Blog Song

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Weapons Of Their Warfare

A friend of mine emailed this to me.  :) 


  1. Diane, this is what Rohr said in his blog. Can you comment on this?

    People like you are the real reason. People like you who bastardize what the Church has given you and then like Pius and Apuron, lie to our faces and take our money. That's my real reason. Or like I told the Apostolic Visitors: "I have eleven children who I'm trying to get into heaven and I'm having to fight against my own bishop to do it."

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:25 pm,

      Actually, I have questions rather than comments. How is the Archbishop keeping Tim's children from going into Heaven???? And aren't they attending the Latin Mass???? Is there something wrong with the Latin Mass that Tim Rohr feels he has to fight the Archbishop? And what makes Tim feel that he is the one to bring his kids into Heaven? Isn't that the job of Jesus Christ?? Christ is the only one who brings people into Heaven.

    2. Tim Horror is bastardizing the teaching of the church by reducing it to his myopic understanding. He does not believe in the Roman Catholic church: he believes in the Guamanian church of Rohr. But in the end, as he says, it all boils down to money and fealty to the successors of the apostles. Which are exactly the problems that non catholics, Protestants, and ex-catholics have with the church. I wonder what category he fits in?


  2. Diane. 9.25pm. Already stated certain individuals have the responsibility of leading souls to the threshold of heaven. Tim Rohr has a responsibility of leading, guiding his family to the point of crossover to the eternal banquet. Very important and you fail to see. All of us share in the vocation of the call to holiness and leading each other to the gate of the eternal banquet. We accompany souls on the journey to the kingdom, to Jesus, and when we stand on the threshold we leave loved ones with Jesus and he takes them over the boarder to their seat at the banquet. Beautiful image. We take each other to,the entrance and then Jesus takes you through. In resistance movement Germany second world war resistance workers would lead Jews from one safety house to the next until crossed boarder out of Germany. But on the boarder they would be passed to say Austrian resistance workers who would lead them over the boarder. This is same for heaven.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:14 am,

      We have a responsibility to lead others to Christ through evangelization. Christ commanded His Church to preach the Gospels to the ends of the earth. We lead them to Christ. Christ, on the other hand will do the rest. Christ will be the one to lead them into Heaven. Everyone must follow Him.

      Tim Rohr does not lead his children into Heaven by going against the Archbishop. He is only teaching his children to go against Christ and His Church.

    2. Oh dear Diana! Archbishop Apuron is Christ? Give us a break! The NCW has really brainwashed you good.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:36 pm,

      The Archbishop is the Representative of Christ and acts as "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ) when administering the sacraments. That is Catholic teaching. So, when the Archbishop absolves you of your sins through the Sacrament of is actually Christ who absolves you of your sins because the Archbishop becomes "in persona Christi."

      CCC 1558 "Episcopal consecration confers, together with the office of sanctifying, also the offices of teaching and ruling. . . . In fact . . . by the imposition of hands and through the words of the consecration, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given, and a sacred character is impressed in such wise that bishops, in an eminent and visible manner, take the place of Christ himself, teacher, shepherd, and priest, and act as his representative (in Eius persona agant)." "By virtue, therefore, of the Holy Spirit who has been given to them, bishops have been constituted true and authentic teachers of the faith and have been made pontiffs and pastors."

  3. Diana 2.03pm. Everyone must follow Christ. Those following Christ must lead family friends to Christ then Christ will lead. But we an only find Christ through those around us. Diana I'm sure you lead your family to Christ. Tim Rohr leads his family to Christ. This is the beauty of our faith and spirituality. We lead each other into holiness of life to Christ, and then Christ leads to the kingdom. People discover Christ through you and I. We are just instruments on the spiritual journey. Hope you understand. Trying to help you understand catholic theology spirituality.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:07 pm,

      Yes, Tim Rohr is supposed to lead his family to Christ. But Tim Rohr does not make the decision of having all his children go into Heaven. That judgment belongs to God alone.


    2. Tim Rohr has never said he makes the decesion of having his children go into heaven. He is an educated highly respected catholic apologist on Guam. Thousands of our people listen to Tim Rohr and read his articles. This man has more preaching ability now than any ordained minister of Guam.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:46 pm,

      Tim Rohr stated: "I have eleven children who I'm trying to get into heaven and I'm having to fight against my own bishop to do it."

      He and his children do not even attend the Cathedral to hear the Archbishop's homilies, so why fight the Archbishop? He and his children do not even walk in the Way, so why fight the Archbishop? How is the Archbishop preventing his children from getting into Heaven that Tim Rohr has to fight him? Tim cannot get his children into heaven. That is the job of God. Only He decides who goes into Heaven. All Tim has to do is lead his children to Christ, and Christ will do the rest.

    4. The question that has yet to be answered is: How is the apuron, the way, or the Catholic church stopping Rohr from guiding his family into heaven.
      That is what he fails to state. The devil is in the details. He speaks in generals, not facts, and is therefore a character attack without any actual evidence of what he is stating to be true.


  4. Tim Rohr guides all his family friends in the way of faith because he desires what is best for loved ones. To live in the presence of the lord. To live in the house of the lord. He leads to Christ to the eternal home. We are all called to lead others to holiness of life, to God.


  5. No one is going against the archbishop , Diana. Rather Archbishop needs to reflect on his role as to what it means to be a shepherd to priests and people.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:15 pm,

      Tim Rohr and CCOG is going against the Archbishop. And what has the Archbishop done to Tim Rohr and to individuals in CCOG??? The only thing the Archbishop did that Rohr and his disciples disagree with is removing Father Paul and Monsignor James. The Archbishop did not do anything illegal or immoral removing these priests from their positions. He did not do anything illegal or immoral reassigning Monsignor James. Tell me what you think the Archbishop did that was illegal or immoral.

    2. Diana 5.25pm. Very simple. archbishop failed to love his sons his priests. He failed to be a father and for this so many became lost.

    3. Diana, Tim Rohr has no known disciples. He simply attracted an educated audience that wanted to study the catholic faith on Guam today. Anyone an start a blog but few can attract the audience Tim Rohr did.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:49 pm,

      And explain how do you know that he does not love them???? Can you actually see into his heart like God does???? You see the Archbishop failing to be a father. I see some of the priests failing to a son to their father through their disobedience.

      I find it ironic that the jungle complains so much of Edivaldo and Harold always traveling with the Archbishop. And when the Internal Review came out showing Monsignor Benavente paying for a five-star hotel in Manila.....suddenly the jungle changed stories and said that Monsignor James paid for the hotel for himself AND the Archbishop. Suddenly, the Archbishop travels with Monsignor James????? Really??? After all their complaints of him always traveling with Edivaldo and Harold??? I also do not see the former finance council coming out and explaining the Internal Report at the footsteps of the Cathedral as they did before when the Archbishop said he removed Monsignor James for financial mismanagement.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:53 pm,

      Yes, Tim Rohr has attracted many audience. But that does not mean they all support him. If he had such support, he would not be working so hard in trying to gather people together just to remove the Archbishop.

    6. Dear anon at 11:53
      You know it is a fact that the Church's greatest heresies where born from intellectual men who desired to learn about Christ and God through intelligence and not by having an experience of Faith.
      One such heresy was manichaeism which was refuted by St Agustin of Hippona.
      I would like to mention a quote of St. Agustin, who himself was a thinker and believed in manichaeism early in his life because he was led astray by his intellect. This happened before he had an experience of Christ and converted.
      He states:
      "Faith comes first, then reason helps us understand it."- St Agustin

      This means first comes the experience of Christ, of faith, and then intellect helps us to understand that experience. However when you try to reach God through intellect and education the result is heresy.
      Even St. Thomas Aquinas tried to burn some of his own works towards the end of his life. All because he had an experience of Faith.


  6. Tim Rohr does not gather people together to remove anyone. Tim defends the church of Guamin it's teaching.
    Protects the assets of our church .

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:36 am,

      He already made it public that the Archbishop should be removed, and he is working very hard to try to make that happen.

      Yes, he does protect the assets because it has always been about the money.


    2. Money assets very important to our priests to our island. How will priests live with no money or rectory to live in. Our priests will die homeless in streets no food no shelter, no water, no care. Big problem Diana. Who will take care of our priests. We must protect our money our assets, our land, to safeguard our church.

    3. No Tim does not defend the catholic church in Guam. Tim demolishes the Catholic Church in Guam in order to erect his own church OF Guam.

    4. No one desires to remove archbishop , Diana. Rather people only ask for justice and peace in the administration of Guam. So many rights of priests and people have been removed by this bishop it is justice that is asked for. Justice deprived to our priests deacons. If not for the injustice many would not have even contacted archbishop Krebs. It is the injustice of the bishop that caused this almighty war in Guam.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:33 pm,

      Are you unable to see that even the homeless here in Guam are able to survive and live??


  7. Diana. All our priests live in obedience to Archbishop.

    Sometimes priests do question archbishop but this is not disobedience.

    Problem is, time and time again, you seem not to understand the meaning of the promise of obedience. Try and read the theology ecclesiology of priestly obedience in Vatican two documents. May help deepen theological thought reflection..

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:46 am,

      When the Archbishop told Father Paul to remove Joseph Lastimoza, he meant just that. It does not mean to just take away the paycheck. It also means his duties. It did not help Father Paul to have Lastimoza sticking around doing the same things around the church as though he was still employed with a paycheck.

    2. Upon being informed by the archbishop to remove a staff member the priest instantly followed the order Diana. It seems many times you do not wrote from substantiated facts documented. Catholic apologist Tim Rohr documents all facts with documentation prior to publication. This makes Junglewatch one of the most highly respected catholic Internet publications in the world today.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:38 pm,

      Oh really???? Then where are the receipts showing Monsignor James' family and friends paying for his Anniversary? Where is the evidence showing that Monsignor James paid for the Archbishop's room at the five star hotel??? The jungle has tons of photos showing the Archbishop with Harold and Edivaldo. Where are the photos with Monsignor James and the Archbishop on their travels together??? Why hasn't the former finance committee come out now and say something about the free cemetery plots given out to friends and family??


    4. What are you talking about.We have all the receipts.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:49 pm,

      Why weren't these receipts published in the jungle or brought out through the PDN?

    6. Receipts given to archbishop Krebs.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:27 pm,

      That still does not explain why the jungle did not publish it through PDN or the blog.

    8. Receipts were published.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 6:15 pm,

      No receipts were published. Even the former finance council did not come out to clear the credit cards or free cemetery plots given to friends and family.

  8. Diana, Monsignor James was a friend of Archbishp Apuron way before going to seminary.there are lots of photos we can post. Our island was peaceful happy before the cult arrived. Unity in our church, cult divided our island nation.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:06 pm,

      So what happened to that friendship?? The Way has nothing to do with it. The Archbishop was happy to be part of the Way. Wasn't Monsignor James happy for the Archbishop too?

  9. Diana the way set out to break up the friendship between Archbishop Apuron and island born priests. You people came here to destroy native sons of Guam. You people set disunity on our shores which was never here until you came.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:46 pm,

      Can you be more concrete? Explain HOW the Way broke up the friendship between the Archbishop and the island born priest? Be specific in your explanation.

    2. Way evil Sowing disunity between Archbishop and native sons

    3. Dear Anon at 10:46 pm
      You need to stop preaching the Gospel of Rohr. Look up your own facts and read. Actually talk to members of the way. Nobody is looking to divide anything, everyone in the way is free to leave, they are there because they have found a path to deepen their relationship with Christ.
      You sound like the pharisees blaming christ because they are loosing credibility and power (translates to money in the end).
      That is why christ so strongly rejects money and says that you cannot serve God and money. Whenever things are done for money and not for the soul of people it is never in accordance with the Gospel.
      All these conversations saying to defend assets and money is the gospel of the deceiver. Christ has always preached to reject money.
      Man does not live on bread alone.
      You cannot serve both God and Mammon (the god of wealth).
      The widow who is praised for giving the last coin she had to eat with
      King solomon who chooses wisdom over riches and wealth
      The young man who is told that to reach eternal life he must sell all that he owns and give it to the poor.
      Many more examples all to say that Tim Rohr has invented his own theology that is not approved by the teachings of the catholic church. You cannot not take snippets from selected works of Thomas Aquinas and others and interpret them as you will. If what he says, contradicts the Gospel, or other parts of the catechism, then he is a false prophet plain and simple.

      YOU ARE BEING LED ASTRAY and this will deprive you of the chance of of having a person experience with Christ. But if you are happy with your life as it is, that is fine but don't be the cause for which others are led astray because you are spreading lies about NCW and the Church. Cause then you deprive them of the opportunity of meeting Christ. We should work together not against each other. Seeking justice always causes devision the justice of Christ was to die for our sins on the cross. Anything else only leads to violence and hate.

  10. God inspired our religious group to announce the end of NCW in pacific. Inspired to work to re establish katholic fide here in Guam.

    1. Dear Beatrice,

      The NCW is here to stay on Guam because it comes from God. Christ said that it is by their fruits the we shall know them.

    2. Dear Beatrice, it may be that the NCW is not from God, but if it is from God, aren't you afraid of fighting him? I'm sure you act with good intentions, but have you asked yourself wether you are fighting God? Are you absolutely sure? Gamaliel did not oppose Jesus because He was afraid of fighting God when all the Sanhedrin was against the disciples. Are you sure that what you are doing is from God and not against Him?


    3. God does not want disunity in his church.

    4. Will.I live each day with God am not afraid doing his will.

    5. I am just curious as to what your group is called Ms. Beatrice Von H. Can you please stand infront of the cross and proclaim yourself.

      to announce the end of NCW in pacific? Inspired? How so Ms. Beatrice?


    6. Dear beatrice at March 3 4:33. Are you not calling for removing a group of people from the catholic church in guam. That to me is disunity.
      You say ncw causes disunity because of seperate masses.
      Franciscans have private masses aren't they a part of the church.
      Convents do as well, and many other religious members of the church but they all constitute one holy apostolic roman catholic church.
      However... calling for a the complete removal of a group of people from the church is true disunity. Only the pope has the authority in christ to excommunicate a person and all the popes have shown support and defended the NCW.
      Which is made up of people, with lives, who have found christ through the path of the NCW. Do you think it is right to take that away?

  11. NCW not here to stay on Guam for we will chase them out.

    1. Dear anon at 12:01 am
      If you where truly Christian you would not seek to chase out the NCW. You would seek to teach them with the truth. Violence (and chasing someone is violence) is only applied when the truth is not on your side.
      Christ says he is the truth and the light.
      Have you maybe considered that your truth may not actually be THE truth (Christ).
      BTW the NCW is not the catechist or people who have come to bring it. The NCW are those who have accepted the promise they have received from said catechist, and they feel they must keep the promise to lead those who want the promise fullfilled.
      The guarantee that they speak the truth is the fact that they are willing to be hated, destroyed, calumniated, spoken ill about, treated as cult members and yet they do this without pay, or any reward of any kind. They have nothing to gain, and everything to loose and yet they've remained for love of those who want to know Christ.

  12. Three more religios women come to Guam catholic apologist defend church . More speakers come to Guam march April may. To speak village meetings.

  13. Catholic apologists visiting Guam to evangelize.
