    2. Diana, these are all fairy tales. Maybe true, maybe not. It could happen in one parish and not in the other. Which is your parish, Diana? Barrigada? What if your story is not true in Inarajan or Asan? Are you not lying then?

      The collection basket is the blood vessel in the parish, the sustenance of precious church functions in the life of Jesus Christ. When you only collect for your own group, you deprive the parish from this precious source of life function and steal from Jesus. No plumbing or aircon repair will ever make up for this deliberate omission. What are you really promoting, dear Diana? Do you want to break financial communion with us in the parishes?

      Joane Santos

    3. Dear Joane Santos,

      You stated: "The collection basket is the blood vessel in the parish, the sustenance of precious church functions in the life of Jesus Christ."

      What sort of mentality is this? Since when has money ever upheld and been the blood vessel of the Catholic Church? Who taught you that money is the blood vessel of the Catholic Church???. . Do you not know that it is the PEOPLE who is the blood vessel of the Catholic Church? Have you ever heard of St. Lawrence???

      The Roman Prefect sent for Lawrence and demanded that he turn over the treasures of the Church. Lawrence asked for three days to gather It all together. On the third day when the Prefect arrived, St. Lawrence to a crowd of poor, sick, and needy people he gathered together and said, "These are the treasures of the Church." Furious, the Prefect then burned St. Lawrence alive on a grid iron."

      And here you are......dear Joane saying that MONEY is the blood vessel of the parish. Oh dear!!!

      You stated: "No plumbing or aircon repair will ever make up for this deliberate omission."

      If the plumbing and the air con in the church is not repaired, then how is the parish going to fix it? The fact that the NCW members put in their time and money in making those repairs saves the parish money.

      You asked: "Do you want to break financial communion with us in the parishes?"

      Is money really SOOOOO important to you that all you would rather have money over all the other services (repairs and maintenance of church grounds, alter serving, choir singing in the parish, Eucharistic ministry, etc.) that we provided for the parish?

    4. Diana, are you continue telling me fairy tales? Please, tell me who does the plumbing and who fixes the aircon in my church? Are you saying the neo? Don't be ridiculous, girl! I know no neo in my parish who fixes anything except for themselves. Then they pick up the tab for the repair and make themselves richer on church money. Is this fair, Diana?

      Yes, the church needs money to function. You accuse money is important for me. It is not for me, but for church function. You are a very selfish young lady, Diana, if you don't get this right. Your self righteousness rings hollow to my ear. I said the collection basket is the blood vessel of the parish to provide church function. How can you provide function without funds? I have never said money is the blood vessel "of the Catholic Church". Please, do not lie and do not distort of what I said.

      The sad thing is that you neos only collect for yourselves in trash bag and skip the collection basket of the church. You mock the parish widow who offers her last two copper coins and then you accuse members of the parish by being materialistic. Sweet heavens, what a chutzpah!

      Joane Santos

    5. Dear Joane,

      Without the people, you do not have any money. Money does not have any legs. Money cannot walk into the collection basket all by itself. So, please get real. Please read the lives of saints more.

    6. Anon at 9:20am:

      1. Did you not know that most NCW ccommunities do not wait to be asked by the Pastor for help? Help is given automatically both financially and for in other areas of the parish. Did you not notice the humility of the pastors, when asked if they needed help with anything, most would deny the need out of humility. This is why you should avoid asking what is needed and just give the help that you feel is appropriate and most needed.
      2. As was mentioned time and time again,the communities only do collections for specific times and reasons, with specific amounts. If your relatives say that they contribute money at every celebration then they are lying or there is an obvious misunderstanding.
      3. The Saturday night eucharist is a Sunday Mass, it fulfills the obligation and is part of the parish. You do not need to go to every Sunday Mass on the schedule. Many members do though out of respect to their parish ministry commitments.
      4. The NCW exists in parishes to promote and assist the life of the parish. Many things are taking place in "Neo" parishes with the help of "walkers" but it goes unnoticed on many occasions because most members are shy of attention. Ask your pastor before assuming.

      -Jokers Wild

  2. You correctly point out that your statutes allow for a local ordinary to erect a foundation to support the activities of the NCW, and that while the NCW itself is to have no temporal assets, there is no such restriction on the foundation.

    So, my questions relate to the foundation. What is the foundation? How is it constituted? Who controls it and its assets? And what requirements does it have to report its financials?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:44 am,

      How do you know there are no restrictions on the foundation? How did you come to that conclusion? The foundation has its own statues, which is recognized by civil authorities. The NCW also has its auditors.

    2. Dear Diana, please try to keep up. In my previous comment I noted that the NCW statutes do not allow the communities to have any temporal goods of their own, but that foundations do not have that same limitation. IN fact, the express purpose of the foundations is to be a vehicle by which material and other goods can be held for the benefit of the local NCW.

      Once again, then - to clarify - I did not say that there are "no restrictions" on NCW foundations - only that they are able to hold and deal with temporal goods, whereas the NCW communities are not.

      So, can you supply a copy of the local NCW foundation's statutes? Can you point us to the report by its auditors - or better yet, to a published report relating to its financial position, and income and assets?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:05 pm,

      What is your purpose of wanting to know all this information when not a single penny of YOUR money goes into it. I can understand why you would want to know where the government spends its tax dollars because you pay taxes to the government. But what is your purpose of needing this information in a foundation in which you have not put in a single cent?

    4. I thought you argued that the NCW was part of the Church. And that the Church is the people. Well, I am one of the people. Therefore,by your argument, the NCW is also mine.So, I would like to know what is going on in my Church.

      Are you afraid of revealing the truth? Is that why it has to be kept secret? You can;t even provide any information about this supposed foundation? I smell a rat

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:06 pm,

      Do you also make it a habit to get information from the Legion of Mary, the Cursillios, the Knights of Columbus, Charismatic Catholic Renewal, the Eastern Catholics, the Focolare, the Opus Dei, Jesuits Order, Franciscan Order, Catholic Daughters of America, the Christian Mothers, and the many thousands in the Catholic Church or are you simply targeting the NCW for a purpose? What is your purpose of wanting to know information on an organization in which you have not put a single cent in?

    6. Anon. 10:06 pm, you're a hypocrite! People like you argue that the Way is not Catholic. And when Diana reveals about the foundation, suddenly you're using OUR argument to your advantage?

    7. Dear Diana at 10.55, and Anon at 12.08.

      Yes, I would seek the same information from any of the groups you mentioned if I thought it was relevant - if for example they gave the impression of being on a crusade to change the Church, or were in the habit of denigrating the Church of the Ages.

      You have said that the NCW foundation has the capacity and permission to hold and use material and other temporal goods to assist the activities of the NCW communities. You have said that the foundation has its own statutes, and its own auditors. Presumably you say this to claim a legitimacy for the foundation, and to suggest that everything is above board, so to speak.

      Well then, what would you have to hide, that this information is kept secret? Why would you not want the world to see these things if in fact they proved or showed this supposed legitimacy?

      Could it be that the foundations are merely just another rort? Another way for the NCW to manipulate and control - most likely in a manner that is contradictory to the ethos of the Church?
      Everything we have seen on this blog, and witnessed on others, points to the NCW being deceptive, secretive, incestuous and interested only in itself.

      If you can't provide anything other that your say-so, it would be only natural for we who are unconvinced that Kiko's religion is the way to go, to be sceptical and suspicious. Enough of this nonsense! Point out the foundation's statutes. Show us the audited financials, or simply concede that the whole business is a sham.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 10:51 pm,

      Your true colors finally came out. Bear in mind that what I said about the foundation came from the Statutes, which was approved by the Holy See. You already revealed yourself a while back when you accused the foundation that they have no restrictions. You already made this accusation without any information. How much more when you have information? By the same reason, we have every right to protect the Church from enemies who desires the destruction of the NCW, which is part of the Church.

    9. "when you accused the foundation that they have no restrictions"

      I think you must be rather simple, Diana. I did not ever say that "the foundation" has "no restrictions". Check again. I said that the foundation does not have the same restriction on holding and using temporal goods - as does the NCW which is not allowed to have "material goods of its own", (NCW Statutes Art 4.1).

      Is this not correct? Am I mistaken when I say that the foundation is entitled to have "material goods of its own"? Where exactly is your objection with what I have previously written? I hope you will at least acknowledge you misunderstood what I was saying, as you then go on to assert "You already made this accusation without any information. How much more when you have information? "

      So now that I can show that I actually made a true claim, "without any information", how much more true claims could I make when I do have information?

      As for my personal desires - you seem to deliberately miss the point there too. My first preference would not be the "destruction of the NCW". No, I would rather see the NCW do as it is supposed to do - following the Statutes would be a good start.

      Also, I would prefer to see the NCW root out all those qualities that contradict the Catholic Faith. For example, while the NCW claims to be a fruit of the Holy Spirit, the true fruits of the Holy Spirit are often absent, or in eclipse (these fruits being: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity).

      It is nonsensical to speak of the "fruits" if these are not present.

      However, we have witnessed a complete denial by the NCW of a need to reform or change in any way. The NCW has no capacity to acknowledge even the need to address the fundaments.

      So, we who love the Church and wish to defend its teachings are forced into a position to seek the eradication of the NCW or at least its suppression. Not ideal, of course, but it is the only way to ensure that the damage the NCW causes can be kept to a minimum.

      I would rather that your chose the former option, but I know with certainty that your reply (if you choose to post this) would only confirm what I am saying.

    10. Diana, I am confused. Your foundation is all about money. So does the neo need money to function?

      Joane Santos

    11. Dear Joane,

      No. The Neocatecumenal Way was started in the slums of Madrid with people living in poverty who had no money.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 11:36 am,

      You stated: "I said that the foundation does not have the same restriction on holding and using temporal goods - as does the NCW which is not allowed to have "material goods of its own", (NCW Statutes Art 4.1)".

      Did you not read in Article 4, Section 2 that the foundation comes equipped with juridical personality, regulated by its own statutes, which will also be recognized by the civil authorities. It is right there in the Statutes, which I cited in my entry post. And already you have accused the foundation of having no restrictions. This clearly shows that you have an agenda against the NCW. And who authorize you to police the NCW when that is the duty of the Vatican?

    13. Dear Diana, could you please answer my question? I am not interested in your "mythology of the slums". Does the neo need money to function or not?

      Joane Santos

    14. Dear Diana at 1.18pm.

      Reading over your responses, I think I see where you have misunderstood. It seems to m ethat you have interpreted my questions relating to the statutes and financials of the foundations, as though I doubt that the foundations actually do have statutes and actually do have financials.

      No. That is not what I am getting at. I accept that the NCW statutes provide for a foundation or foundations. I accept that they are established to assist the NCW with material and other goods (I said this in my first comment by the way).

      What bothers me - what seems to me to be totally wrong, and the reason for calling it a sham - is that all this is hidden. So show it. Prove that it is all above board, and isn't just money laundering, or a means to hide other activities, or otherwise fool the Catholic faithful.

      If you can't show this stuff, what value is there in even speaking about it?

    15. Dear Anonymous at 1:48 pm,

      We will protect the Catholic Church from her enemies who want to destroy her. It has been obvious from the beginning that you target the NCW, which is part of the Church. You view the NCW as Protestant and use our argument to your advantage the moment you discovered that there is a foundation. You did not put a single cent into this foundation and therefore have no right to even think that the money in there belongs to you. You can question what the government does with the taxes since you are a tax payer. However, common sense dictates that you have no business in an agency in which you did not put in a single penny.

      Only Mothers and women can join the Christian Mothers Organization and the Catholic Daughters of America. If you are a man, you cannot join their organization no more than a female can join the Knights of Columbus. With that said, the foundation can turn away anyone who did not put in a single cent and whose desire is to destroy the NCW.

    16. Dear Joane,

      I already answered your question. Why are you asking the same question? The Neocatechumenal Way started in the slums of Madrid with people living in poverty who had no money.......and it was built from there.

    17. Dear Diana. Do you think that I only now "discovered" the existence of the NCW foundations? Don't be silly. I have read the Statutes front to back and over again. I have been educating myself about the NCW for years.

      I am a Catholic. I love the Church. And when I see the NCW do these disgraceful things in the name of the Church, I not only have the right to object, but also the obligation to do so.

      And don't get too precious. I don't reserve my criticisms for just the NCW. I have been involved in objecting against other shockers in the Church too. The NCW is just an exaggerated form.

      When little old ladies are manipulated into selling their homes and giving the funds to the NCW, I will object.

      When parishes lose the financial support of parishioners because those monies have been re-directed to the coffers of the NCW foundations or the bag of the community, I will object.

      When the NCW hold secret Masses that are effectively closed to others, not advertised, and include inappropriate liturgical behaviors and indiscreet public confessions, I will object.

      And you can bet that I won't stand idly by watching the NCW seize assets that belong to the local Church so that the mission families, catechists and seminarians can live in relative luxury and travel the globe.

      So, the "foundation can turn away anyone who did not put in a single cent"? I suppose it can. But this would only suggest that it is has something to hide. And that money is much more important to the NCW than living in the light of truth.

    18. Dear Anonymous at 4:48 pm,

      Yes, you had discovered it just now on this blog. Nowhere was it ever mentioned by the jungle. Furthermore, these were the questions you asked once you discovered it on this blog on Sept. 24 at 11:44 am. You stated:

      "So, my questions relate to the foundation. What is the foundation? How is it constituted? Who controls it and its assets? And what requirements does it have to report its financials?"

      All the jungle ever did was accuse the NCW of stealing people's money. All they ever say is that they take the money from the parish to pay for the trips of the itinerants and mission families. The NCW members on this blog including myself have always said that the trips were paid by the NCW members. There were no mention of the foundation in the jungle or any of the accusations until NOW.

    19. Self-important much? As I said, I have been familiar with the Statutes for longer than I have learned of JungleWatch. But just to prove you wrong once again (becoming a bit of a habit), there was this comment made on JungleWatch over a year and a half ago:

      AnonymousMarch 1, 2014 at 9:42 PM

      Not on task here but this section will do.
      "When in a diocese it is considered useful to financially support initiatives and activities for the evangelization realized through the Neocatechumenal Way, the diocesan bishop, at the request of the International Responsible Team of the Way, will consider the suitability of erecting an autonomous diocesan foundation, with juridical personality, regulated by its own statutes, which will also be recognized by the civil authorities. This may also be supported by oblatory donations made by participants in the Neocatechumenal Way, as well as by foundations and other individuals."

      TimMarch 2, 2014 at 8:47 AM

      Yes. So please show us the documentation for the "autonomous diocesan foundation...recognized by civil authorities." This would be the equivalent of a non-profit and require you to file public documents with your finances being open for review. I am all for it. Waiting.

    20. "There were no mention of the foundation in the jungle or any of the accusations until NOW. "

    21. Dear Anonymous at 10:32 pm,

      In that weblink, there was no mention of the foundation that was established. Tim Rohr made the error in thinking that the NCW was the foundation. The NCW and the foundation established by the Archbishop are two different things. According to Tim: "But because the NCW is also a "juridic person","

      It is not the NCW that is the juridic person. It is the foundation that is the juridic person. Tim Rohr further stated:

      "So let's interpret all this. The Church is saying that in regards to funding activities the NCW should erect an autonomous foundation which is recognized by civil authorities."

      The Statutes never said that the NCW should erect an autonomous foundation. It says that it is the Archbishop who erects the autonomous foundation. Tim misinterpreted everything. This is why you were surprised to hear about the foundation on this blog, which is different from Rohr's interpretation.

    22. Nothing to say about the post of 10.30 referring to a post on JW from March 2014?

  3. Hi Diana, please clarify one thing; in past posts you've said the NCW is not allowed to own anything of monetary value and that when ever a collection is conducted, it's announced where that money is going to be distributed. Then, in your reply above at 11:48 AM, you state "The NCW also has its auditors." Why do you have auditors if you so vehemently expressed that the NCW has nothing to be audited?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:08 pm,

      The auditors is for the foundation.


  4. Money is an issue because Tony not honest with money or property. This is at the heart of the Problem.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:46 pm,

      How do you know he is not honest? Can you see into his heart like God does? Or is it because Tim Rohr told you so? Can Tim Rohr see into the Archbishop's heart like only God does? The Archbishop has already said that the RMS property is under the Archdiocese of Agana. Tim Rohr and CCOG says no. So, what do you think is the solution? Did not CCOG say that they would take the Archbishop to court?

    2. to comment about someone's honesty while concealing your identity in the dark anonymous Sept 24 at 5:46 speaks loudly of your own character.

      Tony maybe a lot of things but at least he is not a coward.

  5. Tim Rohr is intensely hating the Pope! He takes Francis as "too soft" on family issues like gay rights, too inclusive on church groups like the NCW, too liberal on moral teachings like contraception. That is why JW incites people blog post after blog post against the church and against Vatican approved church groups.

    The insane hatred we see emanating from Tim and his cronies against the Archbishop is just a cover-up to hide their disapproval of the Pope. They blame Francis for not taking action after the visit of the Vatican delegation last January. We see at JW a bunch of radical nuts venting their frustration against the liberalization of the Catholic Church, the great works of the last few Popes in a row, that modernizes our faith for the new millenia.

    All we see from these hateful people is a last minute fuss against the long awaited and necessary direction the Catholic Church is taking now for the 21st century. But sorry, Tim, the wheels of history won't roll back. Your incessant rebellion against the Archbishop will be placed in the right context of working against the church, while you and your group will fade away into obscurity. I am praying for you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:06 pm,

      Personally, I think they are so jealous to see the Archbishop along with some of our NCW members from Guam visiting the US to see the Pope. And they (the traditional Latin Mass Catholics like Tim Rohr and Chuck White) cannot even organize themselves to go on a pilgrimage to visit the Pope.

    2. "And they (the traditional Latin Mass Catholics like Tim Rohr and Chuck White) cannot even organize themselves to go on a pilgrimage to visit the Pope. "

      Perhaps they are satisfied visiting Jesus Christ who is truly and really present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in their Masses.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:51 pm,

      Then why the jealousy. So the Archbishop is in the U.S., visiting the Pope and they obviously make a big thing out of it.

    4. Obviously its not jealousy.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:24 pm,

      I disagree. The fact that they put up so much fuss over the Archbishop being in the U.S. visiting the Pope shows it.

  6. Small number attacking Archbisnop Anthony. One of his detractors feeds
    Information into Vatican City.

  7. Diana, Jaiden has something to say to you. Tim Rohr put his message on his blog.

    "Hi I'm Jaden and I was attacked for my words that I used in my interview. Common sense Mrs Diana it is impossible to build a building with blood and stone. But to build a building with stone and mortar even a 12 year old knows blood can't build a building I meant in my words that through the blood of the martyrs the church was built. I was also speaking about the faithful not the building. As I pointed to the cathedral I was pointing to to Lord our God who offers himself in the sacrifice of the mass present in the structure Mrs Diana ur knowledge is strong but Christ said it is children's faith that can get u into heaven"

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:48 pm,

      Thank you for bringing this to my attention. He posted it in the jungle? Did anyone tell him that if he wanted to address me, I have a blog?

    2. The jungle using Kids now

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:51 am,

      Yes, they put kids in the front line of the protest where they are the first ones to get shot at. They sent Jaden to "lecture" me, and not one of them bothered to "correct" his mistakes.

  8. Diana , please follow Fr. Matthew Blockley on twitter.

    Fr. Blockley tweets the movements of Bishop Apuron in the United States.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:16 am,

      I apologize but I have better things to do than to follow a disobedient priest on Twitter. Apparently, Father Blockley has nothing better to he stalks the Archbishop.


  9. Fr. Blockley's repeated interference in the affairs of the Agana Archdiocese have been the
    Cause of tensions on our Island. He has caused problems between the Archbishop and community. He
    Also caused issues between Archbishop and Vatican administrators. He has some medium to obtain classified
    Information on the Archbishop which he forwards to other bishops. Fr.Blockley is " People Magazine" Yes Diana, you are right, Fr. Blockley has nothing better to do than stalk Archbishop and tweet his movements
    Around the United States.


  10. I am walking but I must admit I look at Junglewatch. I just opened Jungle low and behold Infamous
    Fr. Matthew Blockley is ranting raving on our Archbishop. Why is he so focused on our Island when his place of residence is not in Guam. What exactly is the agenda of Fr. Blockley. I wondered if Fr.Blockley wanted to be Archbishop of Guam .But more I learn about Fr. Blockley I don't think he even wants to be Archbisnop of Guam. I'm trying to work out exactly what is his agenda. What motivates Fr. blockley to cause the issues which he does.

  11. I am a Priest in Pacoima, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The Administrator let the Neo Catechumenal Way come to our parish. They want a Mass Saturday night just for them. Paul in First Corinthians says the Mass should be celebrated all together. Factions are bad and a sin. Jesus wanted unity. Jesus started one Church. They Instructions in the Roman Missal says Mass should be at the main altar. The altar represents Christ. They want to use some tables but not the altar. They want mass in the parish hall and not the main church. They want a division. We had an Easter Vigil service and they had their own service. I guess our service in the church was no good for them. There service lasted from 10:00PM until 6:00AM. The never pay for the lights and the upkeep of the parish. The Administrator (Pastor) was moved. That left us with only two priests. I told them we do not have enough priest to continue a special separate mass for a small group. The brought in another priest and paid him $150 but all the masses I did for them was for free. They never gave me anything for doing their mass. Their masses last two hours and longer. They take up a collect but not at the mass. In a poor parish it is true where is the support of their local parish and priests? Is Kiko becoming a millionaire? The Church gave us the Catechism of the Catholic Church so why is it not used by them? I see them as becoming something like the Traditional Latin Mass people who have their services. What happened to one flock? They want to become Jewish Protestants and a parish within a parish but really not part of the parish. We pay the electric bill and they run up our parish light bill. I can understand how they are causing priests to go hungry in Guam because their money does not go to support their local parish. Kiko must be getting very wealthy like the televangelist Protestants

    1. Dear William,

      If you are really a priest, you should already know that judging Kiko is wrong especially since you have never met the man. Also, jealousy is also a sin. Your complaints is very unbecoming for a priest.

    2. Easy enough to check that there is indeed a Rev. William Ruther in Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Pacoima. (He'll soon find out and write in if this is not his writing, too.)

      But what I hear is someone letting us know that they too are having problems with Neos in their parish--- being separate. Read the details in the letter about how they want to do things different and to what extent they'll go to make sure it is their way.
      So what do you say about all the things he points out?

      What I found funny though is how he puts Neo and Traditional Latin Mass together as being the same problem for his church! LoL! Wonder what Tim Rohr would think about that?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:54 pm,

      Below is the weblink of the faith community of Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Pacoima. There is no Neocatehcumenal Way listed there.
