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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pope Francis Ordains Men From Redemptoris Mater Seminary

An anonymous commenter related some good news this morning. 

More good news… Pope Francis just two days ago ordained nine priests from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Rome. NINE, nine…

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis ordained 19 men to the priesthood for the diocese of Rome, on the day the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday and the 52nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This happened just two days ago.

Thirteen of these new priests were formed in the various diocesan seminaries in Rome. Nine of them were formed in the Missionary Seminary Redemptoris Mater in Rome, three in the Seminario Romano diocesan Major Seminary, one in the Madonna del Divino Amore Seminary.

“Keep always before your eyes the example of the Good Shepherd,” the Pope said, “who came not to be served but to serve; not to stay in his comfort, but to go out to seek and save what was lost.”

And to think that here in Guam some people want to close the Redemptoris Mater. It is crazy!!!

The information can also be found in the following weblink:

That was last Sunday.  On April 22, 2015, Pope Francis ordained 10 men, and some of them were also from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.  And here on Guam, the jungle not only wants to close down the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, but they even say that it is NOT a real seminary.  Perhaps, they should write a letter to the Pope and tell him how wrong he was in ordaining men who are not from a real seminary.  :-)   This information can be found in the following weblink:



  1. minute 8:00

    fr. Simone and fr. Elia with Pope Francis

  2. Quite certain, Diana, that the seminary in ROME is QUITE different from the one here. Where is the list of permanent professors?? Produce it. You can't. See??

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:02 pm,

      You say this and you have not even seen the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Italy or the US to compare it to Guam. The Redemptoris Mater Seminary practice the same curricula worldwide just as the Neocatechumenal Way celebrate the Eucharist in the same way worldwide.

    2. RM Seminary in Rome and RMSeminary in Guam are quite different, he/she says. LOL. LOL. LOL.

      Even the Rector of the RM in Guam was formed in Rome!!

    3. How do you know it is the same Diana? Did you get your theological degree from Rome?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:14 am,

      Don't you remember what Tim Rohr published on his blog? The RMS on Guam is affiliated with the "Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, so the credits of the Institute could be transferred to any pontifical university in the world." As a matter of fact, some of the RMS priests here obtained their degree from the Lateran University in Rome.

  3. The adversaries of the Archbishop in their misguided drive to oust Archbishop are not realizing the mistake they are doing in trying to exterminate the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. This is the future of the Church in Guam and in many islands of the Pacific.

  4. The Pope loves the Neocatechumenal Way.
    Archbishop loves the Neocatechumenal Way.
    Why is it that these Archbishop-Haters or better still, Archbishop-Bashers do not love what the Pope and Archbishop love?

  5. Interesting to know that the RMS in Rome foes not have KIKO'S painting all over their chapel. Regular tabernacle, cross etc. No evidence of kiko's symbol.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:19 am,

      Kiko's art work is in Rome. You can see his paintings inside the Rita Da Cascia Church in Italy. And when the NCW in Rome celebrates, they bring out the icon of Mary and baby Jesus during every celebration.

    2. Diana @ 10:17AM, in which Rita De Cascia Church can we see Kiko's art work? Is it the one in Campitelli? Or the one in Umbria?

      When I was in Rome I did not notice any of Kiko's paintings in the basilicas, churches or chapels I visited. And I visited quite a number of them. Of course I didn't have the chance to attend any NCW celebration but if you say his art is in Rome, I would like to know where to find them on my return trip.


    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 am,

      If I am not mistaken, I think it was in Umbria. Also as I said, when the NCW in Rome celebrates, they use the same icon and cross that we have.

    4. Parish of st. Maximilian Kolbe was built by don Elias father and is covered in KIKO paintings. Ss. Martiri canadesi, st. Francesca Cabrini, st. Luigi gonzaga, the earliest church built is st. Bartolommeo in tuto near Florence in Tuscany.

    5. There is yes also one in Umbria and one in piacenZa. Another is the cathedral of the almudena in Madrid and st. Catherine laboure also in Madrid. There's one in China not sure where...and of course there is the domus galilee. All these are originals.

    6. The problem is Diana, Kiko's painting is plastered all over most if our churches here...Hail Kiko

    7. Dear Anonymous at 12:30 pm,

      Those paintings are recognized as "Catholic" paintings and belong to the Catholic Church. Below is a weblnk of all Catholic artists. Kiko Arguello is recognized as one of them.

    8. Francisco José Gómez de Argüello y Wirtz

      Through the years, Kiko Argüello has painted a large number of religious paintings, in several cities and localities, cathedrals and churches. He is also a psalmist and has composed well over a hundred and eighty songs of a religious nature, for use in Neocatechumenal Way celebrations and liturgies. Thus an aesthetic renewal has taken place through paintings, architecture, music, songs and liturgical ornaments. In Rome, Kiko has painted huge murals in the crypt of the Church dedicated to the Canadian Martyrs (Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven); in the Church of Saint Frances Cabrini (Holy Trinity) and also in its crypt and in the Church of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (The Apparition of the Risen Christ to Saint Thomas). In Porto San Giorgio, the centre of the Neocatechumenal Way, near the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Loreto, the International Centre for the New Evangelisation has been built according to Argüello's design. He has set up as well a huge cross and an abstract painting of the Creation. He has also designed many of the 75 Redemptoris Mater Seminaries, especially those of Newark and Denver (USA), Rome and Macerata (Italy), as well as the Neocatechumenal Centre in Madrid, amongst others.

      In Florence, he has painted the "Corona Misterica", behind the altar of the Church of San Bartolomeo in Tuto, and has designed, together with the Italian architect Alberto Durante, a Catechumenium (a structure encompassing several halls, intended to hold liturgies by the Neocatechumenal Communities and the Diocese).

      In the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Piacenza, he has painted one of the largest murals in the world (500 square metres). It represents the Glory of Christ Pantocrator, Resurrected, on a golden background. It was inaugurated in the presence of the local Bishop, an official of the Orthodox Church of Moscow and three Eastern Patriarchs.

      Interior of the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Royal of La Almudena, Madrid
      In Madrid, Kiko has also designed the architecture of various Cathecumeniums and has painted different themes in the Parishes of El Transito (The Dormition of Our Lady), of Saint Joseph (The Transfiguration), of La Paloma (he designed and painted the chapel dedicated to Pentecost) and of Saint Catherine Labouré (where he designed the architecture of the church together with the German architect Gottfried Klaiber), he painted the Story of Salvation on a golden background all around the temple. Additionally, in the parish of San Frontis de Zamora, he painted a round mural depicting the Birth of Jesus, His Baptism and His Resurrection.

      Just before to the royal wedding of Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, Kiko was commissioned by the Cardinal and Bishop to paint the interior of the Almudena Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Madrid and to replace the stained glass windows in time for the said wedding, in 2004. This work has turned out to be controversial, since it had previously been assigned by an open international call to the artist Manuel Ortega in January, 1988.[7] Another issue arose when identical copies of the icons were found in a church in Arroyo Hondo, near Santo Domingo.[8] Kiko is the original artist and his work was duplicated in both the Cathedral and the said church. Those paintings, and many others, have been reproduced in many seminaries and churches and in the Domus Galilaeae Center.

    9. Yeah its amazing what the NCW is actually doing. Go to the home page of RMS Rome - and see what the priorities are....

  6. Funny how people would talk about making the our Church's beautiful but have not even lifted a paint brush themselves.

  7. "Yeah its amazing what the NCW is actually doing. Go to the home page of RMS Rome "

    No! In Italy is time of the income tax return and the possibility to devolve 5/1000 to registered charities (Caritas, Red Cross, Institute for the fight against cancer, parishes and seminaries etc.)
